Chakra Healing | How to Analyze & Balance Your Chakra Centers
How to Heal & Balance Your Chakra Centers
Chakra Analysis
The Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra model is a great way to approach your personal development and spiritual growth. I have given an overview of this model in the article Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System, and in this article I would like to give you some guidelines on how use this model to help you achieve your highest potential.
Essentially, Chakra points can be thought of as energy centers which govern various regions of your body, and are responsible for various personality traits and emotions. Balancing and healing these centers in turn helps to rejuvenate and strengthen the corresponding organs and glands in that chakra’s region, as well as uplift the emotions governed by that chakra.
This healing and balancing process entails the following two steps. Chakra analysis to help determine what center needs some work, and then yoga exercises and meditation techniques to help heal and balance that center. For each chakra I have given some guidelines below to help accomplish both these steps. I have provided a way to analyze yourself to see which chakra might be out of balance and then provided some treatment options to help you correct this imbalance.
Below is by no means a comprehensive chakra analysis guide, as that would be quite extensive, but it should give you enough information to make a solid judgment of where your weaknesses lie, so you can start to work on those areas.
The Chakra Analysis, Healing & Balancing Guide below points out the primary emotions and traits a particular chakra center is responsible for. Then it provides 4 questions to ask yourself to help you understand how you are doing in that department. If you are answering “yes’ to most of these questions for a particular chakra, it means you need to work on that center. To do so, practice the yoga and meditation techniques provided to heal and balance that particular chakra (these are links to the actual articles with those techniques).
Chakra Analysis, Healing & Balancing Guide:
1. Root Chakra:
Physical Security, Fear, Health
- You feel physically insecure and weak.
- You have constant health issues and illnesses.
- You have a lot of fear.
- You don’t feel connected to the Earth and a part of nature.
Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Root Chakra:
Kundalini Yoga Crow Pose for Root Chakra Cleansing
Kundalini Yoga Cat-Cow Pose for Fighting Fear
2. Sex Chakra:
Creativity & Self-Expression
- You suffer from sexual dysfunction.
- You have trouble expressing yourself and conveying your emotions.
- You lack creativity.
- Your life is dull and monotonous.
Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Sex Chakra:
Sat Kriya to Raise Sexual Energy
Hatha Yoga Butterfly Pose
3. Navel Chakra:
Willpower & Anger
- You lack willpower and determination.
- You have anger issues.
- You have control and power issues.
- You have low energy.
From the above I am sure you see why Kundalini Yoga emphasizes working on the Navel Chakra before all others. Without it functioning properly, you have neither the energy nor the willpower to bring about positive change in yourself.
Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Navel Chakra:
Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose
Core Abdominal Power Yoga Set
Yoga Ab Exercises & Workout for Toned Stomach
Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayama
4. Heart Chakra:
Love, Grief, Forgiveness
- You have a hard time forgiving others and have many enemies.
- You are often depressed and sad.
- You don’t feel much empathy or compassion for others.
- You are not charitable.
From the above, you will see why many yoga and meditation teachers feel that the heart center is the place to concentrate one’s efforts. This center is especially important for those drawn to the devotional path to spiritual growth.
Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Heart Chakra:
Kundalini Yoga Jesus Pose for Sacrifice & Inner Strength
Hatha Yoga Camel Pose
Heart Chakra Opening & Balancing Set
So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique
5. Throat Chakra:
Communication, Thinking
- You have a hard time communicating your thoughts and ideas.
- You are not a clear thinker.
- You are not a good listener.
- You gossip too much.
Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Throat Chakra:
Yoga Neck Rolls (from the Kundalini Yoga Spinal Warm-up Series)
Hatha Yoga Camel Pose
Hatha Yoga Plough Pose
Hatha Yoga Shoulder Stand
6. Brow Chakra (Third Eye):
Intuition, Psychic Powers
- You don’t have much intuitive ability.
- You don’t feel like you have much guidance from within.
- You have not experienced much that is out of the ordinary.
- You find the world dull and mundane.
The Third Eye is another chakra which is often the focus of early kundalini work. This is because opening and balancing this center provides you access to inner guidance and the ability to “feel” your way through life.
Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Third Eye Chakra:
AUM Mantra Meditation Technique to Open Third Eye
7. Crown Chakra:
Spirituality, Bliss
- You are not at all spiritually motivated.
- You have not experienced much in terms of spirituality or transcendence.
- You don’t see the poetry of life and nature.
- You are too materialistic and frivolous.
Yoga & Meditation Techniques to Help Heal Crown Chakra:
Kundalini Yoga Crown Chakra Meditation Technique
Chakra Analysis & Healing Summary:
These guidelines will get you started on analyzing the state of your chakras and determining where you need the most help. I would suggest picking the weakest chakra and working on it for 1 to 2 weeks and then re-assessing yourself to measure the progress. From there move to the next weakest chakra and continue on from there.
I will be adding to this document more yoga and meditation techniques to help open and heal various chakras as I publish them on the website, so be on the lookout for that. Remember a balanced and healthy chakra system, means a balanced and healthy life. Have you done your Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation for today ?
I want to balance my swadhishthan chakra by easy ways because my life is in rush mostly so i want to say by which foods i can balance it Please reply
Will using these techniques help the chances of being able to use astral projection or astral travel?
I think root and 3rd eye chakra is best for refreshment you can try. I tried if often
Which chakra do you recommend ??Have you any other requirements??
I fell Heart Chakra and It disturb me much in mu normal life.I should overcome it as soon.
Thanks for the nice info. Keep it up.
I also do root chakra and third eye chakra also after coming back from office, it really help for psychic ability.
Kundalini Yoga 7 chakra overview article and
Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
will help….
My mother tried to make me understand what Chakra’s are and how they work but I never managed to figure it all out.