Free Online Meditation & Kundalini Yoga Classes
Online Meditation & Yoga Instruction
Video Overview of Free Online Meditation & Yoga Classes
Welcome to the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes here on Mastery of Meditation & Yoga. Since the Introduction to Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Class was launched in 2007, many new classes have been added and will continue to be added in the future, and thousands of students have taken and benefited from these classes. You can read their inspiring testimonials in the comments section below or here on the Testimonials page.
Below you will find all the details you need in order to participate in these classes. Also, the video above gives you a good overview of the classes as well.
You may also read the FAQ below as it addresses many of the common questions about the online classes (similar information as video above):
Click to Read FAQ For Free Meditation & Yoga Classes
Details for the Free Online Guided Meditation and Kundalini Yoga Classes…
- Going forward many different classes will be offered, each focusing on a particular dimension of your being.
- You may JOIN & START any class at any time, as I realize it is best to start when inspiration strikes.
- To register just leave a comment in the comment section of the “Syllabus and Feedback Post” of that particular class, the comment section of this post or email me at This is the only way I can gauge interest so please do let me know if you are participating.
- As before, all questions/issues/feedback will be addressed in the comments section of the “Syllabus and Feedback Post” of a particular class, or you can email me if you prefer.
- All course material, as before, will be published on the website.
- Do the best you can, it is more important to start and do something, than try to be perfect and not do anything at all.
- The purpose of the classes is to help you establish or deepen your daily meditation and yoga practice and help you achieve your highest potential. I hope you take advantage of this opportunity to learn the wonderful arts or meditation, yoga and pranayama (breath control).
- If there is a particular aspect of yourself you would like to work on, please let me know and I work towards designing a class for that or point you towards material already available which will help. I wish you all the best and hope the class is a wonderful experience for each of you.
- You can read the original and more detailed post announcing the classes here (Free Online Guided Meditation and Kundalini Yoga Class)
Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes:
(The Class titles below in green are links, select them to start that class.)
1. Beginner’s Yoga Class #99
Click for Beginner’s Yoga Class
This 1 week beginner’s yoga class is designed to help you learn how to practice yoga, and help you get your own personal yoga practice started. The class includes important, fundamental yoga postures and yoga breathing exercises. Below are the primary benefits this class provides…
- Teaches you how to practice yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises).
- Develops strength, flexibility, vitality and health.
- Promotes peace, tranquility, emotional balance and mental focus.
2. Beginner Meditation Class #100
Click for Beginner Meditation | Learn How to Meditate Class
This 2 week meditation class is designed to help you learn how to meditation. The class includes free meditation and yoga breathing instructional videos to help you learn the techniques used by this course. Below are the benefits this class provides…
- Teaches you step-by-step how to meditate.
- Reduces stress and promotes health, peace, joy and wisdom.
- Raises your energy and helps you align with your Higher Self.
3. Free Meditation & Yoga Class #101
Click for Introduction to Guided Meditation & Kundalini Yoga Class
This class, is a 2 week course and is designed to give you a solid introduction to Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and Guided Meditaion Techniques. In addition it provides the important benefits detailed below…
- Pranayama Breathing exercises to build your energy and awareness
- Kundalini Yoga Kriyas for an overall workout and building your core abdominal strength.
- Guided Meditation Techniques to promote peace, joy and insight.
4. Free Online Meditation & Yoga Class #102
Click for Heart Chakra Meditation, Balancing & Healing Class
This class is a 1 week course and is designed to open the Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra), which governs the region of respiratory and circulatory systems. It is also the source of love, compassion and forgiveness. Class objectives and overview are as follows…
- Yoga Pranayama Breathing Exercises to activate your energy.
- Kundalini Yoga Kriyas to open the lower energy centers and then the heart center to promote flow of energy into this region. The kriyas benefit the heart, lungs and digestive system. They also promote kindness and softness in one’s personality.
- Guided Meditation Technique to help your Higher Self shine through and help you realize the non-dual nature of Reality.
5. Guided Meditation & Yoga Class #103
Click for 3rd Eye (Ajna Chakra) Opening & Balancing Class
This class is a 1 week course designed to open, activate and balance the Third Eye or Ajna Chakra. The class incorporates powerful breathing exercises (Pranayama), Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and Ajna Chakra Mantra Meditation Techniques to accomplish its goals. Below is summary of the class objectives…
- Chakra Balancing Breathing Exercises (Nadi Shodhana/Shuddhi Pranayama) to clear the psychic channels of blockages.
- Kundalini Rising Raja Yoga Set to move energy to the higher Chakra centers.
- Ajna Chakra OM Mantra Meditation to directly activate and open the Third Eye Center.
6. Gentle Yoga for Weight Loss Program #107
Click for Free Yoga at Home for Natural Weight Loss Program
This class is designed for those who are out of shape, elderly or obese and are trying to lose weight and get fit. The yoga set used in this program, starts off gently and then get progressively more involved as you make your way through the program. The breathing exercises used are those that have been proven time and again to assist with fat burning and weight loss.
- Bhastrika and Kapalbhati Pranayamas to increase metabolism, burn fat and cure diseases.
- Best Yoga Exercsies for Weight Loss Set to help you get fit, increase energy, burn fat, lose weight and reshape your body.
7. Free Meditation & Yoga Class #104
Click for Weight Loss Via Yoga, Breathing & Meditation
This class is a 2 week program designed to help you lose weight, burn fat and get fit. The course uses the power of the BODY, BREATH & MIND to help you achieve your ideal body weight as well as optimum health. Here is an overview of the program…
- Bhastrika and Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayamas to increase metabolism, burn fat and cure diseases.
- Kundalini Kriya for Healthy Weight Loss to promote burning calories and increasing energy.
- Visualization Meditation with 3 Step Rhythmic Breathing to use the Power of Thought and the Intention Manifestation to reshape the body.
8. Free Online Meditation & Yoga Class #105
Click for Ultimate Health & Wellness Yoga Meditation Program
This class is a 1 week program to familiarize you with the best yoga, prayanamas and meditations which promote living a long, healthy and peaceful life. Here is an overview of the program…
- Kapalbhati & Anuloma Viloma Pranayama to optimize your health and prepare the mind for meditation
- The Fountain of Youth Yoga Set to promote health, wellness and longevity.
- Zen Meditation Technique, to help you develop the Witnessing Consciousness and Moment to Moment Awareness.
9. Chakra Balancing & Healing Class #106
Click for Seven Chakra Balancing & Healing Program
This class is a 2 week program to help you heal and balance your chakras. The techniques used in the class are a little advanced, so the beginning yogi should use the modified versions when starting out. Here is an overview of the program…
- Anuloma Viloma Pranayama to balance and refine your energetic body.
- The Seven Chakra Yoga Set to awaken and heal each chakra.
- Raja Yoga Kundailni Awakening Set to fire up kundalini and draw it up the central channel (shushumna).
10. Tantra Yoga Sexual Mastery Program #201
Free Online Tantra Yoga Sexual Mastery Program
This class is a 2 week program to teach you how to harness and use your sexual energy for personal and spiritual transformation. Utilizes powerful Tantric Techniques to accomplish this mastery. It is a 200 level course as it incorporates some potent tantric exercises. Good for healing and balancing the Sex Chakra and curing Sexual dysfunctions.
- Vajroli Tantric Exercise to develop sexual energy and heal sex chakra.
- Tantra Yoga set for sexual health.
- Tantric Breathing Exercise to prolong sexual intercourse (not required for core program, extra credit only
11. Free Online Yoga Class #108
Famous Yoga Workout for a Great Yoga Body
The yoga and pranayama workout in this class is to give you a solid routine for daily yoga practice. This routine can be done for the rest of your life if you like and is great for getting in shape and staying in shape.
- 4 Part Deep Breathing for Energy and Vitality.
- Famous Surya Namaskar Yoga Set.
- Yogic Breathing Technique for Profound Relaxation and Stress Relief.
12. Free Advanced Meditation Class #402
Free Online Advanced Meditation Class
This advanced meditation class is for those who are ready to work towards stilling their mind of thoughts and ready for Enlightenment. A more complete free meditation program is of course the Silent Mind Meditation Program, but this class focuses on just the advanced aspects of that class.
- Supreme Yogic Breath for Brain Development and Mind Control.
- Silent Mind Meditation Technique.
13. Free Comprehensive Meditation Program #403
Silent Mind Meditation Program
The original and most complete meditation and yoga program on the internet. This is a 12 week program to make you a master meditator. It is the meditation I practice.
- 12 Weeks of Yoga to Supplement Your Meditation Practice.
- All Basic Meditation Techniques (Zen Meditation, Sound Awareness Meditation and Third Eye Meditation).
- Advanced Meditation – Silent Mind Meditation Technique
14. Free Stress Management Yoga Meditation Program #109:
De Stress Now Online Program
A 2 week program to help you De Stress and achieve profound relaxation, peace and inner tranquility. Great for your health, healing and longevity. Helps to reduce anxiety and panic attacks and bestows peace of mind.
- Uses the great Anuloma Viloma Pranayama.
- The Yoga Set for Stress Relief.
- Simple Yogic Breathing with Corpse Pose.
A. Meditation Certification Program:
Meditation Teachers Certification Program
If you are interested in becoming a meditation instructor and teaching this great art to others, I suggest joining the Meditation Teacher’s Training and Certification Program. It is currently one of the largest Online Meditation Certification programs on the internet and will provide you all the tools and skills you need in order to become a successful Meditation Teacher.
You can get more information and testimonials on the following page as well: Best Online Meditation Teacher’s Training Program
B. Yoga Certification Program:
Yoga Teacher Training and Certification Program
The Yoga Teacher’s Training and Certification Program is one of the fastest growing yoga instructor certification programs on the internet. It is a comprehensive 8 week course which will not just teach you the best of hatha and kundalini yoga techniques, but will also teach you the science of meditation, pranayama, mudras and bandhas. In addition, it will teach you how to teach a yoga class, how to run a yoga center and how to create a high traffic yoga website (like AnmolMehta.Com :-).
For more information on the Yoga Instructor Certification program you can visit the following page as well: Online Yoga Instructor Certification Program.
C. Personal Learn Yoga and Meditation Programs:
More free online yoga and meditation classes coming soon… stay tuned for those. If you want personally supervised meditation or yoga programs, you can sign up for my Learn How to Meditate Course or my Best Online Learn Yoga Program.
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Introduction to the Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System | says:
[…] Rigors, Superstition And Fear, Vitality, Yoga 1, Yoga Benefits, Yoga Exercises, Yoga Poses RSS feed for comments on this post Leave a comment « Yoga relaxation, Shavasana or the corpse pose. No commentsyet. You must be logged in to post a comment. […]
Philosophy And Universal Principles Of Yoga | Bikram Yoga says:
[…] Filed Under Health Yoga is a powerful tool to help you blossom and reach your full human potential. The seeds are all within you, yoga is the water, the sunlight, the nutrients and the love they need in order to make your life vibrant, beautiful and full of sweet fragrance. It is not a religion, it is really a science with which to develop your body, mind and spirit. The ultimate goal of Yoga, which literally means, Union, is to reunite you with the Universal Source. You may call this Universal Source by any name you wish, God, Brahman, Allah, Christ Consciousness, Buddha Nature etc, Yoga is a pathway to bring you to the realization that you and this Universal Source are inseparably One.There are many branches of Yoga, such as Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Laya Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga to name a few. These all have the same one goal, unification with the Universal Source, but each follow a different path to get there. Depending on your personality one or the other path may suit you better.Here is a description of some of the major branches of Yoga:* Bhakti Yoga: Emphasizes love as the pathway to liberation and Union.* Jnana Yoga: Emphasizes the intellectual and philosophical approach to penetrate the illusion of dualistic reality.* Karma Yoga: Emphasizes right action and selfless service as the path to moksha (liberation).* Kundalini Yoga: Emphasizes the activation of Kundalini Shakti for enlightenment.* Raja Yoga: Considered the Scientific approach, this branch emphasizes Sage Pantanjali’s 8 step path to Self-Realization.In this article I will expand on Raja Yoga as that is perhaps the most prevalent and popular Yoga system in use today.As indicated above Raja Yoga employs Sage Pantanjali’s 8 step path to achieve Union with the Supreme. This 8 step system (ashtanga) compromises of the following parts. Yamas, Niyamas, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and finally Samadhi. This 8 step path is designed to bring about physical, emotion and mental harmony; and in the advanced practices of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi lead to the cessation of thoughts allowing the mind to realize that Reality is indeed Singular, Whole and indivisible.Here is a description of the 8 limbs of Raja Yoga:1. Yamas: Yamas are abstensions. They are truth, nonviolence, control of sexual energy, nonstealing and noncovetousness.2. Niyams: Niyams are observances. They are austerities, purity, contentment, study and egolessness.3. Asanas: Steady postures and poses.4. Pranayama: Breathing exercises and control of the vital energy.5. Pratyahara: Withdrawal of the Senses.6. Dharana: Concentration of the mind.7. Dhyana: Meditation.8. Samadhi: Union with the Supreme Consciousness.The regular practice of Raja Yoga promotes health, happiness and insight. Although the ultimate goal of Yoga is Union with the Supreme, many material benefits are also obtained by its practice. Today, many ailments are treated via the use of Yoga asanas and pranayamas, and the stress reducing benefits of Yoga meditation are becoming more and more valuable to us given our hectic and frantic lifestyles. Furthermore, the principles of humility, truth and other high values that Yoga promotes are helping to offset some of the excessive materialism and greed that is eroding the peace and spirit of our society today.The most important aspect of Yoga is that it is based on Self-Realization. In other words, you are given the tools required, and using them you bring about the necessary transformations in yourself to reach your true potential in life. It is now often said, that the next great teachers will arise from the West. This is because the West has an empirical approach to things, as opposed to superstition and blind faith. If something works it is embraced and utilized, if something does not prove to work, it is discarded as junk. This is probably the reason why Yoga has grown in such popularity here in the West, because it works. So dive in and reap the benefits.By: Anmol MehtaAbout the Author: Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Zen expert. For FREE Yoga Meditation Classes visit Free Zen Meditation & Kundalini Yoga Zone or Insight Meditation & Tantra Yoga Blog. […]
[…] Free Online Meditation and Yoga Classes: Watch videos and view illustrated guides for relaxing meditation techniques. […]
Guia Abrangente Para A Arte Da Meditação | Revistas de Saúde says:
[…] Anmol Mehta é um professor Kundalini Yoga, Zen Expert e criador de programas profunda meditação e ioga. Estes FREE Online Kundalini Yoga e Meditação Programas estão disponíveis no Comando da Meditação, Chakra Yoga e Zen. Você também vai encontrar uma grande profusão de artigos nas perspicazes Comando da Meditação, Kundalini Yoga e Zen Blog, todas voltadas para ajudá-lo a atingir seu potencial mais elevado. […]
Hi Shivohum,
Such experiences tend to come on their own. If you are inclined towards Jyana Yoga or Insight Meditation, try the Silent Mind Meditation Technique, it will take you to the brink.
Here is my experience with Nothingness…
My Encounter with the Zen Experience of Nothingness
Hi Anmol,
I would like to start practicing kundalini yoga. Please advice me from where i have to start.
Thanks for this very informative post about yoga. This is a nice blog and will be looking forward to read more from you.
Thanks for sharing all of this valuable information. I’m going to start taking some of the meditation and yoga classes. Do you have any specific recommendations for opening and resolving issues related to the throat chakra?
Hi Anmol ji,
I chanced upon your site a couple of days back and found a wealth of information. I am trying to figure out the best meditation/yoga/zen technique to control my emotions, reduce anger, improve concentration and focus. Please guide me with the classes that I have to take.
Thank you for this wonderful site and I hope that more people are benifited by your service.
Hi! Anmol,
This is a remarkable site. THANK YOU.
i have been meditating for several years
I need special attention to experience the oneness of the entire universe. To experiencing the ultimate reality of NOTHINGNESS.How do I do that ??
Hiya i would like to join #101..Please..Thanks
Hi Marshell,
Great to hear that you will be launching your site. Best wishes for that.
You can search for tantra techniques in the search box on the upper right corner of my site or go to the Tantra & Sex category for the articles and meditation I have provided on that topic.
Hi Shivani,
Just do the weight loss yoga set. I think you will find it very energizing and effective. Let me know how it goes.
i hav joined in kundalini yoga class
I have been sitting in on zazen classes for years and have tapped in to my own wisdom and purpose. I have been led to open my own small site that will consist of a variety of meditation practices for singles and couples as well. I would like some information surrounding tantra meditation and some of the items that I will need to set up my location and move forward in my journey.
Hello Anmol,
I am 22 yrs old, 5,2′ and 77 kgs…I have been trying loose weight all my life…I am all over the place doing this and that for weight loss…I am tired for nothing is working for me! I tried yoga once it worked but due to work and college I was not able to practice that regularly. My body is at the worst flexibility level. I want some one to just give me a list of asanas for weight loss…i turn to you for help!
Dear Wadjet,
There are many views to which Chakra is worth opening first. Here are those for you to decide what works best for you….
1. Open Navel Chakra first so you have the energy and willpower to sustain your yoga practice. Probably important for those taking the physical yoga path…
2. Open Third Eye first so you have inner guidance and wisdom. Probably important for those doing Kriya Yoga after doing Hatha Yoga to get into good physical condition…
3. Open Heart Chakra First so you can guided by love and service. Important for everyone I would say :-D…
I would say to assess you strengths and weaknesses and take it from there.
Yes I am a big fan of building the body and systems up before working with Kundalini directly (if at all). So your idea is a good one, to take the Ultimate Health Course next.
All Good Wishes,
I’m new at this and already I feel a more calming presence within. I Have a question and would like to know your advice. In a book that I read it said that if you open the heart chakra 1st it will in turn balance all the other chakras. Is this so? I started with the beginning meditation course and would like to know what class should I take next. Should I take the ultimate health course in or to cleanse my body before trying to awaken the Kundalini?? Thank you for your great service….Peace and Blessings
Hi Ann,
Click the text in green “Click For Beginner Meditation | Learn to Meditate” under “1. Beginner Meditation Class #100” in the page above. This will take you to the syllabus page. All techniques required for the class are also links (in green) which give you the details of how to practice them.
So everything is available to you already. You may wish to watch the video on this page or read the FAQ (which is also a link in this page above) to give you an idea on how the classes work.
Let me know if you have any difficulties.
All Good Wishes,
I am very intrested in your Beginner Meditation Class #100 and would love to hear how to get started with it.