De Stress Now | Free Online Stress Management Program
Manage Stress with Online Program
De Stress – Online Course #109
If there was one thing you could do, which would dramatically improve your mental and physical health and well-being it would be to de-stress. Stress is without a doubt the leading cause of disease and illness in the world and given our fast paced, me oriented, goal driven, hyper competitive society, I can only seeing this problem getting worse.
Not only are the majority of adults suffering from stress, I also fear that our “succeed” at all costs attitude, is putting our children under undue stress and pressure as well.
We all desperately need to de stress and we need to de stress now. This is the first step, not just for achieving health, healing and peace of mind, but it is also the first step of spiritual evolution.
In the past, I have provided a number of excellent techniques and exercises to help you reduce stress and relax, but here today I would like to offer you a comprehensive program to manage and dissolve stress. This program will be part of the Free Online Yoga and Meditation Programs offered here on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga, and for those already familiar with these course, this program will follow the same format and guidelines as the other courses.
If are new to the free online classes please read the FAQ below or please visit the following page. Free Online Yoga and Meditation Classes page.
Please note that all the material needed for De Stress Now Program is available via the links on this post and you can start anytime you wish.
On this page I will provide the program objectives, details, syllabus and participation guidelines. Please read through everything carefully so you will be able to get maximum benefit from the class.
Before beginning any fitness program or exercise routine please check with your medical adviser and please read our Legal Disclaimer as well.
To register please just leave a comment on this post that you are going to start the this Stress Management Program, or just send me an email at This way I know what kind of participation and interest there is.
PLEASE ALSO READ THE FAQ below. It addresses many of the common questions about the online classes:
CLICK FOR FAQ for Free Online Meditation & Yoga Classes
De Stress Now – Stress Management Program Benefits:
- Reduces stress and helps achieve deep relaxation.
- Reduces anxiety and panic attacks.
- Promotes healing and increases the effectiveness of any treatment regiment.
- Achieve tranquility and peace of mind.
- Opens up your life and helps you discover your true calling.
- Promotes the awakening of subtle energy (kundalini) and accelerates spiritual evolution.
- Helps cure insomnia.
- Helps the brain and body rejuvenate and stay young.
Stress Reduction Course Details:
Class Structure:
Each class session consists of 3 sections: Breathing exercises (pranayama), Physical Yoga and Meditation. These sets and techniques are found in the free online books we host here on the website, and the links below will take you to the relevant chapters. The three books we will be using for this course are the Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-book, Free Online Yoga Sets E-book and the Free Online Yoga Breathing Exercises E-book.
Both mainstream and alternative doctors acknowledge the importance of reducing stress to promote health these days. In fact, some doctors say that 70% of the health issues we face are stress related. So if you want to enjoy good health and a joyous life, de stress now.
The total time for this class is approximately 15-90 minutes / day. Do the best you can and most importantly, walk the middle path with regard to each session. DO NOT OVERDO OR OVER STRAIN after all this is a program to reduce stress,
Required Reading:
Suggested Reading:
- Top 10 Health Benefits of Yoga
- Health Benefits of Meditation
- Best Treatments of Stress and Anxiety Disorder
Course Materials:
- Anuloma Viloma Pranayama | Alternate Nostril Breathing
- Best Yoga Poses for Stress Relief Set
- Corpse Pose with Yogic Breathing for Deep Relaxation
Yoga and Meditation De Stress Now Program Syllabus:
The following describes the 3 sections comprising the 15-90 minute daily yoga, pranayama and meditation for this class. The approximate total times for each section and set are also given. Take more time or rest if you need to, and as your capacity develops increase the repetitions and rounds for the yoga exercises.
Each breathing exercise, yoga set and meditation below is a link to the article with all the details you need. Links are in green, please click them to go the article with all the details for that technique or set. Video demonstrations are included there for free as well. Here’s to living a stress free and peaceful life .
De Stress Now Yoga and Meditation Program:
The course is designed to help you profoundly relax and help the body release stress and let go of worries and anxieties. Try this program for 2 weeks to feel the benefits. Each day do the following…
Section 1: Breathing Exercises Section (Pranayama): Total time 5-10 minutes
- Anuloma Viloma Pranayama | Alternate Nostril Breathing: This is an excellent technique to not just promote inner peace and tranquility, but also to create profound harmony and balance within. This technique is also known to reduce blood pressure and is one of the most popular yoga breathing exercises on the planet. Starting your program with this technique, will put you well on your way to reducing stress and relaxing your mind.
Section 2: Yoga for Stress Relief Set: Total time 5-20 minutes
- Best Yoga Poses for Stress Relief Set: The 5 poses that make up this set are specially designed to help the body cope with stress. Please note this set has a few difficult poses, for which modifications have also please provided, so please don’t stress
, and use the modifications until you are able to do the complete postures.
Section 3: Yoga Meditation Section: Total time 5-60 minutes
- Yogic Breathing as Relaxation Meditation: After completing the Stress Relief Yoga Set lie back in Corpse Pose and start Yogic Breathing. Just relax completely during this phase and completely let your worries and anxieties go. Just let go of everything and put your faith in Life to heal and nourish you. This technique is the best way to attain deep relaxation. It is used by yoga therapy extensively to help reduce blood pressure, reduce anxiety and bring about self healing. Do not underestimate the power of this method. It is a proven way to relax and de stress, so use it whenever you need. You will also notice that this technique can be done for 1 hour if necessary. The amount of time depends on how much you are suffering and how badly you need to de stress, but at least 5 minutes should be devoted to this technique. I assure you it will be well worth the time.
Yoga and Meditation Stress Management Program Participation Guidelines
Following are the guidelines which I suggest we follow…
- Please post all comments, questions and feedback in the comments section of this post. This way all will benefit from the discussion. Feel free to ask questions or discuss issues, as that is one of the main reasons for this particular class format. Of course, you are free to email me as well if you would like the discussion to not be public.
- If you like, you can indicate with a comment that you have completed your daily session. Could be as short as “did it”, or of course could be questions, issues or more detailed feedback. The hardest part with a daily yoga and exercise practice is establishing consistency and regularity and I think having to acknowledge that you completed your daily practice will help in facilitating that. In addition, your comments will inspire others as well.
- Before starting your daily yoga session, take a moment and tune in to your higher self for guidance and protection. At the end of every session, visualize yourself and the world as you would like it to be.
- Do the best you can and modify the techniques as required. It is more important to do something, than be overwhelmed and not do anything at all.
- I wish you all a wonderful learning and transforming experience and hope this program really helps you de stress and find peace.
- Below, in the related articles and series sections you will find other free yoga and meditation classes; feel free to take advantage of them.
- If you are interested in a more structured and fully supported yoga program you may wish to sign up for my popular Learn Yoga Online Course.
I’m excited to learn and share all this valuable free information! Thank you for your kindness and sharing with us!!
Seven chakras and de stress management starting today!!!!!:)
I am looking forward to starting stress management classes. I need to learn new tecniques.
I want ti start this
Hey! I’m Looking forward to Start the Stress Management Program!….
Raymond, Switzerland
This program has all the benefits that I am looking for and it appears very well structured. Can’t want to get started.
Thank you for providing such a tool to help people like me deal with current issues and to reach their potential.
This really looks like a wonderful program. Fabulous that it’s free too! I’ve been using yoga as part of my personal natural stress relief program with good results but am always interested in learning more and perfecting my technique.
Hello Anmol,
am beginning de-stress management today. All the benefits are just what I’m looking for. Thanks again for a great site.
Best to you and family.
I like the way that you have told about the stress management training .In my opinion,while working in an organization one may suffer through the stress and which can disturb the entire routing of life. In this concern one must concern with stress management tips.
Thanks for these online courses…Its very useful those have no time for attending classes…Online give update knowledge always…