The Five Koshas Explained: How They Impact Your Yoga Practice & Life

This article is an edited extract from Kara-Leah’s second book, The No-More-Excuses Guide to Yoga. Find out more here. by Kara-Leah Grant, author of The No-More-Excuses Guide to Yoga Do enough research, and it seems we can find evidence that regular practice of yoga can positively impact everything from anxiety, depression, and panic attacks to thyroid conditions,

The Life of a Soul Warrior: Looking Back

 Welcome to an article by our new guest contributor, Dr. Bina Nangia. Dr. Nangia is a long-time spiritual seeker who works with children. This week she looks at a warrior of the soul who is reviewing her life to date. Today the warrior looks back. She has so many times been afraid of going into

Relax and Flow Like a River

 Welcome to an article by our new guest contributor, Dr. Bina Nangia. Dr. Nangia is a long-time spiritual seeker who works with children. The river does not even know its destiny and it is born. As a little trickle from the rain waters or the snow melting, it does not know. Creation has sent it

Does the Media Image of Yoga Stop People From Giving it a Go?

Our popular contributor Kara-Leah has written her second book, The No-More-Excuses Guide to Yoga. Pre-sales have just started, and you’re invited to be involved. Read more below.  by Kara-Leah Grant, author of The No-More-Excuses Guide to Yoga I’m in Auckland, New Zealand back in 1995, which seems a long, long time ago. I’ve dropped out of

Be Free – Live Now

by Guest Author Anita Olivacce Where are you? Right now, where are you?  Where is your attention focused? On what happened yesterday, a few years ago perhaps? Or maybe on something that may happen next There is no tomorrow and there are no “years”.  There is only Now.  This moment right now.  Life is happening