So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique

So Hum Mantra Meditation 

Background of SoHum Meditation:

The simple, yet profound, So Hum Meditation technique is probably one of the most popular Mantra Meditations.  It emerges from the Yoga school of Hindu Philosophy and belongs in the category of Japa Meditations (Meditations that require the chanting of Mantras). 

The So Hum (aka So Ham, Soham or Sohum) Mantra Meditation, done sincerely, is very effective in bringing about a complete transformation of individual consciousness.  So Hum literally means “I am That” (So = “That” or “Thou” or “Divinity”; Hum = “I am”) and the mantra’s aim is to bring about this union (yoga) between your individual consciousness and Divine Consciousness.  Another way to interpret this purpose, is that the meditation brings about the realization that all that you see is yourself — The Observer is the Observed.

So Hum Mantra

So Hum Mantra Meditation Video

YouTube Direct Link –> Best Mantra Meditation Technique – SO HUM


Tools Required for This Meditation:

  • An alarm clock, stop watch or other time device
  • Or you can use a traditional bead necklace (Mala) to count repetitions if you prefer.


Primary Benefits: 

  • Realization of your Divine Nature.
  • Realization of the non-dual Nature of Reality.
  • Stress Reduction, Relaxation, Peace and Tranquility.
  • Spontaneous Joy and Happiness.

Secondary Benefits: 

  • Promotes Self-Healing.
  • Builds mental focus and concentration.



Practice Instructions for SoHum Mantra Japa: 

Follow the step by step guided meditation below to practice this technique.

  • Sit in a comfortable cross legged position.  You may also sit on a chair or lie on your back to practice this meditation.
  • Set your alarm or other time device for 10 to 20 minutes.  If using a Mala do an appropriate count (for a traditional 108 bead mala its about 1 full cycle through the mala)
  • If sitting, elongate your spine upwards, lengthen your neck and subtly bring your chin back and in, like a soldier at attention.  This will align the spine with the back of your head.
  • Place your hands in Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Knowledge).  Which is thumb and index finger lightly meeting, wrists resting gently on the knees and palms facing upward.  The other 3 fingers are extended.
  • Take 5 deep, slow breaths though the nose.  This will oxygenate your blood and relax you.
  • Try to remain as still as possible.
  • Now inhale slowly while saying the sound “Soooooooo” mentally and then slowly exhale while silently saying the sound “Hummmmmm”.
  • After spending about half the time in meditation as described above, start with every cycle to feel your awareness expanding and merging with the Universe Consciousness.  So as you continue to chant silently the mantra in rhythm with your breath, feel its real meaning acting upon you.
  • Continue for the duration of the meditation.
  • As the end of the meditation, try to remain with the all inclusive awareness and the sense that all is included in you.

SoHum Meditation Tips and Variations:

  • Another way to practice So Hum Mantra Meditation is to visualize life, light and Divine energy flowing into you when you inhale and mentally say “Soooooo” and to feel your ego-centric limited consciousness flow out and evaporate into the atmosphere as you exhale and mentally say “Hummmmm”.  This variation is also consistent with the meaning of the Mantra.
  • At you develop this practice increase the exhalation phase such that it grows to about two times the inhalation phase.

Secret of the SoHum Mantra:

Where did this Mantra come from?  That is the secret of this Mantra.  It is actually the sound of the breath during inhalation and exhalation.  Inhalation sounds like “Soooooo”, while exhalation sounds like “Hummmmm”.  So this is the music of life and by practicing this meditation we can learn to dance in tune with it.

Other Yoga & Meditation Sites with Helpful Techniques:

Yoga for Hypertension

Internet Resources for So Hum Guided Mantra Meditation Technique:

Definition of Mantra in Wikipedia.

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71 replies
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  1. madhu
    madhu says:

    hi Anmol
    Thanks for ur articles. They r very inspiring. When i feel
    low it serves as the ladder.
    The main point Anmol. I have done my post graduation
    I am suffering from schizophrenia.(since 13 years) I am a woman of 30 years. (unmarried) Doctors advised
    me not to do deep meditation since it imbalances the
    chemicals in my brain. I am taking many pills and ECTs. What should I do? Advice me any asans or
    methods which will help me recover. Please help me

  2. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Alex,

    Yes that is the right approach of what to do if thoughts come up. Just let the thought go and return to the mantra. If the same thoughts persist repeatedly, it means they require your attention, and it might be necessary to allow them to run their course and tell their story before returning to the meditation.

    The ultimate purpose of mantra meditation is for you to Realize your True Nature, so maintain an open approach and see what a quiet mind reveals to you.


  3. Alex
    Alex says:

    Hey Anmol,
    I’ve been doing this meditation for about 3 weeks now, and i think i’m getting better at it. Is the purpose of a mantra to replace a thought? Whenever a thought comes up in my head i just focus on the mantra and try to let go of the thought. Also, i dont really do the last part of the meditation, where you “imagine the divine awareness flowing into you”…is that important to do? or no.
    thanks, Alex

  4. shobha
    shobha says:

    This blog is very good. I am enjoying reading various articles. Thanks for providing tips to live a better life. I intend to do So Hum Mala regularly. Good wishes and prayerful blessings.

  5. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you!! I’m looking forward to your article very much. I would love to learn about a way to deal with this problem effectively, instead of just treating the symptoms all the time.
    Sorry for posting this here, it seems like I put it on the wrong part of the website, –doesn’t much relate to the So Hum…(I won’t be offended if you delete it or move it to a more appropriate location).

  6. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Hi Anmol,
    Could you suggest any practices that could help ladies with painful periods? I’m not sure what’s behind the pain, but having this disruption every 28 days can be a real problem. Can yoga help with such things? I hope so.
    Thanks again.

  7. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Dear Mario,

    Recently, I noticed a lot of traffic coming from all over this beautiful planet of ours and so I tried to install a translation program which would translate the articles in different languages as per the request of the reader. Unfortunately, it did not work…. yet :-). I will revisit this effort in the near future and set up an easy facility to translate the pages as required by the readers.

    Thank you very much for your positive comments and for providing the link on your website.


  8. Mario Barreiros
    Mario Barreiros says:

    Dear Anmol,
    Thanks for your attention. I did put a link of this precious pages on my humble website. I hope brazilian people can have the opportunity to read all these ammazing pages fulfilled of great knowlwdge.
    It would be great if they could read it in brazilian portuguese…
    Best wishes.

  9. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Mario,

    Its great you received the wonderful gift of So-Hum Mantra meditation so many years ago. Thank you for your kind words and for your presence on Mastery of Meditation.


  10. Mario Barreiros
    Mario Barreiros says:

    Hi! Congratulations for this great site. I´ve been practicing the So-Hum meditation for many years, (since 1977) as a “secret” that was teached me by Mahatma Charnanandy. I´m glad it is been shared to the world. I´m going to put a link in my homepage.
    Best wishes.


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  1. Committing to a Forty Day Sadhana of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya | Prana Flow NZ says:

    […] After my eleven minutes, I did another 20 minutes of meditation (using another of Anmol’s posts, So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique). As this kriya will always be in addition to other practices, it will be impossible to separate out the results. Suffice to say, that after the eleven minutes, I already felt straighter, taller, lighter and more expansive. It was like I had reached down into my centre and captured hold of myself again. The mind chatter hadn’t ceased completely, but instead of being a discordant swarm of buzzing insects, it had settled down into a steady stream of dialogue. Best of all, I didn’t feel so awful about my perceived weaknesses and failures. The emotional rawness remained, but there was a steadiness that had not been there previously. […]

  2. […] Kundalini Yoga Jesus Pose for Sacrifice & Inner Strength Hatha Yoga Camel Pose Heart Chakra Opening & Balancing Set So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique […]

  3. […] Yoga practice for this survey includes any practice of yoga breathing exercises (yoga pranayama) and, of course, any type of yoga (kundalini, hatha, ashtanga (power), vinyasa, iyengar, bikram (hot), etc).  It does not include the exclusive practice of just yoga meditations (manta meditation, trataka concentration meditation, AUM meditation, etc).  In other words I more interested in the practice of physical yoga for the purpose of this survey. […]

  4. […] So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique […]

  5. » Blog Archive » So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique says:

    […] The So Hum (aka So Ham, Soham or Sohum) Mantra Meditation, done sincerely, is very effective in bringing about a complete transformation of individual consciousness. So Hum literally means “I am That” (So = “That” or “Thou” or “Divinity”; Hum = “I am”) and the mantra’s aim is to bring about this union (yoga) between your individual consciousness and Divine Consciousness. Another way to interpret this purpose, is that the meditation brings about the realization that all that you see is yourself — The Observer is the Observed. Read more […]

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