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Survey Results: God Wins! Health, Money & Family Do Well

God Wins!

Top New Year’s Resolutions

Last week we ran an interesting survey to learn about what is important to us as we head into 2009.  The approach we used was to a find out what everyone’s new year’s resolutions were, as that would tell us what the human mind is focused on accomplishing in the future.  Here is the link to the original survey: What Are Your Top New Year’s Resolutions.

The results, I think, will make the Big Guy smile .


Survey Results
Value Count Percent %
Spiritual, Meditation & Yoga 41 80.39%
Health, Fitness & Weight Loss 28 54.90%
Financial, Money & Career 27 52.94%
Relationship, Family & Friends 22 43.14%
Service, Help Others 15 29.41%
Other Personal Development 9 17.65%
Break an Addiction 5 9.80%
No New Year’s Resolution 5 9.80%


Since more than one answer was allowed, the percentages are calculated against the number of responses the survey received.  Here are some thoughts on the results.

Survey Results Analysis:

It is great to see that over 80% of us are focused on spiritual growth in some form.  Whether that be yoga, meditation or other spiritual practice.  This is great to see, specially as we head towards 2012, which is indicated as a time of great change for humanity.  More on that topic later.  But, for now it bodes well that raising our level of consciousness is a priority for most of us.

The other results were heartening as well and it’s good to see people focused on their health, family and a financially rewarding career, hopefully doing what they love to do.  Best wishes to all on their goals and dreams.  Here is a very popular article that will help you turn your dreams into reality…

10 Keys for Turning Ideas Into Reality

By uplifting ourselves, we become shinning examples to others and just by our presence and spirit, inspire and encourage others to uplift themselves.   Here are some resources to help you become a beacon of light…

Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes

Free Online Guided Meditation E-book

Free Online Yoga Breathing Exercises 

Be Good, Do Good!


Survey: What are Your Top New Year’s Resolutions?


Mastery of Meditation & Yoga now has a worldwide audience and readers span all continents and come from all corners of our beautiful planet. What is interesting about humanity is that regardless of where we live and what culture we belong to, we all share very similar problems, difficulties, desires and goals. This is actually a wonderful fact to contemplate and meditate on, as doing so would lead you to understand the concept of sharing a common human mind and would open the door to compassion and sensitivity, as you realize that basically we are one people.

Top New Year’s Resolutions


One of my favorite articles, The Secret to Compassion, explores this idea in further detail.

In this survey, I am interested in finding out what are the most important personal issues and goals on our minds today, and I think looking closely at our new year’s resolutions would help shed some light on this. So let’s explore a little into our desires and see what it is that humans all over the world are setting their mind to accomplish in 2009.

One additional note, is that recently I wrote an article, Effective Visualization Technique to Manifest Your Desires and for those who have made new year’s resolutions, this technique can be very handy to learn and employ.

In the survey below you can submit what your new year’s resolutions are.  If you have any that I have not listed, please free to share those with us in the comments section below.

Please do participate in the survey, all answers are of course anonymous.  If you receive my posts via email, you may need to visit the website to submit your responses and for the survey to work correctly.  Thank You.

1. What are your New Year’s resolutions? If you have more than one response that applies, you can check off multiple responses and then submit your results.



20 Interesting Ways to Test Your Spiritual Development

Test Your Spiritual Development

Test Your Spiritual Practice

How do you know you are developing spiritually?  What are the ways to tell if your spiritual practice is in full flow, strong and growing?  How can you test your spiritual growth?  Unlike other types of personal development, such as fitness, weight loss, financial growth, skill development, etc., which have clear yardsticks for measurement, evaluating spiritual growth and testing the strength of a spiritual practice is a much more subtle game.  After all, in this case we dealing with the sublime business of silence.

20 Interesting Ways

In this article I would like to reveal to you some indicators which show that your practice is doing well and that you are developing spiritually.  I have divided this discussion into two categories.  The first are the obvious benefits you get from any serious spiritual practice.  They have also been discussed in more details in the following articles: 10 Profound Benefits of Meditation Practice & Top 10 Health Benefits of Yoga.  The second are the more interesting developments that are signs of a strong spiritual practice.

You may also notice that I am interchangeably using strong practice and spiritual growth.  So in essence, I am more or less implying that if you have a strong practice, you are going to be enjoying spiritual development.  So the signs that indicate you have a strong practice going are also indicative that spiritual growth is taking place.

10 Obvious Signs of a Strong Spiritual Practice:

Here briefly are the well known benefits of a solid yoga, meditation or other serious spiritual practice.  Essentially, more of the following are good indicators that your practice is going well and good.

  • Peace
  • Love
  • Joy
  • Energy
  • Health
  • Compassion
  • Improved Brain Function/Intelligence
  • Awareness
  • Intuition
  • Psychic Powers

10 Interesting Signs of a Strong Spiritual Practice:

Now let’s get into the second category of indicators that let you test if your practice is doing well and if you are well on your way to becoming a master meditator or supreme yogi .

1. Length of Practice:

I have found that one of the clear indicators that my spiritual practice is going well, is that I am practicing more, practicing longer.  In fact, I would almost say that the length of your practice is very likely one of the best indicators of how strong it is. 

It is interesting to note that even great yogis and masters, who get involved with setting up institutions, teaching, writing, traveling, etc, often realize one day, that their own development was stalled, once their practice took the back seat.  So regardless of how much you get involved in the business of daily living, even if it’s related to the spiritual sciences, if your practice has evaporated, it is quite like that your spiritual growth has halted as well.

So no matter what, and I know how hard it is to do, keep that practice a priority and keep it going regardless of the daily hustle and bustle of kids, job, school, bills etc.

2. You Speak Much Less About Yourself:

This is another interesting change that happens when you are practicing well.  It is really because when you are not practicing much, it means you more entangled with your ego and it’s world.  Feeding it, giving extra importance to it’s demands and generally more lost in the world of ambition, pleasure and achievement.  A strong spiritual practice though, means that this aspect of the mind is simply not being catered to endlessly, and so it starts to wither and weaken.

A natural consequence of this de-emphasis on the ego, is that you become a much better listener, and a giver.  By not being engrossed excessively in what you want, you end up being available to others to help them with what they want and need.  This lends itself to making you an excellent listener and source of support and love.

3. Others Notice Changes In You First:

These changes that other will notice in you will be changes that even you may not yet have noticed.  Such overt changes to your presence, personality, demeanor and character are a sure sign that your are living and breathing a practice which is at a high level.

4. You Become Charming:

This is perhaps due to the sum affects of all the other aspects that a developed spiritual practice are bestowing, but it is also quite an unmistakable marker.  Being at ease, happy, strong, confident, compassionate and giving, all put together, make for quite a presence and personality.  The emergence of such magnetism means you are on not only on the right path, but you are also quite a ways down it.

5. Disenchanted With Materialism:

Here I want to say that it is not that you don’t enjoy the nice things of the world, it’s more that you do not crave them and are fine without them.  In other words, you are not attached to these things, even though you may possess or enjoy them. 

6. Drawn To Nature:

This goes hand in hand with the material detachment you may be experiences.  You may start to feel a strong pull towards nature and simple, wholesome living.  I guess this would explain why so many Yogis flock to the Himalayas .

7. How Much You Witness:

Another sign that your practice is going well and that you are developing spiritually is directly related to how consciously you are living; how mindful you are throughout the day.  

One additional note I want to mention with regard to being mindful, being a witnessing consciousness, is the residing in such witnessing when upsets occur.  That is a true test that your practice is starting to take hold and you are developing spiritually.  This is the hardest time to stand apart and witness; when anger is boiling up; when upset it taking place; so if during this time you are able to remind yourself to remain a dispassionate witness, your practice is starting to run deep and strong.

8. You Become at Ease with Life:

Along the lines of becoming a witnessing consciousness, you also learn to go with the flow and are at ease with life.  This sense of ease is there even when life is not going exactly how you would like it to, and seldom is life able to disrupt your composure or poise. 

9. Have More Enlightenment Experiences:

Maybe this should have been number one on the list of signs that your practice is strong.  In my experience this has been remarkably predictable.  The more involved I am with my practice, the more I will enter and experience the non-dual reality and have transcendental experiences.

10. Autonomy:

As your practice grows you start to realize that you have everything you need to awaken yourself already.  It is all up to you and you start to reach a point where although others can still inspire you, there is not much more you need from them any longer.  Such independence and aloneness is another sure sign that you are well on path to Self-realization.

Summary of Signs to Test Your Spiritual Growth:

The objective of this article is to give you some feel for the sights and sounds you experience as you move further along the path to awakening.  To give you some indicators which allow you to test your spiritual growth.  You don’t have to experience all of the above, and in fact the landscape might be quite different for you.  There are also other phases which one tends to go through, such as a cleansing phase etc, which I will discuss in later articles, but for now the above twenty signs are plenty to help you evaluate your spiritual practice. 

If you have input on what are some other good signs of a strong spiritual practice and spiritual development, I would love to hear your thoughts below.


Top 5 Yoga & Meditation Techniques

Best Yoga & Meditation Techniques

Most Popular Meditation & Yoga Techniques

Mastery of Meditation & Yoga now offers hundreds of time tested yoga and meditation techniques to help you achieve your highest potential.  The techniques range for helping you develop your charisma (Eagle Pose) all the way to helping you bring about the cessation of thoughts (SM Meditation Technique).  Since there are so many techniques now available though, I thought it would be valuable to point out which are the top 5 yoga and meditation techniques, that the readers have most benefited from so far.

Before I go into this top 5 list though, I want to point out 2 other recent articles which I think will be valuable in helping you decide which meditation or yoga exercises you should be practicing.

First, there is the article on Chakra Analysis & Healing, which uses the Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra system to help you analyze your current state, and determine what areas you need the most work in.  This article also points out which yoga exercises or meditations you can do in order to heal these weakest chakra centers.  It is a helpful guide for personal development and spiritual growth.

Yoga & Meditation

Second, there is the popular Ultimate Meditation Techniques Guide.  This guide indicates which meditation technique you should practice, for achieving particular goals and objectives.  It helps you determine the right meditation for obtaining particular results. 

Now onto the top 5 yoga and meditation techniques which are the most popular with the readers.  They are not in any particular order though.  These are the most popular techniques from all the techniques here on Mastery of Meditation based on feedback, emails and comments.

1. Meditation Technique: AUM Mantra Meditation Technique

There are 2 very popular meditation techniques on Mastery of Meditation and the AUM Mantra Meditation Technique is one of them.  This technique is a favorite for anyone interested in opening the Third Eye Chakra and obtaining the powers to know the unknown and see the unseen.

2. Meditation Technique: Zen Meditation Technique

The other meditation technique which is extremely popular and enjoyed by many readers is the Zen Meditation Technique. This meditation is that of Lord Buddha and is excellent for developing the witness consciousness and for Self-Realization.

3. Kundalini Yoga Technique: Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

The king kong of yoga techniques is Sodarshan Chakra Kriya, which I have detailed in the article Most Powerful Yoga Pranayamas & Kriyas.  That title pretty much sums up the attraction of this wonderful yogic exercise.  It is the favorite of those looking to dissolve blockages in their energy channels, develop their internal systems, increase energy and obtain psychic powers.

4. Hatha Yoga Pranayama: Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayama

One of the best pranayamas (breathing exercises) in yoga is Kapalbhati Pranayama.  It is a simple technique, with far reaching benefits.  It is ideal for obtaining physical, emotional and mental health.  What more do your want?

5. Kundalini Yoga: Infinite Energy & Prosperity Meditation Technique

This timeless gift from Kundalini Yoga, Infinite Energy & Prosperity Meditation Technique, is about aligning yourself with the greater energies of the Universe and enabling it to shower upon you energy, gifts and prosperity.

Summary of 5 Best Yoga & Meditation Techniques:

These 5 yoga and meditation techniques have so far been the most popular here on Mastery of Meditation.  So, if you are looking for something to enhance your spiritual practice, you can’t go wrong by picking any one of these profound gems.

If there are other favorite techniques you have, please do share them with us below.  Such knowledge is precious to others looking for guidance on the journey back to the Source.


Chakra Healing | How to Analyze & Balance Your Chakra Centers

How to Heal & Balance Your Chakra Centers

Chakra Analysis

The Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra model is a great way to approach your personal development and spiritual growth.  I have given an overview of this model in the article Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System, and in this article I would like to give you some guidelines on how use this model to help you achieve your highest potential.

Essentially, Chakra points can be thought of as energy centers which govern various regions of your body, and are responsible for various personality traits and emotions.  Balancing and healing these centers in turn helps to rejuvenate and strengthen the corresponding organs and glands in that chakra’s region, as well as uplift the emotions governed by that chakra.

Chakra HealingThis healing and balancing process entails the following two steps.  Chakra analysis to help determine what center needs some work, and then yoga exercises and meditation techniques to help heal and balance that center.  For each chakra I have given some guidelines below to help accomplish both these steps.  I have provided a way to analyze yourself to see which chakra might be out of balance and then provided some treatment options to help you correct this imbalance.

Below is by no means a comprehensive chakra analysis guide, as that would be quite extensive, but it should give you enough information to make a solid judgment of where your weaknesses lie, so you can start to work on those areas.

The Chakra Analysis, Healing & Balancing Guide below points out the primary emotions and traits a particular chakra center is responsible for.  Then it provides 4 questions to ask yourself to help you understand how you are doing in that department.  If you are answering “yes’ to most of these questions for a particular chakra, it means you need to work on that center.  To do so, practice the yoga and meditation techniques provided to heal and balance that particular chakra (these are links to the actual articles with those techniques).

Chakra Analysis, Healing & Balancing Guide:


1. Root Chakra: 

Physical Security, Fear, Health


  1. You  feel physically insecure and weak.
  2. You have constant health issues and illnesses.
  3. You have a lot of fear.
  4. You don’t feel connected to the Earth and a part of nature.

Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Root Chakra:

Kundalini Yoga Crow Pose for Root Chakra Cleansing
Kundalini Yoga Cat-Cow Pose for Fighting Fear


2. Sex Chakra: 

Creativity & Self-Expression


  1. You suffer from sexual dysfunction.
  2. You have trouble expressing yourself and conveying your emotions.
  3. You lack creativity.
  4. Your life is dull and monotonous.

Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Sex Chakra:

Sat Kriya to Raise Sexual Energy
Hatha Yoga Butterfly Pose


3. Navel Chakra:

Willpower & Anger

  1. You lack willpower and determination.
  2. You have anger issues.
  3. You have control and power issues.
  4. You have low energy.

From the above I am sure you see why Kundalini Yoga emphasizes working on the Navel Chakra before all others.  Without it functioning properly, you have neither the energy nor the willpower to bring about positive change in yourself.

Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Navel Chakra:

Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose
Core Abdominal Power Yoga Set
Yoga Ab Exercises & Workout for Toned Stomach
Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayama


4. Heart Chakra: 

Love, Grief, Forgiveness


  1. You have a hard time forgiving others and have many enemies.
  2. You are often depressed and sad.
  3. You don’t feel much empathy or compassion for others.
  4. You are not charitable.

From the above, you will see why many yoga and meditation teachers feel that the heart center is the place to concentrate one’s efforts.  This center is especially important for those drawn to the devotional path to spiritual growth.

Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Heart Chakra:

Kundalini Yoga Jesus Pose for Sacrifice & Inner Strength
Hatha Yoga Camel Pose
Heart Chakra Opening & Balancing Set
So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique


5. Throat Chakra: 

Communication, Thinking


  1. You have a hard time communicating your thoughts and ideas.
  2. You are not a clear thinker.
  3. You are not a good listener.
  4. You gossip too much.

Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Throat Chakra:

Yoga Neck Rolls (from the Kundalini Yoga Spinal Warm-up Series)
Hatha Yoga Camel Pose
Hatha Yoga Plough Pose
Hatha Yoga Shoulder Stand


6. Brow Chakra (Third Eye):

Intuition, Psychic Powers


  1. You don’t have much intuitive ability.
  2. You don’t feel like you have much guidance from within.
  3. You have not experienced much that is out of the ordinary.
  4. You find the world dull and mundane.

The Third Eye is another chakra which is often the focus of early kundalini work.  This is because opening and balancing this center provides you access to inner guidance and the ability to “feel” your way through life.

Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Third Eye Chakra:

AUM Mantra Meditation Technique to Open Third Eye


7. Crown Chakra: 

Spirituality, Bliss


  1. You are not at all spiritually motivated.
  2. You have not experienced much in terms of spirituality or transcendence.
  3. You don’t see the poetry of life and nature.
  4. You are too materialistic and frivolous.

Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Crown Chakra:

Kundalini Yoga Crown Chakra Meditation Technique

Chakra Analysis & Healing Summary:

These guidelines will get you started on analyzing the state of your chakras and determining where you need the most help.  I would suggest picking the weakest chakra and working on it for 1 to 2 weeks and then re-assessing yourself to measure the progress.  From there move to the next weakest chakra and continue on from there.

I will be adding to this document more yoga and meditation techniques to help open and heal various chakras as I publish them on the website, so be on the lookout for that.  Remember a balanced and healthy chakra system, means a balanced and healthy life.  Have you done your Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation for today ?


Benefits of Yoga Testimonials Pouring In

Benefits of Yoga Your Stories

It is always inspiring and enlightening to learn about how certain meditation and yoga programs are helping others.  For this reason, from time to time, I share with you all some of the feedback I get from others who are benefiting from the yoga and meditation techniques available here on Mastery of Meditation & Yoga.

Recently, I received the following feedback from various online yogis, which I find very inspiring and worth sharing with you all…

Susana writes how yoga has helped her improve her body, back, strength, awareness and gardening :-).

Anmol, Starting yoga has had some huge implications.  My body now knows how to stretch and how to utilize strength.  So gardening which used to be backbreaking is now an absolute pleasure.  A full body awareness has occurred.  So standing in front of the stove and cooking, awareness notices that I am not standing correctly but am buckled onto one knee with my hip jutting.  Immediate correction. Body feels strong and resilient.

Veronica writes about weight loss, having a slimmer waist and losing belly fat.

I came across the section "online exercises for Weight Loss" about 5 months ago and I started practicing them fairly regularly (just the exercises, without the breathing or the visualization), and I started noticing a slight difference in my body from the first week, but now that time has passed, I have seen even more results (particularly on my waist and midsection).

Margarita writes how yoga is helping with her flexibility, happiness and mood in just a few days.  Also, she makes an interesting point which I fully agree with.  When you start a yoga and meditation practice, others will often notice the changes in you before you do.  Your job is to just keep going.

I already do everyday the exercises you show on the net and I really feel so much better and my body became so flexible, even from the second day. You can imagine my progress in some months!! God!!! Even my family noticed the change in my behavior. I can say that I really love Yoga!! Why was I wasting my time before??!!

Michelle writes how Yoga has helped her with more energy, concentration and focus.

Ive been doing Yoga since 4 months now.. feels great. Keeps me fresh all day & more concentrated at my work.

Anonymous writes how the Weight Loss Yoga Exercises, actually helped here with more peace of mind, reduced anxiety and stress.

I am recent beginner of yoga and though I entered the class with the objective of losing weight, it has completely transformed into being something entirely different. I didn’t even think seriously that a series of movements can have any impact on my anxiety. Now I do yoga as something that is definitely more effective on my peace of mind than on my body.

Nidhi writes about feeling better and lighter, in just 2 days.

I have started ur course 101 for past 2 days and it has really helped me in opening the nostril and reducing the heaviness in my head, nose and eyes.

Jonathan writes how the meditation is helping him manage and reduce stress.

Thank you sooo much for these videos. I was very skeptical about meditation but once i began practicing more and more it became a little more natural feeling. I serve at a local restaurant so stress come everyday. Its great to come home and have a great healthy way to unwind. Thanks alot.

You will find a lot of other feedback in the comments section throughout the website.  If you have any feedback for me, I would love to hear it and share it with others to inspire them onwards.

If you are looking for where to start a Yoga or Meditation program, so you too can benefit from these wonderful spiritual sciences, the following links to the free online classes will help guide you.  Also, please remember that although a few practitioners above reported very rapid gains from their practice, the key to reaping the benefits of yoga and meditation is consistency.

Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes

Beginner’s Meditation Class

Introduction to Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Class

Website Update:

PS: I have added illustration to the Sat Kriya – Tantic Technique for Raising Sexual Energy for those who were requesting that.


Powerful Yoga to Cleanse & Detox Your Body

Yoga to Detox Your Body

Deep Body Cleansing Yoga Exercise

This particular Kundalini Yoga exercise is excellent for cleansing your body of toxins and helps you to detoxify your entire system.  It can be added to the end of any Kriya and should be done prior to the final relaxation period.

This pose is officially a part of Kundalini Yoga Warrior Kriya, which is an advanced kriya that I will publish in the future, and it uses a powerful breathing technique to help purge and cleanse the system.  As with all yoga techniques, don’t overdo this exercise and build up your capacity slowly.

This particular exercise will be part of the following 3 free e-books here on Mastery of Meditation, as it is a Hatha Yoga pose, a Kundalini Yoga exercise as well as a yoga breathing technique: Free Hatha Yoga Poses, Online Kundalini Yoga Exercises & Free Yoga Breathing Exercises E-book.

Detox Your Body

One last thought before I jump into the details of this terrific pose.  I was once attending a yoga camp in upstate NY, where a Hatha Yoga teacher was teaching the class.  She asked us to do this pose and afterwords commented that she could immediately tell the Kundalini Yoga students apart from the rest, because they are absolutely not shy and seem to have no social inhibitions when asked to do yoga exercises that are a odd, weird, crazy or even downright embarrassing .

I tell my students exactly that when I ask them to do any technique which is strange or embarrassing.  I remind them they are Kundalini Yoga students and they we Kundalini Yogis are fearless and have no inhibitions.  We do whatever is necessary to make spiritual progress.  So remember this if you feel uncomfortable doing the exercise below.  It is cleansing your system of garbage and toxins, don’t worry about how it looks, don’t hold back, just go for it!

Yoga Exercise to Cleanse and Detox Your Body

Direct Link to YouTube Video –> Yoga to Detox and Cleanse the Body Video

Yoga Exercise to Cleanse & Detox Your Body

Illustration #1 Detox Yoga Dog BOF

Illustration #2 Detox Yoga Dog BOF


Yoga Exercise to Cleanse & Detox the Body:

a. Instructions for practicing Detoxifying Panting Dog Breath of Fire:

  • Yes the pose is called Panting Dog Breath of Fire! .
  • As illustrated above, sit up on your heels in Rock pose, except lean forward slightly.  Rest your hands on your knees as shown.
  • Now open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out as far as it will go.  Now begin to pant like a dog.  Remember what I said above and don’t hold back.  You are a Kundalini Yogi, just stick your tongue out and pant like a dog.  All the breathing should be taking place through the mouth.
  • Emphasize the exhalation, and with every exhalation your stomach should be contacting in towards your spine sharply (similar to Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayama in this way).  The pace should be fast, just like a tired dog panting.
  • If you feel a metallic taste emerging on the back of your tongue, this is toxic heavy metals being release and cleansed from deep within your tissue, keep going!

b. Duration for Detoxifying Panting Dog Breath of Fire:

  • 1 – 5 minutes.  If 1 minute is too much you can start with 15 seconds and build up from there as well.

c. Benefits of Detoxifying Panting Dog Breath of Fire:

  • Detoxifies and cleanses your system of garbage, toxins and heavy metals.
  • Strengthens and tones your abdominal muscles.
  • Builds your respiratory capacity.
  • Promotes good health and longevity.

d. Practice Tips for Detoxifying Panting Dog Breath of Fire:

  • Like I mentioned above, you can add this exercise to the end of any Kundalini Yoga Kriya.  It helps your system purge itself of any toxins that have been released into the blood stream as a result of the Kriya.
  • After doing this cleansing exercise, I also recommend drinking plenty of water once your yoga session is completed, to further help wash out any released toxins.
  • Given the amount of pollution in our air and water, we can’t afford not to incorporate Panting Dog Breath of Fire into our routine from time to time.  It really will help cleanse and detoxify your entire system.

Online Kundalini Yoga Kriyas Using this Detox Exercise:

  1. Feel free to add this exercise at the end of your yoga session to help cleanse your body of released toxins.

Yoga Exercises for Eye Problems and Eye Care

Yoga for Eyes

Eye Exercises

A few readers now have requested yoga exercises that would be helpful to them for general care of their vision and eye problems, and yoga certainly has some nice recommendations for that.  The set below is a simple, yet effective set, to help you gently improve your vision or maintain the good health of your eyes.

This set will be Chapter 8 of the Free Online Kundalini Yoga Sets E-book, where each chapter is a unique set to help you with a particular dimension of your being.  The free e-book includes sets such as the Fountain of Youth Yoga Set, the Healthy Weight Loss Yoga Exercises and the Beginners Kundalini Yoga Series.

Exercises for Eye Problems

Background of Yoga Exercises for Eye Care:

The yoga set below could well have been part of the Clever Yoga Tips for Busy People Series, as it is quick to do and can be easily done anytime you have a few free minutes to spare.  If you have more time you can repeat this set more than once if you like.

Benefits of Yoga Exercises for Eye Care:

  • Helps improve vision.
  • Helps improve focus.
  • Helps strengthen the eye muscles.
  • Helps coordination between both eyes.
  • Helps relax the eyes by relieving tension and stress in the eyes muscles.

Yoga Exercises for Eye Care Set:

  • Begin by taking 5 deep breaths and relaxing the muscles in your face and around your eyes.
  • Next practice Palming:  Palming is done by vigorously rubbing your hand together until your palms get warm and then gently covering your eyes with your palms, allowing the warmth to relax and nourish your eyes.  This can be done anytime in between the following exercises, whenever you feel you need to give your eyes a break.
  • Blink several times quickly.  Relax for a few moments.
  • For all the movements below, look without moving your head and count 1 round when you have looked in both the indicated directions.
  • Side to Side Movement: Look side to side, left to right, without moving your head 5 times.
  • Up and Down Movement: Look up and down 5 times.
  • Diagonal Movement: Look from bottom left to upper right 5 times.
  • Diagonal Movement: Look from bottom right to upper left 5 times.
  • Circular Movement: Move your eyes clockwise is a big circle 5 times.
  • Circular Movement: Move your eyes counter-clockwise is a big circle 5 times.
  • Nose Tip Focus: Hold your right arm out with your thumb up.  Now focus on your thumb tip as you bring it slowly towards your nose.  Upon touching your nose continue to gaze upon your thumb tip for a few moments, and then straighten your arm again, while continuing to focus on your thumb tip.  Repeat 5 times.
  • Close your eyes, relax and perform palming.

Coming Soon…

Along with the excellent exercises above to help improve your vision and keep your eyes healthy, there are also many good herbs for eye care, along with Ayurvedic treatments and recommendations.  Be on the lookout for an article on that soon…


Kundalini Yoga Bow Pose for Eternal Youth

Kundalini Yoga Bow Pose for Long Life

Hatha Yoga Dhanur Asana for Total Healing

Bow pose or Dhanur Asana is perhaps the face of yoga.  It is another one of those yoga poses that is worth incorporating into your daily practice.  It is not as difficult as Wheel Pose, which is detailed in the article, Advanced Yoga Technique – Wheel Pose, but it provides many of the same benefits and a few more when done the special Kundalini Yoga way.

Bow pose is again common to both hatha yoga and kundalini yoga and thus, is a part of both the e-books that are available on Mastery of Meditation.  The Free Online Hatha Yoga Poses Galleries and the Free Illustrated Kundalini Yoga Poses E-Book.

Bow pose has a long list of benefits, specially for the entire digestive system, but the technique employed by kundalini yoga when practicing this posture, is the real secret for unleashing it’s full potential.  In kundalini yoga, we rock back and forth in bow pose, thus giving our entire abdominal area a terrific massage. 

Kundalini Yoga Bow Pose

Practicing bow pose in this way is reputed to help you maintain eternal youth.  Although that might be a slight exaggeration, my yoga teacher Ravi Singh, pointed out that he knows of a particular yogi in California who rocks in bow pose for 20 minutes daily, and his age was impossible to tell.  Of course, don’t jump ahead to this advanced method, until you have first mastered the basics of this posture.

If you are looking for more information on Kundalini Yoga practice.  I recommend the following 3 articles as good starting points: Introduction to Kundailni Yoga, 10 Important Guidelines for Kundalini Yoga Practice and Dangers of Kundalini Yoga.

Below you will find an illustration of Bow Pose (Dhanur Asana) and details regarding this fundamental yoga posture.

Yoga Bow Pose for Eternal Youth

Picture of Yoga Bow Pose (Dhanur Asana)


Yoga Bow Pose Practice Details:

a. Step-by-Step Instructions for Kundalini Yoga Bow Pose:

  • Start by lying on your stomach with your chin on the floor.
  • Next, bend your knees and bring your heels towards your buttocks.
  • Beginner Yogis:  Reach back and grasp your ankles, keeping the rest of your body on the floor.  Pull your heels into your buttocks.
  • Intermediate Yogis: Raise yourself up off the floor as shown in the illustration above, by pressing your ankles away from you.  Your chest and thighs should be raised off the floor.
  • Advanced Yogis: Rock back and forth in bow pose, inhaling as you come forward, exhaling on the way back.

b. Duration for Kundalini Yoga Bow Pose:

  • 15 seconds – 5 minutes.

c. Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Bow Pose:

  • The ultimate yoga pose to improve and perfect your digestive system.
  • Excellent for your respiratory system, to relieve breathing problems and ailments such as asthma, etc.
  • Good for the entire spine and back.
  • Great pose for improving the overall flexibility of the entire body.
  • Helps improve overall health and wellbeing.
  • Good for weight loss.


d. Practice Tips for Kundalini Yoga Bow Pose:

  • Progress gently towards the advanced version.  For some, even the beginner version is difficult to get into, in which case just bring your heels as close to your buttocks as you can, and reach as far back with your arms as possible.
  • Do not eat for at least 2-3 hours before practicing this posture, or you will be quite uncomfortable.
  • Careful of your knees and back when doing this pose.

Online Kundalini Yoga Sets Using Bow Pose:

(Coming Soon).


Heart Chakra Balancing Yoga Video for Love & Forgiveness

Free Heart Chakra Balancing Yoga Video

Chakra Balancing Yoga Exercise Video

Continuing with the popular Free Online Yoga Video series is this next chakra yoga exercises video.  It is a powerful and effective set of kundalini yoga exercises to open, heal and balance the all important heart chakra (anahat chakra).

The set demonstrated in this video is explained in detail in chapter 4 of the Online Kundalini Yoga Workouts E-Book, it is called the  Heart Chakra Balancing Yoga Set.  This set is also part of the Free Online Meditation & Yoga Classes offered on Mastery of Meditation, and specifically, it is part of the Heart Chakra Opening, Healing and Balancing Course.

Heart Chakra BalancingIn Kundalini Yoga, contracting and expanding pressure is brought to various regions of the body, and when done in conjunction with powerful breathing exercises, oxygenated and nutrient rich blood is directed to the target area, helping that area detoxify, rejuvenate, heal and strengthen.

This set is composed of such kundalini yoga exercises which produce this affect for the entire chest region.  This helps improve the respiratory system, circulatory system, immune system and overall, promotes the health of the heart.

In addition, as this is region of the anahata chakra (heart chakra), the chakra point is activated, opened and healed.  The heart chakra is the center of love, compassion and forgiveness and thus, balancing this center, promotes the flow of love, and helps create a soft, gentle character.

Below are some more details about this video, following which is the yoga video itself.

Summary of Heart Chakra Balancing Yoga Exercises:

  • Opens and balances the Heart Chakra, thus promoting love, compassion and forgiveness.
  • Helps the respiratory, circulatory and immune systems.
  • Excellent set for strengthening the shoulders muscles, also helps tone the chest muscles.
  • Builds willpower.
  • Helps detoxify and nourish the entire body and all internal systems and organs.
  • Assists in weight loss.

Heart Chakra Balancing Kundalini Yoga Video Contents:

Here are some highlights of what this video contains.

  • Demonstration of each yoga exercise.
  • Benefits of opening and balancing the heart chakra.
  • Demonstration of modifications for difficult yoga poses and exercises.
  • Demonstration of the Breath of Fire Yoga Pranayama, which is used by the exercises in this video.
  • Overview of how Kundalini Yoga works to improve your health and wellbeing.
  • Practice tips and hints for each of the exercises.

Heart Chakra Yoga Exercises Video

Free Online Yoga Video #4