Introduction To Guided Meditation & Kundalini Yoga Class Syllabus – Course #101

Online Meditation and Kundalini Yoga Class

Introduction to Guided Meditation and Kundalini Yoga Class – Course #101

Welcome everybody to the  Free Online Introduction to Guided Meditation and Kundalini Yoga ClassAll the material for this class is available via the links on this post and you can start anytime you wish.  The course covers 2 weeks, but you are of course welcome to continue on.  In this post I will provide the class objectives, class details, course syllabus and participation guidelines.  Please read through everything carefully so you will be able to get maximum benefit from the class.   I am glad you all have taken advantage of this opportunity to deepen your spiritual practice and I hope you will make full use of it.  There is, without a doubt, no material equivalent to the rewards that this path bestows.

To register please just leave a comment on this post that you are going to start the course or just send me an email at so I know what kind of participation there is.

Guided Meditation

You can read the original post here (Free Online Guided Meditation and Kundalini Yoga Class) for when the class was first introduced.  Please note that the class is now ongoing and you can start anytime.  I and other experienced practitioners will field all questions and issues on this feedback post in the comments section below.

PLEASE ALSO READ THE FAQ below.  It addresses many of the common questions about the online classes:

FAQ For Free Online Guided Meditation & Kundalini Yoga Classes

Class Objectives:

  1. Pranayama Breathing exercises to build your energy and awareness.
  2. Kundalini Yoga Kriyas for an overall workout and building your core abdominal strength.
  3. Guided Meditation Techniques to promote peace, joy and insight.

Class Details:

Class Structure: 

Each class/session will consist of 3 sections: Breathing exercises (pranayama), Kundalini Yoga Kriyas (sets) and Guided Meditation Practice.  There are a wide range of students participating, from beginners to experienced yoga practitioners, so the exercises are designed to allow you to pace yourself.  The total time will be 45 minutes / day.  Most important, walk the middle path with regard to each session.  DO NOT OVERDO OR OVER STRAIN and at the same time don’t have it be excessively easy either.

Required Reading:

Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
10 Important Guidelines to Kundalini Yoga Practice
Legal Disclaimer

Course Syllabus:

The following describes the 3 sections comprising the 45 minute daily yoga and meditation session for week 1 and week 2.  The approximate total times for each section and set are also given.  Take more rest if you need to, or if you feel comfortable do the poses and exercises a little longer within the alloted time.  Each breathing exercise, Kundalini Yoga Kriya and Guided Meditation technique below is a link to the article with all the details you need.

Week 1: Each day of the first week do the following…

Breathing Exercises Section (Pranayama):  Total time 5 Minutes

Kundalini Yoga Section:  Total time 20 minutes

Guided Meditation Section:  Total time 20 minutes

Week 2: Each day of the second week do the following…

Breathing Exercises Section (Pranayama):  Total time 5 Minutes

Kundalini Yoga Section:  Total time 20 minutes

Guided Meditation Section:  Total time 20 minutes

Participation Guidelines

Following are the guidelines which I suggest we follow…

  • Please post all comments, questions and feedback of a public nature in the comments section of this post.  This way all will benefit from the discussion.  Feel free to ask questions or discuss issues, as that is one of the main reasons for this particular class format.  Of course, you are free to email me as well if you would like the discussion to not be public.
  • If you like, you can indicate with a comment that you have completed your daily session.  Could be as short as “did it”, or of course could be questions, issues or more detailed feedback.  The hardest part with a daily yoga and meditation practice is establishing consistency and regularity and I think having to acknowledge that you completed your daily sadhana (spiritual work) will help in facilitating that.  In addition, your comments could inspire others as well. 
  • I will post all information regarding the class in the comments section below as well, so please check periodically for updates.
  • Before starting your daily yoga and meditation session, take a moment and tune in to your higher self for guidance and protection.  At the end of every session, visualize yourself and the world as you would like it to be.
  • Do the best you can and modify the class as you require.  It is more important to do something, than be overwhelmed or not do anything at all.
  • I wish you all a wonderful learning and transforming experience.

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436 replies
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  1. Malavika
    Malavika says:

    Thank you for getting back to me Anmol. It is lovely that you take the time to help strangers you have never met.

    God Bless,


  2. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Malavika,

    I don’t suggest deliberately chewing on scenarios and thoughts which create negative reactions. Let it happen at it’s own pace as much as possible. I know replaying it will help diminish it’s impact over time, but still life is hard enough without us consciously creating emotional storms.

    When the feeling do come up though, then yes just observe them carefully, understand them silently and let them go. Finish with them as best you can.


  3. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Malavika,

    Neither of these two problems are uncommon. Are you doing the counting? That should help you stop the drifting. For battling sleep make sure you are keeping a good posture and also, use cold water to refresh yourself before starting. Sleep is a common problem and you will have to battle it on and off during meditation.


  4. Malavika
    Malavika says:

    Hi Anmol,
    I have one more question!:
    You mentioned that there will be a time during Meditation where ones’ subconscious thoughts will come up and this time can be very uncomfortable/painful etc.. When I am ‘observing my thoughts’ I sometimes deliberately come up with issues i know I will react to negatively in some way and try and dispel the anger/pain by allowing myself to feel the emotions attached to a particular memory and then I try and let it go after not too long. (At this time, I usually feel a lump in my throat or a tightening in my throat.) Is this what I should be doing? sitting with the discomfort and then trying to let it go??
    Thanks again!!


  5. Navid
    Navid says:

    Hi Anmol,

    I finished the second day of this course. I really enjoy doing the exercises. I feel energetic.

    Thank you

  6. Patricia
    Patricia says:

    Hello, I am excited to start these new classes. I am new to some of this. I enjoy meditation for it clears my mind and soul. Wish me well on my journey !

  7. Malavika
    Malavika says:

    Hi Anmol,
    I am relatively new to meditation and was wondering what one should do when they are ‘bringing their attention to their breath’? I do this in that I am aware that I am breathing and try to feel my breath flowing through my whole body but I always end up either falling asleep during the 20 minute period or trailing of into completely unrelated thoughts …!! Could you help me with this? Warmly, Malavika

  8. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Dear Shibnath,

    Yes, sorry I am just catching up an my email and comments. I have received your emails and great to hear the yoga and meditation class is benefiting you.

    For sound sleep, I use Ujjayi Pranayama or Gayatri Mantar. Here is the link to Ujjayi Pranayama.

    Ujjayi Yoga Pranayama

    Appreciate all your feedback, it is very helpful in inspiring and encouraging others as well.


  9. shibnath banerjee
    shibnath banerjee says:

    Dear Anmol,
    I wonder if my my previous mails reached you. I have completed 1st week of #101, and have started the 2nd week course today. I shall take up the “abdominal core” part from tomorrow. I feel fine , free and energised. Could you please suggest some pranayamas/ postures/ mantras that will help me have a sound sleep in the night.
    God bless you

  10. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Dear Har Hari,

    Yes absolutely one should tune in the Divine and Universal Energy before doing Kundalini Yoga. I have put that in the participation guidelines for the online classes.

    I have also written a few article on the importance of asking for protection, guidance and inspiration before doing Kundalini Yoga. I am planning to upload a video of Ong Namo to help readers and online yogis practice that further as well.

    Thank you for your feedback and glad you are enjoying the set.

    God Bless You,

  11. har hari kaur
    har hari kaur says:

    I like the video for the heart centre, my question is why do you not tune in with Ong Namo before practicing kundalini yoga as Yogi Bhajan has advised? I find i miss that, and that it would help to give connection and power to what you are already doing?

  12. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Allison,

    Glad to hear you are interested in the online yoga and meditation classes. Let me know if you run into any issues. Any other feedback is also appreciated.


  13. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Shanna,

    Glad to hear you starting the yoga/meditation program. Hope you are able to establish a strong practice this time :-). Let me know how it’s going.



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