Exercises for Eye Problems

Yoga Exercises for Eye Problems and Eye Care

Yoga for Eyes

Eye Exercises

A few readers now have requested yoga exercises that would be helpful to them for general care of their vision and eye problems, and yoga certainly has some nice recommendations for that.  The set below is a simple, yet effective set, to help you gently improve your vision or maintain the good health of your eyes.

This set will be Chapter 8 of the Free Online Kundalini Yoga Sets E-book, where each chapter is a unique set to help you with a particular dimension of your being.  The free e-book includes sets such as the Fountain of Youth Yoga Set, the Healthy Weight Loss Yoga Exercises and the Beginners Kundalini Yoga Series.

Exercises for Eye Problems

Background of Yoga Exercises for Eye Care:

The yoga set below could well have been part of the Clever Yoga Tips for Busy People Series, as it is quick to do and can be easily done anytime you have a few free minutes to spare.  If you have more time you can repeat this set more than once if you like.

Benefits of Yoga Exercises for Eye Care:

  • Helps improve vision.
  • Helps improve focus.
  • Helps strengthen the eye muscles.
  • Helps coordination between both eyes.
  • Helps relax the eyes by relieving tension and stress in the eyes muscles.

Yoga Exercises for Eye Care Set:

  • Begin by taking 5 deep breaths and relaxing the muscles in your face and around your eyes.
  • Next practice Palming:  Palming is done by vigorously rubbing your hand together until your palms get warm and then gently covering your eyes with your palms, allowing the warmth to relax and nourish your eyes.  This can be done anytime in between the following exercises, whenever you feel you need to give your eyes a break.
  • Blink several times quickly.  Relax for a few moments.
  • For all the movements below, look without moving your head and count 1 round when you have looked in both the indicated directions.
  • Side to Side Movement: Look side to side, left to right, without moving your head 5 times.
  • Up and Down Movement: Look up and down 5 times.
  • Diagonal Movement: Look from bottom left to upper right 5 times.
  • Diagonal Movement: Look from bottom right to upper left 5 times.
  • Circular Movement: Move your eyes clockwise is a big circle 5 times.
  • Circular Movement: Move your eyes counter-clockwise is a big circle 5 times.
  • Nose Tip Focus: Hold your right arm out with your thumb up.  Now focus on your thumb tip as you bring it slowly towards your nose.  Upon touching your nose continue to gaze upon your thumb tip for a few moments, and then straighten your arm again, while continuing to focus on your thumb tip.  Repeat 5 times.
  • Close your eyes, relax and perform palming.

Coming Soon…

Along with the excellent exercises above to help improve your vision and keep your eyes healthy, there are also many good herbs for eye care, along with Ayurvedic treatments and recommendations.  Be on the lookout for an article on that soon…

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34 replies
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  1. nita
    nita says:

    hi anmol,
    can you please find a solution for my eyes.,i have a feeling of burning inside my eyes..bcoz i cannot see far one and i dont like wearing glasses…and also inside my eyes red nerves can be seen.is it possible to get rid of these problems without wearing the glasses.


  2. Eye Exercises Expert- Jonathan Weisman
    Eye Exercises Expert- Jonathan Weisman says:

    Yoga is a wonderful way to go beyond what most see it as as some sort of a stress relief technique. It is a unique world of its own.

    I personally practice it for years and advice every one of my clients to do the same when it comes to their vision issues and eye yoga exercises

    Thanks for the lovely post.

  3. pkgoyal
    pkgoyal says:

    hi anmol
    Looking forward for the second article on eye care. I have retinitis pigmentosa(google it for more info) an eye decease which increases gradually with age. Looking for some ayurvedic medicine which atleast stops it.

  4. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Evgania,

    Thanks you for your input and for stopping by. The ad is not selected by me. It is selected automatically by Google’s algorithm based on page content.

    All Good Wishes,

  5. Evgania Mehler - Eye Exercises Expert
    Evgania Mehler - Eye Exercises Expert says:

    yoga is a great starting point to improve your vision naturally, but you also have to take care of the underlying root causes in the mind, and elsewhere in the body.

    only thing is sad about the post, and that is that eye surgery advertising makes into the post. that’s not right!

    you promote natural healing, please, do it all the way! this industry is strong enough… us natural healers, we need to stick together and spread our message without being invaded by their banners…

    great post though!!

    With love,


  6. wordsway
    wordsway says:

    Anmol, thanks for the helpful eye exercises.
    I have a problem: after doing these for a fortnight, my left eye has become quite weak. I get the feeling of it’s being ‘blind”, and its vision has gone worse.
    Should I try to rectify this by doing all the exercises with my right eye closed?

  7. Trupti Mehta
    Trupti Mehta says:


    Glad to hear the eye exercises are helping.

    Meditation in itself will heighten your senses. In fact whilst meditating – of you can smell a sweet sandalwood scent, it is said, that is the presence of your higher self..

    Anmol has that experience often :-)

    All the best,

  8. Casey
    Casey says:

    Hello Anmol,
    Thank you for this fantastic eye set! I have been practicing it for about a month and already I notice my vision improving markedly! I have long been legally blind so this will come of immense use.

    Are there any yogic exercises for the other senses, by chance, specifically to hone one’s sense of smell? I have found that immediately after zazen the sense of smell seems to be heightened, but this seems temporary and to come more from awareness of the present than actual system improvement.
    Thank you!


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    […] Yoga Exercises for Eye Problems and Eye Care […]

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