Yoga Exercises for Men’s Sexual Health
Yoga Poses for Male Sexual Health
Yoga Therapy for Sexual Dysfunction
Kundalini Yoga is considered the ultimate house holder’s yoga. Which means virility and sexual energy are not suppressed, but in fact considered an important aspect of one’s health and life. Previously, I have also indicated that sexual energy, which is considered the most potent form of bio-chemical energy in the body, is the one form of energy that can be used for rejuvenating the entire physical apparatus, as well as be used for spiritual growth and transformation; so this energy is certainly important to have in quantity and quality.
The ancient holy men, yogis and rishis (saints) of India were known to maintain their sexual charge and drive right through their life and towards that end, yoga played no small role. This article is going to provide a potent yoga set for men to heal any sexual dysfunction, increase their sexual potency and refine their sexual energy, so it can be utilized for spiritual transformation. Although this yoga set is excellent for women as well and can be done by them also, it is tailored specifically for men and the male sexual system.
The Yoga Exercises in this set are all linked and detailed in the Free Online Kundalini Yoga Exercises E-book and the Free Illustrated Hatha Yoga Poses E-book, where you can get all the details, cautions, modifications, etc. This set will also make up Chapter 13 of our popular Free Online Kundalini Yoga Sets E-book. Soon it will also be a part of the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes held here on Mastery of Meditation & Yoga.
Benefits of Yoga Exercises for Male Sexual Health:
Below are the benefits of this yoga set:
- Helps raise the vibration of sexual energy, so it can be used for healing and spiritual transformation.
- Helps develop sexual potency and improves sex drive.
- Helps cure sexual dysfunction and sexual phobias.
- Helps cure erectile dysfunction.
- Increases your overall level of energy and vitality.
- Significantly develops lower body strength and flexibility.
- Tones legs and buttocks.
- Awakens, heals and balances the Sex Chakra.
Yoga Exercises for Male Sexual Health Preparation:
The following two articles are important to read as they provide guidelines on how to practice yoga intelligently and safely:
Essential Beginners Guide to Yoga Practice
10 Important Guidelines for Kundalini Yoga Practice
Remember the golden rule is please do not overdo or over strain. Especially if you are new to yoga, please use the beginner’s version for the difficult exercises and back off if you feel uncomfortable or dizzy. Each exercise title is a link to the chapter with the details for that exercise. For all the poses in this set illustrations have also been provided.
You will also need to learn the Breath of Fire breathing exercise, which is taught in the following video: Breath of Fire Kundalini Yoga Pranayama. This breathing exercise is a fundamental breathing technique in Kundalini Yoga and is used in conjunction with the yoga poses in the set below. If at any time you feel it is difficult to keep up with breath of fire during the exercise, please switch to long deep breathing or normal breathing instead.
Male Sexual Health Yoga Set:
Remember that each title is a link to the article with full details on each pose. Also, in each of those respective articles, modifications for beginners are also given, so make sure you use those modifications as you start out.
1. Kundalini Yoga Butterfly Pose:
- Kundalini yoga pose to stretch the sexual meridians.
- Duration: 1 – 3 mins.
- Breath: Breath of Fire.

Butterfly Pose for Stretch Sex Maridians
- Cobra Pose to balance and heal the Sex Chakra. If your arms get tired, come down from cobra and then go back into the pose after recovering.
- Duration: 30 seconds – 3 mins.
- Breath: Long Deep Breathing.
Cobra Pose for Healing Sex Chakra
3. Forward Stretch Pose for Navel Chakra:
- This is an excellent pose for healing the nervous system and promoting good health. Start the stretch slowly and as your body opens up, accentuate the stretch further.
- Duration: 1 – 3 mins.
- Breath: Breath of Fire or Long Deep Breathing.

Forward Bend for Health and Healing
- The modified version of this pose (bridge pose) will also provide you with the necessary benefits, so if cannot reach your ankles, feel free to use the modified version.
- Duration: 1 – 3 mins.
- Breath: Breath of Fire.

Modified Wheel Pose to Tone Sexual Organs
5. Yoga Plough Pose for Sexual Excellence:
- First off, please develop your capacity to do this pose slowly and gently. Careful with your neck and do not over strain. Improving the flexibility in your hamstrings will help you with doing this pose as well. This pose is absolutely excellent to improve your sexual systems.
- Duration: 1 – 3 mins.
- Breath: Long deep breathing.

Plough Pose for Sexual Healing
- Good Posture to help distribute the energy you have generated.
- Duration: 30 seconds – 1 min
- Breath: Normal.
Yoga Rock-n-Roll
7. Yoga Chair Pose for Sexual Health:
- We now get to the exercises which really start to work the lower body and legs, which are the source of a great deal of the sexual power and energy. Be careful with your knees for the following two exercises. Remember, you can see more illustrations and details in the article linked by the title as well. Take breaks in between if you need to.
- Duration: 15 seconds – 3 mins
- Breath: Breath of Fire.
Yoga Chair Pose for Sexual Health
- These can be a little tough for beginner’s to do, but are excellent to tone and strengthen your legs and also, it will give your heart a good workout. Do only a few at a time in the beginning and take breaks between repetitions as you build up your capacity. Build up slowly to 52 in a row over time.
- Duration: 11 – 52 repetitions
- Breath: Inhale Down / Exhale Up.

Yoga Frog Pose (Inhale)

Yoga Frog Pose (Exhale)
9. Kundalini Yoga Sat Kriya for Sex Chakra:
- This is a very powerful tantra yoga technique to raise the vibration of your sexual energy. It also helps remove sexual phobias and cures sexual dysfunctions. Make sure you don’t overdo this exercise and build up your capacity slowly over time.
- Duration: 1 – 11 mins.
- Breath: As given in the exercise.
Sat Kriya for Healing Sex Chakra
10. Corpse Pose:
- Once you have completed the Yoga Set for Men’s Sexual Health, make sure you relax on your back in corpse pose. For corpse pose just lie comfortably on your back and have your hands out to the sides or on your chest. Just let go during this time and let the Universe take care of you. Have no worries, anxieties or goals, and simply surrender to Infinity. The longer you do Sat Kriya above, the longer you need to rest as well.
- Duration: 3 – 11 mins.
- Breath: Relaxed
Trust in the wisdom of this science and do your practice consistently. There is no reason why you will not be able to cure your conditions and improve your sexual health and stamina. Enjoy …
Anmol, my one question is not yet answered, as i said above on 31st oct 2009 – my body is flexible to do many asans, however the reflexes have been slowed down. how can one increase the body reflexes..can you suggest something?? this would be of quite help to many persons of above 50, like me..
thanks a lot,
Anmol, any specific asans to control diabetes and blood pressure and normalise??
since many days, i have left doing asans due to high blood pressure 210 / 130. i would be highly obliged to get your response..
per your advise, i have started anulom vilom on regular basis, and feeling better too, pls. advise some asans too.
God bless you,
Yoga is a driven for to be sexually active. People who do yoga, has a better sex life and much healthier than using pills. It also helps to for your inner peace and makes your body relax as it associates on peoples feeling. Buy Bowflex
I think Yoga is an excellent remedy for ED as well as numerous other ailments that we’re usually quick to throw a prescription at. A+ post.
Nice One…….
Dear Anmol, can you pls. suggest some excercise or set of excercises which helps to increase the body reflexes – though my body is quite flexible and i can perform some tough yogasan very easily at the age of 53, however body reflexes have been slowed down. and one more, do the set of yoga postures you have suggested can increase the androgen or testosteron or male hormones in the body?? are there any other excercises for this??
Awaiting your answer..
Warm Regards,
Yoga is a great way to stay in shape and avoid getting feeling worn down by the end of the day.
anmol, i need some poses to strengthen my calve muscles, any advice?
Hi Friend,
It is created with exercises and sequences I learned in my Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Training program. My teacher was Ravi Singh, who learned from Yogi Bhajan.
who created this kriya? was this from yogi bhajan?
Hi Mathew,
My current e-book does not have this set in it. It has other great stuff though ;-).
Glad you are enjoying the website.
Hi Anthony,
Yes you can do 2 sets of 3 minute Sat Kriyas per day.
I am so glad that there are other alternatives to help men with ED. I am very fond of Yoga, it is the best form of exercise as far as I’m concerned. If only I had kept doing yoga years ago, I might not be suffering today. I recently took an online ED quiz and I didn’t do so well. It was at Any ways, that you for the valuable information, it really helped me put thing in perspective.
Because of the wealth of bogus products available on the internet which are supposed to cure erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men, it is difficult to believe much if any of what you read today. I am now under the impression that the little blue pills that you can get on prescription from your local GP are often found to be fake! Such confusion would even trouble the little grey cells of Hercule Poirot himself.
The secret of any such internet search is to define your request to use keywords that really narrow down the final selection. In the case of impotence, use words like clinical trial, tested and proven solution each time adding in impotence. Whilst there are many internet companies selling male performance enhancing pills & herbs or even herbs in pill form and all are suggestive or use extreme implication to make you believe they have the elixir of life, a cure for all ills. The vast majority are little more than a bottle of snake oil under another label. Another piece of advice is take time to read the claims and documentation offered ignoring the sexy pictures and suggestive copy designed to appeal to the male machismo. Dig down and read the facts available on any site offering products that improve your bedtime prowess. If this sounds like a lot of work then you probably don’t have a problem with the strength of blood flow into your manhood. If like 1 in every 5 men in the UK today you can be found wanting in the trouser snake department come bedtime, the recent discovery of Butea Superba is important news. Available on the internet in pill form under the brand name HealthyED this non chemical herbal solution has been tested in clinical trials and proven to improve the male performance in over 80% of all men that take it. So you could trawl through the net via Google search, then carefully read the documentation and decipher the validity of the mountain of claims and counter claims made. Or you could just enter HealthyED into Google search and save a whole heap of time and effort. Happy hunting.
I feel its a good exercise for Mens Sexual Health. I will try to do this exercise to improve my sexual performance. If I can receive a free online book for this I will really appreciate. Thanks….
thx amnol, ive been waiting for a kriya like this for a long time
can i do 2 sets of 3 minute sat kriyas a day?