Tantra Breathing Technique

Effective Tantra Breathing Technique to Prolong Sexual Intercourse

Mastering Sex and Tantra

In Kundalini Tantra Yoga we don’t try to suppress or sublimate sexual energy, instead we look to raise it’s vibration so that our sexual charge can be utilized for nourishing our higher centers (chakras).  There are many Kundlaini Tantra Yoga Kriyas (sets), breathing exercises and meditations to help raise and channel our sexual energies.  In due course I will provide these techniques on Mastery of Meditation, but in this article I want to explore the closely related school of Sexual Tantra which is the application of Kundalini Tantra Yoga with regard to sex itself.

Tantra Breathing Technique

In this variation of Kundalini Tantra Yoga, the sex act is utilized to not only arouse and intensify one’s sexual excitement in order to reach heightened states of eroticism, but, much more importantly, sex is used to reach and experience altered states of consciousness.

Of the many requirements and prerequisites for practicing Sexual Tantra the following 2 are most important:

Key Requirements for Practicing Sexual Tantra:

1.  Loving Partner:  Most important for the practice of this branch of Tantra is to have a loving, understanding and hopefully interested partner.  Sexual Tantra is not really about just having sex, although you may end up doing that a lot :-).  It is about exploring this communion between the male (Shiva) and female (Shakti) manifestations in order to reverse genesis.  In other words, from One there came many (in this case 2) and in Sexual Tantra, via sex, Shiva and Shakti merge such that the many return to One. 

2. Sexual Control:  If you want to go very far in the exploration of Sexual Tantra, you better learn to master your sexual passions.  There are many facets to this mastery of your sexual nature and this article is to help the male partner master his ejaculatory response during sexual intercourse.

Tantric Breathing Technique to Prolong Sexual Intercourse:

The following technique is a variation of Kapalbhati Pranayama and it is simple yet very effective.

During sexual intercourse, as the excitement peaks for the male and he approaches orgasm he should begin to do Kapalbhati Pranayama through the mouth.  Specifically, he should puff air out of his mouth while pulling in the stomach muscle sharply with each exhalation.  As in Kapalbhati, allow the stomach to relax for the recoil inhalation to take place. This rapid puffing out of air through the mouth changes the blood chemistry and will retard ejaculation by easing the blood supply to the male sexual organ.

As with any skill, practice makes perfect, but unlike the grind that practice usually is, I suspect you won’t mind working on this one so much :-).


A Chakra & Kundalini Workbook:  Dr. Jonn Mumford: Llewellyn Publications

Internet Resources:

Tantra in Wikipedia
Tantra Website Listings

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  1. md.kabir
    md.kabir says:

    i think my penis is too sensitive,and may be thats the reason, i believe i always have premature ejaculation. Can you please help me with some tips to prolong.

  2. james
    james says:

    i did the intercourse one and it was the best moments of my life in bed I wish this man would write me so i can help enlighten the world but for now………………………..

  3. Sakshi Iyer
    Sakshi Iyer says:

    I think anmol you are great. I will definetely try these exercises and will give you feedback. I was also looking at something for my arms since i have fat arms and cant wear anything without sleeves. Please help. Thank you.

  4. jaiho
    jaiho says:

    suggest me more natural methods to avoid pre mature ejaculation and pro long my sexual intercourse period.

  5. Barre'
    Barre' says:

    Hello Anmol
    About one week ago,you recommended that I should try “Kapalbhati” breathing and “Zazen”.I must say that the Kapalbhati is the most rewarding exercise I have done.It has opened my lungs like never before,I feel so clear headed and so energized and healthy.I do about 30 sec.then rest and repeat doing about three set in all. I have tried Zazen and the So Hum meditation and I think I prefer So Hum. I found on YouTube ” The Yogic Breath” I think it is called Urjay, or the Ocean breath, it sounds abit like Darth Vada, and I find it good for deep breathing when deep breaths are call for when meditating. I couldn’t find it in your courses,unless it goes by a different name.Thank you my friend,I plan to continue this chosen path. Barre’

  6. Njeta Mccoy
    Njeta Mccoy says:

    Will be grateful to have more tips on how to prolong sexual intercourse ad other related health issues / diets


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  1. A Simple Rule for a Peaceful Life – Self-Help And Development says:

    […] & yoga master. His free website offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques guide, powerful Tantric Sexual Techniques and yoga techniques to Heal Chakra […]

  2. How to Live Your Own Life – Self-Help And Development says:

    […] master. His free website offers the ultimate Guided Meditation Techniques guide, powerful Tantric Sexual Techniques and yoga techniques to Heal Chakra […]

  3. A Simple Rule for a Happy and Peaceful Life | Humanity and World Peace says:

    […] Mehta’s free website offers the ultimate Guided Meditation Techniques, powerful Sexual Tantric Techniques and yoga techniques to Heal Chakra […]

  4. Hatha Yoga Blog » Blog Archive » 3 Tips for Inducing Altered States of Consciousness says:

    […] Effective Tantra Breathing Technique to Prolong Sexual Intercourse […]

  5. The Art of Spiritual Time Management | MiMOY says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga teacher & Zen expert. His free website offers the Free Rapid Weight Loss Yoga Program, and information on the Dangers of Kundalini Yoga and Tantra Sexual Breathing Techniques. SpiritualityManagement, Spiritual, time ← Resume Writing Help /* */ […]

  6. The Burr :: tantra- making sex more than routine says:

    […] For instance, dress up provocatively for your partner.  They will probably appreciate it — it’s a little something to add some spice in the bedroom.  Another way to incorporate Tantra is practicing deep breathing and “sharing the breath” with your partner.  Deep breathing is a good way to slow things down.  Focusing on the breath and all the sensations in the body makes you more relaxed and comfortable.  Experiment with different positions as well.  Try sitting up and facing your partner so can look at them while they are in sexual bliss. […]

  7. […] Effective Tantra Breathing Technique to Prolong Sexual Intercourse […]

  8. […] During love-making: breathing techniques have been taught by Tantric practitioners for centuries to prolong sensual ecstasy […]

  9. Tantra: Expressions and a few links « Green Rootsdown says:

    […] And this last one is for the men. Its a very specific technique to help put off ejaculation so that sex may be prolonged. […]

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