Hatha Yoga Sheetali Pranayama Video – The Cooling Breath
Hatha Yoga Breathing Exercise Video
Sheetali Yoga Pranayama Video
Sheetali pranayama is the next video of your Online Yoga Breathing Exercises Video Series. This is yoga video number 5 and is a demonstration of the calming, cooling breath.
Sheetali breathing exercise is a part of Sage Patanjali’s Hatha Yoga pranayamas, and due to it’s effectiveness it has been incorporated into all the various schools of yoga. You will find extensive details on this pranayama in the article Sheetali Breathing Exercise for Stress and Anger Mangement, which is precisely what this breathing exercise is very good to treat.
So use this yoga exercise if you have any heat related issue, whether that be emotion or physical in nature. The pranayama counteracts “pitta” (heat: See Introduction to Ayuveda) in the system. The breathing exercise also bestows calmness and helps reduce stress, anger and irritation. Below is a brief overview of what this video covers.
Sheetali Hatha Yoga Pranayama Video Contents:
- Overview of Sheetali breathing exercise.
- Benefits of this cooling pranayama.
- Demonstration of the breathing technique and discussion of variations you can use
Your videos could be more effective if you had higher resolution. more complete descriptions and when necessary for complete understanding …shirtless so the person clearly sees and is described proper muscle appearance. Pictures/videos and visuals are 85% of the understanding in training.
More in depth descriptions of the benefits and contra-indications of each Pranayama……students with disabilities should be considered and shown alternative seating positions. Explain why different teachers hand mudras, why? Why does Tibetan Pranayama differ from Hindu as does some western teachers. All this is confusing to someone wanting the pure technique. AS in the Hand Mudras and their correct descriptions. Your site differs from Dr. Vasant Lad as does his from Baba Ramdev as does his from the Tibetan monks.
Hi, Anmol
I’ve practiced this exercise and really its effective: i felt more relaxed and calmed. Now i ask you this Why when i performe it and specially during breathing out my shoulders shake invonluntarily? It always happens to me.
Thanks for your help
This depends on your level of fitness and health. In general I suggest to not exclusively do breathing exercises, but to find a good mix of physical yoga and breathing exercises. But if you want to just do breathing exercises you can do 6 or more without any problems.
For the exercises though, I have generally given beginner’s, intermediate and advanced versions, so follow that sequence for each exercise.
how many breathing exercices can i do every day with out danger?
Hi Patricia,
That’s absolutely great…. just make sure to keep going now. Most all the pranayamas will help you with COPD.
Thanks a bunch for your feedback.
All Good Wishes,
I am on day 5 of your yoga breathing and excited to say I am noticing a difference in my breathing (COPD). Thank you so much.