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Yoga Plough Pose for Activating Chakra Points

Plough pose (Hal Asana) is another yoga posture which is slightly more advanced and should therefore be practiced carefully.  As this position puts pressure on the neck, it is important to not force the pose and to gently develop the necessary flexibility to come into the final position.  This yoga pose though, is certainly worth the time and effort to master, as it is capable of bestowing multiple benefits by working to open several key chakras simultaneously.

The following pose is again common to both, hatha yoga and kundalini yoga and thus, is a part of both e-books that are available on Mastery of Meditation.  The Free Online Hatha Yoga Poses Galleries and the Free Illustrated Kundalini Yoga Poses E-Book.

As mentioned above, Plough pose works on several of the chakras of the Kundalini Seven Chakra System.  Some articles that will help you understand better this chakra system and how kundalini yoga looks to open and balance them are as follows: Introduction to Kundailni Yoga and Kundalini Seven Chakra System Overview.  It is also important to note, that hatha yoga, or for that matter all yoga, looks to open and balance the chakras to promote the greater flow of kundalini shakti throughout the nadi sytem (psychic channels of the energetic body).

Specifically, Plough pose works on the throat chakra (vishuddhi chakra), heart chakra (anahata chakra) and the navel chakra (manipura chakra).  More details about these benefits are in the practice section below.

Yoga Plough Pose for Multi Chakra Activation

Picture of Yoga Plough Pose (Hal Asana)


Hatha Yoga Plough Pose Practice Details:

a. Step-by-Step Instructions for Kundalini Yoga Plough Pose:

  • Lie on your back, bend your legs and bring your knees above you.
  • Use your hands to support your back by placing them on ribcage, as show in the illustration above.
  • Straighten your legs and keeping them together slowly swing them over till your toes touch the floor behind you.
  • Try to stay on your upper back (instead of your shoulders) and keep your legs as straight as possible.

b. Duration for Kundalini Yoga Plough Pose:

  • 15 seconds – 5 minutes.

c. Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Plough Pose:

  • Works on your navel chakra and improves the functioning of all your digestive organs.  This asana also develops the abdominal muscles.  There is great number of available games. These games are quite different and you may play all of them in any mood.
  • This pose also stimulates the heart chakra and improves the respiratory, circulatory and immune systems.
  • Tones the thyroid and para-thyroid glands, and helps activate and balance the throat chakra.
  • Plough pose develops flexibility of the spine, entire back and hamstrings.

d. Practice Tips for Kundalini Yoga Plough Pose:

  • Do not practice this pose if you have problems with your back or neck.  It is also not recommended for those suffering from high blood pressure.
  • To modify this exercise, keep a small chair or low table behind you to rest your toes on, if you can’t reach the floor with them.  It is also fine, to only bring your legs over as far as possible and to bend your knees if necessary, until you are flexible enough to do the full posture.
  • One should stretch the neck, shoulders, back and hamstrings prior to doing Hal Asana.
  • Do not force this pose and be careful of your neck as you bring your legs over.

Awakening of Kundalini and Energy Centers

Kundalini Chakras and Energy

In today’s guest post, Richard, who is a meditation teacher and author, shares his insights about Kundalini Awakening and Energizing Chakra Centers with us.  Richard is a meditation teacher and author, and you will find more information on the courses he offers on his website

If you would like to be a guest author on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga, please email me at

kundalini energy

Awakening Kundalini Energy


Richard Crown

The Sacred Sound comes, vibrating red Mooladhara chakra (base or root). It spins and expands ecstatically. Kundalini energy, liquid and golden, pours into the spinning, vibrating vortex.

The lovely Kundalini mixes with the bright red chakra energy already present. Cool Earthly energy is drawn up from below by the increased spinning and vibrations caused by chanting the Sacred Sound, bringing unlimited power. All the energies join together in blissful, empowering union.

The Sacred Sound comes again. And again. And again…

Each time the sound comes, the energies become more powerful, growing, cleansing and expanding the chakra.

“Om Kundalini, Kundalini, Kundalini…”

The chant changes. The now golden chakra, packed full, expanded to its limit, clean and happy, begins to settle and cool –becoming stable but energized. Oh, so energized.

The Sacred Sound for Swadishtana chakra begins. As the chakra starts vibrating, lovely liquid gold Kundalini pours into it, mixing with the orange already there and with the strong Earth power coming up from below.

When the chakra is full, happy and stabilized by chanting Om Kundallini, the whole process moves up to yellow Manipura chakra above the navel. Then up to green Anahata at the heart. Then blue Vishuddi at the base of the throat and on to indigo Ajneya, the Third Eye.

Finally, it breaks the seals in violet Sahasrara, the crown chakra in the center of the skull’s top. An ecstatic burst of golden energy appears, formed by the energies from below meeting the Celestial, or Heavenly, power coming down from above.

Liquid gold flows down over the body, covering the skin with a protective, empowering layer. Golden mist fills the entire aura, cleansing, strengthening and granting it the power to dissolve incoming negative energies.

Tears of joy run down her face. “Thank you, thank you, thank you…”

Her gratitude is for the life force filling every fiber of her being. Before, she was only half alive –or half dead. Now she feels complete. Completely normal for the very first time in her life. Super energized, but completely normal.

Different Kundalini Experiences

Other people laugh uncontrollably, have highly Spiritual visions, reunite with lost loved ones, go into muscle spasms or are rendered silent. Everyone reacts differently to a Kundalini Awakening.

A few are incapable of experiencing anything at all. They desperately want the experience, search for it, will pay anything to get it, but can’t have it. They go from teacher to teacher, blaming the teachers, searching, searching, always searching.

Sadly, their systems are still too blocked with cravings, suppressed emotions, concepts and karma. They’re not ready yet. They need more basic Spiritual healing work on themselves before being able to move up.

The Kundalini Energy Path

After the initial Kundalini awakening, the necessity of a personal, daily practice to maintain the beautiful experience appears. No practice and, sadly, the lovely experience soon fades into being just a lovely memory.

With regular practice, the entire energy system grows and expands. Psychic abilities begin to come and grow. Deeper and deeper states of meditation appear effortlessly. The life purpose becomes clear.

And the issues begin rearing their ugly heads to be healed. The increased light pouring in exposes the inner demons present in all of us. They are concepts, beliefs, suppressed emotions, chronic habit and behavior patterns, past life karmas, cravings, etc. They must all be healed as they arise.

Changes come in outer life as well. Careers, partners and homes all may change. Anything that’s not in accord with your Spiritual path to Enlightenment will go. Because that’s where dedicated Kundalini practice takes you. All the way to Realization.

If these changes are embraced with gratitude and understanding, they can be joyful and empowering. If they are resisted by trying to hang on to the old lifestyle while moving forward into the light, life can become quite painful.

The Right Teacher is Necessary

This is where the continued guidance and support of a self Realized teacher becomes invaluable. She will be kind, compassionate, supportive and available for you whenever the releasing issues become overwhelming.

She will know how to identify and heal each different situation because she’s already been through it herself and has guided other students. She’ll smooth and accelerate your healing process and your growth.

Kundalini Awakening is only the beautiful beginning of the Kundalini experience. Dedicated practice inevitably brings far greater rewards. As the Kundalini expands and grows your chakras, your consciousness grows and expands until you realize that you are an Enlightened, eternal being of pure light.

Shaman Remedia and Richard Crown have been doing energy work together for fifteen years. They awaken Kundalini for others using Shaktipat and Sacred Sounds via Skype at  They also provide ongoing support and live, personal guided meditations one on one via Skype.

You can try Shaktipat and a guided meditation free and download free Ebooks by taking a 7 day free trial.


Anger Management Quick Fix Yoga Technique

Anger Management Technique

How to Be Free from Anger

There are some excellent techniques in yoga and ayurveda to help you deal with anger issues and help you free yourself from anger.  Anger, as I have mentioned previously, is simply energy and many of the problems that anger leads to is due to the storm of powerful egocentric and aggressive thoughts that arise as a result of it.  For long term peace and tranquility there is nothing better that meditation for dealing with anger.  Techniques such as Zen Meditation Technique, So Hum Mantra Meditation or Smiling Buddha Meditation for Happiness are great for this.  But, a more active and immediate method for dissipating anger and finding the calm within comes from the school Kundalini Yoga.

anger management

Before jumping into this technique let me point out some of the other articles on the website which also provide ways to deal with anger successfully.  From Yoga Therapy there is the technique described here, Anger Management with Yoga Therapy.  From the healing school of Ayurveda there are the following breathing exercises which are excellent for cooling the system and pacifying anger and irritation, Sheetali Pranayama for Anger and Stress Mangement and Seetkari Pranayama to Lower Blood Pressure.  Feel free to try these, or combine them with the meditations above and the exercise below to create a nice anger management program for yourself.

If you are new to yoga, please be sure to follow the guidelines on how to practice yoga which I have detailed in the following 2 articles, Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Practice and Guidelines for Kundalini Yoga Practice.

Anger Management Kundalini Yoga Exercise:

a. Instructions for practicing Anger Release Technique:

This technique is quite simple to practice and it’s design is to help you get rid of the anger that is within consciously and then find the peaceful and infinite dimension of you being to promote calm and tranquility.

  • Sit up straight.  You can do this exercise sitting on the floor cross legged, sitting up on your heels in rock pose or even sitting on a stool.
  • Now close your eyes and allow any anger within you, suppressed or otherwise, to rise up so you can get rid of it.
  • Next, remain angry, make fists, extend one arm out and start to punch forward with alternating fists.  So as one arm punches forward, the other retreats.  Breathe furiously as you do this.  Allow all the anger energy to be consumed by your vigorous punching.  Keep going if you feel there is more irritation or rage energy you need to get rid of.  You your breath of help you keep going.
  • After completing the exercise lower your arms and relax completely.  Put a gentle smile on your face and bring your awareness to your breath.  Breathe into your heart center and out from your heart center.  So feel each breath moving into the center of your chest and each breath emerging from there and flowing out.  The heart center or Anahata Chakra, is the seat of love and forgiveness and this exercise and subsequent breathing will help open and balance this center for you.  Feel love, affection and forgiveness start to flow.
  •  Remain in this way, calm and peaceful for as long as you like.   

b. Duration for Anger Management Technique:

  • You can do the active portion of this exercise for 15 seconds to 3 minutes.  You can do the breathing in and out of the Heart Center for as long as you like.

c. Benefits of Anger Release Exercise:

  • Helps release suppressed anger, irritation and frustration.
  • Helps one consciously learn to release and be free from anger.
  • Helps to overcome hurts and frustration.
  • Helps bestow peace and tranquility.
  • Helps to tone the chest and shoulders.


d. Practice Tips for Anger Management Exercise:

  • Don’t be afraid to get angry when doing this practice.
  • In general, don’t judge yourself when you get angry.  We all get angry and there is nothing wrong with that, it is ok.  Just learn to observe anger when it does arise and don’t get swept away with the ego empowering, hateful, negative thoughts that anger ignites.  Instead, try to use this opportunity to practice forgiveness and love.
  • The real sign of a yogi or monk is keeping their composure and equanimity when faced with stressful and upsetting situations.  So use those situations to practice Mindfulness and use these situations as opportunity for spiritual growth.

Excellent Kundalini Yoga Shoulder Exercise

Yoga Exercise for Toning Shoulder

Simple Shoulder Workout

If you have attended a Kundalini Yoga class, you know there is going to be that phase when it’s time to do shoulder exercises and it’s going to test your pain threshold, at least just a little bit .  Being quite an obsessive personality myself, I remember spending a lot of time out of class simply testing my willpower by seeing how long I could hold my arms up, etc.  This was to better prepare me for completing the shoulder exercises during class.  There are a lot of excellent sets to work on your shoulders in Kundalini Yoga, but today I am going to give you just one simple shoulder exercise which will prepare you nicely for these sets that I plan to upload in the near future.

Simple Shoulder Workout

I call this exercise Shoulder See-Saw and it is excellent for warming up before jumping into more difficult exercises or more advanced yoga sets.  Although this exercise focuses on the shoulder region, it is also used extensively to work on the Heart Center or Anahat Chakra.  This is because, it uses the expanding and contracting theory of Kundalini Yoga exercises, to bring pressure and oxygenated blood to the heart region, allowing the muscles, organs and glands in that area to be cleansed and rejuvenated as well.

The following 3 articles will be useful to you, if you are new to Kundalini Yoga, as they will give you some good guidelines on how to do the workouts safely, as well as introduce you to how these Kundalini Yoga exercises work.

Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Practice

Guidelines for Kundalini Yoga Practice

Introduction to Kundalini Yoga – The Yoga of Awareness

Shoulder See-Saw Exercise will be added to our free ongoing yoga exercises e-book, which you can find here: Online Kundalini Yoga Exercises e-book.  In addition, be on the lookout for yoga sets incorporating this exercise in the near future here: Free Online Kundalini Yoga Sets.  And also, be sure to check out the Free Online Yoga Classes that we already offer on the website.

Below you will find a video and illustrations of this exercise, along with practice details, benefits and other related information.

Kundalini Yoga Exercise to Tone and Open Shoulders

YouTube Direct Link –>

Yoga See-Saw Shoulder Exercise

A. How to Do See-Saw Exercise: 

  • Sit in any comfortable position.  Cross legged is preferred.
  • Bring your elbows up to shoulder level.  Bend your arms and have your right palm facing your sternum and your left palm facing away from you.  So right thumb is above and left thumb is below.
  • Low clasp your fingers together to form a firm hold.  The fingers are not interlaced, but instead the fingers of each hand are cupped in the other hand.  This is called bear grip.
  • Your hands should be 4 to 6 inches away from your chest.  Relax the shoulders.
  • Now apply some gentle pressure by pulling trying to pull your hands apart, without breaking the grip of course.
  • Then begin the following movement.
  • As you inhale bring the left elbow up and at the same time bring the right elbow down.
  • Then as you exhale bring the right elbow up and the left elbow down.  So you are going up and down like a see-saw.
  • Begin at a gentle pace and then as your shoulders start to warm-up pick up your pace.
  • Breathe powerfully and go faster as you feel more ready.  Remember to listen to you body at all times, and slow down or take a break when necessary.
  • Soon you will start to feel it in your shoulders as they are given a good workout by this movement.  Try not to give up on the first sign of discomfort and continue on as best you can.
  • To finish:  Inhale deeply, hold your breath and try to pull your arm apart with great force.
  • Then exhale completely and again try to pull your arms apart with great force.
  • Those that are more advanced can apply Triple Lock during the last step, when they have exhaled and are trying to pull their arm apart.  You can repeat the inhale/exhale/pull step up to 3 times.  You will find details of Triple Lock (Maha Bandha) in the following article:  Advanced Tantric Yoga Video to Channel Sex Energy.

B. Duration for See-Saw Shoulder Exercise: 15 seconds – 3 minutes.

C. Benefits of See-Saw Shoulder Exercise:  

  • Excellent for warming up the shoulder muscles.
  • Good for strengthening and toning the shoulder muscles.
  • Opens up the Heart Center and promotes love, compassion and forgiveness.
  • Good warm-up exercise to get the blood flowing and respiration going.
  • Good for the respiratory system and builds fitness.
  • Stimulated the flow of Kundalini (Energy) up the spine and to the higher centers.
  • Helps build willpower and character.

D. Practice Tips and Cautions for See-Saw Exercise:

  • Doing this exercise regularly will go a long way in helping you tone and strengthen your shoulder muscles.
  • Stretching the shoulders after doing this exercise feels good, use Palm Tree Pose below while seated to do this after you finish.

More Shoulder Exercises:

There are also other great shoulder exercises already on the website, so be sure to check some of them out below.

Good Shoulder Stretch:

Easy Yoga Pose for Stretching and Warming Up – Palm Tree Pose

2 Good Shoulder Exercises for Building Your Aura and Magnetic Field:

Eagle Pose for Powerful Aura

Aura Cleansing Power Yoga Technique

Exercises to Strengthen Shoulders and Arms:

Jesus Pose for Sacrifice and Inner Strength

Hatha Yoga Position for Nerve Strength – Mountain Pose

Yoga for Upper Body Strength and Training


Best Yoga Poses and Exercises – Free Comprehensive Guide

Top 10 Yoga Poses

Free Poses for Yoga

This is the last part of the best yoga poses and exercises series.  It combines the first two parts for easy bookmarking, and now includes information on how best to sequence and enhance these excellent yoga poses for maximum benefit as well.

[This was part 1 of the Best Yoga Poses and Exercises Series]

Mastery of Meditation and Yoga now houses a wealth of yoga resources, including free hatha yoga poses, free kundalini yoga exercises, free yoga breathing exercises and great collections of free yoga exercise videos.  As a matter of fact, I often hear, “Anmol your site is overwhelming, it has too much information”, but really that is a good thing, is it not ?  My good friend Ben, who is the author of the great spiritual blog – Meditation, Energy Oneness and Consciousness (PeacefulProsperity.Com) recently did a Review of AnmolMehta.Com, and the one caution he made was the following…

The only cautionary critique I have of the site is also one of its strengths… There is an incredible amount of content there! It can be a bit overwhelming.  I recommend you visit the site in a focused state… have a plan and stick with it… just read the most recent blog post, or start one of the online classes… stay focused… and if you find your self enjoying it, you can gradually branch out from there…


I have, of course, tried very hard to organize this site to make it easy to navigate and easy to find what you are looking for, whether that be certain yoga poses, pranayama techniques on advise on how to meditate.  An article which helps you with how to navigate this website is AnmolMehta.Com Blows Past 2 Million Page Views – Best Free Yoga Website.  But, what I also find helpful, is from time to time putting together articles that brings together various parts of the content that is already there, and this is one such article.  In this article, I am going to provide you with the 10 best yoga poses, from all the yoga techniques and asanas that are published on the site.

What you will find with the yoga poses below, is that they can be practiced by both beginners, as well as advanced yogis.  Most of the poses that are difficult have modifications provided.  Also, I have selected a range of poses and exercises, which are not just great, but which together cover almost all aspects of the body and internal systems.  You can include these exercises freely into your daily yoga program, and I will also give you some suggestion on how to sequence them in part 2 of this series.  Also, it is important to follow the guidelines for yoga that I have put together in the following 2 articles: 10 Important Guidelines for Kundalini Yoga Practice and Essential Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Practice.

Each yoga pose and exercise below has a link to the document with all the details about that technique, so you can read more about it by heading over to that article.  These poses and exercises are from across both great schools of yoga, hatha yoga as well as kundalini yoga, and you will find many of them used in the yoga sets and free online yoga classes that are offered here on the blog as well.  One final note, is that the 10 poses I have listed below are in no particular order.

In part 1 of this series, I will list 5 of the top 10 poses, in part 2 of this series I will complete the list and in the final part of this series I will tell you how to create the best sets and sequences using these poses.  So here are the top 5 yoga exercises…

10 Best Yoga Poses:

Yoga Exercise #1: Spinal Warm-up – Kundalini Yoga Grind:

The first exercise of the great Kundalini Yoga Spinal Warm-up Series is a must in any serious yoga practice.  It is called Kundalini Yoga Grind and it is a great way to work on your elimination system, digestive system and get the lower back ready for some serious yoga.  It is a perfect way to start any yoga set.  You will find a demonstration of this exercise in the yoga video below.

Best Kundalini Yoga Warm-up Exercises Video

Kundalni Yoga Grind Video Demonstration


Yoga Exercise #2 – Kundalini Yoga Rowing:

Again, the first exercise of the Best Beginner’s Kundalini Yoga Set is an excellent exercise for daily practice.  It is called Yoga Rowing and it frees up your hips, helps you develop flexibility in your hamstrings and also works on your abs and shoulder… whew, all that and it is really a simple movement as well.  Can’t go wrong with this one .  Again, this exercise is demonstrated in the yoga video below.

Best Beginner’s Kundalini Yoga Exercises Video

Yoga Rowing Exercise Video Demonstration




Yoga Pose #3 – Yoga Forward Bend – Paschimothan Asana

If you have not done your Forward Bending Yoga Pose for Healing, you have not done your yoga for the day yet, period.  As I mentioned in the article detailing this pose, if there was just one Hatha Yoga Pose to do, this would be it.  It stretches the entire back of your body and is known for triggering spontaneous healing and known to grant yogis with a long healthy life.

Yoga Exercise for Healing

Yoga Pose #4 – Yoga Stretch Pose for Abs

If there was just one yoga position you could do for your abs, Yoga Stretch Pose Core Abdominal Power would be it.  This great pose, has some easy modifications for beginners, and also gives advanced yogis a real challenge when held for a prolonged period of time.  It is one of my favorite yoga poses and a must do everyday exercise.  Oh yes, I almost forgot, this exercise is also excellent for working on your Navel Chakra, to help you develop amazing energy and tremendous willpower.

Yoga Exercise for Abs 

Yoga Pose #5 – Bow Pose – Dhanur Asana

Here is the yoga pose which holds the power of eternal youth and longevity, the famous Yoga Bow Pose.  Done regularly it has been known to keep you looking young and give you the energy and vitality of youth.  The advanced yogi can develop rocking in this pose, which is even more beneficial to you.  You will find your digestive system, respiratory system, entire spine, legs, shoulders and overall flexibility improved by this great yoga exercise.

Yoga Exercise for Youth 


[This was part 2 of the Best Yoga Poses and Exercises Series]

Top 10 Poses for Yoga – Part 2

Best Hatha and Kundalini Yoga Poses

In part 1 of this series Best Yoga Exercises and Poses, I provided the first 5 yoga poses and exercises of the top 10 list.  Although, I will briefly summarize those 5 exercises for you here, I suggest reading that part as well, as it has a lot of yoga tips and guidelines to help you with your practice.  In this part of the series, I will present the next 5 top yoga positions and in the next and final part of this series, I will give you some suggestions on how to sequence these poses and exercises for a complete and effective yoga workout.


Here briefly are the first 5 yoga exercises from part 1.  All the titles below are links to the fully illustrated documents which have all the details on how to practice these poses.

1. Kundalini Yoga Spinal Warm-up Series – Kundalini Yoga Grind

2. Best Beginner’s Kundalini Yoga Set – Yoga Rowing Exercise

3. Forward Bending Yoga Pose for Healing

4. Yoga Stretch Pose Core Abdominal Power    

5. Yoga Bow Pose

Poses for Yoga – Exercises 6 – 10:

Below you find poses 6 through 10 of this list.  Again, for beginners please use the modifications provided for any difficult positions.  Also, please follow the guidelines for yoga practice detailed in the following 2 articles: 10 Important Guidelines for Kundalini Yoga Practice and Essential Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Practice.

Yoga Asana #6: Plough Pose:

Remember that warning I keep giving to beginner’s that they ought to use modifications for any difficult positions?  Well here is when you must heed it.  This is not an easy posture to come into and if you rush it or force it, you can injure yourself.  So approach this one with caution.  Having said that, Plough Pose is an excellent posture to learn and practice.

This position puts pressure and massages several important regions of the body simultaneously and thus, works on the associated chakras in these regions at the same time.  It is very good for the sexual systems and works on the Sex Chakra, it is good for the digestive system and works on the Navel Chakra, it is good for heart health and works on the Anahata Chakra, it is good for thyroid function and work on the Throat Chakra as well .  I do suggest reading the detailed document for this position and using the practice tips that are provided there.

Hatha Yoga Position Picture

Yoga Plough Position Picture

Yoga Asana #7 – Kundalini Yoga Archer Pose:

Archer Pose for Confidence and Self-Esteem is simply a great yoga asana.  If you need to expand in any way this is the pose for you.  Expand your energy, expand your nervous system, expand your lung capacity or expand your confidence, courage and self-esteem.  The danger… yes it will expand your ego too if you do too much, so watch out for that, and balance it with Baby Pose if necessary .  Don’t forget to breathe powerfully when you are in this posture, to get maximum benefit from it.

Hatha Yoga Position Picture

Yoga Archer Position Picture

Yoga Posture #8 – Mountain Pose

As I mentioned in part 1 of this series, not only am I picking for you the top 10 yoga poses and exercises, but am also picking them such that they cover all aspects of your body and systems.  And so we have Mountain Position (or Downward Facing Dog Pose) to work on your arm strength, nervous system and overall flexibility, which were yet to be targeted.

Hatha Yoga Position Picture

Yoga Mountain Pose Picture

Yoga Pose #9 – Yoga Frog Exercise

If you thought you were going to get away from doing Yoga Froggies for Legs you were wrong Kundalini Yoga Position Picture.  Students in my class know it is time for hard work when we get to this exercise, but they also know that to have strong legs, firm buttocks and toned thighs there is no better exercise than this.  In addition, froggies get your heart rate going and thus, work on your fitness and stamina as well.  Remember to be careful with your knees, and take frequent breaks in between as well.  The goal is to build up to 108 repetitions!

Free Yoga Position Picture 2

Kundalini Yoga Frog – Starting Position Illustration

Free Yoga Position Picture

Kundalini Yoga Frog – Ending Position Illustration

Yoga Pose #10 – Eagle Pose

The great thing about yoga, is that not just does it work on the obvious aspects of your body, such as the muscles and internal systems, but it has exercises to work on the more subtle aspects of your being as well.  Kundalini Yoga Eagle Pose for Powerful Aura, is just such an exercise.  It is designed to strengthen and charge your magnetic field.  So if you want to be charming, magnetic, influential and protected from the hidden forces of the Universe, it is time to come into Eagle Pose and fly using the Breath of Fire.

Kundalini Yoga Position Eagle Pose Picture

Yoga Eagle Pose Picture


[Here now is the third and final part of the Best Yoga Poses and Exercises Series]

Best Free Yoga Poses – Final Part

So now that we have a nice collection of yoga poses, let me give you some details on how best to enhance these exercises and also, which other ones you can squeeze in to get a very complete and effective yoga workout.

Best Yoga Sequence and Enhancements:

The order in which the poses are given is a excellent sequence in which to do these exercises and postures.  Such a set would be balanced and also, would work on your entire body and systems very thoroughly.  In addition, I would suggest the following additions to get even more out of your set.

1. Butterfly Pose for Meditation:

After doing exercises 2 (Yoga Rowing) add Butterfly Pose to your routine.  This will stretch your groin region and help you transmute sexual energy for higher purposes.  This pose will also be very beneficial in helping you sit cross legged for longer periods of time.

2. Yoga Rock-n-Roll (Exercise #6 from the Kids Yoga Poses Guide):

Use Yoga rock and roll to transition between poses, especially between the seated poses and standing poses.  This exercise helps distribute your cerebro-spinal fluid, massages your back and help extend and stretch your spine.  Great exercise to use for transitions.

4. Camel Pose for Optimum Health:

Camel Pose almost made this list and it is a great pose to include into your routine as well.  You can do it after Paschimothan Asana (Forward Bend) to enjoy the benefits of this terrific posture.

5. Shoulder Stand for Brain Fitness:

This set does not have a true inversion, although Plough Pose comes close.  To include an inverted posture to this set, I would suggest Should Stand.  The best place to put this in would be after Stretch Pose for Abs.

6. Boat Pose for Abdominal Strength:

Speaking of abdominal and core strength, just Yoga Stretch Pose may not be enough Navel Chakra work, as working on the abs is a very key aspect of good health and energy.  So adding Boat Pose or the entire Yoga Ab Execises to Tone Stomach to this set is not a bad idea.  You will find Boat Pose being demonstrated in the following video and it is Exercise #5 of that set (Core Abdominal Power Yoga Set).  I would suggest adding this to Yoga Stretch Pose’s #4 slot.

7. Corpse Pose for Relaxation:

At the end of the set and anytime you tire in between, freely use corpse pose to rest and rejuvenate before moving ahead.  This pose is excellent to help the body assimilate the gains from the previous exercises and also, it is a great technique to learn for relaxation and stress relief.

Finally, use the yoga tips from the article, 5 Simple Yoga Tips to put the final touches on your set and really take your practice to the highest level.  If you have yoga poses you love and have found helpful, please share that with us in the comments below so others can benefit as well.


Best Yoga Positions and Exercises – Part 2

Top 10 Yoga Positions

Best Hatha and Kundalini Yoga Positions

In part 1 of this series Best Yoga Exercises and Poses, I provided the first 5 yoga exercises and positions of the top 10 list.  Although, I will briefly summarize those 5 poses for you here, I suggest reading that part as well, as it has a lot of yoga tips and guidelines to help you with your practice.  In this part of the series, I will present the next 5 top yoga positions and in the next and final part of this series, I will give you some suggestions on how to sequence these positions and exercises for a complete and effective yoga workout.

Yoga Positions and Exercises

Here briefly are the first 5 yoga exercises from part 1.  All the titles below are links to the fully illustrated documents which have all the details on how to practice these poses.

1. Kundalini Yoga Spinal Warm-up Series – Kundalini Yoga Grind

2. Best Beginner’s Kundalini Yoga Set – Yoga Rowing Exercise

3. Forward Bending Yoga Pose for Healing

4. Yoga Stretch Pose Core Abdominal Power    

5. Yoga Bow Pose

Best Yoga Positions – Poses 6 – 10:

Below you find poses 6 through 10 of this list.  Again, for beginners please use the modifications provided for any difficult positions.  Also, please follow the guidelines for yoga practice detailed in the following 2 articles: 10 Important Guidelines for Kundalini Yoga Practice and Essential Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Practice.

Yoga Position #6: Plough Pose:

Remember that warning I keep giving to beginner’s that they ought to use modifications for any difficult positions?  Well here is when you must heed it.  This is not an easy posture to come into and if you rush it or force it, you can injure yourself.  So approach this one with caution.  Having said that, Plough Pose is an excellent posture to learn and practice.

This position puts pressure and massages several important regions of the body simultaneously and thus, works on the associated chakras in these regions at the same time.  It is very good for the sexual systems and works on the Sex Chakra, it is good for the digestive system and works on the Navel Chakra, it is good for heart health and works on the Anahata Chakra, it is good for thyroid function and work on the Throat Chakra as well .  I do suggest reading the detailed document for this position and using the practice tips that are provided there.

Hatha Yoga Position Picture

Yoga Plough Position Picture

Yoga Position #7 – Kundalini Yoga Archer Pose:

Archer Pose for Confidence and Self-Esteem is simply a great yoga position.  If you need to expand in any way this is the pose for you.  Expand your energy, expand your nervous system, expand your lung capacity or expand your confidence, courage and self-esteem.  The danger… yes it will expand your ego too if you do too much, so watch out for that, and balance it with Baby Pose if necessary .  Don’t forget to breathe powerfully when you are in this posture, to get maximum benefit from it.

Hatha Yoga Position Picture

Yoga Archer Position Picture

Yoga Position #8 – Mountain Pose

As I mentioned in part 1 of this series, not only am I picking for you the top 10 yoga positions and exercises, but am also picking them such that they cover all aspects of your body and systems.  And so we have Mountain Position (or Downward Facing Dog Pose) to work on your arm strength, nervous system and overall flexibility, which were yet to be targeted.

Hatha Yoga Position Picture

Yoga Mountain Pose Picture

Yoga Position #9 – Yoga Frog Exercise

If you thought you were going to get away from doing Yoga Froggies for Legs you were wrong Kundalini Yoga Position Picture.  Students in my class know it is time for hard work when we get to this exercise, but they also know that to have strong legs, firm buttocks and toned thighs there is no better exercise than this.  In addition, froggies get your heart rate going and thus, work on your fitness and stamina as well.  Remember to be careful with your knees, and take frequent breaks in between as well.  The goal is to build up to 108 repetitions!

Free Yoga Position Picture 2

Kundalini Yoga Frog – Starting Position Illustration

Free Yoga Position Picture

Kundalini Yoga Frog – Ending Position Illustration

Yoga Position #10 – Eagle Pose

The great thing about yoga, is that not just does it work on the obvious aspects of your body, such as the muscles and internal systems, but it has exercises to work on the more subtle aspects of your being as well.  Kundalini Yoga Eagle Pose for Powerful Aura, is just such an exercise.  It is designed to strengthen and charge your magnetic field.  So if you want to be charming, magnetic, influential and protected from the hidden forces of the Universe, it is time to come into Eagle Position and fly using the Breath of Fire.

Kundalini Yoga Position Eagle Pose Picture

Yoga Eagle Pose Picture


Stay tuned for the final part of this series where I will put everything together for you and suggest sequences on how best to use these 10 great yoga positions and exercises.


Mastery of Meditation & Yoga Testimonials | Customer Reviews of Products & Services


Please find below some of what others have had to say about the Mastery of Meditation & Yoga Website, the free online yoga and meditation classes and the great yoga & meditation products I offer to help you live your life at your maximum potential.

Rebecca says,

WOW, this was an excellent reading and intuitively I knew there was greatness within and that is why I am feeling so eager to reach it.  Thanks again for the tools to help me along my path and I am so blessed to have been presented to you as a guide for me, you will always be in my thoughts as a teacher and coach on my path.

Gurtej says,

I cant thank u enough to have WOKEN ME UP with ur reading about me…… i am STUNNED to say the least……. i didnt expect this numerological reading to be so precise. U have told me exactly what i needed to know to grow and glow in my life…….. Thank u so very much …. i have started my transformation programme from 1st of this month.

Anca Says:

Thank you so much for this (numerology) analysis, the words sounded so deeply inside me that it made me cry :-).  I definitely could use the Zen Meditation :-).  I started your program today and I am very confident in my path now. 

Chris Says:

Thank you for the wonderful reading (numerology).  It was astonishing and not surprising my work is the pranic body…  I love your e-book…  I thank you so much for your wisdom and presence in my life.

Falguni says:

The (numerological) reading you sent me has motivated me to do the 40 day program and have a more disciplined spiritual life… I hope you know how much you help people liberate their souls.

Falguni Adds,

I wanted to follow up on my transformation program you prescribed me based on my numerology reading. Today is my 40th day of the program and am happy to report that I have completed at least the initial phase. :-) I definitely feel more confident after starting the program. The meditation has helped bring more awarenes into my life especially when I am off the mat.

Gail Says:

hi anmol,
i ordered and received a wonderful numerological report from you recently, which includes the 40 day transformational program.

Rishi Says:

I just purchased your Pranayama Video Series and find them to be an amazing source on these wonderful exercises. Any chance you will release them on DVD? Also, thank you for providing your Amazing Insights E-book for free with this purchase. I have been finding out more about myself from reading your book.

Peter Says:

I loved your amazing insights e-book and always get more insights from the stories each time I read it.

Dr. Rajiv Pathri M.D. Says:

I finished reading you e-book.  It has depth, not just of knowledge, but authentic from your own experience.  You should seriously write a book.  I know you are not attached to results, but from what I see, it will be a bestseller.

Pat Says:

I love your Mind Expanding Guided Meditation.

Chris Says:

I’ve been reading the Insights e-book and it is full of good stuff, loving it.

Bobby Says:

Incredible Blog. Several lifetimes of knowledge fill this site. Great for beginners and experts interested in yoga, mind development, meditation, etc. Masterfully written and one of the best on the web. I recommend everybody read this!!!!!

Ramesh Says:

First of all, let me say what I’ve been saying to myself as I go through the articles on this blog… This is a simply fantastic site… so much information, so many insights, and… it’s all free???

Albert Says:

He has got some awesome stuff on Meditation and Enlightenment. Definitely a – can’t – leave – the – screen – till – you – devour – everything – blog.

Bridget Says:

I just want to say thank you for this website. It is one of the most comprehensive and helpful yoga websites I have found anywhere on the internet. I appreciate your wisdom and your willingness to share it so easily with others. Thank you.

Kara-Leah Grant Says:

Many blessings to you Anmol – your generosity has greatly informed both my own practice and my teachings.  I hope that via my blog, I do my best to spread the word about this wonderful site – by far the best yoga site I have ever come across.

Vinod Says:

First of all, let me say that this entire site is great. Its truly a labor of love. Each time I find an article that I think is great, I read more and find another article that I think is even better.

Allysa Says:


Thank you so much for having this site. It is SO amazing… infinite amounts of information are now available to me and I cannot tell you how thankful I am to be learning more about yoga and meditation. Bless you for all of your generosity and kindness in bringing this to so many people around the world.

Paula Says:

Hi… I wasn’t really expecting a response, so thank u for the nice surprise. GREAT SUPER AWESOME BLOG…your free online kundalini classes have been soooooooo wonderful, thank you.

The whole blog actually and all the info in there is just what I needed this year. I’m on a journey… and I’m actually enjoying it for the first time in my adult life.

Jeff Says:

I was introduced to your site by Kara-Leah Masina, …she recommended to me many of your meditations and exercises, and they have been wonderful. As a result, I have been poking around your site, and I have been amazed at the wonderful things you have here!

Miguelina Says:

The Kundalini Yoga class earlier today was absolutely wonderful. You explained everything so well and you radiate peace. I feel very blessed for the opportunity to be your student. Thanks again.

Harrison Says:

Today and went on your site for the first time and was blown away. I was only on it for around half and hour but it looks amazing. I plan to spend much more time and probably take one of your free online classes. I just wanted to thank you for spending your free time to helped educate people about yoga. I don’t think that there is another site like that out there that gives great information without trying to charge you or flooding you with advertisements.

Rute Says:

Dear Anmol,

My family and I thank you more than you will ever know for your devotion in helping us to develop spiritually and inspiring us to live in a positive and healthy way.

Your website has already touched our lives deeply and we have just begun, the information that you give us in your website is amazing and you have put it in a very clear and easy way to follow.

God Bless you and all who are dearest to you.

Anonymous Says:

Dear Anmol!

Thank you ever so much for ur wonderful blog and for all the information!!! :) I tried ur yoga for weight-loss online course and have been doing it for 2 days including today… i had an absolutely un-believable day yesterday!! I could believe how chirpy and peppy and active i was…

I normally walk for about 105 – 120 mins a day… and i usually burn 850 cals in 115 mins… yesterday i did the yoga in the morning n went for my walk in the evening.. i was so much peppier…!! i burnt 823 cals in 95 mins only!! n my heart rate monitor tells me about my avg heart rate which usually ranges from 60 – 65% of my max hrt rate… but yesterday i had gone up to an avg of 71%!!! :)

WOW!!! Im amazed at the results!! I am a member of Spark People (online weight loss community) and i posted ur links to my team “Indians Unite – Chak de!” Telling them about it as well!! Everyone who browsed through ur website replied to the team forum saying its very helpful! :)

Thank you once again!

Shamim Says:

Your articles are awesome. Thank you so much for sharing.

Chris Says,

Hi Anmol,  I continue to use your techniques after 12 months and continue to benefit in many ways from their regular practice.  I have been focusing solely on awakening my heart chaka and developing compassion for myself and others. The added benefit for me is that the kriyas help develop stamina and coordination in my drumming!  Thank you so much for your simple and immensely helpful instruction.  I continue to learn from it.  Best wishes Chris.

Kavita Says:

I started our sessions together with no prior experience of any kind of yoga except some informal physical sessions as conducted in the health clubs. The sessions we did were unique in their combination of meditation, yoga and kirtan i.e. combining Gnana yoga, karma yoga and bhakti yoga all in a single sitting. Doing Kundalini yoga along with the meditation in our sessions together acted like a cloud was lifted from my brains. Within a few sessions I found a lot of difference in me. My thought process got clearer and I felt my brain capacity and efficiency at work as well as home actually increase. But the most important gift was a feeling of peace and a calm happiness I felt after every session. I had read many spiritual and philosophical books prior to starting the yoga but I could imbibe their essence only after I started the meditation. I am determined now to continue learning kundalini yoga further and increase the duration of the daily meditation as much as possible. I will soon also start conducting sessions to help other people  take the first step just as you helped me take my first one.

I cannot express sufficiently enough my thanks to both you and Trupti for all the guidance, warmth and love you have shown me during the period we have known each other.

Jean Says:

Thank you for teaching me yoga.  I am going to start classes at the Kundalini school on Yoga class.  You are a great teacher.

Bhaskar Says:

Yoga, in conjunction with Taekwando, over the past couple of years has been great for me. I am the happiest I have been, without any worries about the present or the future, without regrets or dwelling in the past, and with the knowledge that I can face challenges and do what I can without too much thought on the outcome.

Thinking back, it clear to me that the phases of my life I have been happy and performed well as an individual, have been the phases were I was meticulous at daily practice – be it Sandhyavandhanam, writing prayers/ names for Astrology/ Numerology reasons or be it plain reciting Slokas. The only catch here had been that these were all quite traditional and I was not able to understand why I was better off and whether a Greater Force was being invoked when I performed these acts. I was also unable to completely reconcile with the concept of ‘God’, what ‘Life’ meant, what any individual could do and many other questions ranging from the Marco to the Micro level. I had been reciting slokas everyday at that point and was also physically fit due to daily exercise. Due to various changes in my life over the next few months it turned out that I dropped all sorts of daily practice and exercise. One could say, I was soul-searching without a proper guide.

I turned to various guides to help me through this phase. I started reading a particular interpretation of the Bhagwad-Gita, which at that point did more harm to me than good. I also turned to Yoga and was fortunate to hear that Anmol taught Yoga. I also turned to the RamanAshram and the teachings of Ramana Maharishi. To be honest, all this at the same time was quite overwhelming and I left them all for a period of time.

Yoga and the classes have been wonderful as they helped clear all the questions, helped me refocus and live in the present. Yoga and Anmol helped me reconcile all the Macro concepts; I have spent so much time with Anmol talking about everything. He is a wonderful teacher and helped me see everything in that manner in which I could understand them. Those teachings, along with daily practice have helped me see everything in a different light. I can now better understand the Bhagwad Gita, Ramana Maharishi and anything else I might have read in the past. I consider myself fortunate to have realized what I can do and to have Anmol as a friend, teacher and guide. I also understand that daily practice of Yoga and Meditation are what would help me going forward in my life also.

Sorabh Says:

My introduction to yoga began with Anmol, who I consider not just a friend but truly a initiator into the practice of yoga. Yoga is often misconstrued as a set of asanas, but thankfully he didn’t allow such a thing to happen. His insight into the workings of the mind, his respect, love and commitment to all of us as students, friends, family members made the experiences powerfully impacting. The weekly sessions were something I looked forward to and were perhaps were one of the most important things I did during the week – to take care of my body, mind and soul. I would be remiss to mention Trupti’s contribution. Without her touch the experiences surely wouldn’t be the same.

The practice of yoga is now the most important activity in my day and is at the center of my well being.

Piyush Says:

Thank you for introducing me to Yoga – I have thoroughly enjoyed all the classes I have attended over the past few years. Your style of teaching is full of energy and very inspirational. Your words (when I pay attention) are a source of quiet enlightenment. Afterwords I feel fresh, stretched, centered and more empowered. Again – thanks for your guidance and motivation!

Bindu Says:

Anmol, I really enjoy every yoga class you conduct. Yoga and mediation now relates to my life and I feel great, relaxed, calm and most of all HAPPY.  Due to your classes I feel I know how to use yoga as a tool in life to attain union within mind, body and spirit. Every class you conducted has a fine balanced combination of Yoga, Meditation and ‘bhajan’ that at the end of every class I felt I had a good sweaty workout and at the same time felt so calm and relaxed due to the meditation. I would like to add that you have been a very calming and sensitive Yoga Guru teaching us the importance of attitude for gratitude. My favorite part was always prayer for someone who needs it at the end of Yoga class. Yoga also encouraged me to  eat well, develop myself both physically and mentally. Also I used to feel embarrassed to exercise as I felt unfit, but your classes made me feel comfortable with my ability, which has extended to other areas of my life. Thank you for your enthusiasm and inspiration. Thank you for making each class an experience; it is so much more than just another yoga class. Its Yoga with personality. I’m proud to tell my friends I practice Yoga!

Sanjay Says:

I sincerely cherish our sessions. Anmol clearly offers a spiritual and physical experience that has allowed me to grow at an individual level.  It’s a time replete with a sense of well being and positive energy, absolutely free of judgment.  Silentmind offers a yogic experience respectful of tradition but in a manner that is inviting to all and practical to our daily lives.

Vinny says:

I am glad you put the (Silent Mind Meditation) program piece together so people can do some of the exercises themselves.

Dipti says:

The Yoga Class I had was super, in that it is a very good work-out both for the mind and the body. 

Susana Says:

I already do everyday the exercises you show on the net and I really feel so much better and my body became so flexible, even from the second day. You can imagine my progress in some months!! God!!! Even my family noticed the change in my behavior. I can say that I really love Yoga!! Why was I wasting my time before??!!

Michelle Says:

Ive been doing Yoga since 4 months now.. feels great. Keeps me fresh all day & more concentrated at my work.

Anonymous Says:

I am recent beginner of yoga and though I entered the class with the objective of losing weight, it has completely transformed into being something entirely different. I didn’t even think seriously that a series of movements can have any impact on my anxiety. Now I do yoga as something that is definitely more effective on my peace of mind than on my body.

Nidhi Says:

I have started ur course 101 or past 2 days and it has really helped me in opening the nostril and reducing the heaviness in my head, nose and eyes.

Jonathan Says:

Thank you sooo much for these videos. I was very skeptical about meditation but once i began practicing more and more it became a little more natural feeling. I serve at a local restaurant so stress come everyday. Its great to come home and have a great healthy way to unwind. Thanks a lot.

Marie Says:

Just wanted to give a quick update. The exercises you recommended for the third chakra have really really helped. I’ve been doing them every morning and can feel the stirrings of a stronger 3rd chakra in me. A few days ago I had to give a lengthy presentation to a rather large audience of academics and I’ve never been more together for such a presentation than I was for that one. At some point in the middle of it I became a bit nervous, and then focused on standing straight and making sure the muscles around my third chakra were holding me up, (keeping me from slumping as if I wanted to melt away under the podium). What an instant difference it made. I carried through with the lecture and with real confidence and focus to do a good job.

I got lots of praise afterwords, which was great, but there was one professor who asked a hostile question…I was inspired with an answer that allowed me to put him in his place while keeping everything pleasant, professional and sincere. People keep telling me how great my reply to him was (no one cared much for his attitude).

ANYWAY, sorry to ramble, but I could feel my third chakra at work through this experience, and it not only got me through the rough spots, but I walked away with a real sense of accomplishment (something I’d been lacking for much too long). I had the willpower to prepare and present my lecture well, and I had the character to defeat hostility with grace, truth, and razor sharp effectiveness. It was fantastic!

In other words, thanks for recommending the exercises for the third chakra, they’re really helping.

Susannah Says:

I have been visiting your site for several months now.

Having been a serious seeker for so many years I realized I was filled up and needed to empty.
I chose to do this through yoga and this is where you became my closest ally.

From being one who firmly resisted physical movement and discipline to someone who practices every day – I have to say gratitude abounds.

Shohreh Says:

The breathing techniques have transformed my lungs in just two days. I suffer from auto immune disease and have asthma. My journey in healing myself started eight months ago. For the first time in eight months I beat my husband (who is very athletic) in hiking. He could not catch up with me. The surprising thing is that I was not at all breathless. Believe it or not, I’m teaching a friend this coming Thursday your breathing exercises and Kundalini yoga. What can I say, I’m a very devoted student. This is amazing for someone who just discovered your site on 01/17/2008.

Anonymous Says:

I am on day 5 of your yoga breathing and excited to say I am noticing a difference in my breathing (COPD).

Bendz Says:

I refer your site to my friend about this yoga. He practiced and his health (stomach) problem solved within a week. He is very much impressed about this yoga and practicing continuously.

Andrew Says:

I have been using the Anja Chakra, Anahat Chakra and Introductory sets on your site and both enjoying them and getting very pleasing results.

Kalyan Says:

I had been a silent visitor on your site for a few months. I came to know about  ‘Kundalini Yoga’ via your site for the first time.  It has done some pretty amazing things for me which I will corroborate with my personal account.
I first seriously tried meditation about two years ago. I started getting up early at around 4:00 AM and started meditating and then after only a few months I developed serious knee problems. The knees got swelled up permanently. I could no longer pursue meditation since only after a few minutes the knee would start hurting pretty bad making it impossible to sit any longer. I could climb or get down the stairs only with great difficulty. I tried conventional yoga postures for knee which aggravated the situation.
After I started Kundalini Yoga, slowly the knees started feeling better and better as the core got strengthened until it felt completely normal one day.  My knees are healed – completely ! Most of the knee problems arise in the pelvis. Since the set of exercises like ‘morning wake-up series‘ target the pelvis directly it has the potential to heal most ‘bad knees’ if done seriously with perseverance.
I have a trim waist now. I have more emotional balance, my digestions are better, my heart beats slower and there is a sense of balance and well being which never leaves me during day or night – all as a result of only an hour of Kundalini Yoga and meditation.
So, thanks a lot Anmol, you had been a life saver through the dissemination of your knowledge via your website. I hope you did not mind telling you my personal stories at length.

Hope you receive true blessing and guidance from God and may He be your benefactor and protector for the rest of your life.

Anonymous Says:

Hi Anmol.  I have found your online classes immensely helpful.  I am working, with your help on awakening chakras, beginning with the abdominal and working up the body.  I have been following your classes for three weeks and combined with ayurvedic treatment have strengthened willpower, enabled regular practice, which has enabled me to stop taking antidepressants, which I have been using for two years, and control psoriasis more effectively than any medical treatment I have had in twenty years!

Raj Says:

Dear Anmol,

Thanks for providing very good site with lot of information and giving wonderful guidance for practicing kundalini yoga.

I have been practicing yoga for the last three months in the order of…

1. Anuloma Viloma Pranayama
2. Third eye opening and balancing
3. Breathing of fire.
4. Kundalini Awakening Raja Yoga Kriya.

It makes me a joyful person and not to worry about any problems.

After practising these for three months now I feel some vibraions in my abdomen especially when I lower my neck down.Its just like passing some milli volts of electric current in my body.

Anonymous Says:

Hi Anmol, I just want to thank you for your website once again. I’ve found I have made great improvements physically, mentally, and emotionally over the past month and a half through practicing many of the yoga techniques and breathing exercises which you have emailed me. I now meditate minimum about 3 or 4 times a week, as well as practicing a few poses and breathing techniques. As a result I have been able to release a lot of suppressed emotions, become more relaxed, and achieve an overall healthy emotional balance. Most importantly I managed to change a lot of bad habits in my life (unproductive things such as watching TV, playing video games), and I am far more productive, and loving.

Anonymous Says:

Thank you sooo much for these videos. I was very skeptical about meditation, but once i began practicing, more and more it became a little more natural feeling. I serve at a local restaurant so stress comes everyday. Its great to come home and have a great, healthy way to unwind. Thanks a lot.

Anonymous Says:

I am 47 years old and found this program on your website and did it for the first time yesterday.  WOW!  I really underestimated the power of this program.  Had me burning up.  Will definitely continue until I reach my desired weight and beyond.

Kathleen Says:

Hello, Anmol, I am so happy to have found your website. I have always considered myself a spiritual person and since I have started practicing kundalini yoga and zen meditation around a month ago, I have become much more calm and relaxed. I have to tell you that this morning, as I was meditating I was focusing on my breathing and felt my mind going still as if i was in a empty dark room and it felt so peaceful and then this light started to appear and become brighter like a white light and it felt beautiful and then it was gone. and I couldn’t seem to bring it back.

Andrew says:

Hi Anmol! Thank you for such a good advise, I’ll follow it and try to reveal my potential at 100 percent! I have a question about meditation, when I’m meditating I must stop my breath? Because, when I’ve meditated two-three days ago, suddenly, after 15-25 minutes of meditation, with eyes closed and thoughts wiped out, I’ve noticed that somehow, my eyes were at the same level with my nose, and in the next moment I felt a light, that came from above into my head! That was WOW feeling – calm, peaceful, and other… very good it was, but light as I think come down to my head, and after that somehow stopped (or not) at the neck region.

Dagmar Says:

This morning during BOF (Breath of Fire Kundalini Yoga Pranayama), as I could feel the energy moving in my body, around my body, and on the top of my head (?!), I did not want to stop. INCREDIBLE FEELING! I did BOF for 13 min; after I stopped (as I was sitting motionless), I still could feel the energy moving for some time. AWESOME!

Alythia Says:

This is my first day doing this yoga set (week 1). It was amazing. I am practicing at the beginner level and I found the most difficult pose was the eagle pose when suddenly my consciousness opened a little and I realized that I could be “like” the eagle and imagined that I was soaring and that I was being held up by the air, this changed my frown of concentration into a smile and gave me just enough endurance to finish the minute. After I completed the meditation, my body began to feel balanced and warm, I had a slight, pleasant tingling in the back of my cervical vertebrae, from the tuck pose, I think. All in all, very enlightening.

Anonymous Says:

Today something amazing happened. Long story short, I was able to facilitate something, to make something happen for someone else that was extremely unlikely to succeed. It’s as though every single door that needed to open simply opened without much more than a nudge when, normally, these doors should have remained shut tight. Because of this, I helped create a genuinely happy moment for my mother, and I can’t get over how easy it was to find just the right words and the right attitude to adopt, naturally, without even thinking about it. It was more than luck.

Julia Says:

Hi Anmol, Thank you so much for this site!  I am entering my fourth week and feel fabulous.  I not only have more energy, but I feel as if I am more aware of everything and become more efficient (doing the smart way, not the long way)  I am just starting the 3rd eye opening, course 103, and can’t wait!  Thank you again for all the work you’ve put into this site,  I love it!! 


Heart Chakra Balancing Yoga Video for Love & Forgiveness

Free Heart Chakra Balancing Yoga Video

Chakra Balancing Yoga Exercise Video

Continuing with the popular Free Online Yoga Video series is this next chakra yoga exercises video.  It is a powerful and effective set of kundalini yoga exercises to open, heal and balance the all important heart chakra (anahat chakra).

The set demonstrated in this video is explained in detail in chapter 4 of the Online Kundalini Yoga Workouts E-Book, it is called the  Heart Chakra Balancing Yoga Set.  This set is also part of the Free Online Meditation & Yoga Classes offered on Mastery of Meditation, and specifically, it is part of the Heart Chakra Opening, Healing and Balancing Course.

Heart Chakra BalancingIn Kundalini Yoga, contracting and expanding pressure is brought to various regions of the body, and when done in conjunction with powerful breathing exercises, oxygenated and nutrient rich blood is directed to the target area, helping that area detoxify, rejuvenate, heal and strengthen.

This set is composed of such kundalini yoga exercises which produce this affect for the entire chest region.  This helps improve the respiratory system, circulatory system, immune system and overall, promotes the health of the heart.

In addition, as this is region of the anahata chakra (heart chakra), the chakra point is activated, opened and healed.  The heart chakra is the center of love, compassion and forgiveness and thus, balancing this center, promotes the flow of love, and helps create a soft, gentle character.

Below are some more details about this video, following which is the yoga video itself.

Summary of Heart Chakra Balancing Yoga Exercises:

  • Opens and balances the Heart Chakra, thus promoting love, compassion and forgiveness.
  • Helps the respiratory, circulatory and immune systems.
  • Excellent set for strengthening the shoulders muscles, also helps tone the chest muscles.
  • Builds willpower.
  • Helps detoxify and nourish the entire body and all internal systems and organs.
  • Assists in weight loss.

Heart Chakra Balancing Kundalini Yoga Video Contents:

Here are some highlights of what this video contains.

  • Demonstration of each yoga exercise.
  • Benefits of opening and balancing the heart chakra.
  • Demonstration of modifications for difficult yoga poses and exercises.
  • Demonstration of the Breath of Fire Yoga Pranayama, which is used by the exercises in this video.
  • Overview of how Kundalini Yoga works to improve your health and wellbeing.
  • Practice tips and hints for each of the exercises.

Heart Chakra Yoga Exercises Video

Free Online Yoga Video #4



Inspiring Yoga & Pranayama Testimonials from Online Yogis

Heath Benefits of Yoga Pranayama 

Heath Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Practice

In this article I would like to continue with the testimonials of success stories and benefits from the practice of yoga and pranayama.  Many of you are now participating in the free online yoga & meditation classes, and hopefully by sharing the feedback I receive, it will inspire you to Keep Going!

Some of these results are quite remarkable and I don’t want you to compare your progress to theirs.  Yoga is about you and you.  It is not a competition and each of us, being unique, is on our own trajectory to enlightenment.  So, read their testimonials and feel confident that the practice bestows vast benefits and that you are indeed using your time on this planet wisely by practicing these most profound sciences.

Testimonials from Online Yogis

Feedback Regarding Benefits of Yoga Breathing Exercises:

Shohreh, who recently discover her spiritual dimension writes,

The breathing techniques have transformed my lungs in just two days. I suffer from auto immune disease and have asthma. My journey in healing myself started eight months ago. For the first time in eight months I beat my husband (who is very athletic) in hiking. He could not catch up with me. The surprising thing is that I was not at all breathless. Believe it or not, I’m teaching a friend this coming Thursday your breathing exercises and Kundalini yoga. What can I say, I’m a very devoted student. This is amazing for someone who just discovered your site on 01/17/2008.

Here is another reader who has found the breathing exercises to be very beneficial,

I am on day 5 of your yoga breathing and excited to say I am noticing a difference in my breathing (COPD).

As I mentioned in the Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Breathing Exercises, pranayama is going to soon become an everyday part of people’s lives due to the enormous benefits it bestows, combined with how easy it is to learn and practice.  You will find ample techniques to learn and use in the following 2 e-books: Free Online Yoga Pranayama (Breathing Exercises) & Free Online Videos of Yoga Breathing Exercises.

Feedback Regarding Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Sets & Exercises:

Bendz writes,

I refer your site to my friend about this yoga. He practiced and his health (stomach) problem solved within a week. He is very much impressed about this yoga and practicing continuously.

Andrew writes,

I have been using the Ajna chakra and Anahata chakra, and Introductory sets on your site and both enjoying them and getting very pleasing results.

I want to mention briefly that the improvements to the digestive system are one of most common benefits I see when people take up Kundalini Yoga practice.  This is very good news, as according to Ayurveda, digestive problems account for the vast majority of diseases and having a strong, healthy digestive system can go a long way in helping us live long, healthy, happy lives.

So I hope these testimonials inspire you to continue your yoga and pranayama practice.  As I have often said, one of the hardest parts of such a practice is consistency, and knowing how much your body and mind appreciate and benefit from the work you are putting in, should encourage you to march on undeterred towards infinity. 


Terrific Yoga Cobra Pose for Healthy Back & More

Kundalini Yoga Cobra Pose for Healthy Back

Hatha Yoga Posture for Healthy Back and Digestion 

Kundalini yoga’s terrific cobra pose is the next entry in our Free Online Illustrated Kundalini Yoga Poses and Exercises E-Book.  Here I would like to mention that Kundalini Yoga, as you can see, incorporates the postures and exercises from other types of yoga as well.  Specially hatha yoga.  In this way, Kundalini Yoga is like a superset of yoga poses and exercises and so is sometimes referred to as the Mother of all Yogas.

For those keen on Hatha yoga poses only, I will be creating a separate e-book which will tease out those poses that are traditionally considered part of Hatha yoga and which form the basis of many other types of yoga practice.

Cobra PoseCobra pose is one of those nice yoga postures, which is easy to do and bestows many, many important health benefits.  It is not only great for the health and flexibility of your back and spine, but is also excellent for regulating your digestive system and toning other abdominal organs.  Full benefits of this pose are listed below the illustrations in the practice instructions section.

From a chakra point of view, cobra pose works on your sex (swadhisthan), navel (nabhi), heart (anahata) and throat (vishuddhi) chakras.  That list should give you a good indication of how helpful this pose really is, as it works on four of the seven important chakras.

Below you will find two illustrations of cobra pose. In this case you can use either pose.  The first illustration shows cobra pose being done with straighter arms, while in the second the elbows are bent.  Either way, the benefits are very similar and you are welcome to pick either or do either from time to time.

Cobra pose can also be done with the eyes open or closed.  With eyes open, one should look up as that also helps tone the optical nerve and is beneficial for your eyes and vision.

Yoga Cobra Pose for Healthy Back

Picture of Kundalini Yoga Cobra Pose w/ Straight Elbows


Picture of Kundalini Yoga Cobra Pose  w/ Bent Elbows

Kundalini Yoga Cobra Pose Practice Details:

a. Step-by-Step Instructions for Kundalini Yoga Cobra Pose:

  • Lie flat on the floor, stomach down and feet extended.
  • Place your hands near your shoulders and then raise your upper body and torso up off the ground.  The upper thighs should remain on the floor.  You back should arch up.
  • Turn your head up and look upwards as well.  Stretching your neck.
  • You can either do Long Deep Breathing or do the Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise.
  • As a variation, you can go up and down in cobra pose.  Coming up and breathing in, holding the position for a few seconds and then coming back down and exhaling.

b. Duration for Kundalini Yoga Cobra Pose:

  • 15 Seconds – 7 minutes.
  • Start slowly and build up your time steadily from there.

c. Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Cobra Pose:

  • Very good for improving the health of the back and spine.  Good for toning all the back muscles and tissue related to the vertebrae.
  • Massages all the digestive organs improving both digestion and elimination.  Works on balancing both the manipura (navel) chakra and the swadhisthan (sex) chakra.
  • Works on all the nerve junctions that lie along the spine, as well as the important psychic channels that run through the spinal cord.
  • Works on improving functions of the ovaries and reproductive glands.
  • Works on the thyroid and para thyroid glands and the vishuddhi (throat) chakra.
  • Opens up the heart chakra (anahata) promoting softness of character.
  • Good for improving vision and toning the optical nerve.
  • Builds upper body strength.  Specially the shoulders (deltoids), triceps and chest (pectoral) muscles.  This is more true if you use the modified version of cobra pose where you go up and down.


d. Practice Tips for Kundalini Yoga Cobra Pose:

  • Careful with your lower back!  Do not over strain.
  • Also, careful with the elbows if you are using the bent arm version.
  • Going up and down in cobra pose is excellent for building strong arms, shoulders and chest muscles without risking injury.

Online Kundalini Yoga Kriyas Using Cobra Pose:

(Coming Soon).