Free Online Yoga Videos Launched

Free Kundalini Yoga Exercise Videos

Free Online Hatha Yoga Videos

Welcome to the Free Online Yoga Videos collection.  This page will index all the free yoga videos that are available on the Mastery of Meditation website.  These videos will be comprised of Kundalini Yoga kriyas that can be found in the Free Online Kundalini Yoga Kriyas E-book and there will also be videos of Hatha Yoga sets, which will use poses from the Free Online Hatha Yoga Poses Galleries.

Of course, these videos will go on to add an important multi-media component to the Free Online Meditation and Yoga Classes, that are offered on this website as well.  The other video libraries that are already online and extensively used by these online classes are the Guided Meditation Video Library and the Yoga Breathing Exercises (Pranayama) Video Library.

Yoga Poses and Exercises Video Sunrise Picture

Prior to practicing these yoga sets, please first read the 10 Important Guidelines for Kundalini Yoga Practice and the Essential Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Practice.  You will gain a great deal of important guidance from these two documents, including information of how to go about practicing kundalini yoga safely and intelligently.

Of course there is an incredible amount of information now on this website on kundalini, chakra, yoga and meditation, so please go ahead and browse the archives to gain knowledge on topics of your interest.  Understanding Kundalini Yoga and the Seven Chakra System will help you extract even more from these yoga videos.

Yoga Videos Objectives:

This index page will contain links to all the yoga videos that I upload to the website (so it’s worth bookmarking if you are interested in yoga ;-).  A wide range of videos are planned, here are some of the objectives they are going to help you achieve:

  • Help you create a vibrant, healthy, strong, trim and fit body.
  • Help reduce stress and anxiety, while bestowing greater peace and tranquility.
  • Enhance joy and happiness.
  • Improve intelligence and awareness.  Giving you more insight, intuition and wisdom.
  • Increase willpower, confidence, aura and charisma.
  • Help you discover your gifts and passions.  Unleash your psychic abilities and healing powers.
  • Enhance compassion and sensitivity.
  • Help you uncover your True Divine Nature and live your life at your Highest Human Potential.
  • Much much more…

Yoga Video Design & Content:

Each video will demonstrate and teach one particular kundalini yoga kriya or a particular hatha yoga set.  In general each yoga video will contain the following:

  • Background of the yoga set.
  • Overall benefits of the kriya or exercises.
  • Demonstrations and instructions for practicing the yoga postures, along with any modifications for difficult exercises.
  • Discussion of the most common mistakes made when doing those poses or movements.
  • Important cautions for particular poses.
  • Practical hints, tips and other miscellaneous information to help you master the set.



Best Yoga Exercise Video for Beginning Yoga Practice

Core Energy & Ripped Abs Yoga Workout Video

Most Popular Beginner Kundalini Yoga Exercise Video

Heart Chakra Balancing Yoga Exercise Video

Rapid Weight Loss Yoga Exercise Video

Breath of Fire Yoga Breathing Exercise

Free Yoga DVD for Beginners – Part 1

Free Kundalini Yoga DVD for Download – Part 2

Free Online Kundalini Yoga Class Video – Part 3

Best Free Yoga DVD

Yoga Pranayama Breathing for Energy

Balance Yoga Pose Video for Seniors

Simple Yoga for Spine and Digestion

For the videos below I have provided the direct YouTube video link as well, so you can watch directly on YouTube if you prefer.

Root Chakra Videos:

Direct YouTube Link –> Root Chakra Cleansing Crow Pose

Yoga for Healing and Opening the Root Chakra

Power Yoga for Core:

Direct YouTube Link –> Best Yoga Pose for Core Power

Best Yoga Pose for Core and Abs

Strengthen Your Back:

Direct YouTube Link –> Back Strengthening Yoga Bridge Pose

Yoga Bridge Pose for Back

Detox and Cleanse Videos:

Direct YouTube Link –> Powerful Yoga to Detox the Body

Yoga to Detox and Cleanse the Body

Shinning Aura:

Direct YouTube Link –> Cleanse and Power Your Aura with Eagle Pose

Yoga Eagle Pose for Powerful Aura

Sexual Health Videos:

Direct YouTube Link –> Yoga Chair Pose for Sexual Health and Sex Drive

Yoga Chair Pose for Sexual Health

More Power Yoga:

Direct YouTube Link –> Power Yoga Pose | Advanced Elbow Platform

Free Power Yoga Video | Elbow Platform

Good for Meditation – Butterfly Pose:

Direct YouTube Link –> Yoga Pose for Meditation | Butterfly Pose

Yoga Pose for Meditation | Butterfly Pose

Plank Pose Video:

Plank Pose for Core Strength

Direct YouTube Link –> Plank Pose for Ab and Core Power

Cobra Push-Ups Video

Cobra Push-Ups for Toned and Defined Arms and Chest

Direct YouTube Link –>  Cobra Push-Ups for Toned and Defined Arms and Chest

Don’t forget to check out more free yoga and meditation videos available in the Guided Meditation Video Library and the Yoga Breathing Exercises (Pranayama) Video Library.

Donation for Free Yoga Exercise Videos:

Although all the online yoga exercise videos are free and will remain so, these videos and the website are supported by donations from you all.  In Yogic Philosophy, the student presents the teacher with a donation (Guru Dakshana) in exchange for the teaching she/he receives and this closes the Karmic Loop and completes the Energy Exchange.  This entire website is based on this philosophy and therefore all content is FREE.  A donation is not required, but is appreciated. 

A donation of any amount is appreciated.  People tell me this philosophy is extinct, I say they are wrong, lets see who is right :-).  To donate please visit the following page.  Thank you and God Bless You.

Click here to Donate to Mastery of Meditation & Yoga

 More free yoga exercise videos coming soon…

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146 replies
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  1. Gabriela
    Gabriela says:

    I am a begginer. I started to explore the internet for technics and materials to help me out. Thank you for this site and for all the videos. They really help.

  2. hollyme
    hollyme says:

    Wow I have never seen real yoga and always wanted to do real yoga but other sites we have to pay this one doesn’t and is very calm and relaxing good job!


Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Zen Driving Meditation for Busy People | clear enlightenment says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. Learn yoga from Free Yoga Videos and explore Nude Yoga on his extensive Meditation and Yoga site, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. […]

  2. What is Spiritual Enlightenment? « Spiritual – Osfeer Solutions says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. Learn yoga from Free Yoga Videos and explore Nude Yoga on his extensive Meditation and Yoga site, Free Kundalini Yoga & Guided Meditation Techniques. […]

  3. Effective and Simple Method for Inviting Enlightenment | clear enlightenment says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Zen expert. His Free Guided Meditation Techniques & Kundalini Yoga Website offers the Learn How to Meditate | Free Beginner Meditation Class and many Free Yoga Exercise Videos. […]

  4. What is Spiritual Enlightenment? | Article Search Engine Directory: says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. Learn yoga from Free Yoga Videos and explore Nude Yoga on his extensive Meditation and Yoga site, Free Kundalini Yoga & Guided Meditation Techniques. […]

  5. What is Spiritual Enlightenment? | Article Search Engine Directory: says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. Learn yoga from Free Yoga Videos and explore Nude Yoga on his extensive Meditation and Yoga site, Free Kundalini Yoga & Guided Meditation Techniques. […]

  6. Definition of spirituality - What is Spiritual Enlightenment? says:

    […] […]

  7. Live in Good Health - Best Time to Practice Meditation says:

    […] Related Topics:Benefits Of Meditation, Best Time, Bustle, Disruption, Disruptions, Freshness, Health And Vitality, Meditation Practice, Meditation Program, Peaceful Silence, Personal Program, Precious Gift, Quiet Meditation, Restless Mind, Vital Energy By: Anmol MehtaWe are all now well aware of the enormous benefits that meditation bestows and one of the most important gifts you can give yourself is the gift of a deep, personal, daily meditation practice. There are many useful tips and tools that will help you achieve this goal and in this article I would like to provide you one such key piece of guidance. It is the answer to the question, “What time of day is best for meditation?”.The best time of day to meditate is early in the morning. This time provides numerous important benefits and below is a list of the top 5 reason to meditate during these hours.1. Mind is Most Quiet:Meditation is an opportunity to quiet the restless mind and experience the vast, peaceful silence that exists deep within us. This state is difficult to encounter once the day is in full flow and the mind is busy with all the hustle and bustle of daily life. In the early morning, the mind is not yet occupied with day to day problems and thus, is more readily silenced.2. Greatest Amount of Prana:The air is fresh. We all feel this freshness when we head outside during the early morning hours, but from a yogic point of view the air during the early morning hours has the greatest amount of prana.Prana is the life force that is responsible for not just our life and is also the subtle energy which promotes in us health and vitality. Meditating in the early hours gives us access to this vital energy source and allows the body and mind to benefit from this precious gift.3. Least Chance for Disruption:The key to a successful meditation program is, without a doubt, consistency. It is the most difficult aspect of a personal program to establish and without it, the vast benefits of meditation simply cannot be enjoyed. Meditating early in the morning reduces the chance of disruptions to your daily practice, and disruptions are the number factor in preventing consistency from being established.The first few activities in a day can be predicted much more readily than the rest of the day. Thus, setting up a time to meditate before the random events of the day throw a monkey wrench in your plans is a wise move indeed.4. Sun’s Rays are Most Beneficial:According to yoga, the rays of the sun at dawn create an environment which is most conducive for self-study and introspection. Meditation comes naturally at this time and is simply more effective than meditation done later in the day. So take advantage of the environment that nature is creating for you and plan your meditation for this period.5. Creates a Meditative State of Mind for the Entire Day:By meditating in the early morning hour you inspire yourself to remain in a meditative and mindful state of mind thought the day. Starting out the day in this manner serves as an important and precious reminder of your spiritual nature and this reminder then helps you go through the day in a spiritual manner.Summary:So there you have it. If you are interested in enjoying the great many benefits that meditation practice brings, then get started with establishing your own daily practice and to help such a practice become strong and deep, pick the glorious early morning hours as your time to meditate.Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Meditation expert. His massive Free Guided Meditation website offers excellent Free Online Yoga Videos and free Kundalini Yoga Poses & Exercises e-books and blog. […]

  8. Live in Good Health - Best Time to Practice Meditation says:

    […] Best Time to Practice Meditation Topic: Meditation By: Anmol MehtaWe are all now well aware of the enormous benefits that meditation bestows and one of the most important gifts you can give yourself is the gift of a deep, personal, daily meditation practice. There are many useful tips and tools that will help you achieve this goal and in this article I would like to provide you one such key piece of guidance. It is the answer to the question, “What time of day is best for meditation?”.The best time of day to meditate is early in the morning. This time provides numerous important benefits and below is a list of the top 5 reason to meditate during these hours.1. Mind is Most Quiet:Meditation is an opportunity to quiet the restless mind and experience the vast, peaceful silence that exists deep within us. This state is difficult to encounter once the day is in full flow and the mind is busy with all the hustle and bustle of daily life. In the early morning, the mind is not yet occupied with day to day problems and thus, is more readily silenced.2. Greatest Amount of Prana:The air is fresh. We all feel this freshness when we head outside during the early morning hours, but from a yogic point of view the air during the early morning hours has the greatest amount of prana.Prana is the life force that is responsible for not just our life and is also the subtle energy which promotes in us health and vitality. Meditating in the early hours gives us access to this vital energy source and allows the body and mind to benefit from this precious gift.3. Least Chance for Disruption:The key to a successful meditation program is, without a doubt, consistency. It is the most difficult aspect of a personal program to establish and without it, the vast benefits of meditation simply cannot be enjoyed. Meditating early in the morning reduces the chance of disruptions to your daily practice, and disruptions are the number factor in preventing consistency from being established.The first few activities in a day can be predicted much more readily than the rest of the day. Thus, setting up a time to meditate before the random events of the day throw a monkey wrench in your plans is a wise move indeed.4. Sun’s Rays are Most Beneficial:According to yoga, the rays of the sun at dawn create an environment which is most conducive for self-study and introspection. Meditation comes naturally at this time and is simply more effective than meditation done later in the day. So take advantage of the environment that nature is creating for you and plan your meditation for this period.5. Creates a Meditative State of Mind for the Entire Day:By meditating in the early morning hour you inspire yourself to remain in a meditative and mindful state of mind thought the day. Starting out the day in this manner serves as an important and precious reminder of your spiritual nature and this reminder then helps you go through the day in a spiritual manner.Summary:So there you have it. If you are interested in enjoying the great many benefits that meditation practice brings, then get started with establishing your own daily practice and to help such a practice become strong and deep, pick the glorious early morning hours as your time to meditate.Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Meditation expert. His massive Free Guided Meditation website offers excellent Free Online Yoga Videos and free Kundalini Yoga Poses & Exercises e-books and blog. […]

  9. Live in Good Health - Zen Driving Meditation for Busy People says:

    […] Related Topics:Buses, Family Education, Hectic Life Style, Marvelous Benefits, Meditation Tip, Meditation Work, Meditations, Modes Of Transportation, Rat Race, Slow Breaths, Spiritual Evolution, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Work, Texture, Zen Meditation Techniques By: Anmol MehtaIs the rat race eating into your spiritual evolution? Are you finding less time to do your meditation, yoga and other spiritual practices? Never fear Zen driving meditation is here.Unfortunately for many of us, work, family, education and more work seems to be consuming our lives. The worst part of this hectic life-style is that the one aspect which should not suffer, does. Our spiritual growth. In this article I will present you with a terrific meditation technique that you can do while driving or while in transit. This should, hopefully, help you in getting your spiritual work back on track and enjoying the marvelous benefits that such work bestows.In America we drive a lot, and even those who don’t drive a lot, often take trains and buses as part of their daily life. This “idle” time presents us with a great opportunity to get in some meditation work and there are many meditations that can conveniently be done during this time.An obvious warning of course is that please DO NOT practice this meditation if it distracts you in any way from your driving.Zen meditation techniques all have their roots in mindfulness or being in the moment. This meditation technique is no different and is also designed to help you come into the “here and now” as much as possible. Below is a step by step guide of how to practice this meditation. It is given assuming you are driving, but can easily be extrapolated to other modes of transportation.Meditation Tip: Driving Zen Meditation Technique- Start the meditation by taking 5 long deep slow breaths. This will relax you.- Now, bring your attention to your breathing and just observe its flow without manipulating it in any way. Meditate on it’s physical characteristic as closely as you can. Feeling it’s temperature, texture, depth etc. Continue this meditation for 1-5 minutes. This will settle your mind down.- Now begins the heart of this meditation. Begin to watch the scenery go by as you drive with an unfocused, holistic gaze. In other words, let your vision relax, incorporate the periphery and without any point of focus just observe the world as you journey through it. Just observe the trees, sky, clouds, houses, cars as they pass by. Just be empty within and allow the world to pass through you. That’s it.- To add another component to this meditation technique, whenever you come to a stop return your attention to your breath and then when moving, meditate once more on the scenery.- If at any time driving requires your focused attention please stop the meditation and pay attention to your driving.Commentary on Driving Zen Meditation TechniqueThis meditation technique has the ability to reveal to you the True Nature of Reality. Etched in my mind are occasions where the absolute perfection of life and the moment, were fully realized while practicing this technique. This meditation was one that just came to me naturally and I am happy to share it with all of you.Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. Learn yoga from Free Yoga Videos and explore <a href=" Nude”>“>Nude Yoga on his extensive Meditation and Yoga site, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. […]

  10. Fuul » Blog Archive » Best Time to Practice Meditation says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Meditation expert. His massive Free Guided Meditation website offers excellent Free Online Yoga Videos and free Kundalini Yoga Poses & Exercises e-books and blog. […]

  11. Zen Driving Meditation for Busy People | Health Labor says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is the Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. Learn yoga from Free Yoga Videos as well as try Nude”>”>Nude Yoga upon his endless Meditation as well as Yoga site, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. Tags: busy, Driving, meditation, people […]

  12. Best Time to Practice Meditation | Health Labor says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is the Yoga & Meditation expert. His large Free Guided Meditation website offers glorious Free Online Yoga Videos as well as giveaway Kundalini Yoga Poses & Exercises e-books as well as blog. Tags: best, meditation, practice, time […]

  13. Best Time to Practice Meditation | Latest Health Information says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Meditation expert. His massive Free Guided Meditation website offers excellent Free Online Yoga Videos and free Kundalini Yoga Poses & Exercises e-books and blog. Tags: Best, Meditation, Practice, time […]

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