Best Treatments for Stress and Anxiety Disorder
Stress and Anxiety Disorders
Treatments for Stress and Anxiety
Looking to reduce stress and treat your anxiety disorder? Well you could not have come to a better place for doing just that . A large study just completed at the University of West Virginia concluded that one of the best treatment for treating stress and anxiety is the combination of meditation, yoga and breathing exercises! They might as well have just said, that the best treatment for stress and anxiety is to regularly visit Mastery of Meditation & Yoga and practice the free techniques that are available there
Specifically, the study looked at how effective mindfulness (being in the present) was to the reduction of everyday and workplace stress. In doing so, the research also looked at which were the best techniques for cultivating such mindfulness and found that answer to be, meditation, yoga and breathing exercises. The research showed that living mindfully, and using these techniques, drastically helped reduce stress, and cure anxiety problems as well. Here are some of the amazing health benefits reported by the research.
Stress, Anxiety and More Treated by Mindfulness Technique:
- Reduced Stress
- Treated Anxiety Disorder
- Improved functioning of Internal Systems (Digestive, Immune, Nervous, etc) and better overall health
- Reduced Blood Pressure
- Spontaneously cured physical disorders
- Better Pain Management
- Relaxed & Calmed the mind
- Led to higher levels of happiness and peace
How Stress & Anxiety Were Treated:
In this study the participants were required to practice and learn mindfulness techniques and incorporate them into their life for a period of eight weeks. This is of course not the first study into the health benefits of meditation and yoga, and also, we know that the benefits of these sciences extends far beyond just the treatment of stress and anxiety. Two articles right here on the website detail other research that have also indicated the marvelous benefits of these sciences (Brain Health Benefits of Meditation and Amazing Benefits of Meditation for Young People & Students). To enjoy such benefits, it is necessary to learn and practice these techniques though and a 2 month period is a pretty good time frame for that.
Above I mentioned that this website is full of techniques which will help you develop exactly what the research indicated to treat stress and help with anxiety disorders, so let me point out the best of these techniques for you now.
Best Meditation Technique to Treat Stress & Anxiety:
At the heart of mindful living lies the practice of meditation, and the very best meditation to develop mindfulness is Zen Meditation. Mindfulness comes from the teaching of the Buddha, and this is Buddha’s meditation. So to drastically reduce stress and fight anxiety, establish a 20 minute daily practice of this meditation. In fact, for the purpose of anxiety and stress reduction, treat meditation like a therapy, for that is exactly what it is if you are suffering from these disorders. And just as you would not skip an important treatment for a disease you are inflicted with, similarly, don’t skip your meditation therapy session either .
Here is a detailed article which will teach you this technique and has a video instructions and demonstrations as well.
Zen Meditation for Treating Stress & Anxiety Disorder
Best Breathing Exercise for Treating Stress & Anxiety:
Breathing techniques are wonderful therapies for treating stress and anxiety as well, and the one technique that has been known through the ages to help with these 2 disorders is Alternate Nostril Breathing. So if you are really serious about reducing stress in your life, and eliminating all it’s harmful affects, include this technique into your treatment program is a must. In addition, you will find a drastic reduction is anxiety as well, with the small added bonus of significant spiritual growth .
Here is a video instruction and demonstration of this technique along with details on how to practice it safely and effectively.
Alternate Nostril Breathing for Stress & Anxiety Treatment
Here is the video from the above article:
Best Yoga Pose for Reducing Stress & Anxiety:
In the Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Practice, I stressed the importance of awareness when doing your practice, and this awareness is key to building mindfulness and the ability to live in the present. So in general, all yoga done correctly is going to be good for you, but I want to point out a few poses that I feel will be especially effective for stress and anxiety reduction.
The titles are links to the articles which have the details you need.
1. Corpse Pose for Relaxation & Stress Reduction:
Of course, corpse pose is yoga’s answer to stress and anxiety. It is an excellent pose with which to relax the entire mind/body complex and dissolve stress from your system. The ability of this pose to generate tranquility, calmness and relaxation for the mind and body are unsurpassed. So certainly include this exercise into your treatment program. It can be done individually, or as part of a set.
2. Relaxation Meditation for Immediate Stress Reduction:
Another great technique for immediate stress reduction comes from the school of Kundalini Yoga and is called Relaxation Meditation Technique. This is a simple and effective treatment to help you deal with anxiety, panic attacks and stress. The article includes a video demonstration of this neat little technique.
Here is the video for this Relaxation Meditation Technique:
Treating Stress & Anxiety Disorders Summary:
The research showed that the combination of meditation, yoga and breathing were a great combination to help you reduce stress and anxiety from your life, by cultivating mindfulness. There 3 sciences are the building blocks for the free online classes offered here on this website. So if you are serious about eliminating stress and reducing anxiety, then I strongly recommend taking these classes. After all, they are free and they will do a lot more for you as well.
Of all the classes that are available, I feel the following 3 will be great as treatments for these difficult disorders.
Introduction to Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
The classes above contain many of the techniques I mentioned in this article which are best for treating stress and anxiety, and they are also a great way to cultivate joy, compassion and wisdom.
Finally, I want to point you to some more articles here on the website, which have also detailed treatments to reduce stress and help with anxiety disorder.
Anxiety and Depression Help | 4 Effective Treatments
There are some excellent comments here. If you’re interested, you can read some interesting articles and reports on various topics related to Panic Attacks Remedies.
I agree with you, right breathing technique is very effective in reduction of anxiety. And people think that it is not because its simple. Anyways very informative and well written post. Thanks for sharing.
Meditation, yoga and breathing exercises are a few of the safest way to treat anxiety disorders! Cost-effective and no side effects, although it would take more of your time than pill-popping, it is so worth it. If you want natural means to cure your anxiety, Read Article, 3 Easy Steps To Naturally Stop Panic Attacks @
Very useful post. It is so easy to speand time worrying about yesterday or tomrrow. Without these two thoughts weighing you down, life is so much simpler
Great videos, they really help. It is amazing how much better we “fit” in with the outside world when we take the time to reflect internally.
This is such a complete compilation of treating stress and anxiety. I can see that yoga really helps!
It is good to know that there is no hard medication needed in getting out from these disorders which hinders one’s happiness.
thank you for a wonderful post. I too used to suffer from panic attacks
and anxiety disorder. I used to be a healthy woman so I never thought it could happen to me, but one awful evening, it did, and if it happened to me, it can happen to any one, at any given moment. to handle and overcome panic attacks and anxiety disorder I used the revolutionary “panic away” system, and it really helped me allot, and made my life better. and today I no longer suffer from panic attacks and I have gained back the control over my life
When I was signed off work with stress my doctors advice was relax and do more exercise, he might as well as suggested flying to the moon!
This well written article is very constructive and gives a good starting place, thanks
I totally agree with all you have written. We work with people suffering various panic attack symptoms brought on by anxiety; a direct consequence of stress. And recommend that sufferers practice what we call ‘Awareness Meditation.’
The technique we recommend is exactly as you describe and relies on relaxing the body and mind whilst focussing attention on ones breathing. Anxiety results from a wandering mind indulging in worry and fear. The key to beating anxiety is to be mentally ‘still’ and at one with the ‘now.’
Stress will always happen, its one of life’s certainties, but just like eastern cultures and societies have known for years, meditation gives you a fantastic feeling of connection to your spirit. Once you know your inner self and can be ‘still,’ life’s worries and stresses drift away.
Great article, keep up the good work, everyone needs to know this stuff.
Great ideas to relieve stress with yoga — love the videos. More ideas on how yoga, deep breathing and meditation can really help you relax and feel good about yourself:
The videos you included really helped the lesson. I work with parents of children with anxiety and I think it’s important to point out that the above can easily be taught to or better yet, done WITH, a child to help them learn to relax and calm down. Society is so rushed now, our kids are losing their ability to just let go and be, and meditation is a wonderful way to help them re-learn that skill, far better and more effectively than drugs or alcohol they may turn to instead!
Rich Presta
Overcoming Child Anxiety
I think the mindfulness approach to helping people regain a sense of control over their anxieties and negative thoughts is a fantastic approach! Combined with a relaxation technique such as meditation, hypnosis or deep abdominal breathing can really help a person to both physically and mentally relax. I think you’ve got a great approach here.
This is really a very useful and there are a lot of things to learn from here especially the treatment for anxiety disorders.
Thanks for this information, this is one of the best post on treatments for anxiety disorders.
Great post man, i used the zen technique to reduce my stress and helped me to tune down my panic attack.. :)
Yes one can meditate by oneself. Use your inner Guru and intuition to guide you. When you are sincere and true to yourself life will provide you with the path and guidance.
The following article will help you get started.
Beginners Meditation
All the best,
Can we do meditation by ourselves without a guide from Guru?