Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book

Summary:  The Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-book is to organize and help you easily locate meditations that you want to learn and include in your daily practice.  It lists all the techniques available on the website and is updated whenever a new meditation is added to the website, so its worth bookmarking :-).


Meditation Techniques

Online Meditation Collection

Welcome to the free online meditation collection to help you develop your daily meditation practice.  This e-book will explain and detail the best meditation techniques from various different religions, schools and philosophies.  Meditations from this collection will be part of the Free Online Guided Meditation and Kundalini Yoga Classes, that are hosted here on the Mastery of Meditation website, but these meditations can also, of course, be used independently as part of your own daily spiritual program. 

Meditation E-Book Layout:

Each chapter will provide one important meditation technique and will be written such that to practice that particular meditation you only need to read that chapter.  From this introductory page you will find links to each individual chapter where a particular technique is detailed. 

As new meditations are added to the website this page will be updated to reflect that.

For each meditation, the following information is provided:

  • Background of the particular method.
  • Any tools needed for practice.
  • Benefits of the meditation, both primary and secondary.
  • Any cautions you need to be aware of.
  • Basic procedure.
  • Intermediate procedure.
  • Step by step instructions for advanced practice.
  • Hints and tips to help you learn and master the technique. 
  • Any secrets about the meditation that may not be commonly known.
  • Internet resources to help you gather more information about the meditation, its origin, history, practice, use, etc.

The first few chapters of this book will focus on the most prevalent and time tested meditations.  Later, we will move onto some of the more rare, but equally effective techniques.  To read the meditation of interest to you, simply click the chapter link below.

All the meditations are also put together as a series, so you will be able to easily navigate and explore the various techniques.


Meditation Techniques – The Ultimate Guide

Guide to the Best Meditation Techniques

Chapter 1

Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen)

Chapter 2

Sound Awareness Meditation Technique

Sound Awareness Meditation Video for Morning Meditation Practice

Morning Meditation YouTube Video

Chapter 3

Third Eye Meditation (Ajna Chakra)

Chapter 4

So Hum Mantra Meditation

Chapter 5

Infinite Energy & Prosperity Meditation

Chapter 6

Weight Loss Visualization Meditation Technique

Chapter 7

Relaxation Meditation For Stress Reduction

Chapter 8

Yoga Meditation for Improving Concentration – Trataka

Chapter 9

Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Healing & Psychic Powers

Chapter 10

Chakra Meditation to Open Third Eye

Chapter 11

3 Easy Kids Meditation Techniques

Chapter 12

Rare Crown Chakra Meditation Techniques

Chapter 13

Advanced Meditation Technique To Raise Kundalini Shakti

Chapter 14

Smiling Buddha Meditation for Happiness

Chapter 15

Meditation for Money & Success  

Chapter 16

Kirtan Kriya – Kundalini Yoga Highest Mantra Meditation

Chapter 17

Beautiful Light Meditation for Intuition

Chapter 18

Advanced Gyan Yoga Meditation Videos

Chapter 19

Free Advanced Mind Meditation Videos 

Chapter 20

Beginner’s Guide to Walking Meditation

Chapter 21

How to Master Walking Meditation

Chapter 22

The Best Jnana Yoga Meditation

Chapter 23

How to Do Mindfulness Meditation

Chapter 24

Gayatri Mantra Meditation 

Chapter 25

Vipassana Meditation Technique

Chapter 26

Laughter Meditation for Happiness

Chapter 27

3 Minute Meditations for Relaxation

Chapter 28

Om Mantra Chanting

Chapter 29

Relaxing Ocean Meditation

Chapter 30

Kids Meditation for Peace and Mental Focus

Kids Meditation YouTube Video

Hope you find the collection above useful in learning meditation and establishing a daily practice.  The benefits of meditation are unsurpassed and I cannot impress upon you enough the importance of including this beautiful gift into your life.  Remember to check back here periodically to explore more videos and articles on this precious science.

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  1. Best Chakra Balancing Visualization Meditation Technique | says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Kundalini Yoga Exercises & Videos, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. Also learn about kundalini awakening by reading, Kundalini Awakening Symptoms. Tagged: Balancing, Best, Chakra, Meditation, Technique, visualization […]

  2. […] Anmol Mehta presents Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga, saying, “A collection of profound meditation techniques to help you life your life to the max.” […]

  3. Powerful Mantra Meditation to Open the Seven Chakras | Articlestic says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive blog, Free Kundalini Yoga Videos & Poses, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. Also learn about concentration meditation by reading, Best Concentration Meditation Technique. […]

  4. Zen buddhism - The Secret to Understanding Zen Meditation says:

    […] The Secret to Understanding Zen Meditation By: Anmol MehtaThe key to understanding Zen Buddhism is to understand the phrase “I don’t know.” In this phrase is hidden the secrets of Zen and Zen Meditation. At first glance this may seem counter intuitive or just a play on words, but I assure you that is not the case. This is really the essence of Zen and once you grasp what is being implied here, all the Zen teachings will start to make sense.The problem, according to Zen is not “not-knowing”, it is in fact knowing too much. What needs to be qualified here is the type of knowledge that is being referred to. There is knowledge that is factual, such as the distance to the moon or the elemental makeup of water, but the knowledge that is being indicated here, is the knowledge having to do with our security and happiness. In other words, all that we know about what we ought to be doing to get out of life maximum happiness, is the knowledge that we need to purge ourselves of.For ease of communication I will call this knowledge “Emotional Knowledge”, as it relates to how we need to go about increasing pleasure/happiness and decreasing pain/sorrow. This Emotional Knowledge, Zen is saying, is what drives us to endlessly seek and endlessly be restless. In other words, having accepted innumerable theories on how we need our life to be in order to be happy, we are caught in a cycle of endless desire chasing these goals. Zen says, drop Emotional Knowledge or at least don’t emphasize it and instead just be open to the moment and meet the challenge of life which is right under your nose.It is very hard to really say “I Don’t Know.” All kinds of theories, beliefs, ideologies, philosophies have been forced into us since we were impressionable children, which now dominate our mind and lives. We feel we need to do this or that in order to get this or that, which at the end will make us happy. Unfortunately, this approach has failed. Human beings always get used to what they have and then inevitably start to demand more. It just does not matter what it is or how much you have. You will eventually get used to having it and then will want more. The only way out of this endless cycle of desire is to surrender to the sate of “I Don’t Know.”When you can really say “I Don’t Know”, then there is little for the mind to chase and pursue. Then you just look at life and do what is necessary and as you continue on in this way of living in the moment, desire starts to lose its grip on you. In Zen this is called mindful living. Real freedom then makes its welcome appearance as awareness, free now from outward seeking, moves inward and reveals the secrets hidden deep within us.To work towards this state of “I Don’t Know”, you need to question all your desires. Too often, in this atmosphere of commercialism, we have been seduced by clever advertisement and social propaganda. Corporations and those in power need you to buy into the happy, pleasurable future they are promising, else they will either lose their sale or your vote. So you need to see if you can remain untouched by this atmosphere of endless consumption. Once you buy in, then you are in the rat race, because now you think you know what you need to get to be happy and so you are off and running, if you don’t buy in you stand apart and are free.So next time someone asks you, What is it that you want in life? Look at them and just smile. Welcome to the wonderful world of Zen.Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Chakra Meditation Practice & Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. click-bank If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! […]

  5. Chakra points - Most Powerful Mantra for Opening the Third Eye Chakra says:

    […] Most Powerful Mantra for Opening the Third Eye Chakra By: Anmol MehtaNot only Kundalini Yoga, but all of yoga is really based on the seven chakra system. In this system there are seven chakra points that lie along the spine, from the base to the crown of the head, and each of these chakra points is responsible for the organs and glands situation in it’s region. The chakras, though, are responsible for not just the organs and glands, but they are also responsible for our various personality traits and characteristic. Of these seven chakras, more of the most important and fascinating is the Ajna chakra, or Third Eye.Situated in the middle of brain directly behind the center of the forehead, is the Third Eye chakra. This chakra governs the pituitary glad, which is the master gland for the endocrine system and strongly influences the functioning of the other endocrine glands. The endocrine system is very key to your overall health, thus, for optimum wellbeing, having the pituitary gland functioning properly is of paramount importance. Opening, balancing and healing the Ajna chakra, directly improves the functioning of this most important gland.In addition, the Third Eye is considered to be the seat of wisdom and intuition. It allows us to see the unseen and know the unknown. Opening this chakra allows you to develop your intuitive, psychic nature. The more balanced and open this center is, the greater power of intuition and insight you will have. So let’s find out how to activate this most important chakra point.The most powerful method of opening the Third Eye chakra, is with the use of the OM (AUM) mantra. Each chakra and a seed sound, or bij mantra, which is a sound that that particular center resonates with, and chanting that sound activates that center. For the Ajna chakra, the seed sound is the AUM mantra. Chanting it aloud, or just mentally is one of the best techniques for opening this chakra. Here are two good methods for chanting this mantra.In the first AUM mantra chanting technique, you should inhale deeply and then make a long OOO sound, for about two thirds of the breath. Then, for the last one third of the breath, make the sound MMM. Feel this sound emerging from the center of the forehead and emanating outwards. In addition, have your eyes turned slightly upwards as if you are trying to look through the center of the forehead. This is called Shambhavi Mudra, and it further stimulates the Third Eye.The second technique for chanting the AUM mantra, does not require you to even verbalize the sound. Instead, close your eyes and as you inhale, feel the sound OOO entering through the center of your forehead, and as you exhale feel the sound MMM leaving from the center of your forehead. Repeat this meditation for as long as you like, imagining the sounds entering and leaving. Again, you should have your eyes turned slightly upwards, without strain, as if you are looking through the center of the forehead.Both of the techniques above are excellent mediation methods for opening and balancing the Third Eye chakra. As I mentioned, opening this center bestows numerous benefits, ranging from excellent health, wisdom and even psychic powers. My only request is that you use the powers you ascertain for helping yourself and other in your spiritual evolution only. May the pure light within you guide you.Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Meditation Practice & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. click-bank If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! […]

  6. Meditation Techniques - Daily Accounting Meditation Technique for Remarkable Spiritual Growth says:

    […] Daily Accounting Meditation Technique for Remarkable Spiritual Growth By: Anmol MehtaOne of the greatest meditation techniques for making progress in your spiritual evolution, is surprisingly not very well know, or widely practiced. In fact it does not even have a good name, but I call it my Daily Accounting Meditation Technique. This meditation technique is a remarkable tool for self-study, which is the key to self-realization. So what does it mean to do your daily accounting?Daily accounting meditation means to meticulously, at the very end of the day before going to sleep, review the entire day from the time you woke up to the present moment. During this recall of the day’s activities, the following two aspects should be attended to, as reviewing them carefully is the key to understanding the ego-self in action.1. Emotional Behavior:As you chronologically go over the day from the time you awoke, pause and reflect upon any episodes that were emotional in nature. See which ones created in you positive emotions and which ones elicited a negative response. In particular, pay attention to those episodes that forced in you a negative emotion.What made you get angry, jealous, upset, fearful, etc? Think carefully about the situation and especially how it relates to your ego-self. What was it that you wanted and did not get? What was it that you were afraid of losing? What is it that another had, which you wished you possessed? Try and find the root cause of this reaction and study it carefully.During this contemplation, make sure you do not judge yourself harshly or criticize your behavior. That has no benefits. Instead look upon it like a scientist. An outside, impassionate observer. Just carefully examine what took place. In this way you will start to understand your attachments and understanding your attachments is the first step in being free from them.As you delve into these episodes, ask yourself if you could have done things differently. In fact, even replay the entire episode with yourself behaving in a more positive, relaxed manner. Practice this way so that the next time you are in a similar situation, you will perhaps be able to handle it will greater composer and poise.2. Pretentious Behavior:Again as you replay your day mentally, pause at any episode where you did not behave absolutely honestly. This may not be easy to spot initially, as putting on a false face and manipulating reality has almost become second nature to us. But as you practice this meditation technique, you will be able to better recognize all the pretentious behavior you participate in throughout the day.Learning to give up this dishonesty, even if it goes in the name of diplomacy, is a very key factor in helping you with your spiritual growth. All the energy you waste in building and keeping up an image of yourself is freed up, as now you are simply going to be who you are, regardless of the consequences. You will find this simple change, to not only be liberating, but also a catalyst for propelling you forward in your spiritual evolution.Summary:So there you have the details of this very simple, yet powerful meditation technique to assist you in learning about the ego-self. As the great teachers that have come before us have time and again emphasized, be a light onto yourself. The daily accounting meditation technique is a potent method to shine the light of awareness onto the dark corners of your being, thus leading to eventual illumination and awakening.Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Zen Meditation Techniques & Practice Blog. click-bank If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! […]

  7. Yoga meditation - Top 5 Changes Meditation Practice Demands From You says:

    […] Top 5 Changes Meditation Practice Demands From You By: Anmol MehtaThere is no substitute for meditation – if someone was to offer me one billion dollars, yes with all those zeros, and said that all I would have to do is give up meditation and the treasures of spiritual practice, not even 1 cell in my body would think, yeah maybe. All 10 trillion cells would be laughing at the offer. There is no material equivalent for the rewards of meditation, none. The difference is so enormous that I can’t even come up with a suitable example, and believe me I tried.If life can be said to have any purpose, it is to discover the Truth and at the heart of this mission lies meditation. But, as you move ahead with your meditation practice and the rewards start to flow, you will notice an interesting phenomenon taking place; You Are Being Held to Live at a Higher Standard.There is really not much choice in this matter. If you give yourself seriously to mastering the Art of Meditation, you will no longer be able to live the way you had been in the past. The practice demands its own discipline, not one artificially imposed, but, a discipline that gracefully emerges as you move deeper into this profound science. Here is what I have found to be the top 5 changes that tend to take place in the lives of passionate aspirants who are being true to their meditation practice. These same changes generally also apply to those who practice other spiritual disciplines such as Yoga, Ayurveda, Reiki, Qigong, etc.1. More Simple & Wholesome Life: As your progress matures you will notice that you are more and more gravitating towards a simpler, more natural life. You find yourself buying less and less into commercialism and materialism. Its not that you are becoming an ascetic and “renouncing the world”, its just that material possessions are loosing their grip on you. If you have them you enjoy them, if you don’t have them no problem at all. In this way your life starts to incorporate more of what is natural and moves in a direction that is uncomplicated, but, deep.2. Waste Less Energy: Meditation, Yoga and spiritual practices will make you realize that everything is energy. Energy is the name of the game. You are nothing but Energy and the Universe is nothing but energy. These fields all interconnect and intermingle. At an Energetic level, demarcations loose their definition and everything merges into each other. In addition to this, you start to realize one more important fact regarding meditation. It requires tremendous energy.The energy required for real meditation is available to a human being, but, is not harnessed corrected. It is dissipated in contradiction and meaningless activity. This will have to stop if your practice is to penetrate deep into the mysteries and wonders of Reality. You will start to become more integrated as a person. You will start to stop wasting precious energy in endless gossip, immature pursuits and conflicting desires. You will start be become an charged being, capable of summoning intense energy of the highest vibration when required to penetrate the veil of illusion.3. Better Diet & Fitness: Along the lines of number 2 above, you will start to shift to a healthy lifestyle. You will realize the profound opportunity life and each moment offers and simply would like to make the most of this blessing of human life. Getting sick, being injured, lacking energy will not be acceptable and you will do what is necessary to have a fit, vibrant body. In addition, certain food groups will not suit you as they will make you lethargic and insensitive, so you will likely start to move to a lighter, more lean diet.4. Ending Dependencies and Addictions: For those on the spiritual path, freedom is valued above all. Things that make you dependent and bind you down will come under heavy scrutiny and in time be set aside. This goes for all things that make you dependent. Those far on the spiritual path realize their one to one relationship with life and Divinity and eventually embrace complete independence. This independence then allows for love to flow, as now, without dependency, there is no shadow of fear.5. Becoming a Rebel: It is inevitable. You will become a bit (or in same cases much :-) of a rebel. Especially with regard to tradition and the so called values of society. Society creates the need for so much artificiality and hypocrisy, which simply cannot be sustained under the heat of meditative awareness. In addition, the values that society holds in high esteem are seen for what they are, silly, so that is the end of that.Summary:So there you have the top 5 changes that will be required of you as you move ahead with your spiritual growth. Some of these changes will happen on their own, below the radar of consciousness, while others will be conscious decisions you will have to make, as required by the demands of the meditation and spiritual practice.Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Meditation Practice & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. Featured Topics: Commercialism • Discipline • One Billion Dollars • Spiritual Practice • Yoga Ayurveda •  click-bank If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! […]

  8. Most Powerful Mantra for Opening the Third Eye Chakra | Articlestic - A Website for All Seasons! says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Meditation Practice & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

  9. Most Powerful Mantra for Opening the Third Eye Chakra | clear enlightenment says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Meditation Practice & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

  10. Best Chakra Balancing Visualization Meditation Technique | Reversed Pain with Amega Wand says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Kundalini Yoga Exercises & Videos, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. Also learn about kundalini awakening by reading, Kundalini Awakening Symptoms. […]

  11. Zen buddhism - The Secret to Understanding Zen Meditation says:

    […] The Secret to Understanding Zen Meditation By: Anmol MehtaThe key to understanding Zen Buddhism is to understand the phrase “I don’t know.” In this phrase is hidden the secrets of Zen and Zen Meditation. At first glance this may seem counter intuitive or just a play on words, but I assure you that is not the case. This is really the essence of Zen and once you grasp what is being implied here, all the Zen teachings will start to make sense.The problem, according to Zen is not “not-knowing”, it is in fact knowing too much. What needs to be qualified here is the type of knowledge that is being referred to. There is knowledge that is factual, such as the distance to the moon or the elemental makeup of water, but the knowledge that is being indicated here, is the knowledge having to do with our security and happiness. In other words, all that we know about what we ought to be doing to get out of life maximum happiness, is the knowledge that we need to purge ourselves of.For ease of communication I will call this knowledge “Emotional Knowledge”, as it relates to how we need to go about increasing pleasure/happiness and decreasing pain/sorrow. This Emotional Knowledge, Zen is saying, is what drives us to endlessly seek and endlessly be restless. In other words, having accepted innumerable theories on how we need our life to be in order to be happy, we are caught in a cycle of endless desire chasing these goals. Zen says, drop Emotional Knowledge or at least don’t emphasize it and instead just be open to the moment and meet the challenge of life which is right under your nose.It is very hard to really say “I Don’t Know.” All kinds of theories, beliefs, ideologies, philosophies have been forced into us since we were impressionable children, which now dominate our mind and lives. We feel we need to do this or that in order to get this or that, which at the end will make us happy. Unfortunately, this approach has failed. Human beings always get used to what they have and then inevitably start to demand more. It just does not matter what it is or how much you have. You will eventually get used to having it and then will want more. The only way out of this endless cycle of desire is to surrender to the sate of “I Don’t Know.”When you can really say “I Don’t Know”, then there is little for the mind to chase and pursue. Then you just look at life and do what is necessary and as you continue on in this way of living in the moment, desire starts to lose its grip on you. In Zen this is called mindful living. Real freedom then makes its welcome appearance as awareness, free now from outward seeking, moves inward and reveals the secrets hidden deep within us.To work towards this state of “I Don’t Know”, you need to question all your desires. Too often, in this atmosphere of commercialism, we have been seduced by clever advertisement and social propaganda. Corporations and those in power need you to buy into the happy, pleasurable future they are promising, else they will either lose their sale or your vote. So you need to see if you can remain untouched by this atmosphere of endless consumption. Once you buy in, then you are in the rat race, because now you think you know what you need to get to be happy and so you are off and running, if you don’t buy in you stand apart and are free.So next time someone asks you, What is it that you want in life? Look at them and just smile. Welcome to the wonderful world of Zen.Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Chakra Meditation Practice & Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. Featured Topics: Impressionable Children • Makeup • Maximum Happiness • Pain Sorrow • Philosophies • Phrase • Play On Words • Pleasure • Right Under Your Nose • Zen buddhism •  click-bank If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! Recommended Products […]

  12. Mantra meditation - Powerful Mantra Meditation to Open the Seven Chakras says:

    […] Powerful Mantra Meditation to Open the Seven Chakras By: Anmol MehtaOf all the meditation techniques and yoga poses available to open the chakras, the following three stand out. Mantra meditation, chakra visualization meditation and kundalini yoga kriyas. These three techniques are the most widely used methods for activating the chakras and their widespread use is a testament to their effectiveness. In this article we will discuss the mantra technique in detail. We will go into, not only the good points of this meditation technique, but also discuss it’s drawbacks.For those who are unfamiliar, I am going to briefly give an overview of the seven chakra system and then dive into the mantra technique for opening and balancing them. The seven chakra system model belongs to the school of Kundalini Tantra. It is a model which can effectively represent man in all his dimensions and complexities.Essentially, a chakra is an energy vortex that resides in a particular location along the spine in the energetic body of man. The first chakra resides at the very base and the last at the crown of the head, with the others in between. Each chakra is responsible for the health of the organs and glands in it’s region and also responsible for certain personality traits and characteristics. Opening and balancing the chakra points, means to heal and rejuvenate the organs in the region of that chakra, and to balance the associated personality traits. So how do we go about using the chakra mantra meditation technique for balancing the chakra points? Let’s find out.Associated with each chakra point is a seed sound, or bij mantra and chanting this mantra stimulates and activates the chakra. The bij mantras can be chanted either out loud or be done mentally, if you have a strong mind. A mala or beaded string can be used to count the number of repetitions of the chant, and this method of opening the chakras is very powerful. Herein also lies the problem.Mantra meditation is too powerful a technique. The sound, when properly chanted directly begins to open the chakra point, and if the practitioner is not physically ready for dealing with the greater flow of energy that results from opening the chakra, it can lead to complications and imbalances. So it is very important to not overdo chakra mantra meditation. It should be used judiciously and only in conjunction with other techniques that are designed to prepare the system for greater flow of energy.If you do feel ready to try this technique and incorporate it wisely into your meditation practice, here are the sounds associated with each chakra point that you need to chant.Mooladhara: Root Center: LANG (LAM)Swadhistana: Sex Center: VANG (VAM)Manipura: Navel Center: RANG (RAM)Anahata: Heart Center: YANG (YAM)Vishuddhi: Throat Center: HANG (HAM)Ajna: Third Eye Center: ONG (OM)Sahasrara: Crown Center: SilenceSo there you have one of the most powerful meditation techniques to open and balance the chakra points. Use this wisdom wisely and I am sure it will go a long way in helping you with your journey back to the source.Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive blog, Free Kundalini Yoga Videos & Poses, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. Also learn about concentration meditation by reading, Best Concentration Meditation Technique. Featured Topics: Chant • Energetic Body • Glands • Meditation techniques • Organs • Personality Traits • Repetitions • Spine • Tantra • Yoga •  click-bank If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! Recommended Products […]

  13. Chakra meditation - Best Chakra Balancing Visualization Meditation Technique says:

    […] Best Chakra Balancing Visualization Meditation Technique By: Anmol Mehta One of the best meditation techniques for opening and balancing the chakra points, is the visualization meditation technique. In this technique, the color attribute of each chakra is exploited and used an instrument to stimulate and awaken that particular chakra.Let’s begin first though by giving a brief overview of the chakra system and how they work. Chakra point are energy vortexes that reside in the astral body and transmute energy between the 3 bodies that make up a human being. There 3 bodies are the physical body, astral body and mental body. Charka points essentially move energy between these bodies, by raising or dropping the frequency of the energy as required.Each chakra resides in a particular location along the spine from the base to the crown of the head, and the health of the chakra is reflected in the health of the organs and systems in that particular region. In addition, chakra points are responsible for personality traits and having the chakra in balance, means to have one’s physical, emotional and mental bodies in balance as well. So now that we have an understanding of chakra points, let’s delve into the visualization meditation technique which can be used to open, heal and balance the chakra points.Each chakra point is associated with a particular color, and by using this information along with the power of concentration and visualization one can help stimulate a particular chakra and assist it in opening. Below is the color chart that lists the particular color associated with each chakra point. Each of these colors should then be used, as described in the meditation script below it.Chakra Point Color Chart:Root chakra meditation color: RedSex chakra meditation color: OrangeNavel chakra meditation color: YellowHeart chakra meditation color: GreenThroat chakra meditation color: BlueThird eye chakra meditation color: IndigoCrown chakra meditation color: VioletTo practice chakra visualization meditation technique, one should follow the step-by-step instructions below.1. Either lie on your back, or sit up in cross legged posture with your back straight.2. Close your eyes and take 5 deep slow breaths to help relax you and clam the mind.3. Now begin to visualize the color red at the base of your spine as a glowing ball of red light. Feel your breath moving in and out from this center while continuing to imagine a red ball of light emanating from that location.4. After spending a minute or two at the root chakra, move up to the sex chakra and repeat the exercise with the color orange.5. In this fashion work through all the other chakras as well, where the navel chakra is located at the level of the solar plexus, the heart chakra at the level of the sternum, the throat chakra at the neck and the third eye chakra in the middle of the forehead.6. Once you complete the cycle, relax for a few minutes and then finish the meditation, by affirming you are healthy, balanced and at peace.The above chakra meditation, works through the entire chakra system, but if you are interested in opening and balancing just one particular chakra, you can simply focus on doing the visualization meditation with the color for that specific chakra only. This method of chakra balancing is very effective, but one should use it judiciously, as one should be physically able to handle the increased energy flow that can occur when chakras are activated and opened.Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Kundalini Yoga Exercises & Videos, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. Also learn about kundalini awakening by reading, Kundalini Awakening Symptoms. Featured Topics: Astral Body • Chakra Points • Chakra System • Color Indigo • Eye Chakra • Meditation Technique • Meditation techniques • Personality Traits • Root Chakra • Yellow Heart •  click-bank If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! Recommended Products […]

  14. yoga illuminations » Blog Archive » Powerful Mantra Meditation to Open the Seven Chakras says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive blog, Free Kundalini Yoga Videos & Poses, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. Also learn about concentration meditation by reading, Best Concentration Meditation Technique. […]

  15. […] This meditation is very good for inducing deep relaxation and helps the entire body de-stress and de- compress.  Thus, it is great for doing before sleep and to fight insomnia.  For more free easy meditations and yoga sets be sure to check out the Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-book and the Free Illustrated Kundalini Yoga Kriyas E-Book as well. Click Here to Subscribe to Mastery of Meditation for Free […]

  16. yoga illuminations » Blog Archive » Most Powerful Mantra for Opening the Third Eye Chakra says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Meditation Practice & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

  17. Article Geyser » Blog Archive » The Secret to Understanding Zen Meditation says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Chakra Meditation Practice & Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

  18. Daily Accounting Meditation Technique for Remarkable Spiritual Growth « Spiritual – Osfeer Solutions says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Zen Meditation Techniques & Practice Blog. […]

  19. yoga illuminations » Blog Archive » Best Chakra Balancing Visualization Meditation Technique says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Kundalini Yoga Exercises & Videos, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. Also learn about kundalini awakening by reading, Kundalini Awakening Symptoms. […]

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