Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners – Part 1

Mindfulness Meditation – Part 1 What is Mindfulness Meditation (Anmol: I would like to present the following guest post from Axel Gjertsen.  This is part 1 of a 2 part series on the profound art of Mindfulness Meditation.  This meditation comes from the great school of Buddhism and is my personal choice for practicing moment

Meditation Versus Time | Mortal Enemies Forever

Timelessness and Meditation Meditation to Transcend Time Thinking involves time and that prevents meditation, and meditation involves being and that destroys time.  This is the fundamental battle raging in our lives.  Either we absorb ourselves in time and thought, or we give ourselves to the eternal now and transcend it.  The direction to take is

Online Meditation School Training Meditation Teachers Worldwide

Mastery of Meditation Online Center Online Meditation Certification Course Student Testimonial for Online Meditation School and Certification Program: Dave Writes: The course was everything I hoped it would be and more. Your depth of knowledge and teaching skills are excellent and all instruction was presented in a easy to understand way. I regret I have

Buddhist Chants and Mantras | The Science Behind the Power

(Anmol: Here is an insightful article by guest author Hugo Deslippe.  Hugo is an avid spiritual aspirant and shares his discoveries about Zen and Buddhism on his great website and blog http://www.japanese-buddhism.com/.  Do check it out…) If you would like to be a guest author on Master of Meditation and Yoga, please email me at

7 Quick Meditation Tips to Combat Sleepiness

Tips for Meditation Overcoming Obstacles of Meditation In the article, Meditation Help and 5 New Tips for Beginners,  I gave an important list of meditation tips to help you to establish a strong, daily meditation practice.  Today, there are few more meditation tips I would like to pass along to you and these are specifically