Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book

Summary:  The Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-book is to organize and help you easily locate meditations that you want to learn and include in your daily practice.  It lists all the techniques available on the website and is updated whenever a new meditation is added to the website, so its worth bookmarking :-).


Meditation Techniques

Online Meditation Collection

Welcome to the free online meditation collection to help you develop your daily meditation practice.  This e-book will explain and detail the best meditation techniques from various different religions, schools and philosophies.  Meditations from this collection will be part of the Free Online Guided Meditation and Kundalini Yoga Classes, that are hosted here on the Mastery of Meditation website, but these meditations can also, of course, be used independently as part of your own daily spiritual program. 

Meditation E-Book Layout:

Each chapter will provide one important meditation technique and will be written such that to practice that particular meditation you only need to read that chapter.  From this introductory page you will find links to each individual chapter where a particular technique is detailed. 

As new meditations are added to the website this page will be updated to reflect that.

For each meditation, the following information is provided:

  • Background of the particular method.
  • Any tools needed for practice.
  • Benefits of the meditation, both primary and secondary.
  • Any cautions you need to be aware of.
  • Basic procedure.
  • Intermediate procedure.
  • Step by step instructions for advanced practice.
  • Hints and tips to help you learn and master the technique. 
  • Any secrets about the meditation that may not be commonly known.
  • Internet resources to help you gather more information about the meditation, its origin, history, practice, use, etc.

The first few chapters of this book will focus on the most prevalent and time tested meditations.  Later, we will move onto some of the more rare, but equally effective techniques.  To read the meditation of interest to you, simply click the chapter link below.

All the meditations are also put together as a series, so you will be able to easily navigate and explore the various techniques.


Meditation Techniques – The Ultimate Guide

Guide to the Best Meditation Techniques

Chapter 1

Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen)

Chapter 2

Sound Awareness Meditation Technique

Sound Awareness Meditation Video for Morning Meditation Practice

Morning Meditation YouTube Video

Chapter 3

Third Eye Meditation (Ajna Chakra)

Chapter 4

So Hum Mantra Meditation

Chapter 5

Infinite Energy & Prosperity Meditation

Chapter 6

Weight Loss Visualization Meditation Technique

Chapter 7

Relaxation Meditation For Stress Reduction

Chapter 8

Yoga Meditation for Improving Concentration – Trataka

Chapter 9

Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Healing & Psychic Powers

Chapter 10

Chakra Meditation to Open Third Eye

Chapter 11

3 Easy Kids Meditation Techniques

Chapter 12

Rare Crown Chakra Meditation Techniques

Chapter 13

Advanced Meditation Technique To Raise Kundalini Shakti

Chapter 14

Smiling Buddha Meditation for Happiness

Chapter 15

Meditation for Money & Success  

Chapter 16

Kirtan Kriya – Kundalini Yoga Highest Mantra Meditation

Chapter 17

Beautiful Light Meditation for Intuition

Chapter 18

Advanced Gyan Yoga Meditation Videos

Chapter 19

Free Advanced Mind Meditation Videos 

Chapter 20

Beginner’s Guide to Walking Meditation

Chapter 21

How to Master Walking Meditation

Chapter 22

The Best Jnana Yoga Meditation

Chapter 23

How to Do Mindfulness Meditation

Chapter 24

Gayatri Mantra Meditation 

Chapter 25

Vipassana Meditation Technique

Chapter 26

Laughter Meditation for Happiness

Chapter 27

3 Minute Meditations for Relaxation

Chapter 28

Om Mantra Chanting

Chapter 29

Relaxing Ocean Meditation

Chapter 30

Kids Meditation for Peace and Mental Focus

Kids Meditation YouTube Video

Hope you find the collection above useful in learning meditation and establishing a daily practice.  The benefits of meditation are unsurpassed and I cannot impress upon you enough the importance of including this beautiful gift into your life.  Remember to check back here periodically to explore more videos and articles on this precious science.

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  1. Anmol Mehta
    Anmol Mehta says:

    Dear Ra,

    Thank you so much for supporting my effort and helping me in spread the wisdom of yoga and meditation.

    I have sent you a copy of the book via email now. Here are the instructions though of how one would get it automatically after paying.

    Once you pay for book, using paypal, there is a “Return to Sender” link, which you have to click to take you to the download page. I have made it much clearer now in the purchase instructions, to help others along, as it was an issue not just for you :-P.

    Here is the link for those who wish to purchase Amazing Insights:

    Link to Purchase Amazing Insights E-book.

    Great to hear the Prosperity Technique is bearing fruit. Your dedication is an inspiration to us all.


  2. Ra
    Ra says:

    Dear Anmol,

    I paid for my copy of “Insights” a few weeks ago, but never knew how to obtain it….if you have suggestions please let me know, and i will try to figure it out too.

    I would also like to know how to purchase it for other people as a gift?

    Also, I am up to 29 minutes of the Prosperity Meditation, and within a short period of time, 10,000 extra dollars have made themselves available to us. My will is also restoring itself, my abs are like rock, and i am no longer pre-occupied with health issues….i feel like everything will be healed in time!..Ha Ha! I love this exercise and am getting friends to start it!

    Could i ask again (i am sure you have not had time to answer) if one should put the tip of the tongue up behind the teethe when doing Kundalini practices like this one and SCK (examples) or does it train energies to go in the wrong direction? People who i am trying to help, ask me this, and i don’t know if i should suggest it?

    Thank you, you have helped me to regain my inner and outer life!



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  1. […] Now that you have got yourself into your meditative space and taken the right meditation posture, it is time to actually start meditating .  To do this, the final step is to choose what type of meditation you are going to practice.  I have given a wide range of meditations in the Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-book and I have also broken down meditations with regard to benefits, in the article Meditation Techniques | the Ultimate Guide, but for those who are just learning to meditate I would suggest starting with Breath Meditation first.  This is a simple technique with profound benefits.  It is the meditation of Lord Buddha. […]

  2. Aurora Gardens » Powerful Mantra Meditation to Open the Seven Chakras » AURO24879 says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive blog, Free Kundalini Yoga Videos & Poses, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. Also learn about concentration meditation by reading, Best Concentration Meditation Technique. […]

  3. Powerful Mantra Meditation to Open the Seven Chakras | online education says:

    […] Signed, Style, Teacher, Text, Video, yoga Posted under: Health Comment (RSS)  |  Trackback If you like this post then consider sharing it withothers. […]

  4. Powerful Mantra Meditation to Open the Seven Chakras » MORA3135 says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive blog, Free Kundalini Yoga Videos & Poses, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. Also learn about concentration meditation by reading, Best Concentration Meditation Technique. Posted in Meditation […]

  5. The Secret to Understanding Zen Meditation » APLEN5768 says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Chakra Meditation Practice & Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. Posted in Buddhism […]

  6. Top 5 Changes Meditation Practice Demands From You » AOV2271 says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Meditation Practice & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

  7. Enter The Virus » Top 5 Changes Meditation Practice Demands From You » ENTV21730 says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Meditation Practice & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

  8. The Secret to Understanding Zen Meditation » AOV1863 says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Chakra Meditation Practice & Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

  9. Aurora Gardens » Daily Accounting Meditation Technique for Remarkable Spiritual Growth » AURO19420 says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Zen Meditation Techniques & Practice Blog. […]

  10. […] Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques […]

  11. Patanjali’s Samyama | #1 Psychic Development Tool for Psychics & Clairvoyants - says:

    […] Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book […]

  12. Best Relaxation Technique & Stress Relief Exercise - says:

    […] Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book […]

  13. Information Warehouse » Blog Archive » Daily Accounting Meditation Technique for Remarkable Spiritual Growth says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Zen Meditation Techniques & Practice Blog. […]

  14. Daily Accounting Meditation Technique for Remarkable Spiritual Growth | says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Zen Meditation Techniques & Practice Blog. […]

  15. Love Mind Body Spirit » Blog Archive » Smiling Buddha Meditation for Happiness & Confidence says:

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  16. Information Warehouse » Blog Archive » Top 5 Changes Meditation Practice Demands From You says:

    […] Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Meditation Practice & Chakra Kundalini Yoga Exercises, offers Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Meditation Blog. […]

  17. […] So there you have the details of this very simple, yet powerful meditation technique to assist you in learning about the ego-self. As the great teachers that have come before us have time and again emphasized, be a light onto yourself. The daily accounting meditation technique is a potent method to shine the light of awareness onto the dark corners of your being, thus leading to eventual illumination and awakening. Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques, offers the popular Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques E-Book. You will also find articles & lively discussions on the Zen Meditation Techniques & Practice Blog. Other posts in MeditationA Spiritual RetreatEveryone needs a spiritual retreat now and then. A spiritual retreat is more than just a vacation. A typical vacation may leave you feeling more burned out than when you left – often from rushing back and forth while trying to squeeze as many sites of interest as possible into a … […]

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