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Best Yoga and Meditation Newsletters Collection Part 1

Best Yoga Newsletters

Best Meditation Newsletters

Mastery of Meditation and Yoga is soon going to be 5 years old and over this time I have shared a lot of yoga and meditation information, not just on the website, but also via my Mastery of Meditation and Yoga Newsletter. The number of subscribers to the newsletter now exceeds 85,000 and I appreciate all of you who have signed up and are part of our online community.

If you have not signed up yet, you may do so at the top left corner of the website, and for doing so you will also get my Amazing Insights E-book for free :-).

Given that I have shared so much information via the newsletters, I thought it would be useful to also publish the best of these newsletters on the website, so that those of you who signed up more recently or those who read the blog via their RSS feed or by visiting can also enjoy and benefit from the knowledge shared therein.

So below is one of the more popular newsletters I sent. It is the February 2010 edition and it listed the best articles from 2009 and also introduced the interesting and potent Serpent Meditation Technique for Awakening Kundalini.

Meditation Newsletters

Since I have separately published the Serpent Meditation in more detail in another article, I have simply linked to it below now.

Although all the articles listed below were quite popular, I would definitely recommend…

5 Major Obstacles to Self Realization

3 Keys to Living a Blessed Life

5 Excellent Tips to Elevate Your Yoga Practice.

Below is the newsletter, with the Serpent Meditation now linked. Also, be on the lookout for the October 2011 newsletter which I will be sending out in few days.

Mastery of Meditation Newsletter

February 2010

Mission Statement:
The purpose of the Mastery of Meditation newsletter is to keep all of you updated on the newest developments, free offerings and upcoming events on the Mastery of Meditation blog and Silent Mind Yoga & Meditation Center.
As the newsletter evolves, it’s purpose will remain consistent with the overall goal of the website, which is to help you achieve greatness and discover the True Nature of Reality.

Newsletter Contents


Dear Friends,

Namaste and Warm Greetings.
Welcome to all the new subscribers, it’s great to have you on board, and I hope you are all enjoying and benefiting from the Mastery of Meditation and Yoga Website, Free Online Yoga Classes, Free Mantra MP3s, Free Hatha Yoga Poses, Free Kundalini Yoga Exercises and Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques.
In my last newsletter I detailed the top yoga and meditation techniques from 2009, and today I would like to highlight for you the top 10 articles from last year. These personal and spiritual development articles were the most popular articles of ’09.
Also, you will find below the unique and powerful Kundalini Kriya Yoga Serpent Meditation, to help you awaken and raise Kundalini Shakti (Energy).

Finally, I have a special offer for you all only (the newsletter subscribers) regarding the rapidly expanding Mastery of Meditation Certification Program + 2 Bonus Gifts. I am offering 2 free bonus gifts via this special link to subscribers who wish to join the Meditation Teacher’s Training Program and walk this noble path with us.

Here is what this edition features:-
  1. Top 10 Articles of 2009.
  2. Powerful Kundalini Yoga Serpent Meditation.
  3. Special Meditation Certification Program Offer w/ 2 Bonus Gifts.
  4. Links to all the Free E-books, Online Classes and Videos.
  5. How You Can Help – My Top Products.
To help me share this knowledge, please forward this email to others who you feel can also benefit from this website and newsletter. I also welcome any feedback and suggestions you have. Thank you all.

Love & Light,

Top 10 Articles of 2009

Here are the top 10 most popular personal development and spiritual growth articles of 2009. They cover a wide range of topics, from meditation, yoga tips, principles of enlightened living to psychic powers and more.
This article resonated with many readers and helped them realize they were not alone in facing these very common hurdles on the road to enlightenment.
An upside down look at the great advantages of meditating, by analyzing the pitfalls of not meditating. See how not meditating can mess up your life :-).

The 3 most basic principles for starting your journey to Self-realization. Living by these 3 principles will surely accelerate your spiritual growth.
A thorough analysis of this very heated and controversial topic that has 2 clear camps. So what do you think? Should spiritual services by free or is it ok to charge?
Life is a game of energy and in this article I discuss some unusual ways to help you build and conserve your energy so you can ramp up your life.
A thought provoking Zen story revealing what are the most important books in the library of God.

A little trick on how to best deal with difficult situations.
An inspirational article to help uplift you and give you great courage.

Some simple but important techniques to help you get the most out of your yoga practice.
A detailed look at Patanjali’s Samyama and other techniques well known to bestow psychic powers and abilities.

Kundaini Awakening Serpent Meditation

Here is the link to this technique: Raising Kundalini Shakti via Serpent Meditation

Meditation Certification + 2 Bonus Gifts

The Comprehensive Multi-Media Meditation Teacher’s Training Program is in full swing, and participation is growing rapidly on a daily basis. I wanted to take a moment and thank all the great souls who have joined the program and chosen to walk this noblest of paths.

Meditation is the absolute key for realizing your highest human potential and if you are interested in spiritual evolution and Self-Realization, then inevitably you will have to master this great art.

In addition, to show my appreciation to you all for being subscribers, I am currently offering 2 Free Bonus Gifts only to subscribers of this newsletter, for joining the program. These gifts are my very popular Consciousness Expanding Guided Meditation MP3 and my most downloaded product, my Amazing Insights E-book. So go ahead and take advantage of this offer, there is no substitute in the world for meditation.

Please use the special link below to enroll in the program and receive these 2 bonus gifts.

Free E-book, Videos and Classes

The website is now very large and I wanted to give you a list of key articles, which are like indexes and from which you can enter various important sections of the website.

The articles below are these important “portals” and contain the links to the techniques, exercises, classes and videos that lie deeper within. Enjoy!

For the free online yoga & meditation classes:

Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes

For a list of ALL the free e-books, videos, classes & meditation programs:

Free Yoga & Meditation E-books, Videos & Classes

Free best online guided meditation techniques:

Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques

For best free Kundalini Yoga Poses:

Free Kundalini Yoga Poses

For best free Hatha Yoga Poses:

Free Hatha Yoga Poses

For free kundalini yoga sets:

Free Kundalini Yoga Sets

For best advanced meditation program:

Silent Mind Meditation Program

Free yoga videos:

Free Online Yoga Videos

How You Can Help – Top Products

Some of you have expressed interest on how you can give back to the website. Here are some ideas :-)…

Meditation Teacher’s Training Program: The best online Meditation Certification Program to help become a master maditator and great meditation teacher. Let’s raise the level of human consciousness together. Complete program for as low as $21. Earn good karma as well as a good living.

Best Beginner’s Pranayama: An excellent set of yoga breathing exercises, powerful and effective, yet designed for those just beginning pranayama practice. Full length videos, with detailed training and step-by-step instructions.

Consciousness Expanding Guided Meditation MP3: A unique guided meditation to help you expand your mind, and discover your True Divine Nature.
Amazing Insights E-book: (Over 1000+ downloads). This e-book is a collection of my best spiritual stories, as well as the best article from Mastery of Meditation & Yoga.
2. Give a Donation: If you are enjoying and benefiting from the website and newsletter, please consider leaving a donation. It will help support my effort to freely spread this profound wisdom to help others as well.

3. Help Spread the Word:

If you are enjoying the website, please spread the word so more people can benefit. An easy way to do this, is simply to forward this newsletter to those who you think would be interested.

I appreciate your help in helping me help others.


Yoga for Happiness and Laughter Meditation

Yoga for Happiness

Laughter Meditation

A recent issue of the Mastery of Meditation newsletter was a special happiness edition and it was full of amazing yoga and meditation techniques which are known to bestow joy and happiness.  Well I wanted to make sure I shared this information with all the readers and visitors of the blog, so in this article I am republishing the techniques from that issue.  This includes Osho’s Laughter Meditation as well as many yoga exercises for happiness.

Happiness and Laughter Meditation

Happiness Techniques from Yoga

Here are 4 great techniques from the world of yoga and meditation which are designed to help you find peace, happiness and joy.

You will find more such techniques in the Free Online Meditation Techniques Collection, Free Yoga Pranayama Collections and the Free Yoga Techniques Collection.

Each title below is a link to the article.  Please click the link to read the full article.




A meditation that is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face and help you overcome any deep seated sadness and traumas.  Articles includes video instruction.




Yoga’s answer to depression is this great meditation technique.  With a huge list of benefits this meditation is one of the greatest gifts from yoga to the world. Article includes video instruction.




For deep relaxation and happiness try this unusual breathing technique.  This technique is especially good for those who are overly stressed and suffering from insomnia.




Perhaps I should have mentioned this system first as this aspect of yoga is based on the science and benefits of pure laughter.  In this article you will also find some excellent videos demonstrating how to practice and enjoy laughter yoga.

A great big thanks to my late cousin Arya Pathria, or Laughter Uncle, who introduced us to this great tradition of yoga and made so many of us laugh and smile.

Unusual Laughter Meditation by Osho

Mystic Master Osho offers a wide range of meditations to practice, some of them being rather unique and unusual, and his Laughter Meditation Technique is another such technique. Just because the method is unusual though, does not mean it is ineffective and the value of many of these meditations can only be realized by actually trying the method for yourself, so I hope you give this technique a shot.

How to Do Laughter Meditation:

Here is the technique as explained by Osho:

1. Every morning upon waking, before opening your eyes, stretch like a cat. Stretch every fiber of your body.

2. After three or four minutes, with eyes still closed, begin to laugh.

3. For five minutes just laugh. At first you will be doing it, but soon the sound of your attempt will cause genuine laughter. It may take several days before it really happens, for we are so unaccustomed to the phenomenon. But before long it will be spontaneous and will change the nature of your day.

So go ahead and try this meditation, what better way to start your day than with laughter.

Articles for a Happy Life

Happiness is your birthright.  You are meant to be happy and below are 5 articles with priceless wisdom to ensure that you claim this birthright of yours.

For new articles you can visit my blog here: Mastery of Meditation and Yoga Blog.

Each title below is a link to the article.  Please click the link to read the full article.




Find out from yogi Ponchi what 10 things you must do daily in order to live a live full of health, happiness and meaning.




One of my more recent articles which explores 3 of the most beautiful words in the English language.  3 words that can transform your live.  This was the most popular article last month :-).




The 3 most basic guidelines which we call can follow, even if we are not enlightened, which will benefit our lives and the lives of those we touch.  An excellent starting point for those interested in the spiritual journey.




One of the first articles I wrote and one of the most important.  An article going into the importance of passion in order to live a happy and meaningful life.




This article puts together all the wisdom in one place and discusses the 5 principles which are the guidelines by which I myself try to live.  These 5 principles I think are the most important aspects of life.

This article also gives you some insight into what my monthly newsletter is like, so if you enjoy receiving such information from time to time, please do sign up for the Mastery of Meditation newsletter in the top left corner of the blog.  You will also get my e-book Amazing Insights for free, which is a great resource for helping you find lasting happiness and peace in your life.


Anmol’s Experience of Higher Consciousness and Divine Bliss

Altered State of Consciousness

Finding Bliss

In the article Interpreting Spiritual Dreams I discussed how nighttime is a rich opportunity to experience states of higher consciousness and the accompanying bliss these state invariably induce.  Below I share with you my recent experience with supreme consciousness and sheer bliss. 

Experience of Higher Consciousness

Higher Consciousness and Divine Bliss – Anmol’s Journal 

September 11, 2010

Lately, overnight, the blessings of divine consciousness have been briefly taking place, inspiring me to stay focused on the only true purpose of life, integration with Cosmic Consciousness or God.  So again when last night I felt the familiar blissful encounter with the divine state, I did not expect much more than just a gentle kiss before going to sleep.  A kiss like that of a mother tucking her child in for bed, or giving him a kiss while he sleeps.

Only this time, sleep remained quite disturbed and shortly later the experience of divine consciousness took place again, except this time it was much more intense.  When this encounter takes place, the feeling is so blissful, extraordinary and peaceful that what I call the Smile of Buddha, spontaneously and simultaneously takes place (read 7 Rapid Benefits of Kundalini Practice for more on that), and it did this time also.

Recalling the teachings of Advaita master Jean Klein, “To follow the scent of Reality,” I attended to the transcendent state with my whole heart and mind.  I am familiar with this particular state of consciousness and I know that attempts to modulate it or extend it usually never work and as expected, the state moved on and with it the unearthly bliss.  I returned my attention to getting some sleep.

J. Krishnamurti, who was also blessed to have such encounters with Infinity and higher states of consciousness (“otherness” as he called it) also confessed to trying to control these states, but not being able to affect them using the mind or other means.  So back to trying to get some sleep, I tossed and turned a bit, unaware that the fun was just beginning.

Not much time later, consciousness again slipped into a higher state of awareness.  Once again filled with bliss and joy.  I again gave my heart and soul to it and remained as watchful and aware as I could.  The state moved on, but this time it came back again quickly and surprisingly, this new pattern continued for some time.  Consciousness would slide into the enlightened state and then come out again, only to slip back in some time later.  Things only got even more interesting from there.

Soon I felt the familiar bliss which accompanies a buzzing energy in the body and inner ears.  This energy (kundalini), I know well and I also know that this state I can modulate and control.  Well at least to a point.  The bliss associated with this state in quite intense and increases when I allow myself to surrender more and more to the energy.  So as I did that the energy grew dramatically and, as expected, it started to dominate my entire consciousness.  I spent quite some time playing in this state, lost in pure bliss. 

From past experience I knew that if I allowed it, this energy will completely overcome my consciousness and “I” would be no longer be there to control it.  It is scary to the ego to be thus dispelled, and I reached over towards my wife.  If I held her, then disappear, she would be there to bring me back .  She knows of these experiences and I have prepped her about them.  Unfortunately, in my semi-sleep state I forgot my 2 little boys had cannibalized her and sleep with her in our bedroom now, while I sleep alone.  So there went my safety net, thus forcing me to play with the energy more conservatively.

This went on and at some point I drifted into asleep still connected to Higher Consciousness, still in bliss.  Here dreams mix with the enlightenment states and are colored by them.  I dreamt of looking at a wet road from a stopped car window and as I looked at this most ordinary of scenes, the real experience of profound beauty overwhelmed my mind.

The beauty was so extreme that the accompanying bliss was almost unbearable.  Teaching from the Mystic Master Osho floated into my consciousness.  “Even too much bliss, the body can’t bear,” he would say.  This was now true and the bliss becomes almost too much too handle.  Eventually this passed, but the higher states of consciousness continued on and influenced other dreams all night.

Summary of Higher Consciousness and Blissful States:

1. Bliss and Enlightenment Not Special:

Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki says something very interesting about enlightenment and higher states of consciousness.  He says that for the outsider it seems very special, but for those that have it, it is not so special.  Well… maybe it is slightly special , but really he is spot on here.  There is nothing you can do with your enlightenment, it’s there when it’s there, but yet without it life is meaningless.

The analogy he uses to explain this point is that of children and a mother.  Just as children might appear very extraordinary to the onlooker who does not have them, to the mother they are her children.  Special yes, but at the same time simply an integral and regular part of her life.

2. Bliss, Being and Consciousness:

Sat Chit Ananda (Being, Consciousness and Bliss) are the Ultimate Truth and the Ultimate Reality.  How are they encountered and realized?  They are the outcome of living a particular way.  Although I will go into my thoughts on what makes higher states of consciousness more available to us in another article, for now I want to say that for sure that meditation is helpful. 

So make sure you keep up your meditation practice.  If you are new to meditation please feel free to use the free online meditation programs I offer on the website.  If you want a more structured and supported program you can check the Learn Meditation Program I offer as well.  Links are below…

Free Online Learn How to Meditate Course

Learn Meditation Program with Anmol


Ways to Get High Without Drugs | Are Drugs Good or Bad?

How to Get High Naturally

Best Way to Get High Without Drugs

Drugs, especially psychedelics and hallucinogens, are again getting a great deal of attention from the scientific medical community for producing “High States” (enlightenment experiences) similar to those experienced during meditation.  The experience of these states is then profoundly transforming the lives of the subjects and participants.  I have seen again and again, the experience of higher states of consciousness achieved spontaneously or during meditation, be the catalyst for changing the lives of those lucky enough to have them.  The primary reason behind this change is that such experiences make them aware of the True Non-dual Singular Nature of Reality and thus, propel them on the path of spirituality and love.

How to Get High Naturally

Before it starts to sound like I am promoting the use of psychedelics or other such mind altering drugs, I want to say I am not.  What I am saying is that, if there is any value to such drugs, it is in the fact that the subject gets a taste of what yoga and meditation have been saying for a long time, that you are not the body, you are not the ego, you are the infinite Oneness in which the game of life and multiplicity is manifesting itself.  It is all happening within you.  Everything is you and you are All.  What could be a greater ecstasy and greater high that having this realization and living it?  Thankfully you do not need to take drugs to have this high, all you have to do is meditate.

Highs from Drugs Versus Highs from Meditation

Thankfully the research being conducted today regarding the use of psychedelic drugs and hallucinogen mushrooms in curing serious conditions such as mental illness and depression is being done with a great deal of care and conditions.  It is no surprise that the highs and enlightenment experiences being induced upon the participants is radically changing their understanding of Reality and Consciousness.  Here is a recent article in the New York Times regarding the findings of such research and some excerpts from that article emphasizing this point.

Hallucinogens Have Doctors Tuning In Again:

Below are the experiences of one subject (Dr. Martin) and the subsequent changes he experiences in his life afterwords.  Along with his experience from drugs, I also wanted to give you my experience of Emptiness without drug use of course, so you can see the similarities.  My experience is available here:  Zen Teaching of Emptiness and My Experience With It.


After taking the hallucinogen, Dr. Martin put on an eye mask and headphones, and lay on a couch listening to classical music as he contemplated the universe.

“All of a sudden, everything familiar started evaporating,” he recalled. “Imagine you fall off a boat out in the open ocean, and you turn around, and the boat is gone. And then the water’s gone. And then you’re gone.”

Today, more than a year later, Dr. Martin credits that six-hour experience with helping him overcome his depression and profoundly transforming his relationships with his daughter and friends. He ranks it among the most meaningful events of his life, which makes him a fairly typical member of a growing club of experimental subjects.


Another excerpt below, should also be awfully familiar to those who meditate and have experienced the highs of meditation.  Here are some of my “highs” from meditation and spiritual work that mirrors the excerpts and experiences below: My Time at an Osho Retreat When My Body Disappeared and The Miracle of Self Awareness – I AM ALL.

In interviews, Dr. Martin and other subjects described their egos and bodies vanishing as they felt part of some larger state of consciousness in which their personal worries and insecurities vanished. They found themselves reviewing past relationships with lovers and relatives with a new sense of empathy.

A doctor conducting such research says:

“Under the influences of hallucinogens,” Dr. Grob writes, “Individuals transcend their primary identification with their bodies and experience ego-free states before the time of their actual physical demise, and return with a new perspective and profound acceptance of the life constant: change.”

Sounds like the Buddha to me, without the hallucinogens part of course .

Good Points of Drug Research for Awakening Consciousness:

There are several positive aspects of this research. 

  • It is going to be used to provide cures for some very serious conditions and illnesses.
  • The “highs” experienced almost universally have a positive transforming affect on those who participated.
  • Such evidence, collected under scientific supervision, clearly demonstrates that Reality is not the dualistic experience that the everyday mind is drowning in.  It is indeed something far greater and far more.  This is something for the Nay sayers to certainly contemplate.
  • The fact also that the human mind is wired to achieve these states, means nature has placed in us the potential for such realization and awakening.  It is just a matter of application on your end, whether of not you want to reach your Highest Potential or not.

Problems with Getting High Using Drugs:

This can be a real long list, but I am going to indicate some of the most problematic aspects of taking drugs for inducing altered states of consciousness.

  • Addiction, Addiction, Addiction:  The common question I get from those having tasted the incredible nature of Enlightenment Experiences and Spiritual Highs, is “How Can I Make it Happen Again?”  If it were a matter of drug induced highs, it would be time to pop another mushroom , and we all know where this would end up.
  • Side Affects:  There is plenty of evidence showing the horrific side affects of drug abuse on the brain and body.  So aside from getting that one life transforming experience, anything more is trouble in the making.
  • Bad Trips:  Not all people react the same way to drugs and psychedelics.  You may very well end up having a bad trip as well.  The research being done is thankfully aware of this and do monitor the subjects closely, but there is a very real possibility to increase psychosis or create other mental and physical issues, which originally were not there.

How to Get High Without Drugs:

If you noticed, the positive affects of this research tends to point at the experience being induced by drugs as being the positive catalyst for transformation and cure. So if this same experience, same high, can be achieved naturally and safely with meditation, then is that not the more sensible approach?

Also, with meditation none of the other bad affects are in play.  Furthermore, with meditation you are changing in a more permanent way, while with drugs you are just on a temporary trip, from which you are only going to come crashing down once the affects wear off.

Research is actually showing that the brain in states of meditation is very similar to the brain experiencing these drug induced highs.  So with meditation you will certainly achieve what you could with drugs, and much much more.

Scientists are especially intrigued by the similarities between hallucinogenic experiences and the life-changing revelations reported throughout history by religious mystics and those who meditate.


So, although in very specific cases, the use of drug induced highs is valuable (under controlled scientific studies for health research or under the watch of a Master Tantric), in general meditation is the much better option.

So if you are looking for ways to get high, experience Nirvana, find Heaven, get Moksha, don’t do drugs, instead…. MEDITATE.

If you are new to meditation, here are some good places to start.

Free Online Beginner’s Meditation Class

Learn How to Meditate


Interpreting Spiritual Dreams and Enlightenment Experiences

Understanding Spiritual Dreams

Enlightenment Experiences in Dreams Explained

Dreams are dreams and Spiritual Enlightenment Experiences which often take place in the silence of the night, sometimes co-mingle with dreams, but are certainly real.  As the website has grown one of the great benefits for me personally is the fascinating stories and experiences I get to read from spiritual aspirants globally.  These personal tales of transcendent experiences validate much of what is found in the spiritual texts, but more than anything else they inspire me to further deepen and expand my own practice.  I often share these testimonials with you and will do so again in the next few days, but today I want to explore the phenomenon of spiritual experiences that take place deep in the night and which often intermingle with our dreams.

Enlightenment Experiences

To understand what I mean by enlightenment experiences you can read, Understanding Hinduism, Buddhism and Non-Duality.

I have pointed out previously that napping or the phase between wakefulness and sleep is a very conducive time for enlightenment experiences (3 Simple Tips to Invite Enlightenment), but it is also true that sleep in general is a time when many enlightenment experiences occur.  I would say that even for you now this is true, even if you don’t have such experiences during meditation or wakeful hours.  It’s just that you don’t recall or remember these experiences in the morning.  Add a bit of awareness and you will be quite amazed at all that is going on within you at night.

Many enlightened masters actually point to experiences that took place at night while they were asleep to be the major catalysts for their awakening, J. Krishnamurti included.  Other masters have pointed out that a lot of the spiritual work gets done during these nighttime hours, when the conscious mind sleeps.  I have myself found that the majority of enlightenment experiences take place either when one is very relaxed, during meditation or during sleep.  The skeptical will say, oh it was just a dream, but let me tell you, these are not dreams.  Far from it, they are the most real experiences one has and in this article I want to explain that sometimes these experiences mix with dreams and that can lead to mis-interpretations.

My Dream Encounter and My Spiritual Self:

As an example I will use a late night enlightenment experience which mixed with a dream experience I had a few days ago.  I am a big fan of Ayurveda and one of the Ayurvedic Doctor’s whose teachings I admire is Dr. Vasant Lad (The Ayurvedic Institute).  For some time I have wanted to visit his clinic but have not had a chance to do so.  In any case a few nights ago I had a dream where I met Dr. Lad.  

In the dream, he eschewed normal greeting protocols and instead looking me in the eye, placed his hands on my shoulders.  Soon I noticed that he was applying downward pressure to my shoulders and I figured he was checking the state of health by measuring my physical strength by this technique.  He had a bright, mischievous smile on and continued to press down and I started to feel my knees buckling.

I tried to stand but realized that the pressure was too great and it was impossible to control my body and stay standing.  The effort continued for a few minutes and finally I completely surrendered.  Here the experience actually is an “out of body” or experience of the spiritual self taking place.

Suddenly upon total release, when I let go of the physical body, I realized I was extremely light, light as a feather and a great divine presence was evident.  This was the spiritual aspect of oneself and now it was being experienced, as the body had been forsaken.  Mystic master Osho has often pointed to experiencing oneself as weightless and that is what was happening now.  This spiritual aspect was enormously blissful, free, weightless and expansive.  Utterly in awe I bowed in complete devotion to it and attempted to bow to Dr. Lad as well.  The experience and dream ended shortly afterwords.

I understand one of Dr. Lad’s Gurus, Vimalananda (Biography: Aghora – At The Left Hand of God), was reputed to have many psychic powers and abilities, including that of visiting others in their dream.  Now I am not sure if Dr. Lad has embraced these powers , but I would say the aspects of this experience involving Dr. Lad are indeed a dream, but the experience of bliss and the spiritual self, were indeed very real.

Of course, having experienced this dimension many times previously when awake (The Miracle of Self Awareness – I AM All, The Time My Body Disappeared – Osho Retreat) means I know it was not imagined, but I assure you if you were to have such an experience and remember it, you too will know that it is not a dream at all.

Interpreting Spiritual Experiences During Dreams:

So there are a few lessons to learn from such experiences, weather they take place in conjunction with dreams or during wakeful hours.

1. Sleep is an Opportunity:

Sleep time is a golden opportunity to develop your awareness and discover deeper and higher aspects of your being.  The key to this is maintaining awareness during sleep.  By doing so you will develop the wonderful skill of Lucid dreaming, but more importantly you will get a chance to experience hidden spiritual aspects of yourself, which are usually covered by the thinking mind during waking hours.

2. Night Time Enlightenment Experience and Dream Interpretation:

Often the enlightenment experiences you have at night will intermingle with your dreams and this can lead to wrong interpretations and misunderstandings.  Be aware that certain components of your experience might actually be a dream component, which has interlaced with a transcendent experience that is blossoming.  Of course, it is also well know that dreams can “mix” with real life experiences and this is just such a case where the dream is mixing with an enlightenment experience.

3. You are Not the Body, You are Blissful, Free and Divine:

You are not the body, you are spirit.  Such experiences allow you to first hand see the Truth of things for yourself.  So you do not have to simply believe spiritual texts or the teachings of Masters.  Such experiences then further inspire you to continue to work towards constant God Realization which is the same as Self Realization.  This is the highest purpose of human birth.  Do not waste this opportunity.

God Bless You All.


Best Yoga, Meditation and Personal Development Techniques of 2009

Best Yoga and Meditation Techniques

Top Yoga and Meditation Articles

In the last few newsletters I presented the very best yoga, meditation and personal development articles and techniques from 2009, and for those of you who read the website via RSS or directly, I wanted to provide you all this valuable summary as well.  In addition, for those who just joined us please find below the very best stuff from last year, which was found to be the most beneficial and useful by all the readers.  Enjoy!

Yoga and Meditation

Best Yoga Exercises & Sets of 2009
In case you missed any of them, here are the top 5 yoga exercises and sets that the readers enjoyed and benefited from most in 2009.
This is a very complete set of simple yoga exercises which everyone can do.  This set works on your balance, flexibility and strength.  In addition, this set is designed to work on all parts of your body.  Thus, your upper body, lower body and abs, all get a good workout and tuneup.  I strongly recommend this set for anyone looking to start or try yoga, or looking for a regular gentle yoga practice.  This set is also a key part of the very popular Free Beginner’s Yoga Class, which was also launched last year.
Although this set of yoga exercises is primarily designed for men, it is an effective set for women to practice as well.  It consists of the best yoga techniques to open and balance the Sex Chakra, and the best techniques to increase sexual potency.  This set is a core component of the Free Tantra Yoga Sex Chakra Program.
If you are interested in Chakra Balancing and Kundalini, this set is for you.  It is a set which incorporates some of the best chakra balancing techniques and progressively leads you through each chakra, starting from the root chakra to the crown chakra.  This set too plays an important part in the free online classes, and specifically it is part of the Seven Chakra Balancing and Healing Program.   
The liver is the one of the most important organs in the body and for all the hard work it does, it sure deserves some love and attention.  This is where Pavan Sodhung Kriya is very useful.  This exercise is great for flushing the liver of toxins and at the same time, it helps you tone and strengthen your stomach and abdominal muscles.  Although it is not part of an online class yet, a Full Body Detox Program is in the works for 2010, and you can be sure this exercise will be part of that program.
For those of you really interested in getting fit, and developing your chest, shoulders, arms, abs, thighs and buttocks, you should check out this set.  It will prove how useful yoga can be in building muscle strength and overall fitness.  Many readers were quite surprised that yoga could deliver such good results in the areas of muscle development and strength training.

Best Meditation Techniques of 2009

In meditation lies the future of humanity.  I have no doubt that slowly but surely all of humanity is going to move towards meditation, and in meditation lies our salvation.  This is why I feel so strongly about teaching meditation and have worked so hard to creating the Meditation Teacher’s Training Program.  But here now let me give you the top 5 meditation techniques from 2009.

I finally had a chance to explain the meditation that I created and personally practice, the Silent Mind (SM) Meditation Technique.  In this 2 part video I broke down the 7 steps involved in SM for you in detail.  This technique is the most advanced form of mind meditation, and is designed to bring he thinking mind to a halt.  You can also read more about this technique here: Silent Mind Meditation Technique.
The Gayatri Mantra is the highest Vedic mantra, and is considered the most powerful as well.  In 2009 I was really happy to launch the Free Online Mantra MP3 Downloads collection, and the Gayatri Mantra was the first mantra I added to it.  This article not only has free MP3 download links for you, but it also has some great videos of the Gayatri Mantra.    

Perhaps this was the most needed meditation for 2009 :-).  This meditation is a powerful visualization technique, which leverages the power of the Third Eye and the Mind to help you manifest your dreams and desires.
This meditation produced instant results for many readers and yogis.  They were able to immediately feel the depth of this technique, and were able to have many breakthroughs in a relatively short amount of time.  This mantra meditation is the heart of Kundalini Yoga Meditation. 
Another video I finally got a chance to make in 2009, was the video for Sodarshan Chakra Kriya.  This is considered the most powerful meditation in all of yoga, and is known for it’s ability to bestow pyschic powers, supreme excellence and kundalini awakening.  So you can understand why it is so popular :-).  This new video clarifies this important technique, and ensures you are doing it correctly.


Top 10 Articles of 2009
Here are the top 10 most popular personal development and spiritual growth articles of 2009.  They cover a wide range of topics, from meditation, yoga tips, principles of enlightened living to psychic powers and more.
This article resonated with many readers and helped them realize they were not alone in facing these very common hurdles on the road to enlightenment.
An upside down look at the great advantages of meditating, by analyzing the pitfalls of not meditating.  See how not meditating can mess up your life :-).
The 3 most basic principles for starting your journey to Self-realization.  Living by these 3 principles will surely accelerate your spiritual growth.
A thorough analysis of this very heated and controversial topic that has 2 clear camps.  So what do you think?  Should spiritual services by free or is it ok to charge?
Life is a game of energy and in this article I discuss some unusual ways to help you build and conserve your energy so you can ramp up your life.
A thought provoking Zen story revealing what are the most important books in the library of God.
A little trick on how to best deal with difficult situations.
An inspirational article to help uplift you and give you great courage.
Some simple but important techniques to help you get the most out of your yoga practice.

A detailed look at Patanjali’s Samyama and other techniques well known to bestow psychic powers and abilities.


Summary of Top Yoga, Meditation and Spiritual Articles of ’09:

If you are not a subscriber to the newsletter you may do so simply by entering your email at the top left corner of the page where it says, “Free Mastery of Meditation and Yoga Newsletter”.  I value your privacy and do not sell or share this list or information with anybody.  Thanks and God Bless.



Unusual Ways for Spiritual Development – iPhone and Spirituality

Interesting Ways to Develop Spiritually – Part 1

Spiritual Growth

We are all aware of the “normal” ways in which to advance our spiritual development, such as with the practice of yoga, meditation, prayer etc, but these are not the only ways to help us with our spiritual evolution.  In this series, I am going to share with you unusual ways to help you on this journey to awakening and also, hope that you too will share with the rest of us, your ideas and experiences as to what has been helpful to you.  I know I know, I need to create a Forum on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga, to help us better discuss such topics and share ideas and that is certainly on the planning board for later this year as well.

iPhone and Spirituality

Some of the ways I am going to propose to help you with your spiritual growth might actually appear quite “unspiritual” in nature, while others will be techniques that you might not have been aware of or simply not have thought of applying in this way.

In the first 2 parts of the series, I am going to discuss one of these “unspiritual” ways to help you with your spiritual development and that is with the use of technology!  Yes, all those unnatural gizmos and devices that are driving our society to forget nature and become gadgetized.  They too can be smartly used to help you with your spiritual development and below I will start by giving you some ways to use all this new technology to help you grow.

Before I jump into my ideas though, let me mention how this thinking came about.  In the beginning of this year, my wife and I sat down and brain stormed ways in which technology could help us live better and advance spiritually.  I also suggest you try this.  You might be surprised at some of the good ideas that come up.  Just think of ways you can leverage technology to help you develop spiritually.  Think “outside the box” so to speak, and I am sure you will come up with some interesting and helpful ways in which to advance yourself spiritually, using these material advancements.  Now onto my ideas.

Using Technology to Promote Spiritual Development

1. Using Your iPhone or Other Device as a Reminder to Witness:

Many enlightened masters have pointed out repeatedly that the only thing you need to do for enlightenment is observe carefully what is taking place within and without.  Just be a witness to all that is happening.  This has been discussed in many articles previously and here is one such article Osho Quote on Enlightenment.  This watching has been called by many different names, Choice-less Awareness, Double Arrowed Attention, Witnessing Consciousness, Mindfulness, etc, etc.  But if you have tried this you know how easy is it to lose your awareness and get caught up in thoughts and the drama of your life.  So here is a smart way technology and help you out.

These days most of us have some type of electronic device attached to us in some way.  Some of us carry around more battery power than a jet airplane .  Many of these devices are quite sophisticated and have a calendar or other notification mechanism.  So use that cleverly to help you develop your moment to moment awareness.

Program your device to go ahead and remind you every hour or less to remain a witness.  This is a great way to constantly remember to return to your Witnessing nature, which IS the Infinite, Timeless aspect of your being and to live from that dimension.

In the past there was a Zen master who would constantly yell at himself and pound his chest.  This was his way of reminding himself to stay alert, we can do the same thing, but by using a “Marimba” ringtone instead .

Tomorrow I will continue with this series and give you more ideas on how technology can be used to help you with your spiritual growth and development.


Self Help Lessons | Don’t Make these Big Mistakes in Your Life

Self Help

Life Lessons to Help Yourself

One of the most popular survey’s on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga is Your Biggest Mistakes in Life survey.  Life is really not long enough to make and recover from every possible mistake, so it is very important to learn, not just from your own mistakes, but also, to learn from the mistakes of others.  For this reason, I think this survey is one of the most important ones we have running, and for those really interested in true Self Help, it is priceless.

Don't Make these Big Mistakes in Your Life

So, I would like to update you with the results of this ongoing survey, as now more than 160 responses have been processed.  This means we can help ourselves by learn from the experience of these 160 people and help avoid making the same mistakes that they regret making.   This survey really helps us learn some very important life lessons.

Please note, that since multiple answers were allowed for each participant, the percentages will not add up to 100%, but instead reflect the ratio of that response to the total number of participants.

Survey Results of Biggest Mistakes in Life

Biggest Mistakes in Life Results

ValueCountPercent %Delayed your spiritual practice6642.04%Did not follow your passion6340.13%Made bad financial decisions5535.03%Took too few chances5535.03%Chose wrong life partner4729.94%Did not take care of your health4729.94%Other3622.93%


Lessons Learned to Help Yourself:

Still number 1 on the list is “Delayed Your Spiritual Practice.”  So just don’t procrastinate anymore!  This is the biggest mistake people have made in life, and I cannot emphasize enough the importance of avoiding this mistake if you have the chance.  Start your practice today.  Do not wait for things to be perfect.  Do not wait for the perfect time, place, guru, etc.  Just start, as best as you can, everything else will fall into place.

Once you start your practice, other self help issues will start to resolve themselves.  The insight you will gain from a strong spiritual practice will help you understand relationships better.  It will help you uncover your real passions.  It will give you the heart and courage to take the necessary risks.  And of course, it will improve your health DRAMATICALLY.  Nothing is better for your health and longevity than a good yoga and meditation practice.  So what are you waiting for?  Jump in and let the adventure begin.

Here are some popular self-help articles that explore each of these topics in greater detail.  Find the ones in the category that you feel you need some work on and follow through.  Good ideas are just ideas.  You must implement these ideas in order to grow personally and spiritually.  Make a reasonable commitment and follow through on it.  Your muscles of willpower will grow, as will your intuitive abilities and courage.  Then you will find yourself able to align your life with your passions, and that is the key to living a meaningful and joyous life.

Stop Procrastinating Now:

Golden Rule to Stop Making Excuses and Start Meditation Now

10 Keys for Turning Ideas Into Reality

Understanding Money and Finances:

Money Money Money and the Path to Enlightenment

Role of Money, Pleasure & Career in Spirituality

Importance of Passion in Life:

Stop the Madness of Self-Discipline


Having the Courage to Take Risks:

Osho Speaks on Courage

New Kundalini Yoga Classes & the Courage to Live Dangerously

How to Improve Your Health and Longevity:

Please take a look at the free online classes and the articles on Ayurveda

Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes

Ayurveda Category

Improving and Understanding Relationships and Love:

The True Purpose of Relationship

Relationship Issues for the Spiritually Inclined

Special Technique for Fun and Healthy Relationships

Final Word on Self Help Lessons:

An important final word I do want to make, is that another purpose of this survey is to ensure you make thoughtful decisions and don’t rush into commitments that are then hard to get out of.  Of course, all challenges are learning opportunities for us, so technically there are no “mistakes” in life, but it is also up to us to live intelligently and try to do our very best always.  The results are, of course, always in the Lord’s hands.


Best Spiritual Books

Best Books for Spiritual Growth

List of Best Spiritual Books  

In the article, 3 Simple Tips to Inviting Enlightenment, one of the tips for attracting enlightenment experiences was reading great spiritual books.  Although, these suggestions came from personal experience, comments scattered throughout the blog have confirmed that these techniques have worked for others as well.  Below are examples of such testimonials with regard to enlightenment experiences taking place simply on account of reading great books on spirituality. 


The goal of this article is to compile a list of the best spiritual books out there and this will require your help to do .


Readers Experiences Just from Reading Spiritual Books:

Mahesh Says:

I got and read some books regarding enlightenment.  Now I feel same like Anmol.  I did not do even a continuous meditation.  I got kundalini pressure in my spine too.  I got only love, all other are same like before. Happiness but no reason. I have told to my wife.

You know, I feel more happy and I never felt before.


Malini (who had spontaneous Kindalini Awakening simply from reading), says:

My question is: “is it possible to have the awakening without any effort?”  Because I never tried or wanted that. I even never heard of Kundalini.  Only thing which I think might have contributed to it was resigning from my job (from World Health Organization) and sitting at home and reading Bhagawat Gita. Though I don’t know whether I did that consciously.  It was very unlike me.

Stewart says:

Anyway after my friend left, for about the next two weeks i started reading my bible and borrowed an old cassette tape with songs on… On a sunny day in April 1994, i was walking throw a park listening to this tape, the song was ”Breath of God Breathe on Me” as i listened to this acappella song and the harmony unity in all the singing, something inside me broke, gave up, i started crying and as i did i was suddenly overwhelmed with this amazing love, heat, and i felt something travel up through and out of top of my head. For the next 3 weeks or so, i felt this burning ball of energy in my navel/stomach area, and was in love with everything, i mean a deep divine love and i felt so pure.

Nyporter says:

(I get) Intense pressure/energy in crown head area when in temples/religious places and reading religious scriptures.

Best Spiritual Books:

One of the best aspects of blogs and the internet is that the sharing of knowledge and resources can take place so easily, and my hope is that in this article and thread we can share with each other what books we have found to be helpful with regard to spiritual evolution. These can be books on spirituality, meditation, yoga, God, enlightenment, religion, anything at all which you have found was helpful to your spiritual growth.  This way we can compile a very useful resource of the best spiritual books, which can then be used by others to accelerate their own progress. 
To that end, I would like to share with you some books on spirituality and meditation which were instrumental in helping me on my own spiritual journey.  Although, this can be a long list, I want to give you a few of those which I found to be the very best.
If you are interested in getting these books, make sure you search for them on the web first as some are freely available as online e-books.  If you want to purchase them, you can use my quick links at the bottom of the article.
Best Spiritual Books:
  • Think on These Things – J. Krishnamurti (other books by JK are great too)
  • Krishnamurti’s Notebook – J. Krishnamurti
  • Courage, The Joy of Living Dangerously – Osho (other books by Osho are great too)
Best Books on Advaita Vedanta (Non-dualism):
  • I Am That – Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
  • Ease of Being – Jean Klein
Best Books on Zen Buddhism:
  • Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind – Shunryu Suzuki
  • Everyday Zen, Love and Work – Charlotte Joko Beck
Best Books on Yoga & Tantra:
  • Autobiography of a Yogi – Paramhansa Yogananda
  • Aghora, At the Left Hand of God – Robert E. Svoboda

Best Spiritual Books Summary:

From the reader testimonials above, The Bible and the Bhagavad Gita have been mentioned as well,  which I am sure is not a surprise .  So what other books have you found to be great?  What other books do you feel you were lucky to come across and have been helpful to you in your spiritual and personal growth?  Which spiritual master pieces are your favorites and you feel should make the Best Spiritual Books List?  Please do share these with us in the comments section below.  

If you are interested in purchasing any of these books from Amazon, you will find easy and quick links on this page using my affiliate account .  Thanks and Happy Reading!


Spiritual Short Story – The Library of God

Spiritual Short Story

The Library of God – A Zen Story

It’s been some time since I wrote my last Spiritual Story, The Secrets of the Universe – A Zen Story, and my creative side is itching again to be expressed, so here is another zen tale to entertain and enlighten.  To find my other spiritual short stories here on Mastery of Meditation & Yoga, just visit the Spiritual Stories category.

Spiritual Short Story

Spiritual Short Story – The Library of God:

The most revered building at No Wind monastery was a quiet, humble structure that stood at the outskirts of the grounds and boasted the sign, The Library of God.  The monks knew this building was a special place, not only because they could feel the divine vibrations just by being near it, but also because all the special monks who Zen Master Blumise had allowed into the library, always came out enlightened.

The strange thing about the library though, was that no one knew which books it held.  You see, whenever an enlightened monk emerged from the library, and was asked which books he/she had had the privilege to read there, the monk always just smiled and said, “You will see when your time comes”.  Of course, there were plenty or rumors about which books were in the great library.  The original Vedas some said, perfect version of the Diamond Sutra said others, it was the purest Bible, the best Koran, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, etc, etc.  In fact, the most recent rumor was that it was a special text left behind by a now extinct civilization!  In short, the theories were many, but the facts were none.

All the monks worked very hard on their spiritual growth hoping to be picked to enter this sacred library.  You see, it was well understood that only advanced monks, who were ripe for enlightenment, were chosen by Master Blumise and this was an opportunity the monks desperately wanted.  Such a day finally arrived for Monk Shanti.  She had spent many years at the monastery and Master Blumise now felt she was ready for the final step in her journey.

Shanti’s good friend monk Chin, wished her good luck as she stepped through the hallowed doors to spend the next few weeks in isolation in the legendary library.  As she walked in, she was amazed by the overwhelming sacred atmosphere that permeated the entire building.  The very air was holy and just being there, she felt the blessings of a thousand saints.  In front of her was a great hall, “The Only Book You Need to Read”, was etched above it’s entrance and in the center of the great hall, sat a silent zafu*.  The silent zafu was the only object in the entire library.  Shanti smiled as she as made her way to the zafu, her attention now fully focused on her mind and thoughts.

*zafu: zen meditation cushion

Analysis of the Library of God:

I cannot emphasize enough that the book you must read in this life is your own mind.  In fact for enlightenment, it is the only book you really need to pay attention to.  As Osho puts it, “My meditation is a method of being aware – of what ever you are doing, thinking, feeling.  On all three layers you have to become aware.”  So today decide you are going to watch carefully everything that you think, feel and do.  Today, decide that you are not going to miss.  Today decide that you are not going to be lazy and make the effort required to stay vigilant (read: True Meaning of Laziness).  Today you will watch each and every thought.

In zen there is a saying, “One Breath taken consciously is worth ten thousand taken unconsciously.”  So today be conscious. When you are aware of what is taking place within and without, you build a special energy in you.  The more aware you are, the more this energy builds.  The air in the Library of God was saturated with holy vibrations, for it had been home to this energy of awareness.  In time, your place of spiritual practice will also be blessed in this way, and more importantly you too will be blessed in this way.

God Bless You!

Internet Resources for Spiritual Short Stories:

For more great spiritual stories, visit Chris Cade’s great free site Spiritual Short Stories.

For a collection of my best spiritual short stories and the top articles from Mastery of Meditation, you can check out my e-book Amazing Insights.