Online Beginner’s

Free Online Beginner’s Yoga Class

Online Beginner’s Yoga Class

Free Basic Yoga Postures & Breathing Exercises (Course #99)

As the Free Online Beginner’s Meditation Class has been very popular and beneficial for you all, I felt it would be a good idea to design a pure Beginner’s Yoga Class as well.  As usual please note that all the material needed for this Beginner’s Yoga Class is available via the links on this post and you can start anytime you wish. 

For more details on the free online classes offered at Mastery of Meditation & Yoga, please go to the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes page.  In addition to the video and information on that page, you may also wish to read the Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes FAQ.  Questions such as how to register, participate, etc. are all answered there.

Online Beginner’s

The focus of the Beginner’s Yoga Class is to help you learn basic yoga postures and basic yoga breathing exercises and to help you establish a strong, daily personal yoga practice.  Consistent practice is the most important aspect of yoga and meditation, and is the key to obtaining the enormous benefits these sciences offer.

The beginner’s yoga class is going to use yoga breathing exercises (pranayamas) from the Free Online Yoga Breathing Exercises E-book and yoga poses from the Free Online Yoga Sets E-book, both of which come with videos and illustrations as needed.

Free Online Beginner’s Yoga Program Overview:

This course is designed for 1 week, but, as mentioned above, for a long, healthy, peaceful life you should aim to establish a long-term yoga practice.  The beginner’s yoga class should hopefully go a long way in getting you started on that path.  In this post I will provide the program objectives, details, syllabus and participation guidelines.  Please read through everything carefully so you will be able to get maximum benefit from the program.

As mentioned above, this program consists of fundamental and highly effective yoga postures and yoga breathing exercises.  It is not limited to the techniques of any one tradition, as I chose some of the most important techniques that yoga has to offer on the whole.  The yoga exercises are from kundalini yoga, and some of the breathing techniques are from hatha yoga.

To register please leave a comment below that you are going to start the Online Beginner’s Yoga Program, or just send me an email at  This way I know what kind of participation and interest there is. 

Free Online Beginner’s Yoga Program Objectives:


  1. Learn basic yoga techniques and yoga breathing exercises.
  2. Promotes health, peace and joy.
  3. Increase energy and vitality.
  4. Improve flexibility and strength.
  5. Promote self healing.
  6. Develop confidence and willpower.
  7. Balance the mind and emotions.
  8. Develops the Immune System, Nervous System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System and Digestive System.
  9. Develop mental focus and concentration.
  10. Burn fat and tone the muscles.

Free Online Beginner’s Yoga Program Details:


Class Structure: 

Each session consists of 2 sections: Breathing exercises (pranayama) and Yoga Exercises.  The exercises are designed to allow you to pace yourself.  If you are a beginner or just getting back into yoga, please use the modifications for the difficult exercises and do the beginner’s versions until you develop your practice a little.  The total time for this class is approximately 30 minutes / day.  Do the best you can and most importantly, walk the middle path with regard to each session.  DO NOT OVERDO OR OVER STRAIN and at the same time don’t have it be too easy either.

Required Reading:


Suggested Reading:


Course Materials:


Free Online Beginner’s Yoga Program Syllabus:


The following describes the 2 sections comprising the 30-45 minute daily yoga and pranayama sessions for this class.  The approximate total times for each section are also given.  Take more rest if you need to, or if you feel comfortable do the poses and exercises a little longer. 

Each breathing exercise and the yoga set below is a link to the article with all the details you need.

Beginner’s Yoga Program: Each day do the following…

Section 1: Breathing Exercises Section (Pranayama):  Total time 5-15 Minutes

  • Chakra Balancing Breathing Exercise (Anuloma Viloma Pranayama): Anuloma Viloma pranayama (or Alternate Nostril Breathing) is excellent for preparing your mind for meditation.  It will calm the thought waves and make it easier for the stillness to emerge.  Start with 5 cycles and build up to 20 cycles.
  • Kapalbhati Yoga Breathing Exercise for Optimum Health & Healing: Next do Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayama, which is one of the best pranayamas for health and healing.  Start with 1 minute and work up to 5 minutes.  Take rest between rounds as required.
  • 4 Part Deep Breathing Yoga Pranayama: This is a great yoga breathing exercise for beginner’s and experts alike.  It is perfect for getting your energy before starting your yoga practice.  Start with 1 minute and work up to 5 minutes.  Take rest between rounds as required.

Section 2: Yoga Section:  Total time 15-30 minutes

  • Beginner’s Yoga Positions: After completing your breathing exercises do the beginner’s yoga set.  This set incorporates many of the fundamental yoga exercises and postures and is a great set to get you on your way with yoga practice.  Start with the minimum times for each exercise and build up from there.

Free Online Beginner’s Yoga Program Guidelines:

Following are the guidelines which I suggest to follow…

  • Please post all comments, questions and feedback in the comments section of this post.  This way all will benefit from the discussion.  Feel free to ask questions or discuss issues, as that is one of the main reasons for this particular class format.  Of course, you are free to email me as well if you would like the discussion to not be public.
  • If you like, you can indicate with a comment that you have completed your daily session.  Could be as short as “did it”, or of course could be questions, issues or more detailed feedback.  The hardest part with a daily yoga and meditation practice is establishing consistency and regularity and I think having to acknowledge that you completed your daily sadhana (spiritual work) will help in facilitating that.  In addition, your comments would inspire others as well.
  • I will post all information regarding the class in the comments section below as well, so please check periodically for updates.
  • Before starting your daily yoga and meditation session, take a moment and tune in to your higher self for guidance and protection.  At the end of every session, visualize yourself and the world as you would like it to be.
  • Do the best you can and modify the class as you require.  It is more important to do something, than be overwhelmed and not do anything at all.
  • I wish you all a wonderful learning and transforming experience and hope you achieve your highest potential in this life.

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651 replies
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  1. Karen
    Karen says:

    I am looking forward to beginning this program. From the limited research I have done Yoga seems to be the best method for total fitness of body, mind and spirit. This will be day one for me. I will keep you posted on my progress.

  2. capree
    capree says:

    first timer rdy to start your beginners yoga class hoping this will help me relieve stress and become more healthy and energized

  3. Waking Wanderer
    Waking Wanderer says:

    I am looking to start your beginners yoga course. I have been meditating for a few years now and follow the path of Yoganada. I would love to hear your thoughts on him. Thank you so much for what you are doing here. I look forward to it.


  4. Clay
    Clay says:

    Greetings! I would like to start the Beginners Yoga class. Have been interested in a long time, but lack motivation. Thankyou for your help. Sincerely Clay.

  5. Dani
    Dani says:

    I have just completed my freshman year of college (I’m an engineering major) and while I was at school, I noticed just how much of an unhealthy lifestyle I was living. I’ve since gone on a much healthier diet, and I am starting your yoga program tonight. Hopefully this will help me establish better habits in other areas of my life as well! =)

  6. Vino
    Vino says:

    I celebrated my 39th birthday a few days ago. I’ve been thinking of what I can do to make my last year in the 30’s memorable, and also, how to enter my 40s with a blast. So, I’d like to make each day count, and in a year, be a much better version of myself, than I am now. I’ve always been healthy, so I never felt the need to discipline myself in any way. Although I’m not as perfectly slim and strong and flexible as i would like, I’m not so big that i can’t move and enjoy myself either. All this has contributed to a person who is severely lacking in self-control, in all areas of life. Just because I’ve never hit any extreme in any area, doesn’t mean, i have self control. So… that is my goal… go practice self control – a little bit at a time – practice good habits, eliminate the bad ones… instead of exercising in spurts, exercise consistently; instead of two teaspoons of sugare in my tea, just one… and so on…. =) It’s going to be an awesome year! And thank you so much for making these beginner lessons available for free, so I can get started without any excuse! I love the clarity of the instructions, the simplicity of the videos, and the short length as well! Very welcoming, instead of intimidating. Thankyou!

  7. Trupti Mehta
    Trupti Mehta says:


    Welcome back to your path :)

    The site is pretty easy to navigate once you familiarize yourself with it. We have a search box on the right hand top corner of the site where you can search for yoga or meditation related articles for example; “Weight Loss Yoga” or “Tantric Yoga” or “Beginners Meditation”, “How to Quit Cigarettes”, “Insomnia”, “Anxiety” etc…
    And you will be taken to the related articles.

    We also have a translator in case you prefer the website in another language. This is located on the left hand bar.

    Right at the top under the main heading you will see link to our new articles, our free e-books & videos, on-line classes, yoga and meditation certification programs and our store.

    Browse around, take your time and let us know if you need help in anything.

    All the best,

  8. Trupti Mehta
    Trupti Mehta says:


    All the details are on this very page so you just have to follow the material and click on the links (in Green) to go to the required syllabus in detail.

    All the best,

  9. Chloe
    Chloe says:

    Hello Anmol! I will be beginning this course this morning. Thank you again for providing the community with these wonderful resources.

  10. Jordan
    Jordan says:

    Hello there! I’ve done yoga in the past, but I’ve been busy lately. :( I need some gidance on how this site workds exactly. Thanks, looking forward to your program :)!!!!

  11. Nikki
    Nikki says:

    Hello. I am interested in starting this beginner’s class. Do I just open the green links on the course syllabus or what should I do?

  12. Heliz
    Heliz says:

    I’m starting now and i found this great site of yours
    I should do this beginner’s class every day for a week and then go to class #100?
    This is class #99, did it start in #1?
    May be dumb quastions, but i got confused

  13. Bobby
    Bobby says:

    Hi Ammol, Very interested in starting your online beginners yoga class. I guess I am just suppose to leave a response telling you of my interest. Look forward to hearing from you soon.


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