Prosperity & Infinite Energy Meditation Technique – Free Guided Meditation Book for Daily Practice – Ch 5
Wealth & Prosperity Meditation Technique
Free Meditation & Kundalini Yoga Mudras for Prosperity
Prosperity Meditation Guided Video
(From Free Online Meditation Videos, chapter 4 Prosperity Mudra Mantra Meditation Video)
Background of Prosperity Meditation Technique:
Recently I have received many requests to provide a meditation technique for prosperity and wealth. The guided meditation technique in this article not only meets that requirement, but in fact does a great deal more for you as well. My views on money on the path to enlightenment and views on how to choose and manifest your desires, can be read in the following 2 articles: Money Money Money Mantra and the Path to Enlightenment and The 4 Keys Laws to Manifest Desire if You Absolutely Must. If you feel money and wealth are indeed needed by you at this time of your life, then by all means use this potent meditation technique to manifest them.
This powerful meditation technique utilizes many different components of Kundalini Yoga and Yoga Philosophy to work its magic. It uses the power of mantra (sound/thought vibration), yoga mudras (hand positions to facilitate certain states of consciousness), pranayama (breath control techniques), in conjunction with yogic body techniques to fulfill its purpose. Thus, this unique meditation can also be categorized as a Kundalini Yoga Kriya (set) or a Yoga Breathing Exercise (pranayama).
Tools required for Prosperity Meditation Technique:
- An alarm clock, stop watch or other time device.
Benefits of Prosperity Meditation Technique:
Primary Benefits:
- Attracts and brings to you prosperity, wealth and money.
- Makes available to you the Energy of the Infinite. Please use wisely.
- Attracts and brings to you gifts and blessings.
- Expands and strengthens your Pranic (energetic) body.
- Expands and strengthens your nervous system.
- Helps you overcome deep seated fears (including fear of death) and makes you courageous.
- Builds the Naval Center and abdominal muscles.
Secondary Benefits:
- Opens, heals and rejuvenates the Manipura (Nabhi – Naval) Chakra.
- Improves your digestive system.
- Builds your willpower and strength of character.
Cautions for Practicing Prosperity Meditation Technique:
As mentioned above, this meditation technique utilizes breath control (pranayama) as part of its process. It requires breath suspension after exhalation, which is one of the more difficult aspects of breath control. Anytime you are going to practice breath suspension, especially after exhalation, you need to move forward gently and intelligently. So Do Not Strain and build up the time for this meditation systematically. In doing so you will avoid creating unnecessary problems for yourself and will gracefully gain mastery over this profound meditation technique.
Guided Prosperity Meditation Technique:
Follow the step by step meditation instructions below to practice this technique.
- Sit in a comfortable cross legged position. You may also sit on a chair for this meditation.
- Set your alarm or other time device for the appropriate time (start with 1 minute and build up to 11 minutes or more).
- Elongate your spine upwards, lengthen your neck and subtly bring your chin back and in, like a soldier at attention. This will align the spine with the back of your head.
- Take 5 deep, slow breaths though the nose. This will oxygenate your blood and relax you.
- Place your LEFT hand in Yoga Gyan Mudra (your INDEX finger and Thumb tips are meeting, other 3 fingers are pointing straight)
- Extend your left arm up at 60 degrees. Your palm is facing in towards you and the arm should be straight.
- Place your RIGHT hand in Yoga Surya Mudra (your RING finger and Thumb tips are meeting, other 3 finger are pointing straight)
- Bend your right arm such that your right elbow is near your lower ribs, on the right side of your body, with your forearm making a small angle at your right elbow joint. The right palm is also facing in (and will be about face level).
- Close your eyes.
- Inhale deeply, then EXHALE completely and hold your breath out.
- With your breath held out pump your stomach at a moderate pace about 1 pump / second. Pump your stomach means to pull in your abdominal muscles powerfully towards your spine.
- With each pump silently THINK the sound HAR.
- Once your have done as many pumps as you are comfortable doing, inhale deeply, then EXHALE and repeat the cycle again. Continue for the duration of the meditation.
Hints & Tips for Prosperity Meditation Technique:
- I repeat, start this meditation slowly and build up your time systematically.
- When you start to feel stronger and more capable of holding your breath out for extended periods of time, challenge the sense of panic that comes upon you as a result of breath deprivation. Staying calm through this period of panic will make you fearless. DO NOT TRY THIS UNTIL YOU THINK YOU ARE READY FOR IT.
- Try to keep the arms as indicated and don’t give up at the first sign of discomfort. Again, don’t overdo it early in your practice, but as you progress let the mind and body know that you have the willpower and spirit to overcome their complaints.
- This meditation is designed to give you a great deal of power, energy and wealth. It is provided here with the understanding that you agree not to misuse any of these blessings and agree to use them to make progress on your spiritual journey and/or use them to help others in theirs.
This concludes the Prosperity & Energy Guided Meditation Technique.
(Added 08/30/2007)
Here are some illustrations for the correct posture and yoga mudras (hand positions) for this meditation as I realize this meditation can be quite confusing. Way over due I know :-P.
Infinite Energy & Prosperity Meditation
Right Hand Position (Surya Mudra)
Left Hand Position (Gyan Mudra)
Hi Michele,
Please start with the beginner’s Yoga Course (#99) and also pick a meditation from the Beginner’s Meditation Course (#100). We will go from there. Here is the link to the free online classes…
Keep me updated on your progress.
Anmol, I am 40 years old and very out of shape. You have so much information your website, I don’t know where to start. I smoke cigerettes and eat the wrong things and I have been working on changing my behaviors for years with little to no success. It feels like I take 3 steps forward and 4 steps back. My mate is really no help to me because he also have very unhealthy behaviors and because he is thin he feels like he doesn’t have to change. I know I shouldn’t rely on him for my well being but it has been a challenge to do this by myself. I have no support. I have tried Hatha Yoga in the past, I found a real good teacher but with my scheldule, I haven’t been able to make a class in months. I’ve tried eating raw foods but I just don’t have the willpower to stick with it. Please can you give me some direction on where to start?
Dear Chann,
Do the meditation as best you can, but staring slowly and building up as per the instructions. Results are in the Lord’s hands, trust him.
respected and beloved anmol jee…thanks for ur reply . actually i was thinking of black beamer so that i can call it kala naag(blk cobra)….hehehe..but off course it will be of white color now……:)……but can u tell me like how much i slhd do this meditation and for how long…… get a bmw B)
Dear Chann,
Yes this kriya will give you a great deal of power, along with mental and pranic strength.
When you get the beamer, get it in white. It is a beautiful set of wheels :-).
respected and beloved ANMOL jee…….thanx for sharing such precious info with us…………… question is that …u said infinite energy what that actually mean it will make u power full??……and for how long and how much shld i do this practice to get a brand new BMW 3 ser convetable :D
Hi Guided,
A little depends on how much you already sleep. Kundalini Yoga in general will reduce the amount of sleep you need, and this kriya will also produce that affect to some degree.
Dear Jeyashankar,
Ra has done a wonderful job of explaining this powerful technique to you.
HAR is also a sound to power the core region and Navel chakra, thus the energy aspect of the meditation. In addition to being a derivation of the name of the Lord.
Yes females can practice this meditation freely.
You should wait 3-4 hours as Ra has indicated after eating before practicing this technique.
Jeyashankar: I am so glad you found my post and that it was useful…..I hope you make great progress, and if done with patience, it will be a great experience. I am really loving it on many levels, and it instantly converted me from being a Night Owl, to being a day person…..A TRUE miracle..hah-hah!
Dear Ra,
Thanks for clearing my doubts. In addition to your explanation, Hope i can also receive some more light from Anmolji.
Thanks a lot,
Dear Jeyashankar:
I am not an expert in Anmol’s tradition specifically, nor am i associated with him or his site, but have experience of my own.
If you have not yet heard from Anmol and you are concerned about combining this exercise with visualization, maybe you could do that separately, at another time of the day, during a quiet meditation. But, you may also consider trusting that the Universe might possibly know, on deeper levels, what you really need, even more than you do, and let it fill in what may be in line for you.
I seem to recall Anmol saying to practice 3-4 hours after eating, though i may be wrong. Most people, with the average ability to digest, are safe after 4 hours. I am a dancer, and that is the rule for us.
My best guess on using HAR (if it is the title of the destroyer) is that, because all spiritual Destroyers knock down the obstacles/obscurations to our awakening, enlightenment, understanding and freedom, that Har might do the same for us in our relationship between the Heavens (left arm pose), us in the middle, and the Earth (right arm pose, Earth energy Mudra). Anmol says it clears the channels, which is what a destroyer does.
Spiritual destroyers are not “negative” in our usual terms, to denote something as somewhat evil.
Because Anmol is responsible and wise, he would have told us if this were not for women…..I am female and have had no problems after 29 days of use….it does seem to have cleansing effects on energetic levels, which Anmol could probably inform you more about, if you experience them.
I am not Anmol, but i hope this helps.
Many Blessings!
Dear Anmol,
Wonderful technique ! Kindly clarify the following: We do visualisation technique during normal meditation for things to be manifested as we desire – ofcourse legitimate and ethical; can we combine visualisation technique during the practice of prosperity meditation? Recommended time – empty stomach / after food ?
And secondly, why we should use the word “HAR” as in HariHar it connotes the meaning Hari for Saviour and Har for destroyer ?
Can ladies also practice this? Please explain us on the above,
Thanks and Regards,
Misread again:
Dear Anmol,
I find again, looking back that you said it was OK to practice this twice per day in the early stages…..sorry for the
Thank you always,
Dear Anmol
Re: Wealth practice:
In my last post i asked if one could surpass 11 minutes of practice per day. I have since re-read the directions where you do state that one should work their way up to 11 minutes or more…..I have answered it myself.
I am up to 4 minutes and loving it. When i do any sitting practice i touch the tip of my tongue to the front of my upper palate behind the teethe (without touching them)…..Is this okay for this practice?….I Am asking since it was not included in your instructions.
Blessings Anmol and infinite THANKS!
This is truly an amazing technique. I have, however found that my sleep becomes mildly disrupted … i.e. I feel the need for less sleep .. like I’ve had some caffeine before sleeping. Is this an expected outcome of the meditation?
Thanks Anmol!
Re: Wealth Meditation
Dear Anmol,
You said this practice should be once per day, when answering my last post. Well, this may sound silly, but the effects of the Meditation feel so great and seem so beneficial energetically, would it be safe to split my practice time (3 and a half Minutes now) into two shorter sessions (of half that time) done at opposite ends of the day…….or does the system need 24 hours to adapt between any sessions no matter how long they are? It is healing something that has been out of balance for a long time!
And is the maximum 11 minutes per day, even at advanced stages of practice?
What a wonderful gift….I LOVE doing it!…Thank you SO, SO MUCH!!!