Anmol welcomes you to connect with him and network on any of the following Social Media sites…
To Contact Anmol via…
Via Snail Mail:
Anmol Mehta
66 Corona Court
Old Bridge, NJ 08857
Anmol welcomes you to connect with him and network on any of the following Social Media sites…
To Contact Anmol via…
Via Snail Mail:
Anmol Mehta
66 Corona Court
Old Bridge, NJ 08857
Hello Anmol,
Trust you are well. I Have not received any emails from you regarding certain queries about the course I am currently studying. Please reply soon.
Hi Panos,
I have sent you the exam. Sorry I didn’t quite realize your email was a request for the exam earlier.
Let me know if you have any issues.
Hi Anmol,
my name is Panagiotis Skalkos.
I finished my study about Kundalini Yoga and sent You message in e mail with material . When You will send me final example to finish this course?
my email is:
Panagiotis Skalkos
I like your website, the articles are informative and inspiring although I’m a fan of meditation rather than yoga.
I wanted to ask about the blog carnival you used to host before, if it’s still going on (maybe somewhere else) or if there’s any other similar carnival I can submit to.
Namaste Anmol!! I am experienced in meditation and recently signed up for the meditation teacher certification. I have to tell you that you are such an inspiration. I am so glad that I found you and your teacher training, it is wonderful. Thank you!
i happened to see your website by chance. please send me your free lessons about yoga,meditation, mantra in mp3, and your other programmes to my following email please.
i am fron chennai,india.
Dear Anmol.
Please guide me with yoga for high blood pressure with cervical spondlysis.
thank you
Dear Theresa,
Just to inform you that I have received your exam answers as well and it will be graded with the October batch in a few days.
I bought your $67 Teacher Training Program in May. I am ready for the test. I have emailed you several times since May but have never gotten any replies. Please help!!!
Dying to take test!!;-)
Hi Anmol, just saw your video on youtube on the highest kundalini meditation and tried it for like 10 mins, after 10 mins when I opened my eyes, I was in a state of a buzz.My eyes shut automatically and I was feeling light. There was a strange taste in my mouth and I dont know what was happening! I tried opening my eyes but couldnt! Never felt this way. New to medidation. Is this allright? Or something wrong happened with me?
Hi Mr.Anmol,
The life and all the incidents that take place here are beyond our imaginations and sometimes beyond everything.
I usually chant the sacred Gayathri mantra.but nowadays when i chant say for about 3-4 min.,my body starts heating up and i visualise some sort of colours,some waves,i really dont understand,i really want to keep my eyes closed but at the same time i feel that i dont know the proper way so i should not continue it.but really i am not doing any other yogic practice also,i really need to start yoga as i have cervical spondylosis,but what is it that is happening when i am in my prayers Please ;you can guide me ,i think.
Greetings AnmolMehta,
I was hoping you can give me guideance. I’m blind and beginning to study Yoga, often times I’ve noticed poses involve the eyes, as with hypnosis. If you can assist me on the path, for Yoga programs for the blind considering those of us who have little moneyyour help will be greatly appreciated, I like your style, and need a teacher I can follow, the descriptions of your vidios help, a lot. Thank you.
Dear Fiona,
So glad you left a comment. I have emailed you a few times, but it keeps failing. Here is the email that I am sending to ( Please let me know if this is a valid email or is there another I should be using.
The registration and download instructions are in your order confirmation already. Open that file with any browser and follow those steps. But, please email me at, with a vlid email address so we can communicate.
All Good Wishes,
I have paid for the meditation course which you have debited my account for, however I have received no email confirming this or an email with instructions on how to proceed, will documentation come through post, will worksheets come via email or post ?
Hi Anmol,
I chanced upon your website by chance – what a wealth of information !!!
Sadly, I am a pack/day smoker and keen on quitting. Also, I want to seriously experience Kundalini…..can I write to you?
Dear Anmol,
Please guide, can Lord Shive third eye chakra meditation be done twice a day for 11 min. each or one should be doing it only once in a day?
I loved the Mastery of Meditation course and have printed all of it out and put it in a binder to continue studying and practicing to infinity. I am now ready for the exam. I know this is just the beginning of more studies to come!
What is the safe maximum number per minute one should do Kapalbhati pranayama without any possibility of harmful reactions .
Hi Anmol, just wanted to thank you for the great work on the website, and thanks for keeping it up. I’m on week 9 of the SM Meditation, and it has been an interesting 8 weeks, I can say that! My mind tells me that I should be more “awake”, but the simple words you wrote in the beginning chapters that the results are out of our reach, only the effort is in our reach, completely slapped me on the face. I always work to get results. This time I’m enjoying the path as much as I can, and following the program without getting too technical like I’m used to doing. I’m not expecting specific results. I’m just doing it because I have faith it will work and because the only proof that I have that it is helping me is the extended peace I feel compared to when I wasn’t doing SM. That’s enough results for me.
Thanks again,
Hi Atul,
Appreciate your positive feedback and glad you are enjoying the website.
Thanks also for pointing out the typo. I have fixed it now :-).