This page contains all the articles on Mastery of Meditation sorted by Year and Month. It’s a great way to browse all the information that is available to you for your Spiritual Growth & Personal Development.


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  1. Marguerite Boyer
    Marguerite Boyer says:


    I am a webmaster actively guest blogging in various high profile websites. I would like to write good pieces of content for your website.

    The articles will be exclusive to your website and they will not be posted elsewhere. They will be free from Plagiarism and you will own the copyright of the article.

    Awaiting your positive response to get started with the articles. Let me know if you have any custom requirements.


  2. sreeni
    sreeni says:

    HI Anmol,

    This is a great site. For any problems I look into this to find a solution through meditation. I believe that every condition starts from our thought. I need your assisstance in overcoming the fear of weight gain. I always think that I am gaining more and more weight. But whenever I look at my past photos I think that I was actually thin at that time. But at present I always think that I am fat and gaining more. I believe there should be a way to overcome this through yoga and meditation. Could you please suggest me some ways to overcome this constant fear of weight gain ?

  3. christopher chung
    christopher chung says:

    Hi anmol, my body has been tightened a shrinked from excessive masturbation. Here is a link showing you how exactly masturbation damages the body.

    can you suggest any yoga postures or exercises that can rehabilitate my damaged body? I am sexually drained, I have no energy please help.

  4. shyam
    shyam says:

    Kindly suggest cure/treatment for eye vision loss for a 78 year old lady having Diabetes & hypertension history

  5. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Anmol, I am a regular to your website. I find it immensely useful. I have been trying out the pranayam techniques you have described. I have found a tremendous difference in my energy levels. I used to be fatigued, sleepless, and uninspired by life. Now, I find more energy and enthusiasm to do my work. You are doing a fabulous job. Please keep this website going.


  6. ra
    ra says:

    Nithya: Another source for hair matters:
    Google: “Hand Postures” and on the page that comes up is another site merely titled “Postures”. If you open it and scroll to the bottom of the page you will find the “hair-do posture”… :^) …really!

  7. ra
    ra says:

    Nithya: I am so glad about the Rites! I would love to hear about your progress or answer any questions that may come up, if i can! It is also so much fun to receive a post here! Hah-hah!

  8. ra
    ra says:

    Hi Nithya

    If it takes a little while for Anmolji to get back to you, in the meantime Google “complete person”, it is an educational blog, not a .com. Go to “mudras” and scroll down to “Hair-loss”. Before practicing a mudra, you might want to take a dosha-test on-line so that you do not put your elements out of balance. Deepak Chopra’s Health site has one, or ask at the Complete Person site how to take a good one.

    Also, go to Jerry’s Rare Books….Read about “The Eye of Revelation”, order it at The Booklocker” (Paper, CD, Download), learn the 5 Rites and use the hair-growth prescription! You will not only save your hair, but look and feel fantastic as well!

    Best of luck, and let us know how you make out!


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