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Spiritual Transformation Underway | 70% Say Yes

Spiritual Transformation Survey Results

Our latest spirituality survey gives us a reason for optimism and hope.  The survey asked which direction were we heading spiritually speaking.  Was a spiritual transformation for the better taking place?  Or were we going backwards?  Quite simply, the survey asked if you felt we were getting more or less spiritual.   The answer was a pretty resounding YES.  70% of you felt that we were indeed becoming more spiritual, while 30% felt that we were actually transforming for the worse.  Below is pie graph reflecting these results.

Spiritual Transformation

Spiritual Transformation Graph:

According to Kundalini Yoga (and many other spiritual schools), we are heading towards a shift in consciousness and a new era is going to dawn upon us starting in the year 2012.  The essence of this change is that it is a lifting of human consciousness.  Furthermore, those who raise their level of spiritual vibration to align with this new age, are going to find it easier to make the transition, while the age will prove to be difficult for those who remain rooted in lower level thoughts, emotions and pursuits.  More on this as we move closer to 2012.

I would like to thank all of you who participate in the surveys here on Master of Meditation, Yoga & Zen.  It is great to get you input and thoughts on these interesting questions of our time.

For those looking to transform spiritually you are welcome to take the online classes offered here, or embrace some of the meditation and yoga techniques avaiable via the free e-books and videos.  Here are 2 handy links for you…

Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes

Free Online Yoga & Meditation Books and Videos

Be Good, Do Good!


4 Free Online Psychic & Clairvoyant Development Techniques

Free Tools for Psychics & Psychic Readers

Free Online Techniques for Psychic Abilities & Clairvoyance

Recently I have received a great deal of requests regarding the development of psychic powers and psychic abilities.  Some, I imagine are from psychics and clairvoyants looking to enhance their abilities for professional reasons, while others are form those curious about psychic powers and yoga siddhis.  Although, I suggest you don’t get overly attached to the acquisition of such paranormal and clairvoyant powers, the topic is certainly fascinating and one that is undoubtedly best understood by the science of yoga.

I have written previously about the Right Approach to the Development of Psychic Powers, so I suggest reading that article to understand how to avoid getting distracted by yoga siddhis (powers) on your road to enlightenment.  That article also discusses the right use of such powers.

Online Psychic & Clairvoyant Development

In this series I am going to provide the science behind the acquisition of clairvoyant, paranormal and psychic abilities.  These abilities are used quite a bit now by those offering a wide range of psychic services, both for free and as a profession.  Those offering psychic readings, whether online, over the phone or in person, psychic predictions, psychic advise, psychic mediums, etc, etc, all rely on the application of specifically such clairvoyant powers in some degree or another.

Does Psychic & Clairvoyant Phenomenon Exist?

Although I really doubt that there are so many master psychics running around doing psychic chat readings, being online love gurus, doing phone readings, etc, in yogic literature there is ample evidence of the existence and successful acquisition of psychic powers.  In addition, when enlightened masters of the caliber of a J. Krishnamurti, whose approach is absolutely intelligent, pure and unemotional, hints at events and situations that can only have paranormal explanations, it gets very difficult to reject the existence of such phenomenon.  Also, there are the accounts of readers who have acquired psychic healing abilities, and clairvoyance via the techniques that I have previously published.  Finally, I have am own encounters with the paranormal, some of which I will go into in this series as well.  So, no doubt such powers exist and can be acquired, so let’s delve into the exercises and methods which help in the development of such psychic energy.

Definition of a Clairvoyance:

The techniques I will provide in this article series are mostly for the development of the psychic power of clairvoyance.  In other articles I will provide yogic and other techniques for the development of other psychic powers. 

What is Clairvoyance? It is primarily the power used by psychic readers, psychic advisers, psychic predictors and such.  Clairvoyance is technically the power to see clearly.  In the context of psychic phenomenon, it is the power to see without or beyond the use of the ordinary senses.  So the power to see far away both in time and distance, the power of sensitivity beyond the ordinary range of perception, and the power of keen intuition are all abilities that come under the umbrella of clairvoyance.

4 Free Techniques for Psychics & Clairvoyants:

1. AUM Mantra Meditation Technique:

As I explained above, clairvoyance is the ability to see without or beyond the normal eye, and another way to define it, is that it is the ability to see with the astral eye.  The astral eye, or Third Eye is the Sixth Chakra of the Kundalini Yoga System.  You can get more information about the chakra system in the following two articles: Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System & Analyze, Heal and Balance Your Chakras.  Essentially, opening the Third Eye gives birth to the power of Clairvoyance and Intuitive Knowledge.  Or put another way, it gives one the power to see the unseen and know the unknown.

The following article describes in detail a powerful technique with which to open the Third Eye. The article includes a video demonstration along with guidelines to help you practice this technique safely and successfully.  So if you are a practicing psychic looking to enhance your powers of clairvoyance and intuition, or if you are generally interested in exploring psychic abilities, then this technique is certainly worth exploring.

AUM Mantra Meditation for Psychic Powers

2-4. Samyama Techniques for Clairvoyance by Sage Patanjali:

In the next part of the series I will go into the famous Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali and explain what Samyama is, and how psychics can use it specifically to develop their powers of clairvoyance and intuitive readings.

If you are interested in a Numerology & Master Numbers reading, which incorporates intuition, but is mathematically based on your date of birth and the 10 Bodies of Light Yoga Model, you can request one here: 10 Bodies of Light Yoga Numerology Reading.


Smiling Buddha Meditation for Happiness & Confidence

Happy Buddha Meditation Technique

Meditation for Joy & Positivity

Spring is finally here, a long winter is winding down and nature is eagerly waiting for warm, sunny days and refreshing, starry nights.  This is a time for much celebration, and so to usher in this new season I thought it would be great to introduce the uplifting and joyous Smiling Buddha Meditation.

It is reputed that this meditation was prescribed to the Buddha, by a rishi (saint) to help him regain his positive mind and recover emotionally after a long stretch of meditation and fasting.  Although, this meditation appears to be a simple technique, it is actually incorporating many important aspects of Kundalini Yoga to achieve it’s results. 


The meditation uses, the power of mantra (sound vibrations that create corresponding states of consciousness), mudra (hand positions that create certain energy flow in the subtle body), eye positions, mental focus and the science of spirit to bestow it’s wonderfully uplifting benefits.

Smiling Buddha Kundalini Yoga Meditation will be the 13th entry in our ongoing and popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-book.  As it is also considered a Kundalini Yoga Kriya, I will include it in the Free Illustrated Kundalini Yoga Exercises E-Book as well.

If you are suffering from the winter blues and depression (SAD), this is a great technique for you to do.  Also, if you are aware of the 10 Bodies of Light Numerology and have been told you need to work on your Positive Mind (third body of light), then too this is the meditation of choice for you to do. 

If you are interested in getting a Yoga Numerology Reading, Master Number Analysis and Transformation Program, you can get more details about this service here: 10 Bodies of Light Yoga Numerology.  Here is a sample reading and analysis: Sample Numerology Reading & AnalysisPlease note there is a 3 week waiting list at this time, due to the large number of requests I have received.

Happy Buddha Yoga Meditation Video


Benefits of Smiling Buddha Meditation Technique:

  1. Promotes joy, bliss and happiness.
  2. Balances and heals the Positive Mind.
  3. Gives you the confidence to face and overcome challenges.
  4. Gives you the energy to inspire and uplift others.
  5. Helps open the Third Eye and bestows intuition and insight.
  6. Develops mental focus and concentration.

Smiling Buddha Meditation Practice Details:

  • Sit with your legs crossed and back straight.  You can also do this meditation sitting on a chair, but sitting cross legged is more effective for this technique.
  • Place both your hands in Maha Gyan Mudra.  To take Maha Gyan Mudra, curl your ring finger and pinkie under your thumb, while keeping the other two finger extended upwards and straight.
  • Bring your hands to the side of your shoulders (about 8-12 inches away), palms facing forward.  Your elbows will be bent and your index and middle finger will be pointing straight up.
  • Close your eyes and apply Sambhavi Mudra.  To do this, turn your eyes upwards such that you are looking through the center of your forehead.  Do not strain when applying this mudra.  If your eyes tire, release the mudra and then re-apply it once ready.
  • SMILE.  Don’t forget this step .
  • Hold this hand and eye position, then begin to mentally chant the Mantra Sa-Ta-Na-Ma continuously.  Sa Ta Na Ma, is the most fundamental of Kundalini Yoga mantra.  It stands for Infinity, Life, Death & Rebirth.
  • Throughout the meditation make a conscious effort to relax, be at ease and be positive.  Allow the mantra to take over and feel great happiness, peace and joy within you as you chant silently.
  • To end, rub your palms together vigorously and gently place them over your eyes, allowing the warmth to sooth and comfort them.
  • You can start with 3 minutes and work you way up to 31 minutes.

Hope you enjoy this meditation and it brings you great peace, happiness and confidence.  Keep Smiling!


Powerful Seven Chakra Balancing & Healing Free Online Program

Chakra Balancing Program

Seven Chakra Tuning Class (Course #106)

The following program is a powerful and exciting journey through the chakras, and is designed to give you an opportunity to experience, heal, balance and tune your entire seven chakra system.  In previous articles I have gone over kundalini yoga’s chakra model in some detail and if you are not familiar with this energy based model, the articles in the “Suggested Reading” reading section below will be very helpful to you.

As usual please note that all the material needed for this Chakra Balancing Class is available via the links on this post and you can start anytime you wish. 

Seven Chakra

For more details on the free online classes offered at Mastery of Meditation & Yoga, please go to the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes page.  In addition to the video and information on that page, you may also wish to read the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes FAQ.  Questions such as how to register, participate, etc, are all answered there.

The beginner’s yoga class is going to use yoga breathing exercises (pranayamas) from the Free Online Yoga Breathing Exercises E-book and yoga poses from the Free Online Yoga Sets E-book, both of which come with videos and illustrations as needed.

Seven Chakra Balancing Class Overview:

This course is designed for 2 week, and is designed to really get your energy flowing throughout the chakra system.  The set includes some very powerful techniques, so although it is fine for beginner’s to practice, I recommend that they use the modified versions for some of the advanced techniques.  Having some yoga experience prior to doing this class will also be helpful for sure.

In this post I will provide the program objectives, details, syllabus and participation guidelines.  Please read through everything carefully so you will be able to get maximum benefit from the program.

The chakra techniques used in this program come mostly from the school of Kundalini Yoga, but as is common with many yogic techniques, many of these exercises are common to other types of yoga as well.  Some of the exercises and poses, specifically target a particular chakra point, which others work on purifying the entire pranic system in order to facilitate the flow of energy throughout the energetic body.  If you are a fan of kundalini yoga and the profound chakra model, you will find this program very enjoyable.

To register please leave a comment below that you are going to start the Online Beginner’s Yoga Program, or just send me an email at  This way I know what kind of participation and interest there is. 

Seven Chakra Balancing Class Benefits:


  1. Experience the chakras.
  2. Tune and balance the chakras.
  3. Increase the flow of energy throughout the system.
  4. Refine prana.
  5. Stimulate Kundalini to rise through the central channel (shushumna).
  6. Develop mental, physical and emotional balance.
  7. Strengthen the nervous, respiratory and other bodily systems.

Seven Chakra Balancing Program Details:


Class Structure: 

Each session consists of 3 sections: Breathing exercises (pranayama), Chakra Yoga Set and Chakra Meditation.  The techniques are all designed to allow you to pace yourself.  As mentioned above, if you are a beginner, please use the modifications for the difficult exercises.  The total time for this class is approximately 30-45 minutes / day.  Do the best you can and most importantly, walk the middle path with regard to each session.  DO NOT OVERDO OR OVER STRAIN and at the same time don’t have it be too easy either.

Required Reading:


Suggested Reading:


Course Materials:


Seven Chakra Balancing Program Syllabus:


The following describes the 3 sections comprising the 30-45 minute daily yoga, pranayama and meditation sessions for this class.  The approximate total times for each section are also given.  Take more rest if you need to, or if you feel comfortable do the poses and exercises a little longer. 

Each breathing exercise and the yoga set below is a link to the article with all the details you need.

Chakra Yoga Program: Each day do the following…

Section 1: Breathing Exercises Section (Pranayama):  Total time 5-10 Minutes

  • Chakra Balancing Breathing Exercise (Anuloma Viloma Pranayama): Anuloma Viloma pranayama (or Alternate Nostril Breathing) is excellent for balancing the male/female (active/passive, hot/cold, ying/yang) forces in your body, and help you achieve optimum energetic balance.  It will refine your energy and help all the chakras activate and heal.  It is an excellent pranayama for spiritual evolution.  Start with 5 cycles and build up from there.

Section 2: Chakra Yoga Section:  Total time 10-20 minutes

  • Seven Chakra Healing Kundalini Yoga Set: After anuloma viloma pranayama you will feel very peaceful and relaxed, so I suggest doing 1-2 minutes of Breath of Fire, to get your system going, before moving into the Chakra Yoga Set. Once you have done some breath of fire, you can move ahead to the Chakra Yoga Set.  Start with the minimum times for each exercise (unless you already have a mature yoga practice), and then move ahead from there.

Section 3: Chakra Meditation Section:  Total time 5-15 minutes

  • Raja Yoga Kundalini Awakening Set: After completing the Chakra Yoga Set, move ahead to the powerful Chakra Meditation set.  This set can cause dizziness issues, so please don’t do too much, and make steady progress as you capacity increases.  I have had several instances in class regarding this, so please heed this advise. I suggest using the following modification as well for the Chakra Meditation Set.  Don’t do individual locks (root/diaphragm/neck), instead only do the locks together.  Also, you can start with 4 repetitions (instead of one) and build up to 16 repetitions.  So, you will inhale, exhale, hold breath out and apply root + diaphragm + neck lock, then release, then apply/release 4 times.  Then inhale, exhale, hold breath out and do 5 repetitions, etc. Although, you are applying the locks simultaneously, there is a slight progression, where you do root, then diaphragm then neck in that order, one after the other.  Then release them together. Also, it is a good idea to rest in corpse pose for a few minutes after doing this set and allow the energy to work through you, healing and rejuvenating, as required.

Seven Chakra Balancing Program Guidelines:

Following are the guidelines which I suggest to follow…

  • Please post all comments, questions and feedback in the comments section of this post.  This way all will benefit from the discussion.  Feel free to ask questions or discuss issues, as that is one of the main reasons for this particular class format.  Of course, you are free to email me as well if you would like the discussion to not be public.
  • If you like, you can indicate with a comment that you have completed your daily session.  Could be as short as “did it”, or of course could be questions, issues or more detailed feedback.  The hardest part with a daily yoga and meditation practice is establishing consistency and regularity and I think having to acknowledge that you completed your daily sadhana (spiritual work) will help in facilitating that.  In addition, your comments would inspire others as well.
  • I will post all information regarding the class in the comments section below as well, so please check periodically for updates.
  • Before starting your daily yoga and meditation session, take a moment and tune in to your higher self for guidance and protection.  At the end of every session, visualize yourself and the world as you would like it to be.
  • Do the best you can and modify the class as you require.  It is more important to do something, than be overwhelmed and not do anything at all.
  • I wish you all a wonderful learning and transforming experience and hope you achieve your highest potential in this life.

Powerful Gayatri Mantra Download & Free MP3

Free Gayatri Mantra MP3 Download

Gayatri Mantra Meditation & Videos

Of all the mantras in the Vedas, the most revered and powerful is the Gayatri Mantra.  This mantra is certainly the most recited and also, perhaps has the widest range of applications.  It is not just used to express one’s devotion to the Lord, but is also used for jap meditation (mantra chanting), chakra meditation, naad yoga, putting the kids to sleep , etc.  In addition to Hindus, the Gayatri mantra is embraced by Buddhists as well.

Another powerful Vedic mantra is the Lord Shiva Mahamritunjay Mantra and you will find details and free MP3 of this great mantra on the following page: Lord Shiva Mahamritunjay Mantra MP3 Download

Gayatri Mantra

You will find a video of the Gayatri Mantra being recited by my son Shivum in the article, 3 Easy Kids Meditation Techniques, and in this article I want to give you some additional recitations of this terrific mantra.  Below you will also find a MP3 version of the Gayatri Mantra, chanted by my wife Trupti, which you are free to download.  Before I jump ahead to all that though, here is the written text of the mantra, as well as an English translation.

Gayatri Mantra

Om Bhur Buvaha Svaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayath

Although there are several interpretations of this mantra, with subtle differences between each, the one that I find most suitable is the following…

Gayatri Mantra English Translation

O Supreme Creator, Thou art the giver of life, the remover of pain and sorrow and the bestower of happiness; O Creator of the Universe, may we receive Thy supreme sin-destroying light; may Thou guide our intellect in the right direction.

You can get more information and translations at the Gayatri Mantra Wiki Page as well.

Gayatri Mantra Third Eye Chakra Meditation:

As I had mentioned above, there are many application for this wonderful mantra.  One particular application that I would like to present to you, is the use of the Gayatri Mantra to awaken Ajna Chakra or the Third Eye Chakra.  To use the Gayatri Mantra to do this, you would follow the steps laid out in the AUM Mantra Meditation article, except use the Gayatri Mantra instead of the primordial sound AUM, to do the meditation.

So you would sit up comfortably, close your eyes and turn them upwards to look through your forehead (only hold this eye position as long as comfortable) and then chant the Gayatri Mantra, visualizing it emanating from the Third Eye (center of the forehead).  As always, please don’t over do such potent meditations, start slowly and build up your capacity gently over time.

For Yoga and Meditation Certification Program Students:

For students enrolled in the Online Yoga Instructor Certification Program or Online Meditation Teacher’s Certification Program, this meditation is part of the bonus and optional material in your manuals.  You will find the  complete details of the above meditation in the new article Gayatri Mantra Meditation to Open Third Eye Chakra  (Yoga Training Manual –> Chapter 120.  Meditation Training Manual –> Chapter 35).

Gayatri Mantra Meditation Video

Direct YouTube Link –>  Gayatri Mantra for Opening the Third Eye



1. Gayatri Mantra MP3 Download:

Here is the Gayatri Mantra chanted by my wife Trupti.  I can hear her sing it even now as I write this since it’s bedtime for the little ones.  Thanks Trups !  Right click link below and chose “Save Link As…” to save to your computer.

Free Gayatri Mantra MP3 Download

2. Gayatri Mantra Videos:

There are also 2 excellent Gayatri Mantra videos on YouTube which I really like, so here are those videos for you to enjoy as well.

Gayatri Mantra Videos




Meditation Techniques – The Ultimate Guide

Best Meditation Techniques

Guide to Meditation Techniques

Welcome to the ultimate meditation techniques guide.  This guide is the culmination of 25+ years of passionate practice, research and study into the great Art of Meditation.  Below you will find a list of the best meditations from across the globe, step-by-step details of how to effectively practice these techniques, as well as a listing of the primary benefits of each of these profound meditation techniques. 

One of the most important aspects of meditation is to choose the technique which is right for you.  There are literally thousands of different meditation techniques, and finding the one that resonates best with you and is geared towards the goals you are trying to achieve is essential.  This guide is designed specifically to help you in that process, by presenting you with the most time-tested meditation techniques and detailing each of these great meditations.

The Ultimate Guide

Before I jump ahead though, I would like mention that the ultimate purpose of any meditation technique is Enlightenment or Self-Realization.  That is the final destination.  It is just that along the way to this highest pinnacle, meditation bestows a bevy of wonderful “side” benefits and these benefits can vary depending on which meditation technique you choose to do.  I have gone into these additional benefits of meditation in several articles and you can read about them here:  Top 10 Profound Benefits of Meditation, Side Benefits of Silent Mind Meditation Program, Brain Health Benefits of Meditation.

Below you will find details on which are the best meditation techniques to do, in order to obtain certain results.  As most of you know, the Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-book, has step-by-step instructions and free videos on all the meditation techniques offered here on Mastery of Meditation, so in the summary below I have given a brief description and video of the mediation technique, but provided a link to the chapter in the E-book where you can get all the fine details.  In addition, this will be an ongoing guide which I will constantly update with new and useful meditation techniques for you.

Meditation Technique #1:  Zen Meditation Technique – Zazen

Goal:  Awareness, Detachment, Peace

Zen Meditation Technique is the undisputed heavyweight in the world of meditation.  It is very likely the most widely practiced meditation technique and is perhaps even the face of meditation.  The silent Buddha, sitting cross-legged, eyes slightly open, in this world but yet beyond, immersed in a Singularity (or Void) is Zazen.

Zazen is essentially silent, seated meditation and excellent for a wide range of benefits.  If you don’t know which meditation technique to try, this should be your default choice.  Zazen will help you develop your ability to remain in the moment, mindful of that which is taking place, and free you from the entanglements of ego-centric, dualistic thoughts.  It will most certainly help you develop a calm disposition and give you the strength to withstand stressful or upsetting events.  In time, this meditation technique will make you wise, give you access to spontaneous joy and help you develop into a compassionate, loving human being.

You will find more details on Zazen in the article, Zen Meditation Technique.  Here is a step-by-step instruction video on how to practice this meditation technique.

Meditation Technique #2:  Concentration Meditation Technique – Trataka

Goal:  Concentration, Mental Focus

One common myth about meditation is that it is the same as concentration.  Really it is not.  Concentration is a stepping stone for meditation, but mediation is far more than concentration.  In practicing meditation though, one of the clear benefits is a tremendous increase in your powers of concentration and mental focus.  Many people are rightly interested in developing this skill, and to do so there is no better meditation technique than Trataka or Candle Flame Gazing. 

In this meditation, you will focus your attention, in a darkened room, on a candle flame and then concentrate on the after image that it leaves behind when you close your eyes.  The technique is simple, yet very effective.  Along with developing your power of concentration, this meditation technique will also help calm your mind down and give you inner peace and stillness. 

You can read details about this technique in the following article:  Concentration Meditation Technique – Trataka.

Meditation Technique #3:  So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique

Goal:  Love, Forgiveness, Compassion

Mantra meditation technique is a big part of the philosophy of meditation that comes from the Eastern faiths.  It is a technique that has been used for centuries in India, and forms the foundation of many systems of meditation.  This meditation method has many variations, some of which can be used to deliver the benefits of Zazen and Trataka mentioned above.  The particular mantra meditation technique I want to provide here though, is excellent for any healing of the heart that needs to occur.

If you are suffering from hate, bitterness, loneliness, anger, depression and other negative emotions, then So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique is a great tonic to use.  In this meditation, you will use the So-Hum mantra silently to pacify the mind and connect with your divine nature.  It will help heal the wounds of the heart and make you feel an indivisible part of the whole.

Meditation Technique #4:  AUM Mantra Meditation Technique

Goal:  Psychic Powers, Intuition

As I mentioned above, mantra meditation techniques have many different variations and applications, and AUM Mantra Meditation Technique is an example of just that.  AUM Mantra Meditation technique is part of the science of Kundalini Yoga and it’s specific purpose is to activate the Third Eye Chakra.  

In this meditation, you chant the sound AUM, while concentration on the Third Eye region.  The sound AUM is considered the seed sound for this center and chanting it serves to stimulate the energy flow though this region.  The Third Eye is the seat of intuition, and opening the Third Eye unleashes psychic and mental powers. 

To get more details about this meditation technique, read the following article:  AUM Mantra Meditation Technique.  Also, here is a step-by-step video demonstration of AUM Mantra Meditation Technique…

Meditation Technique #5:  Silent Mind Mediation Technique

Goal:  Intelligence, Enlightenment, Awareness

This is the meditation technique I practice and although the thinking behind it is not new, for the most part it is a system of my own making.  If you are looking to sharpen awareness, hone intelligence and dramatically improve brain function, then this meditation technique is for you.  It is designed to help the mind realize that it is the root cause of suffering and thus, still itself.  It is the highest form of insight meditation and I have practiced this technique for over 20 years now.  Obviously, I find it the best suited for those interested in enlightenment, like me.

The entire Silent Mind Meditation Program is designed to help you learn and develop this technique, but you are also welcome to just practice this technique itself and you can get details about it in the following chapter:  The Silent Mind Meditation Technique.

Meditation Technique #6: Smiling Buddha Meditation Technique

Goal:  Happiness, Confidence

This meditation technique comes from the profound school of Kundalini Yoga and was reputed to be one that Lord Buddha was prescribed in order to help him recover from a long stretch of meditation and fasting.

After all life is meant to be a journey full of happiness and joy.  It is one where we are supposed to enjoy the great abundance of beauty and love that exists in nature and within ourselves.  This meditation will help you do just that.  The meditation technique is also great for boosting your confidence along with your spirit.

Here is the link to the details for this wonderful meditation.  Enjoy!

Smiling Buddha Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Happiness


Meditation Technique #7: Corpse Pose Yoga Meditation Technique 

Goal:  Health, Healing & Relaxation

For creating the optimum environment for self healing to take place, there is simply no better meditation technique than Yoga Corpse Pose.  This meditation puts the entire system at ease and gives the body the space it needs to heal itself.   Miraculous healing, spiritual healing, natural healing and other such healing phenomenon, are known to occur in this state of relaxed awareness.

This meditation technique is also a yoga pose and is excellent for promoting peace and well-being.  It is a practice that should be embraced everyday in order to reduce stress and encourage tranquility.

Here is the link to the details for this wonderful meditation.

Corpse Pose Yoga Meditation Technique


Rare Crown Chakra Meditation Technique

Crown Chakra Meditation Technique

Free Guided Meditation Techniques E-book – Ch 12

Crown Chakra Meditation Technique will be the 12th entry in our ongoing and popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-book.  As it is also considered a Kundalini Yoga Kriya, I will include it in the Free Illustrated Kundalini Yoga Poses E-Book as well.

Rare Crown ChakraIn the article Kundalini Seven Chakra System I gave an overview of the Kundalini Seven Chakra Model and indicated that in general Kundalini Yoga does not look to directly open or activate a particular chakra.  Kundalini Yoga is designed to prepare the body for the greater flow of energy and focuses on clearing away blockages in the pathways instead.  As these blockages are cleared, energy flow increases and the chakras are subsequentially balanced and healed in the process. 

The meditation I am about to present here though does not follow this approach.  Not only does it directly activate the Crown Chakra (Seventh Chakra), but it is even more unusual, as the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) is one which Kundalini Yoga seldom targets directly at all.  So, what does this all mean?  It means please don’t overdo this potent chakra meditation.  Start off slow and build up from there.

The Crown Chakra represents the spiritual dimension of life.  In that if it’s unbalanced you may not have any spiritual practice, or it could be such that you are a total fanatic.  A balanced Crown Chakra would mean frequent dips in Infinite Consciousness, as well as awareness and expression of the Unified Nature of Reality.  So if you feel you need to give this Chakra some love and attention, then this meditation is perfect for you.

Benefits of Crown Chakra Meditation Technique:

  1. Experience of Bliss.
  2. Detachment from the mundane and material world.
  3. Experience of Oneness and Divine Consciousness.
  4. Connection and guidance from within.
  5. Access to the energy of beyond.

Cautions for Practicing Crown Chakra Meditation Technique:

  • Do not overdo this meditation.  If you start to feel too spaced out or really out of touch with reality, back off this meditation and spend some time in nature.
  • Do not hold the eye position for longer than it is comfortable.  If the eyes tire, just release them and reapply the position when ready.

Crown Chakra Meditation – Illustration #1


Crown Chakra Meditation – Illustration #2



Final Pose for Crown Chakra Meditation – Illustration #3

How to Do Crown Chakra Meditation:

Seventh Chakra Meditation Video


  • Sit in any cross legged posture.  You can also do this meditation sitting on a chair.
  • Interlace your hands is shown in the illustrations above and place them above your head. Elbows should out to the sides.
  • Turn your eyes upwards such that you are trying to see the ceiling or sky right through the top of your head (Illustration #1).  You will close your eyes finally for this meditation, while looking up.  The illustration is just to show how the eyes are turned up.
  • Hold this hand and eye position and close your eyes (Illustration #3). 
  • Do long deep slow breathing and feel every inhalation saturating the top of the head with energy and light.  So to summarize.  Your eyes are closed, but you are looking upwards with your eyeballs as if trying to see through the top of your head.  You are doing long slow breathing for the duration of this meditation, and as you inhale, feel the top of the head being saturated with light and energy.  Remember if the eyes tire, release them and re-establish the eyes looking upwards when you are ready again, but continue with the breathing and visualization. 
  • To end, rub your palms together vigorously and gently place them over your eyes, allowing the warmth to sooth and comfort them.
  • Beginners can start with doing 1 minute, and build up from there to up to 11 minutes.  That is the time for the entire meditation.

Powerful Chakra Meditation to Open Third Eye

Third Eye Chakra Meditation Technique

Charka Meditation from Kundalini Yoga

Third Eye Chakra Meditation Technique Background

One of the best chakra meditation techniques is of course the traditional AUM Mantra Meditation to Open the Third Eye, and in this article I am going to give another great chakra meditation technique for opening the all important Third Eye which comes directly from the school of Kundalini Yoga.

Opening and balancing the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra) is a key step in one’s spiritual evolution, as the Third Eye is the seat of intuition, and having this center functioning optimally gives one access to the guidance of the Inner Guru.  To learn more about the chakras you can read the article, Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System Overview.

This particular chakra meditation technique uses many different facets of Kundalini Yoga technology to accomplish it’s goals.  It uses the power of Yoga Breathing (Pranayama), Yoga Mudras (Eye and Hand Positions), Yoga Numerology, Visualization and the power of Concentration Meditation to activate and open the Third Eye Chakra.

Chakra Meditation

Briefly, the Third Eye chakra is located in the center of the brain and can be stimulated by concentrating on center of the forehead, in between the eyebrows.  As mentioned above, the Third Eye Chakra is responsible for intuition and controls the function of the eyes and perception.  It is related to the number 16, and AUM is the seed sound for it.  Another article which explores chakra meditation techniques, which might interest you, is the following: Top 3 Chakra Meditation Techniques.

This Third Eye Chakra Meditation Technique is the 10th meditation in our Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book

Lord Shiva Third Eye Meditation Video



Benefits of Third Eye Chakra Meditation Technique: 

Primary Benefits: 

  • Opens the Third Eye Chakra, building intuition and insight.
  • Builds mental fortitude, mental focus and willpower.
  • Calms the mind and bestows inner peace and silence.
  • Promotes the acquisition of Psychic Powers.
  • Helps penetrate the veil of duality and see the non-dual nature of Reality.

Secondary Benefits: 

  • Improves the visual system.
  • Improves the respiratory system.

Cautions for Practicing Third Eye Chakra Meditation Technique:

  • Initially this technique is certainly challenging to do.  It will take some commitment as well as willpower on your part in order to master it, so be patient.
  • If you use the additional emphasis on opening the Third Chakra by holding Shambhavi Mudra (explained below), make sure you are not straining your eyes excessively when doing so.

Third Eye Chakra Meditation Technique Illustration

Instructions for Practicing Third Eye Chakra Meditation Technique:

  • As per the illustration above, sit up on your heels in rock pose, raise your arms straight out to the sides at a sixty degree angle and have your hands bent at the wrist pointing outwards as shown.  If rock pose is difficult for you, you may also sit in sukh asana (simple cross legged) or even on a chair for this meditation if you like.
  • Gather all your attention and focus on the center of your forehead, right between the eyebrows.  You may feel a slight pressure, or other such sensation building there as you practice this meditation.
  • Now comes the hard part :-D.  Start to inhale in sixteen parts and exhale in sixteen parts.  This means that sixteen tiny sniffs will be used to make one inhalation and sixteen tiny sniffs will be used to make the following exhalation.  Continue this breathing pattern for the duration of the meditation.  If sixteen sniffs is too many, start with eight and build up from there. 
  • With every sniff visualize a tiny silver hammer tapping the center of the forehead.  So 16 taps during the inhalation and 16 taps during the exhalation.
  • Start with 1 minute, build up to 3 and then onto 11 mins.  From there you may push further if you like, building up to 31 minutes.

Advanced Third Eye Chakra Meditation Technique: 

  • If you are comfortable with the above technique, and are ready for a greater challenge then apply Shambhavi Mudra throughout the practice to enhance the affect on the Ajna Chakra.  Shambhavi Mudra is applied by keeping the head straight, eyes closed, but turning the eyeballs upwards such that you are trying to look through the center of the forehead.  If you do apply Shambhavi Mudra, please do not strain the eyes and release it if the eyes tire, while continuing with the rest of the meditation.

Learn How to Meditate | Beginner’s Meditation Class

Meditation for Beginners

Learn How to Meditate

Free Online Beginner Meditation Class – Course #100 

Interested in Meditation?  Want to learn how to meditate?  Don’t know where to begin?  Then this class is for you…

Lately I have been getting many requests from those who are new to meditation, on how to learn this wonderful spiritual science and how to establish a personal, daily meditation practice.  Perhaps this is because the widespread benefits of meditation are now well recognized by the establishment, or perhaps it is because humanity is in the midst of rising to a new level of Conscious Living.  In either case, this Beginner Meditation Class will provide those new to meditation all the guidance they need in order to learn this great art. 

This class is part of the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes that are offered here on Mastery of Meditation.  To learn how these Yoga & Meditation classes are structured, you can watch the video on the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes page or read the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes FAQ.

Learn How to Meditate

In brief, this page has links (which are in green) to all the instructional meditation videos and how to meditate articles you will need to complete this course and learn meditation.  You may start the class anytime you wish and to register, just leave a comment in the comments section below.  You do not require anything more from me in order to join and participate in the class.  If you are inspired, just start.

Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class Overview:

This Beginner Meditation Class is, as title implies, designed to help you learn how to mediate.  The absolute key to learning meditation is doing it and that is the core focus of this class.  Although the course does incorporate several important instructional articles to help you deepen your understanding of meditation, the key focus of the course is to guide you step by step on how to actually meditate.

In addition to the instructional articles mentioned above, this Learn How to Meditate Class also uses free meditation instructional videos, from the Free Online Guided Meditation Videos, and free yoga breathing exercise videos, from the Free Online Yoga Breathing Exercises Videos.  The links to the specific videos used by this class are in the syllabus below.

This class will teach 2 very powerful meditation techniques, both of which have shown to be of immense value and benefit to the practitioners.  The first, Breath Meditation (or Zazen), is the heart of Zen Buddhism and many Eastern meditation systems and the other, Mantra Meditation, is the core of Hindu as well as some other meditation systems.

This course is designed for 2 weeks, but, of course, the objective is to to help you establish a lifelong meditation practice.  In this post I will provide the program objectives, details, syllabus and participation guidelines.  Please read through everything carefully so you will be able to get maximum benefit from the program.

If you have any questions regarding the Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class, please feel free to email me at

Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class Objectives:


  1. Learn how to meditate.
  2. Reduce stress while creating inner peace and tranquility.
  3. Help the body heal and cure itself.
  4. Develop clarity of thought and improved brain function.
  5. Discover spontaneous joy and inner happiness.
  6. Develop intuition and unleash your gifts and talents.
  7. Align yourself with your Higher Self, find your true purpose and uncover your True Nature.
  8. Develop the Witnessing Consciousness and Moment to Moment Awareness.

Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class Details:


Class Structure:

Each day’s session consists of 2 sections: Simple Yoga Breathing exercises (pranayama) and Meditation Practice.  The total time for this class is approximately 20 minutes / day.

Required Reading:


Suggested Reading:


Course Materials (Free Meditation Videos, Free Yoga Breathing Videos, etc.):


Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class Syllabus:


The following describes the 2 sections comprising the 20 minute daily breathing and meditation session for this class.

Each breathing exercise and meditation technique below is a link to the article with all the details you need.

Each day do the following…

Section 1: Yoga Breathing Exercises Section

Total time 1-5 Minutes.

  • Chakra Balancing Breathing Exercise (Anuloma Viloma Pranayama): Anuloma Viloma pranayama (or Alternate Nostril Breathing) is excellent for preparing your mind for meditation.  It will calm the thought waves, relax your entire system and make it easier for your to meditate.  Start with 1-2 minutes and work up to 5 minutes.  The link above includes a free video on how to practice and master this important breathing exercise.

Section 2: Meditation Section: 

Total time 5-15 minutes.  Learn and practice Zazen (Zen Meditation Technique) for week 1 and learn and practice So Hum Mantra Meditation for week 2.   Going forward choose the one you like more and allow it to take you deeper.

  • Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen): Zazen, or breath meditation technique is perhaps the most popular of all meditation techniques.  It is an excellent method with which to learn meditation.  The title link is to the article which includes a step-by-step guided meditation video on how to practice Zazen.  This meditation is suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners alike.  Start with 5 minutes and build up to 15 minutes.  Do this for week 1.
  • So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique:  One of the best mantra meditation techniques.  Has a profound affect on many different layers of your being.  Simple to learn and practice, yet bestows a wide range of key benefits.  Start with 5 minutes and build up to 15 minutes.  Do this for week 2.

Learn How to Meditate | Beginner Meditation Class Guidelines:

Following are the guidelines which I suggest to follow…

  • Please post all comments, questions and feedback in the comments section of this post.  This way all will benefit from the discussion.  Feel free to ask questions or discuss issues, as that is one of the main reasons for this particular class format.  Of course, you are free to email me as well if you would like the discussion to not be public.
  • I wish you all a wonderful learning and transforming experience.  Learning Meditation is without a doubt the single greatest factor in helping you discover your True Self and live your life at your Highest Potential.

Chakra Meditation Techniques – The Top 3

Summary:  There are many different types of meditation practices to open, heal and balance the chakras, but of these, the three most practiced chakra meditation techniques are discussed in this article.  While all three are effective, one stands out, as it is the safest approach to use.

The seven chakra model of Kundalini Yoga is a very complete model to represent a human being in all their dimensions and complexities.  In the article Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System Overview, I have given an introduction to this system, with some useful details for understanding the chakras and their functioning.  In this article I will explore the top 3 Chakra Meditation techniques for optimizing this system.

Essentially, charkas can be thought of as multi-dimensional energy vortexes that reign over various regions of the body and brain.  Each chakra, thus being responsible for the health of the organs, glands and systems of the particular region where it is located, and also responsible for certain emotional states and mental characteristics.  The way therefore of healing and rejuvenation the body and also, of optimizing oneself psychologically and mentally, is by opening, healing and balancing the chakras.

The opening, healing and balancing of chakras is called chakra meditation.  There are many different techniques with which to perform chakra meditation and I would like to present the best of these to you below.

Chakra Meditation

Chakra Meditation Technique #1:   

Chakra Meditation via Mantras:  More specifically, chakra meditation via the use of Bij Mantras.  With each chakra is associated a Bij Mantra or seed sound, and by chanting this sound the particular chakra can be opened and balanced.  The seed sounds for each chakra are as follows.

Mooladhara: Root chakra meditation sound:  LANG (LAM)

Swadhistana: Sex chakra meditation sound:  VANG (VAM)

Manipura: Navel chakra meditaiton sound:  RANG (RAM)

Anahata: Heart chakra meditation sound:  YANG (YAM)

Vishuddhi: Throat chakra meditation sound:  HANG (HAM)

Ajna: Third Eye chakra meditation sound:  ONG (OM)

Sahasrara: Crown chakra meditation sound:  Silence

In this chakra meditation technique the bij mantra above is chanted either out loud or mentally, while awareness is brought to the region of the chakra one is attempting to open.  This technique should be used with caution as it is a very direct approach and can lead to imbalances if chakras are prematurely opened, before the body is ready to handle the influx of energy in that region.

An example of this chakra meditation technique is the Ajna Chakra Opening, Balancing and Healing Technique.

Chakra Meditation Technique #2:

Chakra Meditation via Visualization: With each chakra is also associated a particular Deity, animal, shape and color.  There are also more detailed associations but, for our purpose here these will suffice.  Chakra meditation via visualization is again the act of bringing awareness to the location of a particular chakra and then visualizing the associated item for that chakra.

I will provide here the colors associated with each chakra and for this meditation you can visualize a ball of light of that particular color emanating or spinning at the appropriate location.

Root chakra meditation color:  Red

Sex chakra meditation color:  Orange

Navel chakra meditation color:  Yellow

Heart chakra meditation color:  Green

Throat chakra meditation color:  Blue

Third eye chakra meditation color:  Indigo

Crown chakra meditation color:  Violet

Again, as with the bij mantra chakra meditation technique, this is also a direct method of opening a chakra and should be used cautiously for the same reason.

Chakra Meditation Technique #3:

Chakra Meditation via Kundalini Yoga Kriyas (Sets):  This is the use of Kundalini Yoga Kriyas  and Chakra Yoga Breathing Exercises (pranayama) to open, heal and balance various chakras.  I have gone into considerable detail of this technique in Kundalini Yoga – Yoga of Energy & Awareness and of the 3 techniques detailed here, this one is the safest. 

The reason for this being the safest chakra meditation technique is because this technique does not directly look to open a chakra, instead it looks to prepare the body, at all levels, to handle greater flow of energy.  This technique is focused on clearing away blockages in the energy pathways (nadis), thus allowing for the increased flow of energy to the various regions of the body.  This greater flow of energy not only helps heal, rejuvenate and strength the glands, organs and systems of that particular region, but it also helps to activate and balance the chakra governing that area.

An example of this chakra meditation technique is the Heart Chakra Opening, Balancing and Healing Kundalini Yoga Kriya.  You can also find many more Kundalini Yoga Kriyas in the Free Online Kundalini Yoga Kriyas E-Book and you can find more Chakra Yoga Breathing Exercises in the Free Online Yoga Breathing Exercises (Pranayama) E-Book.  Dive in, explore these profound techniques and achieve your highest potential!

Internet Resources for Chakra Meditation Techniques:

Wikipedia Definition of Chakra