How To Do Yoga Rock Pose Correctly

Learn To Do Yoga Series – Vajrasana Today I am happy to introduce a new guest author of Mastery of Meditation of Yoga – Christian Leeby.  Christian is a fellow blogger and adept yogi.  His expertise lies in the area of how to do yoga poses correctly with special emphasis on alignment and form.  Please

Root Chakra Exercise | Yoga Frog Stretch

Although a great deal of emphasis is often placed on the higher chakras, the importance of the lower 3 charkas, the root chakra, sex chakra and navel chakra, should not be underestimated.  Balancing these chakras is equally important for living a healthy, productive and happy life, and of these 3 charkas, the one that is

Meditation Tips and Advice Part 2

Meditation Guide In part 1 of this series, 10 Helpful Meditation Tips, I shared with you 5 useful tips to help you develop your meditation practice.  There 5 tips were… 1. Stretch well before meditation to help you sit more comfortably. 2. Find the right meditation posture and use props or even walking meditation to

Yoga Technique to Increase Willpower

Yoga Exercise to Improve Willpower There are many traditional yoga exercises that are indicated for those interested in improving their willpower and overall mental strength.  Many of these techniques work on the navel region, which is the location of the Manipura or Navel Chakra and is responsible for one’s willpower and strength of character.  Here

Best Mantra for Meditation – So Hum

So Hum Mantra Meditation Previously, guest author, Richard wrote popular articles about Om Mantra Chanting, The Awakening of Kundalini and Energy Centers and Yoga Pranayama for Beginners.  Today he shares with us his favorite mantra meditation technique. This technique uses the profound mantra, So Hum, and below Richard teaches us how to practice this wonderful meditation and reap