Everything to do with Mediation. Zen, Silent Mind, Advaita Vedanta, Osho, Krishnamurti, Pantanjali, etc. Meditation arcicles include those on awareness, mindfulness, consciousness, concentration, mantra, mudra, dhayna, dharna, etc.

Central New Jersey Free Yoga and Meditation Classes | Online on YouTube Live

Join us for Live Yoga and Meditation Class Online or In-Person Dear friends very happy to announce the start of Free Online Gentle Yoga and Meditation classes in Central NJ at our Silent Mind Meditation Studio in Manalapan. The classes will also be streamed live on our YouTube channel AnmolMehtaCom at the link below: https://www.youtube.com/anmolmehtacom/live

Amazing Meditation Technique for Developing Brain Power

Drift Awareness Technique for Brain Development I can honestly say that once I began seriously meditating in my early twenties, my brain changed enormously for the better, with impersonal intelligence and awareness becoming swifter, sharper and more potent.  As a child, granted I did not care for school or studies, and although my Mom may

Top 5 Meditation Myths Busted

Meditation Myth #1 Meditation Requires the Mind to be Still This is the number #1 Meditation Myth. Although it is indeed the most incredible state which reveals the True Unfragmented Reality that lies beyond thoughts, meditation does not require the mind to be still.  This is one of the biggest myths of meditation.  In fact

Meditation for Success

Why Meditation Brings Success The greatest key to success, regardless of which field you are in, is the ability to do the hard things when the moment demands it.  We all know in our hearts what needs to be done, the problem is that we are unwilling to do these difficult things in a timely