By Anmol Mehta
- #1 Home Study Online Meditation Training Program
- 15 Superb 5 Star Rated Videos
- 370 Page Meditation Teacher’s Training Manual
- Find Joy, Peace, Compassion and Wisdom
- Full Support for the Entire Duration of Your Training
- High PR Links to Boost Your Website or Center
This training program is comprehensive. No secrets, wisdom or knowledge is withheld. In addition to learning the profound art of meditation, you will also be taught Yoga and Pranayama, as well as the practical wisdom on how to run a successful meditation center and create a high traffic meditation web site. Here is some of what the program teaches you.
- Learn Basic Meditation Techniques
- Learn Advanced Meditation Techniques
- Learn Gentle Yoga
- Learn Pranayama (Yoga Breathing Exercises)
- Learn the Fundamentals of Enlightened Living
- Learn How to Teach a Meditation Class
- Learn How to Run a Successful Meditation Center
- Learn How to Build a High Traffic Meditation Web Site
- Help Spread the Light and Uplift the World
- Earn a Good Living
For more student testimonials and reviews of the program you can visit the official Mastery of Meditation Teacher Training website here – Meditation Teacher Training Program (
Read More Student Testimonials Below As Well
Here are 3 of the 15 videos that are part of this training program.
You will find many more videos and articles of mine on my YouTube channel and web site, and here are those links for you to review.
Anmol Mehta YouTube Channel
AnmolMehta.Com – Mastery of Meditation and Yoga Web Site
Om Mantra Meditation Video
Zen Meditation Technique Video
Kapalbhati Yoga Breathing Exercise
BONUS GIFT #1 Amazing Insights E-book
With over 1,000 download, this is my most popular product and I really want you to have it if you plan on being a meditation teacher. This is because, Amazing Insights will answer for you the most difficult questions regarding life and Reality. Important truths about Enlightenment, Purpose, Meaning, Knowledge, Destiny, Karma, Relationships, Reincarnation and more are revealed in this book.
Amazing Insights E-Book Testimonials
This is a complete multi-media home study course to train you in the profound art of meditation, and make you capable of training others as well. Today there is no greater need than spiritual teachers and guides, and there is no greater calling either. This program is designed to help you become a master meditator and raise your level of consciousness, and also, to teach you how to help others do the same. This program fulfills my vision to create great teachers to spread the light of wisdom and Truth and it is my deepest pleasure and honor to offer it to you all.
In this program, I do not withhold any wisdom or knowledge. The Mastery of Meditation Training Manual used in this program is a 370 page fully illustrated e-book, which consists of material developed and perfected over 3 years.
In this program, I will not just teach you all there is to know about meditation, yoga for meditation and pranayama, but I will also share with you all the industry secrets on how to run a successful meditation center and a high traffic yoga and meditation web site. This will let you earn a living, while walking this noblest of paths.
Here are the highlights of how this comprehensive self-study program works.
- Duration: Program is designed for 8 weeks, although you can take more or less time as required. The program is designed to let you go at your own pace. If you are a proficient meditator you can finish the program faster.
- Support: You get full email support from me. I have created this program and am the author of Mastery of Meditation and Yoga, one of the largest and most popular yoga and meditation portals on the internet.
- Material: Program material is available immediately for download upon registering, as well as online. So not only do you get the Meditation Training Manual, but you will also have access to the syllabus and all the material online as well.
- Examination: Upon completion you take an open book take home exam. Upon passing it you receive a signed certificate from me and Mastery of Meditation and Yoga, certifying you to teach meditation, as well as gentle yoga and pranayama. If you fail the exam you get to try again till you pass.
The above testimonial by Joe was before the 370 page Training Manual was created. Now maneuvering the course is absolutely effortless :-).
BONUS GIFT #2 Consciousness Expanding Guided Meditation MP3
I am certain once you complete the Meditation Certification Program, you will not just be a great teacher, but you will also have the necessary skills to create transformational products, such as this Mind Expanding Guided Meditation. You will understand deeply how profound the method that was used to create this meditation truly is, and you will be able to apply such wisdom in creative ways of your own. In this way, your creations will then help to spread the light and raise the level of human consciousness. This meditation reveals your Higher Self to you.
Consciousness Expanding Meditation Testimonials
1. Mastery of Meditation Teacher’s Training Manual (77 Chapters / 370 Pages):
This extensive and detailed e-book comes complete with full color illustrations and active links. The links allow you to access additional material you may wish to study in order to deepen your knowledge and understanding of meditation, yoga and enlightened living.
The book will not just help you navigate the course easily, but will also serve as an excellent reference manual for you once you begin to teach your own classes. This manual consists of the very best articles and techniques from the Mastery of Meditation and Yoga web site and much much more.
The week by week syllabus and instructions on how to do this program are also included in the manual.
2. 15 Highly Acclaimed Meditation, Yoga and Pranayama Videos:
To ensure you learn the techniques correctly and precisely, this program comes with 15 online videos. The videos teach and demonstrate all the important meditation, yoga and pranayama techniques used in the program. The videos are all excellent quality and have received nearly 1 million views so far. In addition, they have also all received 5 star ratings from the viewing communities.
Each video also has an accompanying chapter in the training manual, which gives you the necessary details about the techniques being taught.
Finally, all the videos are linked to from the Meditation Training Manual, so they can be easily accessed and integrated into your training.
3. Meditation Teacher Certification:
Upon successful completion of the program you will receive a signed certificate and a letter of recommendation from Anmol Mehta and Mastery of Meditation and Yoga, indicating you have passed the Meditation Teacher’s Training Program and are fully qualified to teach both basic and advanced Meditation. This includes teaching Yoga for Meditation and Pranayama as well.
4. Online Web Listings on Mastery Meditation and Yoga:
Upon graduating, depending on which level you sign-up with, you and your meditation center will be listed in the Certified Meditation Teachers and Meditation Centers Directory (PR4). As the certification program was launched in 2010, the first batch of students are now graduating and you will find their listings there.
In addition, if you sign up for the full amount, you will also receive a listing on the following page, Best Yoga and Meditation Web Sites, which is a high ranking Google Authority Page (PR3).
Please see details regarding these listings in the Fees section below.
I also rigorously use the Mastery of Meditation and Yoga web site to promote the teachers, their classes and their centers.
5. Free Subscription to the Meditation Teacher’s Newsletter:
Being part of the training program gives you exclusive access to the Mastery of Meditation Teacher’s Training Newsletter. This newsletter is sent about 1 time per month only to the enrolled students and graduates, and is packed with key information, tips and free gifts to help you succeed as a meditation teacher.
- Fees:
I was shocked to see some of the fees being charged for various meditation certification around the globe today. It makes me wonder if these “institutions” are really interested in spreading the light of meditation or in making money. Some programs are charging nearly $10,000, and some even more! That stops here. As you know Mastery of Meditation and Yoga, now one of the largest meditation and yoga web sites on the web, is 100% free. That should make it quite clear what my interest and passion truly is.You decide how to much to pay for the training program, based on the three options below. If you can afford it, you can pay $97, if you cannot, you can choose to pay $77 or $47. I really want to make sure that money does not prevent you from walking this path.The training program itself is the SAME regardless of how much you can pay, though the higher levels earn you greater exposure and valuable listings. Here is what you get with each pay level upon completing the program.
$47 Level – Certificate and Letter of Recommendation.
$77 Level – Certificate, Letter of Recommendation and Listing in the Certified Meditation Teacher’s Directory.
$97 Level – Certificate, Letter of Recommendation, Teacher’s Directory Listing and Listing on the Best Sites Page.
Here are the links to Teacher’s Directory and Best Sites Page:
Mastery of Meditation Certified Teachers and Centers Directory
Best Yoga and Meditation Web Sites and Centers
If you are still unable to pay any of those amounts please contact me and we will work out some other arrangement.
- 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee:
This program, like all my products, comes with a 30 day 100% no questions asked money back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk to you. Just FYI, so far I have had to give back a total of zero refunds :-).
- How to Pay:
To join simply click the ADD TO SHOPPING CART button below for the level you wish to enrol at and you will taken to Anmol’s Yoga and Meditation Store for 100% safe and secure checkout. At checkout you will be able to pay with Credit Card or PayPal. We accept international credit cards as well.
- Important Please Note:
Upon payment you will receive an email with a link to download a file with instructions on how to complete your enrollment, how to access your bonus gifts and how to download the material for the program. This file is in HMTL format which you can open with any browser. Please follow the instructions in that file to complete your registration. If you have any questions or issues please feel free to email me at
To Register Click the Appropiate ADD TO SHOPPING CART Button
You Will Taken to Anmol’s Meditation Store for Secure Checkout (Credit Card/PayPal)
$47 – Add to Shopping Cart
$77 – Add to Shopping Cart
$97 – Add to Shopping Cart
For a Limited Time Only – You Also Get the 2 Bonus Gifts Valued at $34 for FREE!
100% Secure Shopping AND 100% Money Back Guarantee
Make check out to:
Anmol Mehta
Send check to:
Anmol Mehta
66 Corona Court
Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857
Then EMAIL Anmol:

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