Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga – The Yoga of Energy & Awareness

Introduction to Kundalini Yoga

What is Kundalini Yoga & How It Works

This article will provide a basic overview of what Kundalini Yoga is and how Kundalini Yoga works.  At the core of Kundalini Yoga lies Kriyas and the best way to understand the methodology of Kundalini Yoga is to understand Kriyas and their functioning.

Understanding Kundalini Yoga Kriyas

Kriyas are a set of exercises done in a particular sequence to work on a specific theme. There are a wide range of Kriyas available, each refined over thousands of years to optimize their effectiveness.  Kriyas utilize all the available Kundalini Yoga mechanisms to work their magic. They employ asans (postures), movement, pranayam (breathing exercises), bandhas (body locks), mantras (sound vibrations), mudras (hand positions), laya yoga (yoga of rhythm and sound), mental focus and meditation to do their work.

Kundalini Yoga

Dynamic movement and asans bring expanding and contracting pressure via multiple angles to various areas of the body, this is accompanied with powerful pranayams, the combined effect of which is that the target regions are saturated with highly charged and oxygenated blood. This nutrient rich blood fills the capillaries forcing them to discharge toxins and other harmful elements, which are then eliminated, neutralized or expelled by the body. The health of the region thus improves and the nerves fire more completely, the glands and organs are invigorated and regain their natural voltage and secretion levels are returned to a condition of strength and vitality.

The key above is the removal of blockages (granthis) that is taking place on many levels of the organism thus facilitating the flow of energy.  There are Kriyas designed for working on almost every part of the human system (Immune, Glandular, Circulatory, Digestive, Nervous, Respiratory, Sexual, etc…), working on our various traits and characteristics (Awareness, Intuition, Willpower, Confidence, Compassion, Charisma, etc…) and also for healing many different types of ailments and diseases.  Lets now see how this ties in with the Chakra (energy vortex) system.

Understanding Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System

There are 7 primary chakras that lie all along the spine from the base to the crown of the head.  Associated with each chakra are the primary nerve junctions and organs of that region. Furthermore, each chakra is responsible for certain traits and characteristics that make up our personality. When we strengthen and rejuvenate the nerves and organs in a particular region, we are in fact activating these energy centers that reside there and are thus working on ourselves not only at a physical level, but also at an emotional and mental level (by affecting our traits and characteristics).  Practiced over time, the chakras become charged and come into balance with each other, bringing us into physical, emotional and mental well being. 

Again, it should be noted that the work being done is primarily about dissolving granthis (blockages) in these regions which introduce disease and imbalance into the system by preventing the chakras from functioning at their optimum level. Finally, let see how this relates to Kundalini Shakti.

Understanding Kundalini Shakti (Energy)

Kundalini is energy. It is the fundamental energy whose flow through the organism allows for all its systems to operate, at all levels of consciousness.  It is the energy of awareness, it can be said that where your awareness is, that is where Kundalini is flowing or that where Kundalini is flowing is where your awareness is.  To awaken Kundalini means to dissipate blockages in the gross and subtle systems in your being and allow for greater and greater flow of energy and awareness. As blockages are cleared trapped energy is released and pathways are cleared. Kundalini then is able to flow freely though those regions, healing, nourishing, rejuvenating and balancing them.

The dissipating of blockages can also be thought of as the clearing away of the subconscious mind, the collection of unresolved emotional and physical disturbances, where lies the root of many of our attachments and fears.  So overall Kundalini Yoga is a system by which one, through the process of dissolving the past, allows the infinite to shine through into the present.

How to Begin Your Kundalini Yoga Practice

You will find many Kundalini Yoga Sets on this website and I am constantly adding new ones.  Please feel free to incorporate them into your sadhana (daily spiritual practice) as you see suitable.  There are also Free Online Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Classes on Mastery of Meditation, please feel free to register and begin your yoga practice using them.  It is suggested though that you read the 10 Guidelines For Kundalini Yoga Practice to help prepare you for your Yoga practice if it is new to you.  Always remember that the True Guru is within and just a glance away from providing you the guidance you need.

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46 replies
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  1. Doug James
    Doug James says:

    Have had 2 corneal transplants. However the doctors say the corneas are failing. Have doing kundalini yoga for a short while. Doctors say immune system is rejecting the corneas. I believe that my body knows how to heal and accept the transplants. I practice eft tapping as well.
    Are there any ky kriyaas you can suggest.

  2. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Hi Jackie,

    You don’t need to visit the website to read any of the material. It is all in the e-manual itself (just scroll down to the chapters). Just need to go online to view the videos. There should not be any ads. Perhaps it is the program you are using?

    So you only need to study and practice the material in the e-manual. You can follow the links to read more about subjects that interest you, but that is not required.

    The chapter INDEX are links to the website, only for convenience.

    Let me know if you have any additional questions.


  3. jackie
    jackie says:

    i am new to online study – signed up for certification – not sure what i am doing – what exactly should i be reading and doing – do i need to read all the green articles???? i get so many ads while reading – is this normal???? please email

  4. raj
    raj says:

    i want ask Q when i sit 4 diyan before i feel powerful heat middle of both eye now all 4head what is this my english is poor please dont mind

  5. kismet
    kismet says:

    Hi, I just started meditating and when I deep breathe through my nose after awhile I pick up a scent (like it’s deep in my nose) that is sweet/sour. Is that normal?

    Thank you for your wonderful instruction

    Blessings, Kismet

  6. mina
    mina says:

    hi im a complete but keen beginner to chakras,kundalini yoga….i need help with hot flushes!! how can i control or divert the intense heat? my energy has gone awol too.

  7. Casey
    Casey says:

    Hello! Can you please explain why the energetic blockages can be considered the subconscious mind? Is it from these blockages that our stigmas and subtle attachments arise? How?

  8. Meditations 4 Inner Peace
    Meditations 4 Inner Peace says:

    I am beginning my own meditation groups and will be using your site for helpful insights and teachings. Thank you


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