kids meditation

Best Kids Meditation for Peace and Concentration

Teaching your kids to meditate is one of greatest gifts you can give to them.  The mountain of benefits that meditation bestows is only growing each day, but research is showing that not just adults, but children also benefit in many ways from meditation.  Below you will find a guided kids meditation video which will help your children learn and enjoy these benefits as well.

The breath awareness meditation technique is certainly one of the most popular and practiced meditations on the planet, and it is not just wonderful for adults but is equally beneficial for children as well.  The well known and proven benefits of this meditation are enumerated below.

For kids in particular, this meditation not only helps them improve concentration and mental focus, but also gives them a valuable tool to help calm their minds down whenever they need.  So along with helping them cope with the stress and strain of today’s high performance environment, they also learn how to go ahead and employ this technique whenever they feel the immediate need to de-stress.   For example before a major exam, or a big sporting event.

kids meditation

From the question answer segment at the end of the video, Shivum, who is 13 years old, also indicates that the meditation helped him sleep better and relax more easily.

This video will give step-by-step instructions how to practice this effective technique and children feel more comfortable trying something if they see it being done by one of their peers.  So towards that end, Shivum is the one who is going to demonstrate the meditation and hopefully inspire your children to try it too :-).

You will find more children’s yoga and meditation techniques in the 2 articles below:

Yoga for Kids – A Comprehensive Guide to Teaching Kids Yoga

Yoga Exercises for Kids

Benefits of Kids Breath Awareness Meditation:

  • Builds concentration and mental focus.
  • Helps reduce stress.
  • Helps bestow peace and calmness.
  • Develops compassion and self awareness.
  • Increases willpower and builds character.

Best Kids Meditation for Concentration and Peace

Direct YouTube Link for Kids Meditation

I hope your kids enjoy this meditation and video.  Please do provide your feedback in the comments section below.  Please also do share and forward to other parents so we can get more kids meditating !!

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