
The Secret to Compassion

How to be Compassionate

Compassion is the nectar of life.  If you are saturated with it, you will be sweet and this sweet fragrance will also be felt by all those around you.  Unfortunately, the true value and depth of this treasure is not fully appreciated and today, many vessels, also sometimes called humans, are empty of this enriching energy.

So what makes compassion flow?  The answer is not at all complex.  I suggest you pose this question to yourself and see what reply comes from deep within you, before I go into my thoughts on this matter.

The answer to what makes for you to be filled with compassion, is simply the realization that this world belongs entirely you to.


This beautiful earth, blue skies, eternal mountains, lush forests, quiet streams, starry nights and wondrous animals are all yours.  This is your world.  Do you see that?  Do you feel it?  It is your world to create as you see fit.  All the people are your people.  When you awaken to this truth, you will feel compassion like never before.  After all, if you see the whole world as yours, you will start to care deeply for every part of it.  So why don’t many of us realize and live this fact?

There are, I feel, two primary reasons for why we are unable to fully awaken to the fact that the entire universe and all within it belongs to us, are an inseparable part of us.  These two causes follow each other like night follows day.

First, you have been conditioned to believe that you are a separate being.  Separate from everything.  This separation is enforced by every facet of society and the embraced life.  All of what society values, further strengthens this sense of separate existence, and the end result is you no longer feel your connection to the world you live in.  You feel totally disconnected.

Having now created in you an impenetrable sense of separate existence, society next forces in you a sense of lacking or incompleteness.  So now, you are forever lost in the pursuit of filling this hole.  The end product is a tiny little separate person, all alone in a big world, trying like mad to build their petty little empire. 

Result… no sign of compassion anywhere in sight.

You are so lost in trying to get somewhere and so consumed by your ambition, that you no longer feel connected to the totality, let alone feel the great responsibility of taking care of this great big world of yours.  Compassion flows when there is a shift in emphasis, away from yourself and towards the totality.

So how do we undo this conditioning?  Where do we go from here?  The place to start, is to question the sense of incompleteness that has been forced on you.  Question the ambition you are burning with.  Will that new BMW convertible be enough?  Will the 5 bedroom house, with the walkout basement and sun room be enough?  Will a million dollar portfolio be enough? 

It won’t.  It never is.

No matter what you acquire you will get used to it and soon demand more.  Otherwise, you will find many who have achieved much be finished with ambition, but it simply is not so.  The hole cannot be filled by acquisitions.  The hole, the sense of being less, must simply be rejected.  You must simply draw the line and say, I have enough, I am enough, I know enough, I am good enough, I am spiritual enough, I am fine, everything is fine, I don’t need anything more, let me see what I can do for my world.

In other words, let me give, instead of take.  I am the Shepard, I am the savior, I am saved and I will save my world.

Result… compassion will flow.

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  1. shobha
    shobha says:

    It is a very thought provoking idea. I enjoy reading it again and again. It calms me and makes me feel “it is OK”. Compassion is the need of the Day.
    God bless you.

  2. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Elena,

    As I mentioned in my comment above as well, this is one of my favorite articles, which at the time of writing seemed to flow from somewhere beyond.

    Needless to say, it gives me great joy to know that it has touched and inspired others. Compassion is certainly an affliction that I hope becomes mankind’s most contagious disease :-D.

    All Good Wishes,

  3. Elena
    Elena says:

    Dean Anmol,
    this article made cry and feel full of relief and happiness at the same time. I have learned a part of it by heart, because it so calms me down: “I have enough, I am enough, I know enough, I am good enough, I am spiritual enough, I am fine, everything is fine, I don’t need anything more, let me see what I can do for my world.”
    This article has also made me trust your website completely; because you seem to be full of compassion, lovingness and joy yourself, and this is inspiring, encouraging and contageous!
    Thank you

  4. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Dear Wendy,

    You have found one of my favorite posts here. It is one I myself reread from time to time as a reminder :-D. Happy to share it with all of you.


  5. Wendy
    Wendy says:

    Dear Anmol,
    This is a beautiful and heartfelt post on Compassion. I find it so inspiring to read. Thank you, I am grateful for it right at this moment, as it is timely.

    Much love, Wendy.

  6. shobha
    shobha says:

    “Sarvey bhavantu sukhinah”, May all be happy, is a good mantra. “ALL” includes me, you and the rest. I am really enjoying this thought provoking idea of “compassion”. I will be conscious of it and try to focus on it.

  7. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Falguni,

    Glad you have been inspired by the article and thanks for the great comments. I do now feel like getting some tea though, so am off to brew my cup :-).


  8. Falguni
    Falguni says:

    Hi Anmol,

    Great article! :-) I went to the online Distionary one day and I thought I understood the meaning of compassion from their since I was curious after reading a quote from the yogi tea. But you proved me wrong, You put the definition so beautifullly and now it’s just a matter of me realizing it slowly and gradually.

    Thank You so much for posting this article.


  9. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hey Satya,

    Both are valuable to have. Sometimes great impatience, great urgency, so that one makes full use of one’s life and applies oneself with full energy, and sometimes great patience so one does not fixate on results, comparisons or achievements. Wisdom is knowing when what is needed.

    Thanks for sharing.

    All Good Wishes,

  10. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Karthik

    Yes absolutely all valuable technique for penetrating the shell of the ego. Tat Tvam Asi (Thou Art That) is perhaps another great truth worth contemplating as well.

    Thanks for your insights and contributions.


  11. Satya
    Satya says:

    But, I feel sometime that I have very little time day by day as my time is passing by… I know that this path needs a great patience.. but sometime I get very impatience.. nothing gained and I don’t want to make this life worthless.. loosing patience sometime.

  12. karthik
    karthik says:

    Nice article and my free random thoughts: Maybe contemplating on aham brahmasmi would help? Independence vs interdependence? A new meaning for interdependence – you are actually helping yourself since the other and you are one.
    Maybe a deeper understanding of why we are on earth would also help, since then we might see the connecting thread among human beings other than the fact that we belong to the same species.


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  1. […] One of my favorite articles, The Secret to Compassion, explores this idea in further detail. […]

  2. […] The Secret to Compassion […]

  3. […] One of my favorite articles, The Secret to Compassion, explores this idea in further detail. […]

  4. […] Anmol Mehta presents The Secret to Compassion posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga, saying, “What makes for real compassion to flow? Read on to find out…” […]

  5. Life Insurance Lowdown » Blog Archive » Carnival of Life, Happiness and Meaning #33 says:

    […] Anmol Mehta presents The Secret to Compassion posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga. What makes for real compassion to flow? Read on to find out… […]

  6. Carnival of Positive Thinking says:

    […] Anmol Mehta presents The Secret to Compassion posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment Kundalini Yoga, saying, “What makes for real compassion to flow? Read on to find out…” […]

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