Survey Results – Are We Entering the Age of Enlightenment?

Age of Enlightenment? Survey Results – How Many Enlightenment Experiences Have You Had? So last week I ran the most interesting survey which asked, "How Many Enlightenment Experiences Have You Had?"  I clarified that by enlightenment experiences I was asking about those glimpses of Ultimate Reality that readers have had.  Experiences or awakenings that reveal

Vast Benefits of Meditation Confirmed by Survey

Benefits of Meditation Survey Results: How Beneficial Has Meditation Been to Your Life The confirmation of the terrific benefits of meditation keep pouring in.  A few weeks ago, in the article Brain Health Benefits of Meditation, I discussed recent empirical research that showed the positive affects of meditation on brain health and stress reduction, and

Survey: How Many Enlightenment Experiences Have You Had?

Lets get deeper into the wonderful world of spiritual enlightenment and enlightenment experiences. Often both readers, as well as students from my yoga studio, describe to me the wonderful enlightenment experiences that they have had.  It is also not uncommon for these "transcendental" experiences to be the catalyst for propelling them onto the spiritual path,

Potent Yoga Breathing Exercise to Increase Energy & Treat Depression

Yoga Breathing Exercise #7: Surya Bedhi Pranayama Right Nostril Breathing Background of Surya Bedhi Yoga Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing): “Simple Yet Powerful”, that is the apt description for Surya Bedhi Yoga Pranayama, also called Right Nostril Breathing.  This breathing exercise simply requires one to isolate and breathe exclusively through the right nostril, the result of

Insight Meditation Tips – The Power of Urgency

Insight Meditation Tips The Power of Urgency Without a doubt, abiding passion is a cornerstone of a successful, longterm meditation practice, but not far behind in the list of requirements is the need for urgency as well.  It is almost as if the abiding passion creates the atmosphere for meditation to be practiced and then