Free Yoga at Home Natural Weight Loss Program

Free Yoga at Home Natural Weight Loss Program

Lose Weight at Home with Yoga

Natural Weight Loss Program

Natural Weight Loss Program – Online Course #107

Welcome to the Free Online Yoga and Meditation programs here at Mastery of Meditation and Yoga.  All the material needed for this Free Weight Loss Yoga Program is available via the links on this post and you can start anytime you wish.  For more information on the free online classes, please read the Free Online Yoga and Meditation Classes page. 

This course focuses on burning fat and helping you achieve optimum weight loss naturally and safely.  All the exercises and techniques can be practiced at home, but please follow the guidelines carefully and read our Legal Disclaimer as well. 

Free Yoga at Home Natural Weight Loss Program

The course is designed for those who are out of shape, elderly or obese.  On this page I will provide the program objectives, details, syllabus and participation guidelines.  Please read through everything carefully so you will be able to get maximum benefit from the program.

This free yoga at home weight loss course uses gentle yoga exercises and breathing techniques which have been proven to be very useful for losing weight and getting fit.  The techniques come from the schools of Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga and combined with a proper diet, provide an excellent natural weight loss solution.  You will find a more vigorous weight loss yoga program here: Healthy Weight Loss via Yoga and Pranayama.

To register please just leave a comment on this post that you are going to start the Yoga at Home Weight Loss Program, or just send me an email at  This way I know what kind of participation and interest there is. 

PLEASE ALSO READ THE FAQ below.  It addresses many of the common questions about the online classes:

FAQ for Free Online Meditation & Yoga Classes

Free Yoga at Home Natural Weight Loss Program Objectives:


  1. Burn Fat and Promote Natural Weight Loss.
  2. Improve Metabolism.
  3. Reshape the Body.
  4. Improve Health and Fitness.
  5. Increase Energy, Vitality and Vigor.
  6. Cure Diseases.
  7. Purge Negative Emotions to Create Emotional Balance.
  8. Purge Negative Thoughts to Promote Clarity and Peace.
  9. Strengthen the Nervous System, Respiratory System and Digestive System.

Free Yoga at Home Natural Weight Loss Program Details:

Class Structure: 

Each class session consists of 2 sections: Breathing exercises (pranayama) and the Natural Weight Loss Yoga Set.  Unlike the other yoga sets on this website, which you can find in the Free Online Yoga Sets E-book, this particular set starts off with only a few exercises and then grows over time.  So it really helps those who are out of shape get more fit and healthy, before becoming more intense and involved.

As I mentioned above for effective weight loss a sensible diet should accompany your yoga regiment and below you will find important articles dealing with this subject in the Required Reading Section.  These articles will introduce you to Ayurveda (the Indian Science of Natural Healing) and suggest a Fat Burning Diet from this profound school.  Please try to integrate some of these guidelines into your diet and life-style as well.

The total time for this class is approximately 10-50 minutes / day.  Do the best you can and most importantly, walk the middle path with regard to each session.  DO NOT OVERDO OR OVER STRAIN and at the same time don’t have it be too easy either.

Required Reading:


Suggested Reading:


Course Materials:


Natural Weight Loss via Yoga Program Syllabus:

The following describes the 2 sections comprising the 10-50 minute daily yoga and pranayama for this class.  The approximate total times for each section and set are also given.  Take more rest if you need to, or if you feel comfortable do the poses and exercises a little longer.  Each breathing exercise and the yoga set below is a link to the article with all the details you need.  Links are in green, please click them to go the article with all the details for that technique or set.  Video demonstrations are included there for free as well, so you can learn yoga in the comfort of your home.

Weight Loss Via Yoga at Home Program:

The program is designed to help you lose about 5 pounds a month.  Each day do the following till you feel you have achieved your weight loss goals…

Section 1: Breathing Exercises Section (Pranayama):  Total time 2-10 Minutes

Section 2: Weight Loss Yoga Section:  Total time 5-30 minutes

  • Online Yoga Exercises for Health Weight Loss:  Start practicing this set as described in the article.  You will be starting with just 2 exercises initially and slowly building up your capacity week by week.  If you are more fit you can start with more exercises.  As I mentioned earlier, this program is designed to help even those who are very overweight or out of shape, therefore it is scalable by design.

Free Home Yoga Natural Weight Loss Program Participation Guidelines

Following are the guidelines which I suggest we follow…

  • Please post all comments, questions and feedback in the comments section of this post.  This way all will benefit from the discussion.  Feel free to ask questions or discuss issues, as that is one of the main reasons for this particular class format.  Of course, you are free to email me as well if you would like the discussion to not be public.
  • If you like, you can indicate with a comment that you have completed your daily session.  Could be as short as “did it”, or of course could be questions, issues or more detailed feedback.  The hardest part with a daily yoga and exercise practice is establishing consistency and regularity and I think having to acknowledge that you completed your daily practice will help in facilitating that.  In addition, your comments will inspire others as well.
  • Before starting your daily yoga session, take a moment and tune in to your higher self for guidance and protection.  At the end of every session, visualize yourself and the world as you would like it to be.
  • Do the best you can and modify the techniques as required.  It is more important to do something, than be overwhelmed and not do anything at all.
  • I wish you all a wonderful learning and transforming experience and hope this program really helps you lose the weight you want and get into great shape :-).
  • Below, in the related articles and series sections you will find other free yoga and meditation classes; feel free to take advantage of them.
  • If you are interested in becoming a certified gentle yoga and meditation teacher you can check out the online program I am offering here:  Meditation Teacher’s Training and Certification Program.

Read Related Articles Below:

210 replies
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  1. steve (yoga dvd yogi)
    steve (yoga dvd yogi) says:

    Another great article by Anmolmehta. Be sure to actually try the classes expecially the : Online Yoga Exercises for Health Weight Loss:

  2. Bob
    Bob says:

    Good article as Yoga works with the mind as well as the body. Weight loss is on the minds of many as it requires changes in habits. You also mentioned curing diseases which many do not seem to understand.

    Keep up the great work. Bob

  3. Jason loves natural weight loss
    Jason loves natural weight loss says:

    It is truly amazing how simple weight loss can be. Incorporating yoga, I believe, is a critical part to natural weight loss. Being conscious of your body and what you digest (emotionally, spiritually, the food you eat) can make a world of difference in how you feel and how you feel about yourself. I enjoyed the site, and will be revisiting soon! Namaste

  4. Rod
    Rod says:

    I really enjoyed your site .Yoga facinates me, one of the mistic art.I will return as there is a host of imformation.
    Thank you for passing on all your knowledge.
    Best Regards

  5. Regina
    Regina says:

    Hello Anmol & Trupthi,

    I would like to join your online weight loss program. I am 5’5″ and 25 years old. I don’t look fat overall but my upper body has a lot of fat stored. I would like to reduce them and bring myself back on shape. Will update my progress. Thank you for such a wonderful website with abundant information and also for the free online yoga classes!

  6. Shandy
    Shandy says:

    Thank You for making such an clear , effective weight loss solution available free of charge. I am looking forward to using it every day.

  7. Avi
    Avi says:

    Anmol and Trupti… you are truly a class apart. I feel Blessed to have discovered your website. Count me in!
    Love & Light.

  8. Kalyan
    Kalyan says:

    This is Kalyan from Bangalore India. I saw this programme in your newsletter and I am starting on this programme from tommorrow – will do the reading today. I actually am severely out of shape. I am male, 44, have had very little physical activity over the last 15 odd years. Result – grossly overweight (105kg or 230lbs for a 5’8” frame) with accompanied ailments of high BP, bad lower back and week knees. Fortunately my one week old clinical test shows that I am OK on blood sugar and cholesterol and thyroid although triglycerides could be better. This is possibly a result of a regulated for the last couple of months. Have a clearence from my doctor to do yoga and walking. One last question though – will breath of fire or kapalbhati affect my BP. I will regularly keep you posted on my progress. Rgds Kalyan


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