Yoga Positions for Beginners for Daily Morning Practice – Kundalini Yoga Morning Wakeup Series
Beginner Yoga Poses for Daily Morning Practice
Kundalini Kriya #2 – Yoga Morning Wakeup Exercises
The following beginner’s Kundalini Yoga Set is also described in this post (Morning Wakeup Kundalini Yoga Set), but I am including here as part of the Kundalini Yoga Kriyas Book for the sake of completeness and better organization.
Even though this set of yoga positions and exercises is simple for the beginner yogi to do, it is not any less valuable than many advanced Kundalini Yoga Kriyas. It is an excellent yoga set with a wide range of great benefits. In fact, it is a set which encompasses many of the daily recommendations of Kundalini Yoga.
Video of Kundalini Yoga Morning Wake-up Series
(From Free Yoga Videos, yoga video #3, Beginner Kundalini Yoga Exercise Video)
The Pranayama (breathing exercise) used for most of this set is the Breath of Fire, which is described in Breath Control & Yoga Pranayama Book – Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise – Ch 1. Here is also a video demonstration of Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise to help make sure you doing it correctly.
Free Online Yoga Video of Breath of Fire
(From the Article: Breath of Fire Kundalini Yoga Pranayama Video)
Overview of Beginner’s Morning Wakeup Kundalini Yoga Exercises:
The yoga postures and exercises below, should be done in sequence without taking a break in between if possible. The set can be done anytime of the day, although it is best done in the early morning hours. Even though this set is designed for beginners, I still recommend reading the 10 Guidelines for Kundalini Yoga Practice post first before starting it.
This set is ideal for beginning a Kundalini Yoga practice and done regularly can help form a very good foundation from which to progress to more advanced work. It is also suitable for doing prior to a meditation session.
In addition, this set has the advantage of not requiring much time so can be perfect for those with a busy schedule. Overall, the set works on your respiratory, digestive, immune and nervous systems.
How To Do Beginner Morning Wakeup Kundalini Yoga Exercises:
1. Yoga Rowing Exercise:
a. Instructions for Yoga Rowing Exercise:
- Sit up with both legs extended straight out in front of you.
- Extend the arms and have the thumbs facing up towards the sky, fingers extended forward and keep the elbows straight.
- Lean back 20-30 degrees – Inhale. Then lean forward about the same distance and exhale.
- Continue at a moderate pace.
b. Duration for Yoga Rowing Exercise: 1-3 minutes.
c. Benefits of Yoga Rowing Exercise:
- Opens up the Solar Plexus.
- Promotes flexibility in hamstrings and hips.
d. Practice Tips for Yoga Rowing Exercise: Your knees may bend slightly but elbows should remain straight. Curl your toes back towards you to accentuate the stretch in the calves.
2. Yoga Single Leg Extensions:
a. Instructions for Yoga Single Leg Extensions:
- Sit up with both legs extended.
- Raise your left leg. Hold your toes/foot with both hands. Begin Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise.
- Switch legs halfway through the exercise.
b. Duration for Yoga Single Leg Extensions: 1-3 minutes / leg
c. Benefits of Yoga Single Leg Extensions:
- Stretches the Sciatic nerve and hamstrings.
d. Practice Tips for Yoga Single Leg Extensions: If you can’t hold your toes, hold as far up your leg as you can and curl your toes back towards you. Your leg should be straight and you should try to sit up. If you are just beginning your yoga practice, be careful not to over stretch and incur injury.
3. Yoga Bridge Pose: (also called Yoga Table Top Pose)
a. Instructions for Yoga Bridge Pose:
- Raise yourself on your palms and feet keeping your torso parallel to the ground. You should be facing the sky. The feet are hip distance apart while the hands are shoulder width apart. Your fingers point away from you.
- Begin the Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise.
b. Duration for Yoga Bridge Pose: 1-3 minutes.
c. Benefits of Yoga Bridge Pose:
- Helps the immune system.
- Strengthens the arms and back.
d. Practice Tips for Yoga Bridge Pose: Press your hips upwards towards the sky and try to keep your back straight. Rest your head on your collar muscles. For starters, take frequent breaks if the arms get tiered and then restart the pose again when ready.
4. Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose: (Article: Illustration of Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose)
Picture of Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose
Picture of Beginner Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose
a. Instructions for Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose:
- Lie on your back.
- Place your hands under your buttocks palms facing down (to support your lower back).
- Raise your heels 6 inches, point your feet and toes away from you, raise your head slightly and stare at your toes.
- Begin Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise.
b. Duration for Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose: 1-7 minutes.
c. Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose:
- Builds the Navel Center.
- This exercise works on your Manipura Chakra (aka. Nabhi Chakra) which is the seat of willpower. It is recommended to build this center early in your Yoga practice as it will give you the strength and character to see things through.
d. Practice Tips for Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose: To modify this yoga pose you can do this position with your legs bent or do one leg at a time. As a beginner, it may take you some time to develop your abdominal strength, but if you stick with this exercise it will go a long way in helping you develop this important area.
5. Kundalini Yoga Tuck Pose:
a. Instructions for Kundalini Yoga Tuck Pose:
- Lie on your back.
- Bend your legs and bring your knees towards your chest.
- Wrap your hands around your knees, raise your head and bring your nose between your knees.
- Begin Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise.
b. Duration for Kundalini Yoga Tuck Pose: 1-3 minutes.
c. Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Tuck Pose:
- Works on the digestive system.
d. Practice Tips for Kundalini Yoga Tuck Pose: If your back of neck hurts it means your digestive meridians need work. Often when starting a yoga practice, our weaknesses are exposed, look at this as an opportunity to get healthier and more fit.
6. Kundalini Yoga Eagle Pose:
Picture of Kundalini Yoga Eagle Pose
a. Instructions for Kundalini Yoga Eagle Pose:
- Sit in Easy pose (cross legged simple, also called Sukh Asana).
- Raise your arms out to the sides and up 60 degrees.
- Curl your fingers in towards your upper palm (not quite, but like a fist) then point your thumbs up towards the sky.
- Keep your head up and elbows straight.
- Begin Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise.
b. Duration for Kundalini Yoga Eagle Pose: 1-3 minutes.
c. Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Eagle Pose:
- Works on the Magnetic Field.
- Increases the power of your presence.
- Makes you charismatic.
d. Practice Tips for Kundalini Yoga Eagle Pose: Try to keep your arms up and elbows straight. Don’t give up at the first sign of discomfort. As you develop your yoga practice, try to hold this pose longer it will help develop your willpower and spirit, as a beginner don’t over do it.
7. Yoga Corpse Pose: (also called Shav Asana)
a. Instructions for Yoga Corpse Pose:
- Lie on your back and have your arms out to your sides about six to twelve inches away from your body.
- Turn your palms slightly upward.
- Relax your body and breath.
b. Duration for Yoga Corpse Pose: 5 minutes.
c. Benefits of Yoga Corpse Pose:
- Allows the body to consolidate the gains from the previous exercises.
- Helps the body heal and rejuvenate itself.
- Promotes relaxation and peace.
d. Practice Tips for Yoga Corpse Pose: Try to consciously relax your entire body. Release all your tensions and worries and stay in the present moment as best you can.
This concludes the Beginner Morning Wakeup Kundalini Yoga Exercises.