3rd Eye

3rd Eye (Ajna Chakra) Opening & Balancing Free Online Class Syllabus: Course #103

Ajna Chakra Opening & Balancing Online Class – Course #103 

Welcome to the Free Online Guided Meditation and Kundalini Yoga classes.  All the material needed for this class is available via the links on this post and you can start anytime you wish.  For more information on the free online classes offered at Mastery of Meditation, please read the Expanded Free Online Guided Meditation and Kundalini Yoga Classes post.  This course focuses on Opening, Balancing and Healing the Ajna Chakra (Third Eye or Divine Eye).  The course is designed for 1 week, but you are welcome to continue for a longer time if you wish.  In this post I will provide the class objectives, class details, course syllabus and participation guidelines.  Please read through everything carefully so you will be able to get maximum benefit from the class.   I encourage you to take advantage of the classes offered here to help deepen your spiritual practice.  There is, without a doubt, no material equivalent to the rewards that this path bestows.

3rd Eye

To register please just leave a comment on this post that you are going to start The Ajna Chakra Opening and Balancing Class, or just send me an email at anmol@anmolmehta.com.  This way I know what kind of participation there is.  This course contains some very important and profound yoga and meditation components, use them wisely and reap the enormous benefits they bestow.

PLEASE ALSO READ THE FAQ below.  It addresses many of the common questions about the online classes:

FAQ For Free Online Guided Meditation & Kundalini Yoga Classes

Third Eye – Ajna Chakra Opening & Balancing Class Objectives:

  1. Awakens Kundalini Shakti (Energy) and moves it up to the higher centers.
  2. Promote Intuition, Insight and Creativity.
  3. Clears the psychic channels (nadis) of blockages to increase the flow of prana (life-force) in the energetic body.
  4. Improves Brain function by increasing both awareness and intelligence.
  5. Allows you to connect to your Divine Nature or Inner Guru.
  6. Enhances powers of non-verbal communication and seeing beyond the ordinary mind.
  7. Balances all the Chakras and brings harmony and peace to the entire system.
  8. Develops the Nervous System, Respiratory System and Digestive System.
  9. Helps build the power of concentration.
  10. Enhances ability to have Lucid Dreams.

Third Eye – Ajna Chakra Opening & Balancing Class Details:

Class Structure: 

Each class session consists of 3 sections: Breathing exercises (pranayama), Kundalini Yoga Kriyas (sets) and Guided Meditation Practice.  The exercises are designed to allow you to pace yourself, so whether you are a beginner or experienced yogi you will find the class useful.  The total time for this class is approximately 30 minutes / day.  Do the best you can and most importantly, walk the middle path with regard to each session.  DO NOT OVERDO OR OVER STRAIN and at the same time don’t have it be too easy either.

Required Reading:

10 Important Guidelines to Kundalini Yoga Practice
Legal Disclaimer

Suggested Reading:

Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System Overview

Third Eye – Ajna Chakra Opening & Balancing Course Syllabus:

The following describes the 3 sections comprising the 30 minute daily yoga and meditation session for this class.  The approximate total times for each section and set are also given.  Take more rest if you need to, or if you feel comfortable do the poses and exercises a little longer.  Each breathing exercise, Kundalini Yoga Kriya and Guided Meditation technique below is a link to the article with all the details you need.

Third Eye (Ajna Chakra) Opening & Balancing Class: Each day for 1 week do the following…

Breathing Exercises Section (Pranayama):  Total time 5-10 Minutes

Kundalini Yoga Section:  Total time 5-10 minutes

  • Kundalini Awakening Raja Yoga Kriya: 5-10 minutes – Do the Beginners version and only if comfortable with that move onto the Intermediate or Advanced versions.  This set will channel Kundalini Energy up towards the higher regions.

Guided Meditation Section:  Total time 5-10 minutes

  • Ajna Chakra Meditation Technique: 5-10 minutes – This meditation technique uses the power of the Seed Mantra (OM) for the Third Eye Chakra to open and balance the Chakra.

Third Eye – Ajna Chakra Opening & Balancing Participation Guidelines

Following are the guidelines which I suggest we follow…

  • Please post all comments, questions and feedback in the comments section of this post.  This way all will benefit from the discussion.  Feel free to ask questions or discuss issues, as that is one of the main reasons for this particular class format.  Of course, you are free to email me as well if you would like the discussion to not be public.
  • If you like, you can indicate with a comment that you have completed your daily session.  Could be as short as “did it”, or of course could be questions, issues or more detailed feedback.  The hardest part with a daily yoga and meditation practice is establishing consistency and regularity and I think having to acknowledge that you completed your daily sadhana (spiritual work) will help in facilitating that.  In addition, your comments would inspire others as well. 
  • I will post all information regarding the class in the comments section below as well, so please check periodically for updates.
  • Before starting your daily yoga and meditation session, take a moment and tune in to your higher self for guidance and protection.  At the end of every session, visualize yourself and the world as you would like it to be.
  • Do the best you can and modify the class as you require.  It is more important to do something, than be overwhelmed and not do anything at all.
  • I wish you all a wonderful learning and transforming experience.

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265 replies
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  1. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Dear Mahesh,

    Thank you for stopping by and your good intentions. Unfortunately you are incorrect.

    Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s Kundalini Yoga Program starts with Ajna Chakra first. Then Mooladhara.

    You may check the book Kundalini Tantra by Swami Satyananda – Page 209 (Chakra Sadhana Course). I quote below for your convenience…

    “It may seem logical and consistent to start with mooladhara practices, but it is a rule of kundalini yoga that there should be awakening of anja chakra first.”

    Personally, I also prefer this approach.

    All Good Wishes,

  2. dr.mahesh chandra arya
    dr.mahesh chandra arya says:

    we can not start kundalini yoga meditation directly from ajna chakra as per satyananda kundalini yoga method.ist we have to master ourself practice of mooladhar chakra. so please dont give wrong information to yoga sadhak.

  3. jyothish
    jyothish says:

    I would like to join the class ,i am already practicing YOG since 12 years ,i hope this class will be more useful
    thank you

  4. JC Whitely
    JC Whitely says:

    I started this class again today. I must say that this is a very powerful set. I’d started it before and after one day I experienced an opening of channels I had never experienced before. After shattering some of my own perceptions, I had to make some major changes, and felt I wasn’t prepared for the insights that would be revealed to me through this practice. It has taken me 2 weeks to adjust to the last round of shake-ups I set into motion and now I believe I am ready to begin again.

    Thank you for providing all of this wonderful information that promotes higher consciousness and self-actualization.

  5. Nadia
    Nadia says:

    Hi, I would like to take this class The Ajna Chakra Opening and Balancing Class. Please let me know when and how.
    Thank you. God bless you
    Nadia – Brazil

  6. Regina
    Regina says:

    I would like to join in this class 3rd Eye (Ajna Chakra) Opening & Balancing Free Online Class Syllabus: Course #103
    Thank you

  7. silvia
    silvia says:

    Hi, I would love to star with the 3rd eye opening class but i’m not clear as how to find the class. can you help me?
    thanks for all your knowledge sharing.
    Silvia (from argentina)

  8. Suleyman
    Suleyman says:

    I have been heavily meditating on my third eye for the past few weeks and a few days ago i came across this page and have been respectfully doing the raja yoga kriya you have posted here along with the chakra chant meditation and i must say i had a profound spiritual experience only a few hours ago, i had to come and leave a comment and thank you for the work you have done here, blessings to you and your family, my brother.


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  1. […] the past couple of years, I’ve been using a set kriya that takes about 25 minutes, and is specifically designed to awaken the flow of prana. Done in three […]

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