Tantra Yoga Practice | Tantric Yoga Technique for Sexual Mastery
Tantra Yoga Practice
Vajroli Tantric Yoga Technique for Sex Chakra
Kundalini tantra yoga practice is essentially the high art of awakening the chakras to promote rapid spiritual advancement and personal mastery. It is is a misunderstanding to think of tantra yoga as just sexual yoga. Although there is an entire segment of this science dedicated to the use of sex as a means of awakening kundalini to accelerate spiritual evolution, tantra yoga is much more than just that. In fact, Kundalini Yoga (Hindu or Sikh versions) is actually Kundalini Tantra Yoga, and is essentially the use of tantric techniques to purify the body, balance the chakras and awaken kundalini.
The Tantra Yoga technique that I will detail today, is an example of a tantric technique which falls into the subcategory of sexual tantra, but as you will see, it is consistent with the overall aim of tantra yoga practice, which is to purify and balance the chakra system. If you are not familiar with chakras, you can first read the following article: Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System Overview.
Previously I have detailed a very powerful tantic technique, which when practiced sincerely and consistently, helps you raise the vibration of your sexual energy and helps you master your sexual dimension. You can read the details of that technique in the article: Ultimate Tantric Yoga Technique to Raise Sexual Energy – Sat Kriya. The practice I will detail today, is more subtle than Sat Kriya, but it is also an excellent tantric technique to help you harness and master your sexual energies. This technique is called Vajroli Mudra, and it is a fundamental part of tantra yoga practice.
Below I have detailed the benefits of this technique, provided step-by-step instructions on how to practice it and also provided some practical hints and tips for it. This tantra yoga technique is part of both Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga and so will be included in our Free Online Hatha Yoga Poses and the Free Online Kundalini Yoga Exercises e-books as well.
Vajroli Mudra – Tantra Yoga Practice Benefits:
- Helps to awaken and balance the Sex Chakra (Swadhisthan Chakra).
- Stimulates Kundlaini.
- Helps you master your sexual energies and sexual drive.
- Corrects sexual dysfunctions such as impotence and erectile dysfunction.
- Improves sperm strength and sperm count.
- Helps improve sexual function and balances hormonal levels.
- Develops self-expression, creativity and sensuality.
Beginner’s Tantra Yoga Practice – Vajroli Mudra:
- Sit in any easy meditation pose.
- Take 5 deep slow breaths. This will relax your body and mind.
- Elongate your spine upwards, lengthen your neck and subtly bring your chin back and in, like a soldier at attention. This will align the spine with the back of your head.
- Inhale deeply, hold your breath and contract your urethra muscle. This is the muscle you contract when you are holding back from urinating. Contracting this muscle is the act of pulling it up and inwards.
- Hold the contraction and your breath in for a count of 5 seconds. Then release the contraction and exhale.
- Repeat this cycle for 5 more rounds.
Advanced Tantra Yoga Practice – Vajroli Mudra:
- After you are able to comfortably isolate the muscle and hold for 5 seconds you can increase the time of contraction to a level you are comfortable with and also increase the number of rounds to 10.
Female Tantra Yoga Practice – Sahajoli Mudra
- The female version of this tantric technique is called Sahajoli Mudra and it involves the same muscle contraction as the male version (the urethra muscle). In the male the testes will move slightly, while in the female the labia will move slightly when applying this mudra.
Hint & Tips for Vajroli / Sahajoli Tantra Yoga Practice:
- Unlike Sat Kriya, this tantric technique is more subtle and requires mental focus and concentration to master. This is primarily because for this technique to be most effective you must be able to contract the urethra exclusively and not engage the other genital and sexual muscles. It takes time to develop this aspect of the technique so have patience and persist.
- This tantric technique is easily practiced anywhere and at any time, so you can find many opportunities throughout your day to develop your expertise.
- A good Kundalini Yoga set of exercise for sexual health can be found here as well: Yoga Exercises for Sexual Health. A tantric technique to prolong sexual intercourse can be found here: Effective Tantra Yoga Technique to Prolong Sexual Intercourse.
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i would like to know more. Will it finally end up surely towards a SAMADHI state of PURE CONSCIOUSNESS only.
Hi Anmol,
Will Sat Kriya cure Sexual Dyfunction and Impotent in men as I am suffering from Performance Anxiety in Sex for some time only when there is a need to perform sex for baby making?
Dear sir,
Kindly give details how to download free e book and video
Tantra, the way i look at the explanation , it is more of exercise than treating ED with correct medication after diagnosing the causes of the ED.
Although originally, Tantra was not taught as a sexual practice. It was a teaching of deep, esoteric truths and adapted by others into a teaching of sex.
i have a doubt.i have erectile dysfunction problem and started practising the above exercise. thanks for this exercise sir. on doubt.in this after inhaling and holding breathing do i need to contract the urethra muscle or while inhaling itself i need to contract urethra muscle(ie both at same time). also can i do this any number of times in a day?.pls clarify.
Thank you.
All the best,
I am interested in this post. Great post!!
Hello Anmol,
What does it mean to have ‘sexual mastery’? Do you mean to indicate that a person will be a more virile, energetic, and sensual lover? Or do you mean that one will have greater control over the sex drive itself, and not have to seek sex as a means of gratification?
I ask because I am currently struggling with my sex drive, in that it is overactive and the desire to gratify myself has become something of a sexual addiction. I feel the most pivotal aspect to my spiritual development at this point is overcoming this addiction – so I am practicing Vajroli and Sat Kriya.
So my question is: will these two techniques reward greater control over the sex drive, in that it becomes tamer, or will it just extinguish it all together?
Casey please email me if you see this ultimatevenom6@gmail.com
Dear Mr. Mehta, Thank you for giving a name to the female version of vajroli mudra. I think it may also be called khechari — in honor of its uplifting motion. I am wild-crafting an approach called ‘Tantra for Bobos!’ that is much more ‘open source’ than anything I’ve seen to date. Of course the paradox is there has to be enough structure to successfully interface with human suffering, but not so much that it sticks together into yet another system. Main thing is that we develop an eye for what works and are less enthralled to an illuminated “Other” (me or any other teacher/guru/swami figure).
I invite you to drop by and add your many cents (sens) to the discussion:
Up up and within!
Can you email me I can’t seem to find the thing you are talking about ultimatevenom6@gmail.com
Hi Sameer,
Yes this tantric technique this can be practiced by those without sexual issues as well. In the benefits section above, I have listed all the benefits and many of those are not related to sexual issues or problems, such as increased creativity and self-expression.
Certainly an important and good technique to learn and master.
can a person without any sexual problem start prforming vajroli yoga. n what will be its benefits. .
Very informative. Tantra is a spiritual practice through which the lovers seek the direct realization that they are God and Godess—in the Indian pantheon Shiva/Shakti. Some Tantric practices, but certainly not all of them, include sacred sexuality
We have been practicing Tantra since 1987. Check out our blog tantra-sex.blogspot.com. Thanks and take care.
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It’s very interesting technique for people to learn about themselves and their partner. Also, experience deep sexual connection.
I’m interested in Tantra too, I just heard about it recently and it sounds interesting. Anything about sexual energy is very interesting.