Relax and Flow Like a River

 Welcome to an article by our new guest contributor, Dr. Bina Nangia. Dr. Nangia is a long-time spiritual seeker who works with children. The river does not even know its destiny and it is born. As a little trickle from the rain waters or the snow melting, it does not know. Creation has sent it

Does the Media Image of Yoga Stop People From Giving it a Go?

Our popular contributor Kara-Leah has written her second book, The No-More-Excuses Guide to Yoga. Pre-sales have just started, and you’re invited to be involved. Read more below.  by Kara-Leah Grant, author of The No-More-Excuses Guide to Yoga I’m in Auckland, New Zealand back in 1995, which seems a long, long time ago. I’ve dropped out of