Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose for Sexual Health
Kundalini Yoga Exercise for Improving Sexual Vitality
Hatha Yoga Posture for Toning Thighs & Buttocks
Chair pose is not chair yoga (which you will now find here – Chair Yoga for Energy and Stress Relief). Not that I have anything against chair yoga, I am (as you must have guessed by now :-) a fan of all types of yoga, but chair pose, unlike the easier postures of chair yoga, is instead a tough little yoga pose. It is for toning your leg muscles, building lower body strength and improving your overall sexual health.
Chair pose, is the fifth entry in our Free Online Illustrated Kundalini Yoga Poses and Exercises E-Book and is certainly a posture worth including in your yoga practice for building lower body strength and sexual virility. This terrific exercise is part of many different types of yoga, such as Hatha yoga and Kundalini Yoga, and is also a pose used by western physiotherapy when leg muscles need to be strengthened.
Below you will find several pictures of chair yoga pose. These illustrations include a modified version as well. Please feel free to use this modification until you feel strong enough to try the full posture. You will also see closeups of the hand positions as they are a little tricky to describe. The demonstrations below are with my eyes open, but Kundalini Yoga practice is generally done with your eyes closed, and you may do this exercise with eyes closed as well.
Finally, please be careful of your knees, and even in the modified version of this pose, only go as far down as you are comfortable. In time you can work your way lower and then finally do the full version when you feel ready. Below the pictures, are written instructions for practicing this yoga posture, along with other pertinent details.
Yoga Chair Pose for Sexual Fitness
Direct Link to YouTube Video –> Yoga Pose for Sexual Health and Sex Drive
Illustrations of Yoga Chair Pose
Side View Picture of Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose

Front View Picture of Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose

Hands Position Picture of Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose
Picture of Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose Hands Close-up
Side View of Modified Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose

Front View of Modified Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose

Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose Practice Details:
a. Step-by-Step Instructions for Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose:
- Stand and place your feet shoulder width apart, with toes pointing outward.
- Lean forward till your back in parallel to the ground.
- Reach down and grasp your ankles, such that the elbows are passing from the inside of your knees.
- Keep your head up and begin Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise.
b. Duration for Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose:
- 15 Seconds – 3 minutes.
- Start slowly and build up your time steadily from there.
c. Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose:
- Excellent yoga posture for toning your thighs and buttocks.
- Improves sexual health and builds sexual virility and vitality.
- Helps the body burn fat to promote healthy weight loss.
d. Practice Tips for Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose:
- Use the modified versions illustrated above.
- Take a break, if the legs start to burn too much and then restart the exercise again once ready.
- Be careful with your knees and only go as far down as comfortable, regardless of whether you are doing the modified posture or the full pose.
- If Breath of Fire is too much, then switch to long deep breathing or normal breathing which continuing to hold the pose.
- You can also do the modified version of chair pose by standing against a wall and working your way lower as your legs get stronger. This is the technique used in physiotherapy in general.
Online Kundalini Yoga Kriyas Using Chair Pose:
(You know if I put up this post, that the kriyas for using it are around the corner :-)
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If possible kindly let me know other yoga pose for sexual health.
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Very interesting article. It has made me think about looking further into yoga for sexual health.
I found Yoga mixed with better diet to really help my overall health, great read, Facebook like added.
yoga is a great way to free the body and hae it function at its best, great article.
I tried your kundalini yoga chair pose, and it was very difficult at first. I was only able to last 20 seconds first time. Towards the end my legs started burning and shaking. I stuck to it for 2 weeks and managed to over 2 minutes. I’ll continue until I get to 3 minutes.
Well is such chair very expensive ?
Well a good yoga chair is required todo all the exercises !
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The following will help;
Mens Sexual Health
All the best,
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Yoga is really important in today’s life. It is a natural & very effective exercise. It not only strengthens the body but also makes our mind fresh & makes us think positive.