Tips for Guided Meditation and Free Meditation Downloads

Guided Meditation Tips Free Guided Meditations Guided Meditation is a wonderful tool with many applications from simple relaxation and stress relief, to therapy for insomnia and other ailments.  In today’s guest post  Axel Gjertsen shares with us some excellent tips to enhance your guided meditation experience and get the most out of your session. You can

Goenka Meditation Retreats and Information

Goenka Meditation Goenka Meditation Retreats Doing a meditation retreat is an excellent way to deepen your practice.  In today’s guest post we learn all about the Goenka Meditation Tradition and what to expect in a Goenka Meditation Retreat. The guest author is Axel Gjertsen, who had a great deal of insight and experience with Buddhist Meditation

Tips for Yoga Pranayama

Tips for Yoga Breathing Exercises One of the best parts of yoga is yogic breathing exercises or yoga pranayamas and you will find a huge collection of them in the following section, Free Online Yoga Breathing Exercises. There you will find detailed instructions as well as videos on how to do these life transforming techniques.

Thai Buddhism Forest Meditation Tradition

Thai Buddhist Meditation Thai Forest Meditation Tradition It is always great to learn about various meditation traditions from around the world, and today I would like to present the following guest post from Axel on the excellent Thai Buddhist Forest Tradition.  Axel was an actual Buddhist Monk, so it is great to get his views

Unusual Yoga for Detox

Detox Yoga Pose How to Detox Your Body with Yoga Yoga breathing exercises bestow many benefits, including energy, tranquility, clarity, evolution, etc, but another great benefit of some of the techniques is their ability to detox and cleanse the body.  Of the breathing exercises which do promote detoxificaiton, the one I will provide a video