Opening Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra Meditation Technique for Psychic Powers

Chakra Meditation to Open Third Eye

AUM Meditation

The third meditation we will explore in the Free Online Guided Meditation E-Book is a widely used and accepted method for opening, activating and balancing the mysterious and powerful Ajna Chakra (Third Eye).  It is the the potent AUM Mantra meditation technique.

Video of AUM Meditation to Open Third Eye Chakra

(From Chapter 1 of the Guided Meditation Video Series for Daily Practice:- AUM Meditation to Rapidly Open Third Eye)


Background of Ajna Chakra Meditation: 

The Ajna Chakra is the sixth chakra of the Kundalini Seven Chakra System.  A chakra is an energy vortex which resides in a particular location of the body and governs the organs and glands of that region.  A Chakra is also associated with certain traits and characteristics of the personality and forms a bridge between mind, body and spirit. 

The Ajna Chakra or Third Eye, eye lies at the very top of spine in the medulla oblongata.  It relates to the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the nasociliary nerve plexus and frontal lobes of the brain.

Chakra Meditation means to activate and balance a particular chakra, thus improving the functioning of everything in that particular region as well as refining the associated personality traits and characteristics.  In some cases psychic powers associated with a particular chakra are also unleashed.

Ajna Chakra literally mean “To Command”.  This chakra is also called the “Third Eye” as it’s activation gives one the power of intuitive knowledge.  In addition, it is called the “Guru Chakra” as its activation connects one to the “Inner Guru”.  Similarly, it is also called “Eye of Shiva” or “The Divine Eye” for it’s awakening implies the higher stages of meditation and wisdom. 

Each chakra can be activated by several means.  In this meditation we will use the physical trigger point of the chakra (kshetram) as a point of concentration to activate it.  In addition, each chakra is associated with a particular seed sound (Beej Mantra) which can be utilized to awaken it.   For the Ajan Chakra the Beej Mantra is the primordial sound “OM” (AUM) and this meditation will be using that as well.

Tools Required:

  • An alarm clock, stop watch or other time device.


Primary Benefits: 

  • Builds the power of intuition.
  • Bestows and increases Psychic Powers.
  • Increases and refines awareness.
  • Provides clarity of thought, insights and wisdom.
  • Allows one to connect to the “inner guru” or “higher self” for guidance and inspiration.
  • Builds the Yogic Mind or Neutral Mind which is free from attachments of the ego.
  • Build the power to read others and detect their subtle and gross energetic conditions.
  • Promotes flow of Kundalini Energy into the higher centers.

Secondary Benefits: 

  • Promotes the ability to have Lucid Dreams.
  • Allows for non-verbal communication.
  • Builds focus and one pointedness of the mind.
  • Improves your vision.
  • Promotes health and wellbeing.

Cautions for Practicing Third Eye Meditation:

Do not strain when holding shambhavi yoga mudra (detailed below).


AUM Mantra Meditation Instructions: 

Follow the step by step meditation below to practice this technique:

  • Sit in a comfortable cross legged position.  You may also sit on a chair or lean against a wall for this meditation.
  • Set your alarm or other time device for 20 minutes.
  • Elongate your spine upwards, lengthen your neck and subtly bring your chin back and in, like a soldier at attention.  This will align the spine with the back of your head.
  • Take 5 deep, slow breaths though the nose.  This will oxygenate your blood and relax you.
  • Keeping the head straight look up at an imaginary point in the middle of your forehead, just above the eyebrows.  This eye position is called shambhavi yoga mudra.  Close your eyes while holding this mudra.  Do not strain excessively.
  • Rest your hands in any comfortable position, you can place them on your knees.
  • Try to remain as still as possible.
  • Now inhale deeply and begin to chant in a soft, slow, steady voice the manta OM (pronounced AUM).  One chant of OM (AUM) Mantra should last for the entire exhalation.  Its a long “Oh”, followed by a semi long “Mmmm” during each exhalation.  Once all the air has been expelled, inhale fully again and begin to chant the mantra once more.  Visualize the OM sound coming from a point in the middle of the forehead just above the eyebrows and emanating throughout your entire body.
  • Continue for the duration of the meditation.  If your eyes tire from shambhavi yoga mudra release the mudra but continue to chant the OM (AUM) mantra as above.  Reapply the mudra again when ready.
  • Once you have completed the meditation, rub the palms of your hands together to make them warm and place them on your eyes as you open them slowly.  This will relax and comfort your eye muscles.

Hints and Tips for AUM Mantra Meditation:

  • There are many variations to OM (AUM) Mantra chanting for the activation of Ajna Chakra.  I will provide a variation that only requires silently chanting OM Mantra and therefore can be practiced almost anywhere.  Follow all steps from the guided meditation above except instead of chanting OM (AUM) Mantra out loud, as you inhale chant “Oh” silently, while visualizing the sound flowing into Ajna Chakra from your forehead and then silently chant “Mmmm” as you exhale, visualizing the sound leaving your forehead from Ajna Chakra.  The rest is the same as the meditation above.

Secret of This Meditation:

Many women today are actually practicing Ajna Chakra Meditation without even knowing it.  This is resulting from the tradition of wearing a bindi.  A bindi is the colorful decorative dot placed in the middle of the forehead and was designed originally to provide continual stimulation to Ajna Chakra by way of its Kshetram (physical trigger point).  So next time you wear a bindi, remember that not only does it look oh so fine, but it is also raising your level of awareness and consciousness – not bad for a dot.

Internet Resources for Ajna Chakra Meditation

Ajna Chakra Definition and Information

Yoga Vision Swami Satyananda’s School for Kundalini Yoga & Kundalini Tantra

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  1. Trupti Mehta
    Trupti Mehta says:


    This is not abnormal. Though the very intense vibrations is not common it is not unheard of. This is very normal when performing Ajna Chakra Meditation.

    All the best,

  2. Trupti Mehta
    Trupti Mehta says:


    Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I am sure it will benefit quite a few who are looking for the signs..

    Yes, I agree – what good is compassion and all this love if not to benefit others.

    Peace and light,

  3. Aditya
    Aditya says:

    Hi, when i concentrate on the ajna centre I feel some sort of vibration between my eyebrows. Its so severe that when i concentrate on that vibration i forget myself. After opening my eyes i feel so blissful, am so confused why it is happening, is that abnormal? or is it a common experience that everyone experience?

  4. Sho
    Sho says:

    I hope I am not spamming, but I just did the meditation as it is shown here. The Eye starts tingling and then you feel as its a pillar of energy coming out of your forehead, between the brows, but just a bit higher. It is always there, and it seems really natural to intensify its power, just like opening your physical eyes or moving your hand, you don’t need to think about it, I also feel a kinda pressure all the time, although nothing disturbing, its just there, all the time.

    Also as I’m in my routine of everyday, I’m starting to notice things I’ve never seen before, now I know its my room and I meditated a lot in it, but it seems *different*, everything is different, even people I know.

    Very small things are easy to see, and it seems like I notice everything, I know it is not true though, as I have the strong feeling its only the beginning. Another feeling I get all the time, is that although I see with my physical eyes, I have that eerie sense that it is the Third Eye who sees with their support, its not as it was before.

    Hope this helps those who are looking for signs that their Eye is opening.

    I just want more Wisdom & Compassion, and I don’t care about special effects like psychic powers or supervision. I swore before the Buddha to use it wisely, for what benefit are those powers if they don’t benefit the others ?

  5. ji su
    ji su says:

    hello, i for a fact know that this third eye meditation works because i’ve had some experiences with it… i also know that it lets you see the past, present and the future but i have some questions

    1) is there a way to improve the third eye vision? is it good to do that above mentioned meditation daily or is there a better way?

    2) can this meditation be used to communicate with humans non verbally? and can it be used as a remote influencing tool?

  6. Sho
    Sho says:

    Hi, I dont know if this meditation can open the Eye fast, but I opened it by ”accident” and it sure reacts to the AUM sound.

    I’m a buddhist who practices 24/24h (in my dreams too), and been practicing Samadhi and Vipassana, I tried to create a ”tiglé” for an experience with a friend and then felt like a laser coming out or going in my forehead. Since then my vision has changed, I notice much more things, I see the dust falling (used to but only when concentrated), also I feel more calmer (and I was already really calm before) and I feel like its power is growing day by day, its been only two days since it happened and I’m already awed by its effects.

    Its may seem weird, but I feel it as something really, really natural and this ”gift” has interested me into chakra which I knew nothing about before.

    And yes I am gonna do this everyday, in addition to my daily meditations (samadhi, vipassana & toglen), and I’m gonna open the rest of my Chakra to have them balanced.

    Another weapon to wield in my Quest for Enlightnement, Glory to the Buddha Shakyamuni and the Bodhisattva, Glory to all Beings in every Space and Time !

  7. Has
    Has says:

    I am just starting to meditate but I need a bit of info, how a I meant to know if i opened my third eye. What do I see?
    Any info would be great.


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  2. The Power of Concentration Meditation Technique | Majickal Blog says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Zen Expert. His site, Free Guided Meditation & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Third Eye Chakra Yoga Meditation. You will also find great discussions on Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. Related Reading: The 48 Laws of Power (A Joost Elffers Production)Drawn from 3,000 years of the history of power, this is the definitive guide to help readers achieve for themselves what Queen Elizabeth I, Henry Kiss… Read More > The Art of Power Turning our conventional understanding of power on its head, world-renowned Zen master, spiritual leader, and national bestselling author Thich Nhat Hanh reveals how true power comes from within. What we seek, we already have. ConcentrationBased on the hit TV game show, Concentration is two games in one: matching and puzzling. Match the scrambled prizes behind the numbered panels to win… Read More > […]

  3. The Power of Concentration Meditation Technique | Cash Cow Explorer - Learn How To Save Money says:

    […] Anmol Mehta &#1110&#1109 a Yoga & Zen Expert. H&#1110&#1109 site, Free Guided Meditation & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Third Eye Chakra Yoga Meditation. Y&#959&#965 w&#1110&#406&#406 &#1072&#406&#1109&#959 find f&#1072nt&#1072&#1109t&#1110&#1089 discussions &#959n Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. Share and Enjoy: […]

  4. The Power of Concentration Meditation Technique | TCN Health Information says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Zen Expert. His site, Free Guided Meditation & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Third Eye Chakra Yoga Meditation. You will also find great discussions on Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

  5. The Power of Concentration Meditation Technique | Articlestic says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Zen Expert. His site, Free Guided Meditation & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Third Eye Chakra Yoga Meditation. You will also find great discussions on Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

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  7. Free meditation techniques - The Power of Concentration Meditation Technique says:

    […] The Power of Concentration Meditation Technique By: Anmol MehtaMeditation is an invaluable and proven science to optimize health and elevate the quality of one’s life. It not only promotes physical health, but also markedly improves emotional balance and psychological wellbeing. There are many types of meditation and in this article we will explore the popular and powerful Concentration Meditation Technique.Concentration Meditation Techniques:These are probably the most common and well know of all the meditations and often meditation is defined by these kinds of meditations exclusively. They are closely related to the Insight Meditation Techniques, with the difference being that Insight Meditation Techniques utilize the active application of intelligence and discernment, while the Concentration Meditation techniques use the power of focused attention to a greater degree. To some extent these meditations lay the groundwork for the Insight Meditations which need a high degree of concentration as a prerequisite to being effective.1. Breath Meditation Technique (Zazen):The heart of Zen Meditation is Zazen, the meditation of the Buddha. In this meditation, awareness and concentration are brought to the breathing process to help build mastery over the mind and free the system from dualistic thinking.To practice Zazen one takes a seated posture and then begins to count the flow of one’s breath. Counting each inhalation and exhalation starting from one to ten. So, an inhalation is one, the next exhalation is two, and so forth. When one reaches the count of ten, one returns to one and starts counting again. This helps focus the mind and prevents it from drifting endlessly from one thought to another.As one develops one’s ability to count undistracted from one to ten, one starts to count each breath cycle, instead of the inhalation and exhalation separately. So now one counts an inhalation and exhalation as one, the next complete breath as two and so forth till one reaches ten. After reaching ten, one returns to one and repeats the meditation.In the advanced form of Zazen, one simply becomes the breath. In this form counting is dropped altogether and only keen awareness of the breath is maintained. One should not progress to this level until one has mastered the previous two.Zazen breath meditation helps develop the power of focused concentration and creates a serene, peaceful mind capable of penetrating the veil of dualistic thinking.2. Another breath based meditation is Vipassana:In Vipassana one extends one’s awareness from one’s breath, to the body and the sensations that rise and fall within it. The objective being to have insight into the workings of the mind through self-observation. This form of meditation is also called Insight Meditation as it helps one develop insight into the true nature of things.3. Object Concentration Meditation Technique:There are many meditations that utilize an external object as a focus point for the mind. Zazen and Vipassana belong in this sections as well, but due to their widespread use I mentioned them separately.The objects of focus can be anything from a point on the ceiling, to a flower, to external sounds in the environment. These meditations all develop focus, concentration, self knowledge, calmness and the witnessing consciousness. Their ultimate objective, though, is to have the meditator finally drop the object of concentration and encounter the non-dual nature of Reality directly.Some examples of these meditations are Sound Awareness Meditation Technique and candle flame gazing (Trataka). Both these meditation utilize the sense modalities to accomplish the goals of concentration meditation.Summary:So you see from above that there are many types of concentration meditation techniques. This allows one to choose a type that is most suitable for their personality and disposition. The best way to discover the enormous benefits of meditation is to jump in and participate. What are you waiting for?Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Zen Expert. His site, Free Guided Meditation & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Third Eye Chakra Yoga Meditation. You will also find great discussions on Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. click-bank If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! Recommended Products […]

  8. yoga illuminations » Blog Archive » The Power of Concentration Meditation Technique says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Zen Expert. His site, Free Guided Meditation & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Third Eye Chakra Yoga Meditation. You will also find great discussions on Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

  9. The Power of Concentration Meditation Technique |Win Nokia Mobile says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Zen Expert. His site, Free Guided Meditation & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Third Eye Chakra Yoga Meditation. You will also find great discussions on Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. Tagged: Concentration, Meditation, Power, Technique […]

  10. The Power of Concentration Meditation Technique | My Best Health says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Zen Expert. His site, Free Guided Meditation & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Third Eye Chakra Yoga Meditation. You will also find great discussions on Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. Share and Enjoy: […]

  11. The Power of Concentration Meditation Technique | clear enlightenment says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Zen Expert. His site, Free Guided Meditation & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Third Eye Chakra Yoga Meditation. You will also find great discussions on Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

  12. […] Below please find 2 new videos discussing this advanced meditation technique.  These videos will become part of the Free Meditation Videos for Daily Practice collection and the Free Meditation Techniques multi-media e-book, that we have here on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga.  Those 2 ongoing meditation resources offer other great meditations as well, such as the very popular Zen Meditation Technique, AUM Mantra Meditation for Opening Third Eye Chakra, Tantra Yoga Meditation for Raising Sexual Energy and the Prosperity Mantra Mudra Meditation for Wealth, to name a few.  Many of these meditations are then a part of the Free Online Yoga and Meditation classes, which I encourage you all to try. […]

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