Frog Pose

Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose for Eternally Toned Legs

Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose for Perfect Legs

Yoga Exercise to Tone & Strengthen Thighs

Want to have toned, strong legs right through life?  If so, this Kundalini Yoga exercise is just what the doctor ordered.  The famous kundalini yoga frog pose.

Kundalini yoga frog pose is a hardcore kundalini yoga exercise, that is quite unique to this type of yoga and it will be the next entry in our  Free Online Illustrated Kundalini Yoga Poses and Exercises E-Book.  

Certainly, frog pose is fantastic for building lower body strength, and specially good for shaping the legs and thighs, but at the same time this exercise is also indicated for working on the heart chakra and the associated functions of that region.  The health of the heart, respiration and overall circulation are all improved by practicing frog pose.

Frog Pose

Although some flexibility in the hamstrings helps one to practice froggies, this exercise is primarily a strength move.  You will find lots of important details in the practice section below the illustrations.  Be ready for a workout!

Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose for Toning the Legs

Picture of Starting Position of Yoga Frog Pose (Eyes Closed)



Picture of Starting Position of Yoga Frog Pose (Eyes Open)

Picture of Ending Position for Yoga Frog Pose

Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose Practice Details:

a. Step-by-Step Instructions for Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose:

  • Squat on the floor on your toes, with your feet apart and your heels either touching or very close together.
  • Have your knees spread out and your arms inside your knees with your finger tips touching the floor.  The elbows are straight.
  • Look up, you can have your eyes opened or closed.  Inhale.  This is the starting position for frog pose.
  • Rise up now by straightening your legs.  At the same time bring your head towards your knees and keep your fingers touching the floor.  Your heels should move down towards the floor.  Straighten your legs as much as possible.  Exhale.  This is the ending position for frog pose.  This completes 1 repetition.
  • Come back down to the starting position and repeat the cycle as many times as indicated.

b. Duration for Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose:

  • Beginners, start with as many as you can do and work up to 26 froggies.
  • Intermediates, work up to 54 froggies.
  • Advanced, work up to 108 froggies.
  • Fanatics, keep going :-).

c. Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose:

  • Shapes, tones and strengthens the legs and lower body.  Specially the thighs muscles.
  • Builds the cardiovascular system and respiratory system.  Promoting better circulation and better respiration.
  • Promotes flexibility in the hamstrings and calves.
  • Overall, builds one level of fitness and endurance.
  • Builds sexual potency and virility.


d. Practice Tips for Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose:

  • Careful with your knees.  If you have bad knees, approach this exercise with caution.
  • Take breaks in between if your legs are burning too much.  Once they recover continue on.
  • This yoga exercise will get your heart rate up, so careful not to get dizzy.  If you feel breathless, light headed or faint, stop and take a break.
  • Here is a secret.  Doing froggies slowly is harder.  Some kundalini yoga kriyas (sets) demand you go slow, but in general a brisk pace will allow you to do more.  Just don’t push too hard.
  • It is ok to be sore in the legs the next day.  It means the muscles got a much needed workout.
  • It is beneficial to stretch the hamstrings before doing frog pose.

Online Kundalini Yoga Kriyas Using Frog Pose:

(Coming Soon).

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24 replies
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  1. Roque Guzman
    Roque Guzman says:

    I have not been able to do more than two frogs, but please suggest an easier pose in order to gain strength with my legs.

  2. Chris
    Chris says:

    Thanks for the great pictures and step by step instructions. I plan to put them to use straight away. Excellent blog!!

  3. Angel
    Angel says:

    Nam Aste,
    Thank you Anmol for this wonderful web site! I see you reside in NJ, do you have an attend able school there? I’m sure I’m not doing the meditations correctly. I live in WV, but would be more than willing to take the drive to learn to do this properly. Also, is there an exercise to tighten inner thighs and cellulite? Also, I find for now, I’ve been doing your exercises for about a month now, my neck hurts and my nose burns when I do the BOF. Am I doing something wrong? Also, :-( my mid back feels weird, and I’m having really disturbing dreams with snakes and worms, is this normal? I will keep up the lessons, as for the most part, i feel better after, except for my neck and nose. I really want to do this right, please help me

  4. chris
    chris says:

    Hey anmhol I have really skinny legs, well not skinny but they are not in good shape, and it makes my knees make cracking noises, will this heal my legs and also bring my knees back to normal?

  5. Trupti Mehta
    Trupti Mehta says:

    Yo Vdawg,

    Go up and down in Palm Tree Pose. You can lower your hands if required. This pose is good for the calves.

    You can also do yoga jogging from the Healthy Weight Loss Yoga Set (Video).

    You can search for these on our website using the search box (upper right hand corner of the webpage).

    All the best,

  6. Vdawg
    Vdawg says:

    Hi Anmol,

    From reading your description of the frog pose and my own personal practice, I noticed that the pose focuses on strengthening the upper parts of the legs, in particular, the thighs. I was wondering if you could recommend a pose which targets the lower legs specifically the calves.

    P.S. Awesome Site! = )

  7. Trupti Mehta
    Trupti Mehta says:

    Dear Harsha,

    Exercise initially can end up building muscle which can result in weight gain but not at the rate you have indicated.

    If you are on any serious medication please consult your physician first before starting any exercise program.

    All the best,

  8. kalilisa
    kalilisa says:

    I have also noticed that disciplined yoga, especially after a long lapse, can increase your size at first. This initial gain is worse the better shape you started out in.

    I think this may be because if you usually do work out you still have muscle memory, and so tend to build muscle faster than you burn the fat. If you do not usually work out, then maybe the rate you gain muscle and burn fat may be more even, so you don’t get this weird weight-size gain…?

    Its the only thing I have been able to think of.

  9. harsha
    harsha says:

    Hi Mr mehta

    I strted doing kundaliniyoga since 3 days and I have noticed I gained 3 lbs. I am really confused and worried. I have been eating healthy. I am currently on antibiotics. I feel quite bloated. I did not do the yoga today without advise. I want to loose about 6 lbs to feel very healthy.

    Looking forward to hearing from you. I will continue yoga after your advise.


  10. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hey Anthony,

    For working on the aura, Eagle Pose is very good (and there are other exercises as well which I will upload later).

    This pose does work on your overall strength which affects your aura as well (and it even works on your Third Eye), but for doing Aura work I would currently recommend Eagle Pose.


  11. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Gabriela,

    Yes you can modify this pose in the ways you have suggested above to help take the pressure of the back or hamstrings.

    Also, take rest between repetitions if the legs burn too much, or you start you feel it in your back.


  12. Gabriela
    Gabriela says:

    i get lower back pain when doing this exercise, is that ok?
    also can i put my full hand on the floor or no hand at all, it is fine to try to put the whole foot on the floor and keep it there?

  13. mike
    mike says:

    I just stumbled across your site and found it to be very insightful and interesting. Love the free meditation ebooks. Thank you. I’ve just published a free Meditation Journal on my website … I’ve received so much value from blogs like this, I figured it was time for me to give back.


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  1. […] For the past few days I’ve walked around the lake in the morning and then at night uphill by my house. New trails, new ways to engage with the environment. New pains in my calves!!!!  I’ve used my tennis balls, the roller for my arches, the body buddy that I usually use on my back and still I have trigger points  in them. Ouch!!! The traditional calf exercise where one leg is behind the other and you stretch the back calf doesn’t really do anything for me. I’ve tried putting my foot against a wall and that’s ok in some places, but doesn’t really address the deeper trigger points. I will just keep going and perhaps warmer weather might help too. The one yoga exercise that I found that helped it was the frog. It’s the kundalini yoga frog pose. Here are some good pictures of the pose. […]

  2. […] The way to improving your yoga practice, regardless of whether it is Hatha Yoga postures or Kundalini Yoga exercises is practice, practice, practice.  In August we started the Learn Yoga | Yoga Asana Challenge of the Month inspired by my friend Ashish, and began the series with the terrific Nauk Asana (Boat Pose).  This is one of the best poses for developing your core strength and building your abs.  Congratulations to Ashish for building this difficult pose up to 1.5 mins, after starting out at like 15 seconds .  Then in September, we had the tough Frog Pose (Yoga Pose for Your Thighs), which is great for toning your thighs and buttocks, and now for October I would like to change the tone slightly and move from a strength based posture to one that focuses more on flexibility.  So for the month of October, the yoga pose challenge is going to be the important Forward Bending Hatha Yoga Posture. […]

  3. […] One of the best yoga exercises for strengthening your legs is Frog Pose for Toned Legs, but not far behind is another superb and simple exercise for firming and toning your thighs and buttocks, and today I would like to detail this excellent exercise for you.  It is simply called Yoga Deep Knee Bends or Deep Squats Yoga Exercise, and for those familiar with my free yoga videos, you will have already encountered it in the popular Rapid Weight Loss Yoga Exercises Set. […]

  4. Group2Blog :: [Kundalini Yoga] Knees cartilage says:

    […] Sat Nam, Ana, I looked at the video and note that is is incorrect, and in fact, there is a comment posted on the site that the heels should be touching. I searched and found the following link for, what I believe, instructions on the correct way to do frog pose: I suggest looking on as well. Good luck, Padmani Kaur […]

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