The Ultimate Guide

Meditation Techniques – The Ultimate Guide

Best Meditation Techniques

Guide to Meditation Techniques

Welcome to the ultimate meditation techniques guide.  This guide is the culmination of 25+ years of passionate practice, research and study into the great Art of Meditation.  Below you will find a list of the best meditations from across the globe, step-by-step details of how to effectively practice these techniques, as well as a listing of the primary benefits of each of these profound meditation techniques. 

One of the most important aspects of meditation is to choose the technique which is right for you.  There are literally thousands of different meditation techniques, and finding the one that resonates best with you and is geared towards the goals you are trying to achieve is essential.  This guide is designed specifically to help you in that process, by presenting you with the most time-tested meditation techniques and detailing each of these great meditations.

The Ultimate Guide

Before I jump ahead though, I would like mention that the ultimate purpose of any meditation technique is Enlightenment or Self-Realization.  That is the final destination.  It is just that along the way to this highest pinnacle, meditation bestows a bevy of wonderful “side” benefits and these benefits can vary depending on which meditation technique you choose to do.  I have gone into these additional benefits of meditation in several articles and you can read about them here:  Top 10 Profound Benefits of Meditation, Side Benefits of Silent Mind Meditation Program, Brain Health Benefits of Meditation.

Below you will find details on which are the best meditation techniques to do, in order to obtain certain results.  As most of you know, the Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-book, has step-by-step instructions and free videos on all the meditation techniques offered here on Mastery of Meditation, so in the summary below I have given a brief description and video of the mediation technique, but provided a link to the chapter in the E-book where you can get all the fine details.  In addition, this will be an ongoing guide which I will constantly update with new and useful meditation techniques for you.

Meditation Technique #1:  Zen Meditation Technique – Zazen

Goal:  Awareness, Detachment, Peace

Zen Meditation Technique is the undisputed heavyweight in the world of meditation.  It is very likely the most widely practiced meditation technique and is perhaps even the face of meditation.  The silent Buddha, sitting cross-legged, eyes slightly open, in this world but yet beyond, immersed in a Singularity (or Void) is Zazen.

Zazen is essentially silent, seated meditation and excellent for a wide range of benefits.  If you don’t know which meditation technique to try, this should be your default choice.  Zazen will help you develop your ability to remain in the moment, mindful of that which is taking place, and free you from the entanglements of ego-centric, dualistic thoughts.  It will most certainly help you develop a calm disposition and give you the strength to withstand stressful or upsetting events.  In time, this meditation technique will make you wise, give you access to spontaneous joy and help you develop into a compassionate, loving human being.

You will find more details on Zazen in the article, Zen Meditation Technique.  Here is a step-by-step instruction video on how to practice this meditation technique.

Meditation Technique #2:  Concentration Meditation Technique – Trataka

Goal:  Concentration, Mental Focus

One common myth about meditation is that it is the same as concentration.  Really it is not.  Concentration is a stepping stone for meditation, but mediation is far more than concentration.  In practicing meditation though, one of the clear benefits is a tremendous increase in your powers of concentration and mental focus.  Many people are rightly interested in developing this skill, and to do so there is no better meditation technique than Trataka or Candle Flame Gazing. 

In this meditation, you will focus your attention, in a darkened room, on a candle flame and then concentrate on the after image that it leaves behind when you close your eyes.  The technique is simple, yet very effective.  Along with developing your power of concentration, this meditation technique will also help calm your mind down and give you inner peace and stillness. 

You can read details about this technique in the following article:  Concentration Meditation Technique – Trataka.

Meditation Technique #3:  So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique

Goal:  Love, Forgiveness, Compassion

Mantra meditation technique is a big part of the philosophy of meditation that comes from the Eastern faiths.  It is a technique that has been used for centuries in India, and forms the foundation of many systems of meditation.  This meditation method has many variations, some of which can be used to deliver the benefits of Zazen and Trataka mentioned above.  The particular mantra meditation technique I want to provide here though, is excellent for any healing of the heart that needs to occur.

If you are suffering from hate, bitterness, loneliness, anger, depression and other negative emotions, then So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique is a great tonic to use.  In this meditation, you will use the So-Hum mantra silently to pacify the mind and connect with your divine nature.  It will help heal the wounds of the heart and make you feel an indivisible part of the whole.

Meditation Technique #4:  AUM Mantra Meditation Technique

Goal:  Psychic Powers, Intuition

As I mentioned above, mantra meditation techniques have many different variations and applications, and AUM Mantra Meditation Technique is an example of just that.  AUM Mantra Meditation technique is part of the science of Kundalini Yoga and it’s specific purpose is to activate the Third Eye Chakra.  

In this meditation, you chant the sound AUM, while concentration on the Third Eye region.  The sound AUM is considered the seed sound for this center and chanting it serves to stimulate the energy flow though this region.  The Third Eye is the seat of intuition, and opening the Third Eye unleashes psychic and mental powers. 

To get more details about this meditation technique, read the following article:  AUM Mantra Meditation Technique.  Also, here is a step-by-step video demonstration of AUM Mantra Meditation Technique…

Meditation Technique #5:  Silent Mind Mediation Technique

Goal:  Intelligence, Enlightenment, Awareness

This is the meditation technique I practice and although the thinking behind it is not new, for the most part it is a system of my own making.  If you are looking to sharpen awareness, hone intelligence and dramatically improve brain function, then this meditation technique is for you.  It is designed to help the mind realize that it is the root cause of suffering and thus, still itself.  It is the highest form of insight meditation and I have practiced this technique for over 20 years now.  Obviously, I find it the best suited for those interested in enlightenment, like me.

The entire Silent Mind Meditation Program is designed to help you learn and develop this technique, but you are also welcome to just practice this technique itself and you can get details about it in the following chapter:  The Silent Mind Meditation Technique.

Meditation Technique #6: Smiling Buddha Meditation Technique

Goal:  Happiness, Confidence

This meditation technique comes from the profound school of Kundalini Yoga and was reputed to be one that Lord Buddha was prescribed in order to help him recover from a long stretch of meditation and fasting.

After all life is meant to be a journey full of happiness and joy.  It is one where we are supposed to enjoy the great abundance of beauty and love that exists in nature and within ourselves.  This meditation will help you do just that.  The meditation technique is also great for boosting your confidence along with your spirit.

Here is the link to the details for this wonderful meditation.  Enjoy!

Smiling Buddha Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Happiness


Meditation Technique #7: Corpse Pose Yoga Meditation Technique 

Goal:  Health, Healing & Relaxation

For creating the optimum environment for self healing to take place, there is simply no better meditation technique than Yoga Corpse Pose.  This meditation puts the entire system at ease and gives the body the space it needs to heal itself.   Miraculous healing, spiritual healing, natural healing and other such healing phenomenon, are known to occur in this state of relaxed awareness.

This meditation technique is also a yoga pose and is excellent for promoting peace and well-being.  It is a practice that should be embraced everyday in order to reduce stress and encourage tranquility.

Here is the link to the details for this wonderful meditation.

Corpse Pose Yoga Meditation Technique

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178 replies
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  1. Rogério
    Rogério says:

    Hello, im here just to say that i liked a lot this site and its content, but i think you should make this site more organized, its hard to find what we want here and its a little hard to follow the techniques…

  2. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Dear Subhadip,

    Great to have your divine presence on this website.

    In general, I suggest most meditations without music, but with Chakra meditation, external mantra sounds can be helpful. Don’t overdo beej mantra meditation too much though as it can be very overpowering. Just go forward gently, you are already enjoying anyway :-D.

    Love & Light,

  3. Subhadip Dan
    Subhadip Dan says:

    Aum Tat Sat…

    Hi Anmol,
    Thanks for sharing so many pearls of spirituality. I chose this divine path a couple of years back. Since then it has been a joy ride.

    I have a question?

    I have a Tibetan ‘Aum’ sound file. Can I put it on while doing 3rd eye/Aum meditation…?

    Warm Regards,

    God bless you…


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  1. Top 5 Widespread Yoga Myths Exposed | Mikes Directory says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Guided Zen Meditation blog offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques Guide and free Yoga to Detox & Cleanse Your Body. […]

  2. Top 5 Widespread Yoga Myths Exposed | says:

    […] It is not surprising to those of us who are long time yoga practitioners that the popularity of this profound spiritual science is now exploding on a world wide scale. Unfortunately though some of the authenticity and truths about yoga are being lost and some myths are creeping in with regard to what yoga is and how it is to be practiced. In this article I will look to clear up what I find to be the top 5 myths about yoga. Top 5 Myths About Yoga: 1. Yoga is a Form of Physical Exercise: This is perhaps the most common view of yoga. That it is a form of physical exercise. This certainly needs to be clarified and I am going to provide some details about true yoga practice in order to do this. Yoga is actually has 8 parts to it, with the physical aspect being just 1. These 8 parts, include yoga dos, yoga don’ts, physical exercises (asana), breathing exercises, sense control, concentration, meditation and divine union. So you can see from above that although the physical aspect of yoga, which is called asana, is an important part of yoga, yoga as a whole is certainly more that just a series of postures and movements. Yoga is essentially a spiritual science whose objective is to still the mind of thoughts, so that the truth of Oneness hidden behind the waves of the mind can be clearly seen and embraced. 2. Yoga is a Religion: The other extreme and incorrect view on yoga is that is it a religion. Commonly yoga is considered part of Hindu religion, but yoga is not a religion. It is a time tested spiritual science with the goal of revealing the true nature of reality. As indicated above, yoga practice is a step by step process with the end goal of calming down the thought waves in our mind and thus prevent them from distorting the truth. 3. To Practice Yoga You Must be Vegetarian: There is a notion floating around that in order to practice yoga you must not eat meat and be a vegetarian. This is not true. Although there are tremendous benefits to being vegetarian and this is being more and more validated by the mainstream medical community, there is no requirement of vegetarianism in order to practice yoga. One point I would like to add here is that, vegetarianism is consistent with the non-violence which yoga advocates and it certainly would be to your benefit to reduce meat intake, nevertheless, you don’t have to be vegetarian in order to be a great yogi. 4. You Need to be Initiated by a Guru: I have also come across this notion that many believe you need to be initiated and have a guru in order to learn and practice yoga. This is not true. According to yoga, the true guru is within and although it would be to your benefit to learn yoga from an accomplished teacher, this is not a requirement. 5. You Have to be Flexible to do Yoga: Not so. No doubt yoga will improve your flexibility, along with your strength, balance and overall health, but in order to practice yoga you do not have to be flexible. Yoga is designed to be practiced by all. Different bodies have different degrees of flexibility and in this case one size does not fit all. For most of the complex yoga posture which require great flexibility to do, there are plenty of modifications which allow you to get the same benefits for those who are less flexible. In fact one of the original reasons I took up yoga because I was not flexible and wanted to improve this aspect of my physical dimension. Summary: So there you have the top 5 myths about yoga. Essentially, what these myths do is prevent people from taking up this wonderful science. So if you feel you will have to change faiths, find gurus, stop eating meat or are too inflexible to take up yoga practice, you are wrong. Don’t pass up the wonderful opportunity to learn and practice this amazing science, which helps you discover your true divine and eternal nature. Anmol Mehta is modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Guided Zen Meditation blog offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques Guide and free Yoga to Detox & Cleanse Your Body.stop dreaming start action Author: SoulStorm Time: Sunday, July 26th, 2009 at 11:20 am Category: Yoga Comments: You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. RSS: You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Navigation: « Meditation Techniques to Improve your Health google_color_border = “ffffff”; google_color_bg = “ffffff”; google_color_link = “802100”; google_color_text = “334c51”; google_color_url = “802100”; //–> […]

  3. 3 Powerful Meditations to Open Third Eye Chakra » APLEN9611 says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Free Guided Meditation website offers the ultimate Guided Meditation Techniques and Free Online Yoga Exercise Videos. Posted in Meditation […]

  4. Top 5 Widespread Yoga Myths Exposed | Yoga Towel Cheap Reviews Blog says:

    […] It is not surprising to those of us who are long time yoga practitioners that the popularity of this profound spiritual science is now exploding on a world wide scale. Unfortunately though some of the authenticity and truths about yoga are being lost and some myths are creeping in with regard to what yoga is and how it is to be practiced. In this article I will look to clear up what I find to be the top 5 myths about yoga. Top 5 Myths About Yoga: 1. Yoga is a Form of Physical Exercise: This is perhaps the most common view of yoga. That it is a form of physical exercise. This certainly needs to be clarified and I am going to provide some details about true yoga practice in order to do this. Yoga is actually has 8 parts to it, with the physical aspect being just 1. These 8 parts, include yoga dos, yoga don’ts, physical exercises (asana), breathing exercises, sense control, concentration, meditation and divine union. So you can see from above that although the physical aspect of yoga, which is called asana, is an important part of yoga, yoga as a whole is certainly more that just a series of postures and movements. Yoga is essentially a spiritual science whose objective is to still the mind of thoughts, so that the truth of Oneness hidden behind the waves of the mind can be clearly seen and embraced. 2. Yoga is a Religion: The other extreme and incorrect view on yoga is that is it a religion. Commonly yoga is considered part of Hindu religion, but yoga is not a religion. It is a time tested spiritual science with the goal of revealing the true nature of reality. As indicated above, yoga practice is a step by step process with the end goal of calming down the thought waves in our mind and thus prevent them from distorting the truth. 3. To Practice Yoga You Must be Vegetarian: There is a notion floating around that in order to practice yoga you must not eat meat and be a vegetarian. This is not true. Although there are tremendous benefits to being vegetarian and this is being more and more validated by the mainstream medical community, there is no requirement of vegetarianism in order to practice yoga. One point I would like to add here is that, vegetarianism is consistent with the non-violence which yoga advocates and it certainly would be to your benefit to reduce meat intake, nevertheless, you don’t have to be vegetarian in order to be a great yogi. 4. You Need to be Initiated by a Guru: I have also come across this notion that many believe you need to be initiated and have a guru in order to learn and practice yoga. This is not true. According to yoga, the true guru is within and although it would be to your benefit to learn yoga from an accomplished teacher, this is not a requirement. 5. You Have to be Flexible to do Yoga: Not so. No doubt yoga will improve your flexibility, along with your strength, balance and overall health, but in order to practice yoga you do not have to be flexible. Yoga is designed to be practiced by all. Different bodies have different degrees of flexibility and in this case one size does not fit all. For most of the complex yoga posture which require great flexibility to do, there are plenty of modifications which allow you to get the same benefits for those who are less flexible. In fact one of the original reasons I took up yoga because I was not flexible and wanted to improve this aspect of my physical dimension. Summary: So there you have the top 5 myths about yoga. Essentially, what these myths do is prevent people from taking up this wonderful science. So if you feel you will have to change faiths, find gurus, stop eating meat or are too inflexible to take up yoga practice, you are wrong. Don’t pass up the wonderful opportunity to learn and practice this amazing science, which helps you discover your true divine and eternal nature. Anmol Mehta is modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Guided Zen Meditation blog offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques Guide and free Yoga to Detox & Cleanse Your Body. […]

  5. List Of 5 Myths About Yoga Thay You May or May Not Have Known | says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Guided Zen Meditation blog offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques Guide and free Yoga to Detox & Cleanse Your Body. […]

  6. Top 5 Widespread Yoga Myths Exposed | Fountain of Youth Blog says:

    […] Top 5 Widespread Yoga Myths Exposed It is not surprising to those of us who are long time yoga practitioners that the popularity of this profound spiritual science is now exploding on a world wide scale. Unfortunately though some of the authenticity and truths about yoga are being lost and some myths are creeping in with regard to what yoga is and how it is to be practiced. In this article I will look to clear up what I find to be the top 5 myths about yoga. Top 5 Myths About Yoga: 1. Yoga is a Form of Physical Exercise: This is perhaps the most common view of yoga. That it is a form of physical exercise. This certainly needs to be clarified and I am going to provide some details about true yoga practice in order to do this. Yoga is actually has 8 parts to it, with the physical aspect being just 1. These 8 parts, include yoga dos, yoga don’ts, physical exercises (asana), breathing exercises, sense control, concentration, meditation and divine union. So you can see from above that although the physical aspect of yoga, which is called asana, is an important part of yoga, yoga as a whole is certainly more that just a series of postures and movements. Yoga is essentially a spiritual science whose objective is to still the mind of thoughts, so that the truth of Oneness hidden behind the waves of the mind can be clearly seen and embraced. 2. Yoga is a Religion: The other extreme and incorrect view on yoga is that is it a religion. Commonly yoga is considered part of Hindu religion, but yoga is not a religion. It is a time tested spiritual science with the goal of revealing the true nature of reality. As indicated above, yoga practice is a step by step process with the end goal of calming down the thought waves in our mind and thus prevent them from distorting the truth. 3. To Practice Yoga You Must be Vegetarian: There is a notion floating around that in order to practice yoga you must not eat meat and be a vegetarian. This is not true. Although there are tremendous benefits to being vegetarian and this is being more and more validated by the mainstream medical community, there is no requirement of vegetarianism in order to practice yoga. One point I would like to add here is that, vegetarianism is consistent with the non-violence which yoga advocates and it certainly would be to your benefit to reduce meat intake, nevertheless, you don’t have to be vegetarian in order to be a great yogi. 4. You Need to be Initiated by a Guru: I have also come across this notion that many believe you need to be initiated and have a guru in order to learn and practice yoga. This is not true. According to yoga, the true guru is within and although it would be to your benefit to learn yoga from an accomplished teacher, this is not a requirement. 5. You Have to be Flexible to do Yoga: Not so. No doubt yoga will improve your flexibility, along with your strength, balance and overall health, but in order to practice yoga you do not have to be flexible. Yoga is designed to be practiced by all. Different bodies have different degrees of flexibility and in this case one size does not fit all. For most of the complex yoga posture which require great flexibility to do, there are plenty of modifications which allow you to get the same benefits for those who are less flexible. In fact one of the original reasons I took up yoga because I was not flexible and wanted to improve this aspect of my physical dimension. Summary: So there you have the top 5 myths about yoga. Essentially, what these myths do is prevent people from taking up this wonderful science. So if you feel you will have to change faiths, find gurus, stop eating meat or are too inflexible to take up yoga practice, you are wrong. Don’t pass up the wonderful opportunity to learn and practice this amazing science, which helps you discover your true divine and eternal nature. Anmol Mehta is modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Guided Zen Meditation blog offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques Guide and free Yoga to Detox & Cleanse Your Body.Find information on kids party themes var addthis_pub = ”; var addthis_language = ‘en’;var addthis_options = ’email, favorites, digg, delicious, myspace, google, facebook, reddit, live, more’; […]

  7. Enter The Virus » Powerful Yoga Exercises for Ripped Abs » ENTV25867 says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a modern Yoga & Meditation master. His popular website offers the ultimate Guided Meditation Techniques guide, a powerful Third Eye Meditation and free Yoga Exercise Videos. […]

  8. EZ Article Bank » Guide to the Best Meditation Techniques » EZAR26152 says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a modern Yoga & Meditation master. His completely free Guided Meditation Techniques website offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques guide to help you understand and choose the meditation that is right for you. […]

  9. Top 5 Widespread Yoga Myths Exposed | Fountain of Youth Blog says:

    […] Top 5 Widespread Yoga Myths Exposed It is not surprising to those of us who are long time yoga practitioners that the popularity of this profound spiritual science is now exploding on a world wide scale. Unfortunately though some of the authenticity and truths about yoga are being lost and some myths are creeping in with regard to what yoga is and how it is to be practiced. In this article I will look to clear up what I find to be the top 5 myths about yoga. Top 5 Myths About Yoga: 1. Yoga is a Form of Physical Exercise: This is perhaps the most common view of yoga. That it is a form of physical exercise. This certainly needs to be clarified and I am going to provide some details about true yoga practice in order to do this. Yoga is actually has 8 parts to it, with the physical aspect being just 1. These 8 parts, include yoga dos, yoga don’ts, physical exercises (asana), breathing exercises, sense control, concentration, meditation and divine union. So you can see from above that although the physical aspect of yoga, which is called asana, is an important part of yoga, yoga as a whole is certainly more that just a series of postures and movements. Yoga is essentially a spiritual science whose objective is to still the mind of thoughts, so that the truth of Oneness hidden behind the waves of the mind can be clearly seen and embraced. 2. Yoga is a Religion: The other extreme and incorrect view on yoga is that is it a religion. Commonly yoga is considered part of Hindu religion, but yoga is not a religion. It is a time tested spiritual science with the goal of revealing the true nature of reality. As indicated above, yoga practice is a step by step process with the end goal of calming down the thought waves in our mind and thus prevent them from distorting the truth. 3. To Practice Yoga You Must be Vegetarian: There is a notion floating around that in order to practice yoga you must not eat meat and be a vegetarian. This is not true. Although there are tremendous benefits to being vegetarian and this is being more and more validated by the mainstream medical community, there is no requirement of vegetarianism in order to practice yoga. One point I would like to add here is that, vegetarianism is consistent with the non-violence which yoga advocates and it certainly would be to your benefit to reduce meat intake, nevertheless, you don’t have to be vegetarian in order to be a great yogi. 4. You Need to be Initiated by a Guru: I have also come across this notion that many believe you need to be initiated and have a guru in order to learn and practice yoga. This is not true. According to yoga, the true guru is within and although it would be to your benefit to learn yoga from an accomplished teacher, this is not a requirement. 5. You Have to be Flexible to do Yoga: Not so. No doubt yoga will improve your flexibility, along with your strength, balance and overall health, but in order to practice yoga you do not have to be flexible. Yoga is designed to be practiced by all. Different bodies have different degrees of flexibility and in this case one size does not fit all. For most of the complex yoga posture which require great flexibility to do, there are plenty of modifications which allow you to get the same benefits for those who are less flexible. In fact one of the original reasons I took up yoga because I was not flexible and wanted to improve this aspect of my physical dimension. Summary: So there you have the top 5 myths about yoga. Essentially, what these myths do is prevent people from taking up this wonderful science. So if you feel you will have to change faiths, find gurus, stop eating meat or are too inflexible to take up yoga practice, you are wrong. Don’t pass up the wonderful opportunity to learn and practice this amazing science, which helps you discover your true divine and eternal nature. Anmol Mehta is modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Guided Zen Meditation blog offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques Guide and free Yoga to Detox & Cleanse Your Body.Electric Pool Heaters var addthis_pub = ”; var addthis_language = ‘en’;var addthis_options = ’email, favorites, digg, delicious, myspace, google, facebook, reddit, live, more’; […]

  10. Top 5 Widespread Yoga Myths Exposed | Yoga Blog says:

    […] It is not startling to those of us who have been prolonged time yoga practitioners that a recognition of this surpassing devout scholarship is right away bursting upon a universe far-reaching scale. Unfortunately yet a little of a flawlessness as well as truths about yoga have been being mislaid as well as a little misconceptions have been creeping in with courtesy to what yoga is as well as how it is to be practiced. In this essay we will demeanour to transparent up what we find to be a tip 5 misconceptions about yoga. Top 5 Myths About Yoga: 1. Yoga is a Form of Physical Exercise: This is maybe a many usual perspective of yoga. That it is a form of earthy exercise. This positively needs to be simplified as well as we am starting to yield a little sum about loyal yoga use in sequence to do this. Yoga is radically has 8 tools to it, with a earthy aspect being only 1. These 8 parts, embody yoga dos, yoga don’ts, earthy exercises (asana), respirating exercises, clarity control, concentration, imagining as well as boundless union. So we can see from upon tip of that nonetheless a earthy aspect of yoga, that is called asana, is an critical partial of yoga, yoga as a total is positively some-more that only a array of postures as well as movements. Yoga is radically a devout scholarship whose design is to still a thoughts of thoughts, so that a law of Oneness dark at a back of a waves of a thoughts can be obviously seen as well as embraced. 2. Yoga is a Religion: The alternative impassioned as well as improper perspective upon yoga is that is it a religion. Commonly yoga is deliberate partial of Hindu religion, though yoga is not a religion. It is a time tested devout scholarship with a idea of divulgence a loyal inlet of reality. As indicated above, yoga use is a step by step routine with a finish idea of relaxing down a suspicion waves in a thoughts as well as to illustrate forestall them from distorting a truth. 3. To Practice Yoga You Must be Vegetarian: There is a idea floating around that in sequence to use yoga we contingency not eat beef as well as be a vegetarian. This is not true. Although there have been extensive benefits to being vegetarian as well as this is being some-more as well as some-more certified by a mainstream healing community, there is no sequence of vegetarianism in sequence to use yoga. One indicate we would similar to to supplement here is that, vegetarianism is unchanging with a non-violence that yoga advocates as well as it positively would be to your good to revoke beef intake, nevertheless, we do not have to be vegetarian in sequence to be a good yogi. 4. You Need to be Initiated by a Guru: I have additionally come opposite this idea that many hold we need to be instituted as well as have a guru in sequence to sense as well as use yoga. This is not true. According to yoga, a loyal guru is inside of as well as nonetheless it would be to your good to sense yoga from an achieved teacher, this is not a requirement. 5. You Have to be Flexible to do Yoga: Not so. No disbelief yoga will urge your flexibility, along with your strength, shift as well as altogether health, though in sequence to use yoga we do not have to be flexible. Yoga is written to be used by all. Different bodies have opposite degrees of coherence as well as in this box a single distance does not fit all. For many of a formidable yoga viewpoint that need good coherence to do, there have been copiousness of modifications that concede we to get a same benefits for those who have been reduction flexible. In actuality a single of a strange reasons we took up yoga since we was not stretchable as well as longed for to urge this aspect of my earthy dimension. Summary: So there we have a tip 5 misconceptions about yoga. Essentially, what these misconceptions do is forestall people from receiving up this smashing science. So if we feel we will have to shift faiths, find gurus, stop eating beef or have been as well resistant to take up yoga practice, we have been wrong. Don’t pass up a smashing event to sense as well as use this extraordinary science, that helps we find your loyal boundless as well as almighty nature. Anmol Mehta is complicated Yoga & Meditation master. His large Guided Zen Meditation blog offers a idealisation Meditation Techniques Guide as well as giveaway Yoga to Detox & Cleanse Your Body.Home Security Equipment […]

  11. Aurora Gardens » Blog Archive » 3 Powerful Meditations to Open Third Eye Chakra says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Free Guided Meditation website offers the ultimate Guided Meditation Techniques and Free Online Yoga Exercise Videos. […]

  12. Top 5 Widespread Yoga Myths Exposed | Fountain of Youth Blog says:

    […] It is not surprising to those of us who are long time yoga practitioners that the popularity of this profound spiritual science is now exploding on a world wide scale. Unfortunately though some of the authenticity and truths about yoga are being lost and some myths are creeping in with regard to what yoga is and how it is to be practiced. In this article I will look to clear up what I find to be the top 5 myths about yoga. Top 5 Myths About Yoga: 1. Yoga is a Form of Physical Exercise: This is perhaps the most common view of yoga. That it is a form of physical exercise. This certainly needs to be clarified and I am going to provide some details about true yoga practice in order to do this. Yoga is actually has 8 parts to it, with the physical aspect being just 1. These 8 parts, include yoga dos, yoga don’ts, physical exercises (asana), breathing exercises, sense control, concentration, meditation and divine union. So you can see from above that although the physical aspect of yoga, which is called asana, is an important part of yoga, yoga as a whole is certainly more that just a series of postures and movements. Yoga is essentially a spiritual science whose objective is to still the mind of thoughts, so that the truth of Oneness hidden behind the waves of the mind can be clearly seen and embraced. 2. Yoga is a Religion: The other extreme and incorrect view on yoga is that is it a religion. Commonly yoga is considered part of Hindu religion, but yoga is not a religion. It is a time tested spiritual science with the goal of revealing the true nature of reality. As indicated above, yoga practice is a step by step process with the end goal of calming down the thought waves in our mind and thus prevent them from distorting the truth. 3. To Practice Yoga You Must be Vegetarian: There is a notion floating around that in order to practice yoga you must not eat meat and be a vegetarian. This is not true. Although there are tremendous benefits to being vegetarian and this is being more and more validated by the mainstream medical community, there is no requirement of vegetarianism in order to practice yoga. One point I would like to add here is that, vegetarianism is consistent with the non-violence which yoga advocates and it certainly would be to your benefit to reduce meat intake, nevertheless, you don’t have to be vegetarian in order to be a great yogi. 4. You Need to be Initiated by a Guru: I have also come across this notion that many believe you need to be initiated and have a guru in order to learn and practice yoga. This is not true. According to yoga, the true guru is within and although it would be to your benefit to learn yoga from an accomplished teacher, this is not a requirement. 5. You Have to be Flexible to do Yoga: Not so. No doubt yoga will improve your flexibility, along with your strength, balance and overall health, but in order to practice yoga you do not have to be flexible. Yoga is designed to be practiced by all. Different bodies have different degrees of flexibility and in this case one size does not fit all. For most of the complex yoga posture which require great flexibility to do, there are plenty of modifications which allow you to get the same benefits for those who are less flexible. In fact one of the original reasons I took up yoga because I was not flexible and wanted to improve this aspect of my physical dimension. Summary: So there you have the top 5 myths about yoga. Essentially, what these myths do is prevent people from taking up this wonderful science. So if you feel you will have to change faiths, find gurus, stop eating meat or are too inflexible to take up yoga practice, you are wrong. Don’t pass up the wonderful opportunity to learn and practice this amazing science, which helps you discover your true divine and eternal nature. Anmol Mehta is modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Guided Zen Meditation blog offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques Guide and free Yoga to Detox & Cleanse Your Body.Massage Chair Reviews var addthis_pub = ”; var addthis_language = ‘en’;var addthis_options = ’email, favorites, digg, delicious, myspace, google, facebook, reddit, live, more’; […]

  13. AwardWinningWebCourse » Blog Archive » 3 Powerful Meditations to Open Third Eye Chakra says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Free Guided Meditation website offers the ultimate Guided Meditation Techniques and Free Online Yoga Exercise Videos. […]

  14. Enter The Virus » Blog Archive » Top 5 Widespread Yoga Myths Exposed says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Guided Zen Meditation blog offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques Guide and free Yoga to Detox & Cleanse Your Body. […]

  15. Information Warehouse » Blog Archive » 3 Powerful Meditations to Open Third Eye Chakra says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Free Guided Meditation website offers the ultimate Guided Meditation Techniques and Free Online Yoga Exercise Videos. […]

  16. […] Anmol Mehta is modern Yoga & Meditation master. His massive Guided Zen Meditation blog offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques Guide and free Yoga to Detox & Cleanse Your Body. […]

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