Learn How to Meditate

Learn How to Meditate | Beginner’s Meditation Class

Meditation for Beginners

Learn How to Meditate

Free Online Beginner Meditation Class – Course #100 

Interested in Meditation?  Want to learn how to meditate?  Don’t know where to begin?  Then this class is for you…

Lately I have been getting many requests from those who are new to meditation, on how to learn this wonderful spiritual science and how to establish a personal, daily meditation practice.  Perhaps this is because the widespread benefits of meditation are now well recognized by the establishment, or perhaps it is because humanity is in the midst of rising to a new level of Conscious Living.  In either case, this Beginner Meditation Class will provide those new to meditation all the guidance they need in order to learn this great art. 

This class is part of the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes that are offered here on Mastery of Meditation.  To learn how these Yoga & Meditation classes are structured, you can watch the video on the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes page or read the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes FAQ.

Learn How to Meditate

In brief, this page has links (which are in green) to all the instructional meditation videos and how to meditate articles you will need to complete this course and learn meditation.  You may start the class anytime you wish and to register, just leave a comment in the comments section below.  You do not require anything more from me in order to join and participate in the class.  If you are inspired, just start.

Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class Overview:

This Beginner Meditation Class is, as title implies, designed to help you learn how to mediate.  The absolute key to learning meditation is doing it and that is the core focus of this class.  Although the course does incorporate several important instructional articles to help you deepen your understanding of meditation, the key focus of the course is to guide you step by step on how to actually meditate.

In addition to the instructional articles mentioned above, this Learn How to Meditate Class also uses free meditation instructional videos, from the Free Online Guided Meditation Videos, and free yoga breathing exercise videos, from the Free Online Yoga Breathing Exercises Videos.  The links to the specific videos used by this class are in the syllabus below.

This class will teach 2 very powerful meditation techniques, both of which have shown to be of immense value and benefit to the practitioners.  The first, Breath Meditation (or Zazen), is the heart of Zen Buddhism and many Eastern meditation systems and the other, Mantra Meditation, is the core of Hindu as well as some other meditation systems.

This course is designed for 2 weeks, but, of course, the objective is to to help you establish a lifelong meditation practice.  In this post I will provide the program objectives, details, syllabus and participation guidelines.  Please read through everything carefully so you will be able to get maximum benefit from the program.

If you have any questions regarding the Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class, please feel free to email me at anmol@anmolmehta.com

Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class Objectives:


  1. Learn how to meditate.
  2. Reduce stress while creating inner peace and tranquility.
  3. Help the body heal and cure itself.
  4. Develop clarity of thought and improved brain function.
  5. Discover spontaneous joy and inner happiness.
  6. Develop intuition and unleash your gifts and talents.
  7. Align yourself with your Higher Self, find your true purpose and uncover your True Nature.
  8. Develop the Witnessing Consciousness and Moment to Moment Awareness.

Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class Details:


Class Structure:

Each day’s session consists of 2 sections: Simple Yoga Breathing exercises (pranayama) and Meditation Practice.  The total time for this class is approximately 20 minutes / day.

Required Reading:


Suggested Reading:


Course Materials (Free Meditation Videos, Free Yoga Breathing Videos, etc.):


Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class Syllabus:


The following describes the 2 sections comprising the 20 minute daily breathing and meditation session for this class.

Each breathing exercise and meditation technique below is a link to the article with all the details you need.

Each day do the following…

Section 1: Yoga Breathing Exercises Section

Total time 1-5 Minutes.

  • Chakra Balancing Breathing Exercise (Anuloma Viloma Pranayama): Anuloma Viloma pranayama (or Alternate Nostril Breathing) is excellent for preparing your mind for meditation.  It will calm the thought waves, relax your entire system and make it easier for your to meditate.  Start with 1-2 minutes and work up to 5 minutes.  The link above includes a free video on how to practice and master this important breathing exercise.

Section 2: Meditation Section: 

Total time 5-15 minutes.  Learn and practice Zazen (Zen Meditation Technique) for week 1 and learn and practice So Hum Mantra Meditation for week 2.   Going forward choose the one you like more and allow it to take you deeper.

  • Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen): Zazen, or breath meditation technique is perhaps the most popular of all meditation techniques.  It is an excellent method with which to learn meditation.  The title link is to the article which includes a step-by-step guided meditation video on how to practice Zazen.  This meditation is suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners alike.  Start with 5 minutes and build up to 15 minutes.  Do this for week 1.
  • So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique:  One of the best mantra meditation techniques.  Has a profound affect on many different layers of your being.  Simple to learn and practice, yet bestows a wide range of key benefits.  Start with 5 minutes and build up to 15 minutes.  Do this for week 2.

Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class Guidelines:

Following are the guidelines which I suggest to follow…

  • Please post all comments, questions and feedback in the comments section of this post.  This way all will benefit from the discussion.  Feel free to ask questions or discuss issues, as that is one of the main reasons for this particular class format.  Of course, you are free to email me as well if you would like the discussion to not be public.
  • I wish you all a wonderful learning and transforming experience.  Learning Meditation is without a doubt the single greatest factor in helping you discover your True Self and live your life at your Highest Potential.

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358 replies
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  1. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Wanda,

    Us meditators have all battled the enemy of sleep one time or another :-D. Stick with it, make some adjustments as to when you meditate, how comfortable you are etc, and of course please feel free to lean on the website or myself to help in any way possible.


  2. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Ilian,

    The variation you spoke of where you don’t count the breath, but instead just follow it is still Zazen. It is simply the next step in this meditation.

    The counting is usually helpful to beginners to prevent their minds from running away from them, but if you prefer to simply watch the breath without counting and and keep your focus then this is fine too.

    Great to hear you are staring the course :-D.

    All Good Wishes,

  3. Ilian
    Ilian says:

    Hello Amnol,

    I am a beginner at meditation and pranayama but I’ve had some success with another type of meditation(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inmeP8gZtrQ&feature=related). You basically just follow your breathe without counting. Dunno but it’s been easier for me than the Zazen. I’m not sure how it’s called but I’ve found it easier because I’ve had problems with sleep and that’s they I usually went to sleep(by following my breath and emptying my mind). How is that technique called and does it have the same affect as the Zazen.

    p.s – I’m starting the course also :D


  4. Wanda
    Wanda says:

    Hello Anmol Mehta,
    I did not think a site like this existed. It is exactly what I need. I’ve been practicing meditation for maybe almost a year, but I can’t quite find the stillness & keep it. My mind wanders or I fall asleep. I will register to take the beginners meditation, being that I never really was guided. I did it on my own. I hope this will help.
    Thank You

  5. Mike
    Mike says:

    Hi, I have trouble watching the breath. When I try to just observe my breath I always wind up breathing forcefully. I can’t simply observe without changing the breath…..

  6. Alex
    Alex says:

    Ok, well the technique is from the website http://www.meditationiseasy.com , and it requires me to first focus on my left arm (because the left part of your body is connected to your right hemisphere of the brain, and that part is responsible for creativity etc, and will help cease thoughts), and then i would take 5 deep breaths counting 1,2,3…until 10. After i would start counting each inhale and exhale for 30 minutes. That would be for the first week, but the second week is just to focus on the breath and not count, and third week is not to focus on anything and just be aware. Thats what it tells me to do, but i dont do exactly that. Sometimes i skip the part where you focus on your left part of your body, and i dont meditate for 30 min, usually only 15-20, but i have been getting interrupted sometimes so it would be only 5-10 min. Even after it being my fourth week, i still count my breaths, or sometimes just focus on my breath.
    Sincerely, Alex.

  7. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Ante,

    Glad to hear you have overcome your flu. Here is a description of how to use a chair from Chapter 7 of the Silent Mind Meditation Program…

    Using a Chair:

    Description: Use a chair that allows you to sit comfortably. Sit with your back straight and erect, but do not use the chair’s back for support if possible. Using the chair’s back for support will actually prove to be more difficult over a longer period of time than sitting without it. Head is pulled back slightly so the chin is ever so subtly drawn back and in – such that back of the neck is aligned with the spine. The eyes are closed and the hands are held in the cosmic mudra [See Sukh asan above]. The feet are kept flat on the ground and are about shoulder width apart. It is best if the height of the chair lends itself to your knee joints making a 90-degree angle.

    (You can rest your hands on your knees as well, or use Gyan Mudra instead of Cosmic Mudra also if you prefer).


  8. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Alex,

    Can you give me a very brief idea of the form of Zazen you have been practicing. Also, do not worry about thoughts coming up, the cessation of thoughts is not easily achieved and also not necessary a problem.

    There are certain recommendations I can make to help prepare your mind for deeper meditation, but first I would like to understand what it is you have already been practicing.


  9. Ante
    Ante says:

    Hi Anmol…unfortunatley i havet started may class jet…i had a bad flu..but i enjoyed reading your articles…i’m ok now and i’m starting the class tommorow…if you could only explain how should i use a chair for meditation…i haven’t purchased zafu coushin jet…and i also have a little difficulty sitting like you…
    Thanks for everything,Ante

  10. Alex
    Alex says:

    Hi Anmol, I’ve been doing a meditation technique (zazen, but not the one posted here) for about 4 weeks now and i haven’t been very successful. I can’t achieve a meditative state and thoughts keep coming up. Should i keep trying, but add something to my routine? or should i change my meditation technique altogether.
    Thanks, Alex.

  11. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Ante,

    Great to hear you are enjoying the site and planning to start the meditation class. Let me know if you run into any issues. I also appreciate any other feedback you might have.


  12. Ante
    Ante says:

    Anmol, I think this site is absolutely incredible.thank you so much for this site..and I would like to join beginners meditation class… can’t wait to start..:-)

  13. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Christina,

    Great to hear you are staring the beginner meditation class. Please let me know if you run into any issues or have any other questions. I also appreciate any other feedback you may have.


  14. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Mary,

    Great to hear you are going to take the online meditation class. Let me know if you have any questions or run into any other issues. I also appreciate any feedback you may have.


  15. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi J,

    Welcome aboard. Glad you have decided to join the online meditation class. Let me know if you run into any issues. Any other feedback is also really welcome.

    All Good Wishes,


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