Insights From Advanced Zen Meditation Practice – The Mind is Useless

Summary: In this part of the insights from advanced Zen Meditation practice the futility with regard to trying solve the problem of desire with the instrument of the mind is discussed.  The mind and logic have inherent short comings which essentially render them useless when it comes to the question of freedom and enlightenment. This

5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips from Ayurveda

Excerpt: Ayurveda approaches weight loss and fat reduction by providing guidelines for all dimensions of your being.  This article details Ayurveda’s recommendations for your Physical Dimension in order to fight obesity and get fit. In the article Healthy Ayurveda Diet to Lose Weight & Burn Fat, we discussed what constitutes a healthy weight loss diet

7 Rapid Benefits from Consistent Kundalini Yoga Practice

Benefits of Kundalini Yoga There were several reasons that lead to my restarting the Kundalini Yoga Classes earlier this year, not the least of which was that I knew if I was teaching Kundalini Yoga, it meant I was practicing Kundalini Yoga.  That is the only way to enjoy the benefits of Kundalini Yoga, by